#====================== BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ====================== # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # #======================= END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ======================== # import bpy from itertools import count from ..utils.rig import connected_children_names from ..utils.naming import strip_org, make_derived_name from ..utils.bones import put_bone, flip_bone, flip_bone_chain, is_same_position, is_connected_position from ..utils.bones import copy_bone_position, connect_bbone_chain_handles from ..utils.widgets_basic import create_bone_widget, create_sphere_widget from ..utils.misc import map_list from ..base_rig import BaseRig, stage class SimpleChainRig(BaseRig): """A rig that consists of 3 connected chains of control, org and deform bones.""" def find_org_bones(self, bone): return [bone.name] + connected_children_names(self.obj, bone.name) min_chain_length = 2 def initialize(self): if len(self.bones.org) < self.min_chain_length: self.raise_error("Input to rig type must be a chain of {} or more bones.", self.min_chain_length) def parent_bones(self): self.rig_parent_bone = self.get_bone_parent(self.bones.org[0]) bbone_segments = None ############################## # BONES # # org[]: # ORG bones # ctrl: # fk[]: # FK control chain. # deform[]: # DEF bones # ############################## ############################## # Control chain @stage.generate_bones def make_control_chain(self): self.bones.ctrl.fk = map_list(self.make_control_bone, count(0), self.bones.org) def make_control_bone(self, i, org): return self.copy_bone(org, make_derived_name(org, 'ctrl'), parent=True) @stage.parent_bones def parent_control_chain(self): self.parent_bone_chain(self.bones.ctrl.fk, use_connect=True) @stage.configure_bones def configure_control_chain(self): for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.ctrl.fk, self.bones.org): self.configure_control_bone(*args) def configure_control_bone(self, i, ctrl, org): self.copy_bone_properties(org, ctrl) @stage.generate_widgets def make_control_widgets(self): for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.ctrl.fk): self.make_control_widget(*args) def make_control_widget(self, i, ctrl): create_bone_widget(self.obj, ctrl) ############################## # ORG chain @stage.parent_bones def parent_org_chain(self): pass @stage.rig_bones def rig_org_chain(self): for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.org, self.bones.ctrl.fk): self.rig_org_bone(*args) def rig_org_bone(self, i, org, ctrl): self.make_constraint(org, 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', ctrl) ############################## # Deform chain @stage.generate_bones def make_deform_chain(self): self.bones.deform = map_list(self.make_deform_bone, count(0), self.bones.org) def make_deform_bone(self, i, org): name = self.copy_bone(org, make_derived_name(org, 'def'), parent=True, bbone=True) if self.bbone_segments: self.get_bone(name).bbone_segments = self.bbone_segments return name @stage.parent_bones def parent_deform_chain(self): self.parent_bone_chain(self.bones.deform, use_connect=True) @stage.rig_bones def rig_deform_chain(self): for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.deform, self.bones.org): self.rig_deform_bone(*args) def rig_deform_bone(self, i, deform, org): self.make_constraint(deform, 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', org) class TweakChainRig(SimpleChainRig): """A rig that adds tweak controls to the triple chain.""" ############################## # BONES # # org[]: # ORG bones # ctrl: # fk[]: # FK control chain. # tweak[]: # Tweak control chain. # deform[]: # DEF bones # ############################## ############################## # Tweak chain @stage.generate_bones def make_tweak_chain(self): orgs = self.bones.org self.bones.ctrl.tweak = map_list(self.make_tweak_bone, count(0), orgs + orgs[-1:]) def make_tweak_bone(self, i, org): name = self.copy_bone(org, 'tweak_' + strip_org(org), parent=False, scale=0.5) if i == len(self.bones.org): put_bone(self.obj, name, self.get_bone(org).tail) return name @stage.parent_bones def parent_tweak_chain(self): ctrl = self.bones.ctrl for tweak, main in zip(ctrl.tweak, ctrl.fk + ctrl.fk[-1:]): self.set_bone_parent(tweak, main) @stage.configure_bones def configure_tweak_chain(self): for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.ctrl.tweak): self.configure_tweak_bone(*args) def configure_tweak_bone(self, i, tweak): tweak_pb = self.get_bone(tweak) tweak_pb.rotation_mode = 'ZXY' if i == len(self.bones.org): tweak_pb.lock_rotation_w = True tweak_pb.lock_rotation = (True, True, True) tweak_pb.lock_scale = (True, True, True) else: tweak_pb.lock_rotation_w = False tweak_pb.lock_rotation = (True, False, True) tweak_pb.lock_scale = (False, True, False) @stage.generate_widgets def make_tweak_widgets(self): for tweak in self.bones.ctrl.tweak: self.make_tweak_widget(tweak) def make_tweak_widget(self, tweak): create_sphere_widget(self.obj, tweak) ############################## # ORG chain @stage.rig_bones def rig_org_chain(self): tweaks = self.bones.ctrl.tweak for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.org, tweaks, tweaks[1:]): self.rig_org_bone(*args) def rig_org_bone(self, i, org, tweak, next_tweak): self.make_constraint(org, 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', tweak) if next_tweak: self.make_constraint(org, 'STRETCH_TO', next_tweak, keep_axis='SWING_Y') class ConnectingChainRig(TweakChainRig): """Chain rig that can attach to an end of the parent, merging bbone chains.""" bbone_segments = 8 use_connect_reverse = None def initialize(self): super().initialize() self.use_connect_chain = self.params.connect_chain self.connected_tweak = None if self.use_connect_chain: first_org = self.bones.org[0] parent = self.rigify_parent if not isinstance(parent, SimpleChainRig): self.raise_error("Cannot connect to non-chain parent rig.") parent_orgs = parent.bones.org ok_reverse = is_same_position(self.obj, parent_orgs[0], first_org) ok_direct = is_connected_position(self.obj, parent_orgs[-1], first_org) if self.use_connect_reverse is None: self.use_connect_reverse = ok_reverse and not ok_direct if not (ok_reverse if self.use_connect_reverse else ok_direct): self.raise_error("Cannot connect chain - bone position is disjoint.") if isinstance(parent, ConnectingChainRig) and parent.use_connect_reverse: self.raise_error("Cannot connect chain - parent is reversed.") def prepare_bones(self): # Exactly match bone position to parent if self.use_connect_chain: first_bone = self.get_bone(self.bones.org[0]) parent_orgs = self.rigify_parent.bones.org if self.use_connect_reverse: first_bone.head = self.get_bone(parent_orgs[0]).head else: first_bone.head = self.get_bone(parent_orgs[-1]).tail def parent_bones(self): # Use the parent of the shared tweak as the rig parent root = self.connected_tweak or self.bones.org[0] self.rig_parent_bone = self.get_bone_parent(root) ############################## # Control chain @stage.parent_bones def parent_control_chain(self): super().parent_control_chain() self.set_bone_parent(self.bones.ctrl.fk[0], self.rig_parent_bone) ############################## # Tweak chain def check_connect_tweak(self, org): """ Check if it is possible to share the last parent tweak control. """ assert self.connected_tweak is None if self.use_connect_chain and isinstance(self.rigify_parent, TweakChainRig): # Share the last tweak bone of the parent rig parent_tweaks = self.rigify_parent.bones.ctrl.tweak index = 0 if self.use_connect_reverse else -1 name = parent_tweaks[index] if not is_same_position(self.obj, name, org): self.raise_error("Cannot connect tweaks - position mismatch.") if not self.use_connect_reverse: copy_bone_position(self.obj, org, name, scale=0.5) name = self.rename_bone(name, 'tweak_' + strip_org(org)) self.connected_tweak = parent_tweaks[index] = name return name else: return None def make_tweak_bone(self, i, org): if i == 0 and self.check_connect_tweak(org): return self.connected_tweak else: return super().make_tweak_bone(i, org) @stage.parent_bones def parent_tweak_chain(self): ctrl = self.bones.ctrl for i, tweak, main in zip(count(0), ctrl.tweak, ctrl.fk + ctrl.fk[-1:]): if i > 0 or not (self.connected_tweak and self.use_connect_reverse): self.set_bone_parent(tweak, main) def configure_tweak_bone(self, i, tweak): super().configure_tweak_bone(i, tweak) if self.use_connect_chain and self.use_connect_reverse and i == len(self.bones.org): tweak_pb = self.get_bone(tweak) tweak_pb.lock_rotation_w = False tweak_pb.lock_rotation = (True, False, True) tweak_pb.lock_scale = (False, True, False) ############################## # ORG chain @stage.parent_bones def parent_org_chain(self): if self.use_connect_chain and self.use_connect_reverse: flip_bone_chain(self.obj, self.bones.org) for org, tweak in zip(self.bones.org, self.bones.ctrl.tweak[1:]): self.set_bone_parent(org, tweak) else: self.set_bone_parent(self.bones.org[0], self.rig_parent_bone) def rig_org_bone(self, i, org, tweak, next_tweak): if self.use_connect_chain and self.use_connect_reverse: self.make_constraint(org, 'STRETCH_TO', tweak, keep_axis='SWING_Y') else: super().rig_org_bone(i, org, tweak, next_tweak) ############################## # Deform chain def make_deform_bone(self, i, org): name = super().make_deform_bone(i, org) if self.use_connect_chain and self.use_connect_reverse: self.set_bone_parent(name, None) flip_bone(self.obj, name) return name @stage.parent_bones def parent_deform_chain(self): if self.use_connect_chain: deform = self.bones.deform parent_deform = self.rigify_parent.bones.deform if self.use_connect_reverse: self.set_bone_parent(deform[-1], self.bones.org[-1]) self.parent_bone_chain(reversed(deform), use_connect=True) connect_bbone_chain_handles(self.obj, [ deform[0], parent_deform[0] ]) return else: self.set_bone_parent(deform[0], parent_deform[-1], use_connect=True) super().parent_deform_chain() ############################## # Settings @classmethod def add_parameters(self, params): params.connect_chain = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Connect chain', default=False, description='Connect the B-Bone chain to the parent rig' ) @classmethod def parameters_ui(self, layout, params): r = layout.row() r.prop(params, "connect_chain")