#====================== BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ====================== # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # #======================= END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ======================== # import bpy import re import time import traceback import sys from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_prop_get from .utils.errors import MetarigError from .utils.bones import new_bone from .utils.layers import ORG_LAYER, MCH_LAYER, DEF_LAYER, ROOT_LAYER from .utils.naming import ORG_PREFIX, MCH_PREFIX, DEF_PREFIX, ROOT_NAME, make_original_name from .utils.widgets import WGT_PREFIX from .utils.widgets_special import create_root_widget from .utils.misc import copy_attributes, gamma_correct, select_object from .utils.collections import ensure_widget_collection, list_layer_collections, filter_layer_collections_by_object from . import base_generate from . import rig_ui_template from . import rig_lists RIG_MODULE = "rigs" class Timer: def __init__(self): self.timez = time.time() def tick(self, string): t = time.time() print(string + "%.3f" % (t - self.timez)) self.timez = t class Generator(base_generate.BaseGenerator): def __init__(self, context, metarig): super().__init__(context, metarig) self.id_store = context.window_manager self.rig_new_name = "" self.rig_old_name = "" def find_rig_class(self, rig_type): rig_module = rig_lists.rigs[rig_type]["module"] return rig_module.Rig def __create_rig_object(self): scene = self.scene id_store = self.id_store meta_data = self.metarig.data # Check if the generated rig already exists, so we can # regenerate in the same object. If not, create a new # object to generate the rig in. print("Fetch rig.") self.rig_new_name = name = meta_data.rigify_rig_basename or "rig" obj = None if meta_data.rigify_generate_mode == 'overwrite': obj = meta_data.rigify_target_rig if not obj and name in scene.objects: obj = scene.objects[name] if obj: self.rig_old_name = obj.name obj.name = name obj.data.name = obj.name rig_collections = filter_layer_collections_by_object(self.usable_collections, obj) self.layer_collection = (rig_collections + [self.layer_collection])[0] self.collection = self.layer_collection.collection elif name in bpy.data.objects: obj = bpy.data.objects[name] if not obj: obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name, bpy.data.armatures.new(name)) obj.display_type = 'WIRE' self.collection.objects.link(obj) elif obj.name not in self.collection.objects: # rig exists but was deleted self.collection.objects.link(obj) meta_data.rigify_target_rig = obj obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE' self.obj = obj return obj def __create_widget_group(self, new_group_name): context = self.context scene = self.scene id_store = self.id_store # Create/find widge collection self.widget_collection = ensure_widget_collection(context) # Remove wgts if force update is set wgts_group_name = "WGTS_" + (self.rig_old_name or self.obj.name) if wgts_group_name in scene.objects and self.metarig.data.rigify_force_widget_update: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') for wgt in bpy.data.objects[wgts_group_name].children: wgt.select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False) if self.rig_old_name: bpy.data.objects[wgts_group_name].name = new_group_name # Create Group widget wgts_group_name = new_group_name if wgts_group_name not in scene.objects: if wgts_group_name in bpy.data.objects: bpy.data.objects[wgts_group_name].user_clear() bpy.data.objects.remove(bpy.data.objects[wgts_group_name]) mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(wgts_group_name) wgts_obj = bpy.data.objects.new(wgts_group_name, mesh) self.widget_collection.objects.link(wgts_obj) self.wgts_group_name = new_group_name def __duplicate_rig(self): obj = self.obj metarig = self.metarig context = self.context # Remove all bones from the generated rig armature. bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') for bone in obj.data.edit_bones: obj.data.edit_bones.remove(bone) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Select and duplicate metarig select_object(context, metarig, deselect_all=True) bpy.ops.object.duplicate() # Select the target rig and join select_object(context, obj) saved_matrix = obj.matrix_world.copy() obj.matrix_world = metarig.matrix_world bpy.ops.object.join() obj.matrix_world = saved_matrix # Select the generated rig select_object(context, obj, deselect_all=True) # Clean up animation data if obj.animation_data: obj.animation_data.action = None for track in obj.animation_data.nla_tracks: obj.animation_data.nla_tracks.remove(track) # Freeze drivers referring to custom properties for d in obj.animation_data.drivers: for var in d.driver.variables: for tar in var.targets: # If a custom property if var.type == 'SINGLE_PROP' \ and re.match('^pose.bones\["[^"\]]*"\]\["[^"\]]*"\]$', tar.data_path): tar.data_path = "RIGIFY-" + tar.data_path def __rename_org_bones(self): obj = self.obj #---------------------------------- # Make a list of the original bones so we can keep track of them. original_bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones] # Add the ORG_PREFIX to the original bones. for i in range(0, len(original_bones)): new_name = make_original_name(original_bones[i]) obj.data.bones[original_bones[i]].name = new_name original_bones[i] = new_name self.original_bones = original_bones def __create_root_bone(self): obj = self.obj metarig = self.metarig #---------------------------------- # Create the root bone. root_bone = new_bone(obj, ROOT_NAME) spread = get_xy_spread(metarig.data.bones) or metarig.data.bones[0].length spread = float('%.3g' % spread) scale = spread/0.589 obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].head = (0, 0, 0) obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].tail = (0, scale, 0) obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].roll = 0 self.root_bone = root_bone self.bone_owners[root_bone] = None def __parent_bones_to_root(self): eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones # Parent loose bones to root for bone in eb: if bone.name in self.noparent_bones: continue elif bone.parent is None: bone.use_connect = False bone.parent = eb[self.root_bone] def __lock_transforms(self): # Lock transforms on all non-control bones r = re.compile("[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]-") for pb in self.obj.pose.bones: if r.match(pb.name): pb.lock_location = (True, True, True) pb.lock_rotation = (True, True, True) pb.lock_rotation_w = True pb.lock_scale = (True, True, True) def __assign_layers(self): bones = self.obj.data.bones bones[self.root_bone].layers = ROOT_LAYER # Every bone that has a name starting with "DEF-" make deforming. All the # others make non-deforming. for bone in bones: name = bone.name bone.use_deform = name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX) # Move all the original bones to their layer. if name.startswith(ORG_PREFIX): bone.layers = ORG_LAYER # Move all the bones with names starting with "MCH-" to their layer. elif name.startswith(MCH_PREFIX): bone.layers = MCH_LAYER # Move all the bones with names starting with "DEF-" to their layer. elif name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX): bone.layers = DEF_LAYER bone.bbone_x = bone.bbone_z = bone.length * 0.05 def __restore_driver_vars(self): obj = self.obj # Alter marked driver targets if obj.animation_data: for d in obj.animation_data.drivers: for v in d.driver.variables: for tar in v.targets: if tar.data_path.startswith("RIGIFY-"): temp, bone, prop = tuple([x.strip('"]') for x in tar.data_path.split('["')]) if bone in obj.data.bones \ and prop in obj.pose.bones[bone].keys(): tar.data_path = tar.data_path[7:] else: tar.data_path = 'pose.bones["%s"]["%s"]' % (make_original_name(bone), prop) def __assign_widgets(self): obj_table = {obj.name: obj for obj in self.scene.objects} # Assign shapes to bones # Object's with name WGT- get used as that bone's shape. for bone in self.obj.pose.bones: # Object names are limited to 63 characters... arg wgt_name = (WGT_PREFIX + self.obj.name + '_' + bone.name)[:63] if wgt_name in obj_table: bone.custom_shape = obj_table[wgt_name] def __compute_visible_layers(self): # Reveal all the layers with control bones on them vis_layers = [False for n in range(0, 32)] for bone in self.obj.data.bones: for i in range(0, 32): vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] or bone.layers[i] for i in range(0, 32): vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] and not (ORG_LAYER[i] or MCH_LAYER[i] or DEF_LAYER[i]) self.obj.data.layers = vis_layers def generate(self): context = self.context metarig = self.metarig scene = self.scene id_store = self.id_store view_layer = self.view_layer t = Timer() self.usable_collections = list_layer_collections(view_layer.layer_collection, selectable=True) if self.layer_collection not in self.usable_collections: metarig_collections = filter_layer_collections_by_object(self.usable_collections, self.metarig) self.layer_collection = (metarig_collections + [view_layer.layer_collection])[0] self.collection = self.layer_collection.collection bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') #------------------------------------------ # Create/find the rig object and set it up obj = self.__create_rig_object() # Get rid of anim data in case the rig already existed print("Clear rig animation data.") obj.animation_data_clear() obj.data.animation_data_clear() select_object(context, obj, deselect_all=True) #------------------------------------------ # Create Group widget self.__create_widget_group("WGTS_" + obj.name) t.tick("Create main WGTS: ") #------------------------------------------ # Get parented objects to restore later childs = {} # {object: bone} for child in obj.children: childs[child] = child.parent_bone #------------------------------------------ # Copy bones from metarig to obj self.__duplicate_rig() t.tick("Duplicate rig: ") #------------------------------------------ # Add the ORG_PREFIX to the original bones. bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') self.__rename_org_bones() t.tick("Make list of org bones: ") #------------------------------------------ # Put the rig_name in the armature custom properties rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(obj.data, "rig_id", create=True) obj.data["rig_id"] = self.rig_id self.script = rig_ui_template.ScriptGenerator(self) #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') self.instantiate_rig_tree() t.tick("Instantiate rigs: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') self.invoke_initialize() t.tick("Initialize rigs: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') self.invoke_prepare_bones() t.tick("Prepare bones: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') self.__create_root_bone() self.invoke_generate_bones() t.tick("Generate bones: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') self.invoke_parent_bones() self.__parent_bones_to_root() t.tick("Parent bones: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') self.invoke_configure_bones() t.tick("Configure bones: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') self.invoke_apply_bones() t.tick("Apply bones: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') self.invoke_rig_bones() t.tick("Rig bones: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') create_root_widget(obj, "root") self.invoke_generate_widgets() t.tick("Generate widgets: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') self.__lock_transforms() self.__assign_layers() self.__compute_visible_layers() self.__restore_driver_vars() t.tick("Assign layers: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') self.invoke_finalize() t.tick("Finalize: ") #------------------------------------------ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') self.__assign_widgets() # Create Selection Sets create_selection_sets(obj, metarig) # Create Bone Groups create_bone_groups(obj, metarig, self.layer_group_priorities) t.tick("The rest: ") #---------------------------------- # Deconfigure bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE' # Restore parent to bones for child, sub_parent in childs.items(): if sub_parent in obj.pose.bones: mat = child.matrix_world.copy() child.parent_bone = sub_parent child.matrix_world = mat #---------------------------------- # Restore active collection view_layer.active_layer_collection = self.layer_collection def generate_rig(context, metarig): """ Generates a rig from a metarig. """ # Initial configuration rest_backup = metarig.data.pose_position metarig.data.pose_position = 'REST' try: Generator(context, metarig).generate() metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup except Exception as e: # Cleanup if something goes wrong print("Rigify: failed to generate rig.") bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup # Continue the exception raise e def create_selection_sets(obj, metarig): # Check if selection sets addon is installed if 'bone_selection_groups' not in bpy.context.preferences.addons \ and 'bone_selection_sets' not in bpy.context.preferences.addons: return bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE') bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj obj.select_set(True) metarig.select_set(False) pbones = obj.pose.bones for i, name in enumerate(metarig.data.rigify_layers.keys()): if name == '' or not metarig.data.rigify_layers[i].selset: continue bpy.ops.pose.select_all(action='DESELECT') for b in pbones: if b.bone.layers[i]: b.bone.select = True #bpy.ops.pose.selection_set_add() obj.selection_sets.add() obj.selection_sets[-1].name = name if 'bone_selection_sets' in bpy.context.preferences.addons: act_sel_set = obj.selection_sets[-1] # iterate only the selected bones in current pose that are not hidden for bone in bpy.context.selected_pose_bones: if bone.name not in act_sel_set.bone_ids: bone_id = act_sel_set.bone_ids.add() bone_id.name = bone.name def create_bone_groups(obj, metarig, priorities={}): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pb = obj.pose.bones layers = metarig.data.rigify_layers groups = metarig.data.rigify_colors dummy = {} # Create BGs for l in layers: if l.group == 0: continue g_id = l.group - 1 name = groups[g_id].name if name not in obj.pose.bone_groups.keys(): bg = obj.pose.bone_groups.new(name=name) bg.color_set = 'CUSTOM' bg.colors.normal = gamma_correct(groups[g_id].normal) bg.colors.select = gamma_correct(groups[g_id].select) bg.colors.active = gamma_correct(groups[g_id].active) for b in pb: try: prios = priorities.get(b.name, dummy) enabled = [ i for i, v in enumerate(b.bone.layers) if v ] layer_index = max(enabled, key=lambda i: prios.get(i, 0)) except ValueError: continue if layer_index > len(layers) - 1: # bone is on reserved layers continue g_id = layers[layer_index].group - 1 if g_id >= 0: name = groups[g_id].name b.bone_group = obj.pose.bone_groups[name] def get_xy_spread(bones): x_max = 0 y_max = 0 for b in bones: x_max = max((x_max, abs(b.head[0]), abs(b.tail[0]))) y_max = max((y_max, abs(b.head[1]), abs(b.tail[1]))) return max((x_max, y_max)) def param_matches_type(param_name, rig_type): """ Returns True if the parameter name is consistent with the rig type. """ if param_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] == rig_type: return True else: return False def param_name(param_name, rig_type): """ Get the actual parameter name, sans-rig-type. """ return param_name[len(rig_type) + 1:]