# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import bpy from typing import Tuple, Optional, Sequence from bpy.types import PropertyGroup, Action, UIList, UILayout, Context, Panel, Operator, Armature from bpy.props import (EnumProperty, IntProperty, BoolProperty, StringProperty, FloatProperty, PointerProperty, CollectionProperty) from .generic_ui_list import draw_ui_list from ..utils.naming import mirror_name from ..utils.action_layers import ActionSlotBase def get_action_slots(arm: Armature) -> Sequence['ActionSlot']: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return arm.rigify_action_slots def get_action_slots_active(arm: Armature) -> tuple[Sequence['ActionSlot'], int]: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return arm.rigify_action_slots, arm.rigify_active_action_slot def poll_trigger_action(_self, action): """Whether an action can be used as a corrective action's trigger or not.""" armature_id_store = bpy.context.object.data assert isinstance(armature_id_store, Armature) slots, idx = get_action_slots_active(armature_id_store) active_slot = slots[idx] if 0 <= idx < len(slots) else None # If this action is the same as the active slot's action, don't show it. if active_slot and action == active_slot.action: return False # If this action is used by any other action slot, show it. for slot in slots: if slot.action == action and not slot.is_corrective: return True return False class ActionSlot(PropertyGroup, ActionSlotBase): action: PointerProperty( name="Action", type=Action, description="Action to apply to the rig via constraints" ) enabled: BoolProperty( name="Enabled", description="Create constraints for this action on the generated rig", default=True ) symmetrical: BoolProperty( name="Symmetrical", description="Apply the same setup but mirrored to the opposite side control, shown in " "parentheses. Bones will only be affected by the control with the same side " "(eg., .L bones will only be affected by the .L control). Bones without a " "side in their name (so no .L or .R) will be affected by both controls " "with 0.5 influence each", default=True ) subtarget: StringProperty( name="Control Bone", description="Select a bone on the generated rig which will drive this action" ) transform_channel: EnumProperty(name="Transform Channel", items=[("LOCATION_X", "X Location", "X Location"), ("LOCATION_Y", "Y Location", "Y Location"), ("LOCATION_Z", "Z Location", "Z Location"), ("ROTATION_X", "X Rotation", "X Rotation"), ("ROTATION_Y", "Y Rotation", "Y Rotation"), ("ROTATION_Z", "Z Rotation", "Z Rotation"), ("SCALE_X", "X Scale", "X Scale"), ("SCALE_Y", "Y Scale", "Y Scale"), ("SCALE_Z", "Z Scale", "Z Scale")], description="Transform channel", default="LOCATION_X") target_space: EnumProperty( name="Transform Space", items=[("WORLD", "World Space", "World Space"), ("POSE", "Pose Space", "Pose Space"), ("LOCAL_WITH_PARENT", "Local With Parent", "Local With Parent"), ("LOCAL", "Local Space", "Local Space")], default="LOCAL" ) def update_frame_start(self, _context): if self.frame_start > self.frame_end: self.frame_end = self.frame_start frame_start: IntProperty( name="Start Frame", description="First frame of the action's timeline", update=update_frame_start ) def update_frame_end(self, _context): if self.frame_end < self.frame_start: self.frame_start = self.frame_end frame_end: IntProperty( name="End Frame", default=2, description="Last frame of the action's timeline", update=update_frame_end ) trans_min: FloatProperty( name="Min", default=-0.05, description="Value that the transformation value must reach to put the action's timeline " "to the first frame. Rotations are in degrees" ) trans_max: FloatProperty( name="Max", default=0.05, description="Value that the transformation value must reach to put the action's timeline " "to the last frame. Rotations are in degrees" ) is_corrective: BoolProperty( name="Corrective", description="Indicate that this is a corrective action. Corrective actions will activate " "based on the activation of two other actions (using End Frame if both inputs " "are at their End Frame, and Start Frame if either is at Start Frame)" ) trigger_action_a: PointerProperty( name="Trigger A", type=Action, description="Action whose activation will trigger the corrective action", poll=poll_trigger_action ) trigger_action_b: PointerProperty( name="Trigger B", description="Action whose activation will trigger the corrective action", type=Action, poll=poll_trigger_action ) show_action_a: BoolProperty(name="Show Settings") show_action_b: BoolProperty(name="Show Settings") def find_slot_by_action(metarig_data: Armature, action) -> Tuple[Optional[ActionSlot], int]: """Find the ActionSlot in the rig which targets this action.""" if not action: return None, -1 for i, slot in enumerate(get_action_slots(metarig_data)): if slot.action == action: return slot, i else: return None, -1 def find_duplicate_slot(metarig_data: Armature, action_slot: ActionSlot) -> Optional[ActionSlot]: """Find a different ActionSlot in the rig which has the same action.""" for slot in get_action_slots(metarig_data): if slot.action == action_slot.action and slot != action_slot: return slot return None # ============================================= # Operators class RIGIFY_OT_action_create(Operator): """Create new Action""" # This is needed because bpy.ops.action.new() has a poll function that blocks # the operator unless it's drawn in an animation UI panel. bl_idname = "object.rigify_action_create" bl_label = "New" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} def execute(self, context): armature_id_store = context.object.data assert isinstance(armature_id_store, Armature) action_slots, action_slot_idx = get_action_slots_active(armature_id_store) action_slot = action_slots[action_slot_idx] action = bpy.data.actions.new(name="Action") action_slot.action = action return {'FINISHED'} class RIGIFY_OT_jump_to_action_slot(Operator): """Set Active Action Slot Index""" bl_idname = "object.rigify_jump_to_action_slot" bl_label = "Jump to Action Slot" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} to_index: IntProperty() def execute(self, context): armature_id_store = context.object.data armature_id_store.rigify_active_action_slot = self.to_index return {'FINISHED'} # ============================================= # UI Panel class RIGIFY_UL_action_slots(UIList): def draw_item(self, context: Context, layout: UILayout, data: Armature, action_slot: ActionSlot, icon, active_data, active_propname: str, slot_index: int = 0, flt_flag: int = 0): action_slots, action_slot_idx = get_action_slots_active(data) active_action = action_slots[action_slot_idx] if self.layout_type in {'DEFAULT', 'COMPACT'}: if action_slot.action: row = layout.row() icon = 'ACTION' # Check if this action is a trigger for the active corrective action if active_action.is_corrective and \ action_slot.action in [active_action.trigger_action_a, active_action.trigger_action_b]: icon = 'RESTRICT_INSTANCED_OFF' # Check if the active action is a trigger for this corrective action. if action_slot.is_corrective and \ active_action.action in [action_slot.trigger_action_a, action_slot.trigger_action_b]: icon = 'RESTRICT_INSTANCED_OFF' row.prop(action_slot.action, 'name', text="", emboss=False, icon=icon) # Highlight various errors if find_duplicate_slot(data, action_slot): # Multiple entries for the same action row.alert = True row.label(text="Duplicate", icon='ERROR') elif action_slot.is_corrective: text = "Corrective" icon = 'RESTRICT_INSTANCED_OFF' for trigger in [action_slot.trigger_action_a, action_slot.trigger_action_b]: trigger_slot, trigger_idx = find_slot_by_action(data, trigger) # No trigger action set, no slot or invalid slot if not trigger_slot or trigger_slot.is_corrective: row.alert = True text = "No Trigger Action" icon = 'ERROR' break row.label(text=text, icon=icon) else: text = action_slot.subtarget icon = 'BONE_DATA' # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences target_rig: Object = data.rigify_target_rig if not action_slot.subtarget: row.alert = True text = 'No Control Bone' icon = 'ERROR' elif target_rig: # Check for bones not actually present in the generated rig bones = target_rig.pose.bones if action_slot.subtarget not in bones: row.alert = True text = 'Bad Control Bone' icon = 'ERROR' elif (action_slot.symmetrical and mirror_name(action_slot.subtarget) not in bones): row.alert = True text = 'Bad Control Bone' icon = 'ERROR' row.label(text=text, icon=icon) # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection icon = 'CHECKBOX_HLT' if action_slot.enabled else 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT' row.enabled = action_slot.enabled layout.prop(action_slot, 'enabled', text="", icon=icon, emboss=False) # No action else: layout.label(text="", translate=False, icon='ACTION') elif self.layout_type in {'GRID'}: layout.alignment = 'CENTER' layout.label(text="", icon_value=icon) class DATA_PT_rigify_actions(Panel): bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = 'data' bl_label = "Actions" bl_parent_id = "DATA_PT_rigify" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object.mode in ('POSE', 'OBJECT') def draw(self, context: Context): armature_id_store = context.object.data assert isinstance(armature_id_store, Armature) action_slots, active_idx = get_action_slots_active(armature_id_store) layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False draw_ui_list( layout, context, class_name='RIGIFY_UL_action_slots', list_context_path='object.data.rigify_action_slots', active_idx_context_path='object.data.rigify_active_action_slot', ) if len(action_slots) == 0: return active_slot = action_slots[active_idx] layout.template_ID(active_slot, 'action', new=RIGIFY_OT_action_create.bl_idname) if not active_slot.action: return layout = layout.column() layout.prop(active_slot, 'is_corrective') if active_slot.is_corrective: self.draw_ui_corrective(context, active_slot) else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences target_rig = armature_id_store.rigify_target_rig self.draw_slot_ui(layout, active_slot, target_rig) self.draw_status(active_slot) def draw_ui_corrective(self, context: Context, slot): layout = self.layout layout.prop(slot, 'frame_start', text="Frame Start") layout.prop(slot, 'frame_end', text="End") layout.separator() for trigger_prop in ['trigger_action_a', 'trigger_action_b']: self.draw_ui_trigger(context, slot, trigger_prop) def draw_ui_trigger(self, context: Context, slot, trigger_prop: str): layout = self.layout metarig = context.object assert isinstance(metarig.data, Armature) trigger = getattr(slot, trigger_prop) icon = 'ACTION' if trigger else 'ERROR' row = layout.row() row.prop(slot, trigger_prop, icon=icon) if not trigger: return trigger_slot, slot_index = find_slot_by_action(metarig.data, trigger) if not trigger_slot: row = layout.split(factor=0.4) row.separator() row.alert = True row.label(text="Action not in list", icon='ERROR') return show_prop_name = 'show_action_' + trigger_prop[-1] show = getattr(slot, show_prop_name) icon = 'HIDE_OFF' if show else 'HIDE_ON' row.prop(slot, show_prop_name, icon=icon, text="") op = row.operator(RIGIFY_OT_jump_to_action_slot.bl_idname, text="", icon='LOOP_FORWARDS') op.to_index = slot_index if show: col = layout.column(align=True) col.enabled = False # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences target_rig = metarig.data.rigify_target_rig self.draw_slot_ui(col, trigger_slot, target_rig) col.separator() @staticmethod def draw_slot_ui(layout, slot, target_rig): if not target_rig: row = layout.row() row.alert = True row.label(text="Cannot verify bone name without a generated rig", icon='ERROR') row = layout.row() bone_icon = 'BONE_DATA' if slot.subtarget else 'ERROR' if target_rig: subtarget_exists = slot.subtarget in target_rig.pose.bones row.prop_search(slot, 'subtarget', target_rig.pose, 'bones', icon=bone_icon) row.alert = not subtarget_exists if slot.subtarget and not subtarget_exists: row = layout.split(factor=0.4) row.column() row.alert = True row.label(text=f"Bone not found: {slot.subtarget}", icon='ERROR') else: row.prop(slot, 'subtarget', icon=bone_icon) flipped_subtarget = mirror_name(slot.subtarget) if flipped_subtarget != slot.subtarget: flipped_subtarget_exists = not target_rig or flipped_subtarget in target_rig.pose.bones row = layout.row() row.use_property_split = True row.prop(slot, 'symmetrical', text=f"Symmetrical ({flipped_subtarget})") if slot.symmetrical and not flipped_subtarget_exists: row.alert = True row = layout.split(factor=0.4) row.column() row.alert = True row.label(text=f"Bone not found: {flipped_subtarget}", icon='ERROR') layout.prop(slot, 'frame_start', text="Frame Start") layout.prop(slot, 'frame_end', text="End") layout.prop(slot, 'target_space', text="Target Space") layout.prop(slot, 'transform_channel', text="Transform Channel") layout.prop(slot, 'trans_min') layout.prop(slot, 'trans_max') def draw_status(self, slot): """ There are a lot of ways to create incorrect Action setups, so give the user a warning in those cases. """ layout = self.layout split = layout.split(factor=0.4) heading = split.row() heading.alignment = 'RIGHT' heading.label(text="Status:") if slot.trans_min == slot.trans_max: col = split.column(align=True) col.alert = True col.label(text="Min and max value are the same!") col.label(text=f"Will be stuck reading frame {slot.frame_start}!") return if slot.frame_start == slot.frame_end: col = split.column(align=True) col.alert = True col.label(text="Start and end frame cannot be the same!") default_frame = slot.get_default_frame() if slot.is_default_frame_integer(): split.label(text=f"Default Frame: {round(default_frame)}") else: split.alert = True split.label(text=f"Default Frame: {round(default_frame, 2)} " "(Should be a whole number!)") # ============================================= # Registration classes = ( ActionSlot, RIGIFY_OT_action_create, RIGIFY_OT_jump_to_action_slot, RIGIFY_UL_action_slots, DATA_PT_rigify_actions, ) def register(): from bpy.utils import register_class for cls in classes: register_class(cls) bpy.types.Armature.rigify_action_slots = CollectionProperty(type=ActionSlot) bpy.types.Armature.rigify_active_action_slot = IntProperty(min=0, default=0) def unregister(): from bpy.utils import unregister_class for cls in classes: unregister_class(cls) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences del bpy.types.Armature.rigify_action_slots # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences del bpy.types.Armature.rigify_active_action_slot