import bpy, math from ..widgets import create_foot_widget, create_ballsocket_widget, create_gear_widget from .ui import create_script from .limb_utils import * from mathutils import Vector from ...utils import copy_bone, flip_bone, put_bone from ...utils import strip_org, strip_mch from ...utils import create_circle_widget, create_sphere_widget, create_line_widget from ...utils import MetarigError, make_mechanism_name from ...utils import create_limb_widget, connected_children_names from ...utils import align_bone_y_axis, align_bone_x_axis, align_bone_z_axis from ...rig_ui_template import UTILITIES_RIG_LEG, REGISTER_RIG_LEG from ...utils import ControlLayersOption from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_prop_get from ...utils.mechanism import make_property from ..widgets import create_ikarrow_widget from math import trunc, pi extra_script = """ controls = [%s] ctrl = '%s' if is_selected( controls ): layout.prop( pose_bones[ ctrl ], '["%s"]') if '%s' in pose_bones[ctrl].keys(): layout.prop( pose_bones[ ctrl ], '["%s"]', slider = True ) if '%s' in pose_bones[ctrl].keys(): layout.prop( pose_bones[ ctrl ], '["%s"]', slider = True ) """ IMPLEMENTATION = True # Include and set True if Rig is just an implementation for a wrapper class # add_parameters and parameters_ui are unused for implementation classes class Rig: def __init__(self, obj, bone_name, params): """ Initialize leg rig and key rig properties """ self.obj = obj self.params = params self.org_bones = list( [bone_name] + connected_children_names(obj, bone_name) )[:3] # The basic limb is the first 3 bones self.segments = params.segments self.bbones = params.bbones self.limb_type = params.limb_type self.rot_axis = params.rotation_axis self.auto_align_extremity = params.auto_align_extremity def orient_org_bones(self): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = thigh = self.org_bones[0] org_bones = list( [thigh] + connected_children_names(self.obj, thigh) ) # All the provided orgs # Get heel bone heel = '' for b in[org_bones[2]].children: if not b.use_connect and not b.children: heel = if heel: org_bones.append(heel) org_thigh = eb[org_bones[0]] org_shin = eb[org_bones[1]] org_foot = eb[org_bones[2]] org_toe = eb[org_bones[3]] org_heel = eb[org_bones[4]] foot_projection_on_xy = Vector((org_foot.y_axis[0], org_foot.y_axis[1], 0)) foot_x = foot_projection_on_xy.cross(Vector((0, 0, -1))).normalized() if self.rot_axis != 'automatic': # Orient foot and toe if self.auto_align_extremity: if self.rot_axis == 'x': align_bone_x_axis(self.obj,, foot_x) align_bone_x_axis(self.obj,, -foot_x) elif self.rot_axis == 'z': align_bone_z_axis(self.obj,, foot_x) align_bone_z_axis(self.obj,, -foot_x) else: raise MetarigError(message='IK on %s has forbidden rotation axis (Y)' % self.org_bones[0]) return # Orient thigh and shin bones chain_y_axis = org_thigh.y_axis + org_shin.y_axis chain_rot_axis = org_thigh.y_axis.cross(chain_y_axis).normalized() # ik-plane normal axis (rotation) align_bone_x_axis(self.obj,, chain_rot_axis) align_bone_x_axis(self.obj,, chain_rot_axis) # Orient foot and toe align_bone_x_axis(self.obj,, foot_x) align_bone_x_axis(self.obj,, -foot_x) # Orient heel align_bone_z_axis(self.obj,, Vector((0, 0, 1))) def create_parent(self): org_bones = self.org_bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = name = get_bone_name( strip_org( org_bones[0] ), 'mch', 'parent' ) mch = copy_bone( self.obj, org_bones[0], name ) orient_bone( self, eb[mch], 'y' ) eb[ mch ].length = eb[ org_bones[0] ].length / 4 eb[ mch ].parent = eb[ org_bones[0] ].parent eb[ mch ].roll = 0.0 # Add non-MCH main limb control name = get_bone_name(strip_org(org_bones[0]), 'ctrl', 'parent') main_parent = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[0], name) eb[main_parent].length = eb[org_bones[0]].length / 4 eb[main_parent].parent = eb[org_bones[0]] eb[main_parent].roll = 0.0 # Constraints make_constraint( self, mch, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_ROTATION', 'subtarget' : 'root' }) make_constraint( self, mch, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_SCALE', 'subtarget' : 'root' }) # Limb Follow Driver pb = self.obj.pose.bones name = 'FK_limb_follow' # pb[ mch ][ name ] = 0.0 # prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get( pb[ mch ], name, create = True ) make_property(pb[main_parent], name, 0.0) drv = pb[mch].constraints[0].driver_add("influence").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = name var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = pb[main_parent].path_from_id() + \ '[' + '"' + name + '"' + ']' size = pb[main_parent].bone.y_axis.length * 10 create_gear_widget(self.obj, main_parent, size=size, bone_transform_name=None) return [mch, main_parent] def create_tweak(self): org_bones = self.org_bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode ='EDIT') eb = tweaks = {} tweaks['ctrl'] = [] tweaks['mch' ] = [] # Create and parent mch and ctrl tweaks for i,org in enumerate(org_bones): if i < len(org_bones) - 1: # Create segments if specified for j in range( self.segments ): # MCH name = get_bone_name( strip_org(org), 'mch', 'tweak' ) mch = copy_bone( self.obj, org, name ) # CTRL name = get_bone_name( strip_org(org), 'ctrl', 'tweak' ) ctrl = copy_bone( self.obj, org, name ) eb[ mch ].length /= self.segments eb[ ctrl ].length /= self.segments # If we have more than one segments, place the head of the # 2nd and onwards at the correct position if j > 0: put_bone(self.obj, mch, eb[ tweaks['mch' ][-1] ].tail) put_bone(self.obj, ctrl, eb[ tweaks['ctrl'][-1] ].tail) tweaks['ctrl'] += [ ctrl ] tweaks['mch' ] += [ mch ] # Parenting the tweak ctrls to mchs eb[ mch ].parent = eb[ org ] eb[ ctrl ].parent = eb[ mch ] else: # Last limb bone - is not subdivided name = get_bone_name( strip_org(org), 'mch', 'tweak' ) mch = copy_bone( self.obj, org_bones[i-1], name ) eb[ mch ].length = eb[org].length / 4 put_bone( self.obj, mch, eb[org_bones[i-1]].tail ) ctrl = get_bone_name( strip_org(org), 'ctrl', 'tweak' ) ctrl = copy_bone( self.obj, org, ctrl ) eb[ ctrl ].length = eb[org].length / 2 tweaks['mch'] += [ mch ] tweaks['ctrl'] += [ ctrl ] # Parenting the tweak ctrls to mchs eb[ mch ].parent = eb[ org ] eb[ ctrl ].parent = eb[ mch ] # Scale to reduce widget size and maintain conventions! for mch, ctrl in zip( tweaks['mch'], tweaks['ctrl'] ): eb[ mch ].length /= 4 eb[ ctrl ].length /= 2 # Constraints for i,b in enumerate( tweaks['mch'] ): first = 0 middle = trunc( len( tweaks['mch'] ) / 2 ) last = len( tweaks['mch'] ) - 1 if i == first or i == middle: make_constraint( self, b, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_SCALE', 'subtarget' : 'root' }) elif i != last: targets = [] dt_target_idx = middle factor = 0 if i < middle: targets = [first,middle] else: targets = [middle,last] factor = self.segments dt_target_idx = last # Use copy transforms constraints to position each bone # exactly in the location respective to its index (between # the two edges) make_constraint( self, b, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget' : tweaks['ctrl'][targets[0]] }) make_constraint( self, b, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget' : tweaks['ctrl'][targets[1]], 'influence' : (i - factor) / self.segments }) make_constraint( self, b, { 'constraint' : 'DAMPED_TRACK', 'subtarget' : tweaks['ctrl'][ dt_target_idx ], }) # Ctrl bones Locks and Widgets pb = self.obj.pose.bones for t in tweaks['ctrl']: pb[t].lock_rotation = True, False, True pb[t].lock_scale = False, True, False create_sphere_widget(self.obj, t, bone_transform_name=None) ControlLayersOption.TWEAK.assign(self.params, pb, tweaks['ctrl']) return tweaks def create_def(self, tweaks): org_bones = self.org_bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode ='EDIT') eb = def_bones = [] for i, org in enumerate(org_bones): if i < len(org_bones) - 1: # Create segments if specified for j in range(self.segments): name = get_bone_name(strip_org(org), 'def') def_name = copy_bone(self.obj, org, name) eb[def_name].length /= self.segments # If we have more than one segments, place the 2nd and # onwards on the tail of the previous bone if j > 0: put_bone(self.obj, def_name, eb[ def_bones[-1] ].tail) def_bones += [def_name] else: name = get_bone_name(strip_org(org), 'def') def_name = copy_bone(self.obj, org, name) def_bones.append(def_name) # Parent deform bones for i,b in enumerate( def_bones ): if i > 0: # For all bones but the first (which has no parent) eb[b].parent = eb[ def_bones[i-1] ] # to previous eb[b].use_connect = True # Constraint def to tweaks for d,t in zip(def_bones, tweaks): tidx = tweaks.index(t) make_constraint( self, d, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget' : t }) if tidx != len(tweaks) - 1: make_constraint( self, d, { 'constraint' : 'DAMPED_TRACK', 'subtarget' : tweaks[ tidx + 1 ], }) make_constraint( self, d, { 'constraint' : 'STRETCH_TO', 'subtarget' : tweaks[ tidx + 1 ], }) # Create bbone segments for bone in def_bones[:-1]:[bone].bbone_segments = self.bbones[ def_bones[0] ].bbone_easein = 0.0[ def_bones[-2] ].bbone_easeout = 0.0[ def_bones[-1] ].bbone_easein = 0.0[ def_bones[-1] ].bbone_easeout = 0.0 # Rubber hose drivers pb = self.obj.pose.bones for i, t in enumerate(tweaks[1:-1]): # Create custom property on tweak bone to control rubber hose name = 'rubber_tweak' if i == trunc( len( tweaks[1:-1] ) / 2 ): defval = 0.0 else: defval = 1.0 make_property(pb[t], name, defval, max=2.0, soft_max=1.0) for j,d in enumerate(def_bones[:-1]): drvs = {} if j != 0: tidx = j drvs[tidx] =[d].driver_add("bbone_easein").driver if j != len( def_bones[:-1] ) - 1: tidx = j + 1 drvs[tidx] =[d].driver_add("bbone_easeout").driver for d in drvs: drv = drvs[d] name = 'rubber_tweak' drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = name var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = pb[tweaks[d]].path_from_id() + \ '[' + '"' + name + '"' + ']' return def_bones def create_ik(self, parent): org_bones = self.org_bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = ctrl = get_bone_name(org_bones[0], 'ctrl', 'ik') mch_ik = get_bone_name(org_bones[0], 'mch', 'ik') mch_target = get_bone_name(org_bones[0], 'mch', 'ik_target') for o, ik in zip(org_bones, [ctrl, mch_ik, mch_target]): bone = copy_bone(self.obj, o, ik) if org_bones.index(o) == len(org_bones) - 1: eb[bone].length /= 4 # Create MCH Stretch mch_str = copy_bone( self.obj, org_bones[0], get_bone_name( org_bones[0], 'mch', 'ik_stretch' ) ) eb[ mch_str ].tail = eb[ org_bones[-1] ].head # Parenting eb[ctrl].parent = eb[parent] eb[mch_str].parent = eb[parent] eb[mch_ik].parent = eb[ctrl] # Make standard pole target bone pole_name = get_bone_name(org_bones[0], 'ctrl', 'ik_target') pole_target = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[0], pole_name) lo_vector = eb[org_bones[1]].tail - eb[org_bones[1]].head tot_vector = eb[org_bones[0]].head - eb[org_bones[1]].tail tot_vector.normalize() elbow_vector =*tot_vector - lo_vector # elbow_vec as rejection of lo on tot elbow_vector.normalize() elbow_vector *= (eb[org_bones[1]].tail - eb[org_bones[0]].head).length if self.rot_axis == 'x' or self.rot_axis == 'automatic': z_vector = eb[org_bones[0]].z_axis + eb[org_bones[1]].z_axis alfa = elbow_vector.angle(z_vector) elif self.rot_axis == 'z': x_vector = eb[org_bones[0]].x_axis + eb[org_bones[1]].x_axis alfa = elbow_vector.angle(x_vector) if alfa > pi/2: pole_angle = -pi/2 else: pole_angle = pi/2 if self.rot_axis == 'z': pole_angle = 0 eb[pole_target].head = eb[org_bones[0]].tail + elbow_vector eb[pole_target].tail = eb[pole_target].head - elbow_vector/8 eb[pole_target].roll = 0.0 # Make visual pole vispole_name = 'VIS_' + get_bone_name(org_bones[0], 'ctrl', 'ik_pole') vispole = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[1], vispole_name) eb[vispole].tail = eb[vispole].head + Vector((0.0, 0.0, eb[org_bones[1]].length/10)) eb[vispole].use_connect = False eb[vispole].hide_select = True eb[vispole].parent = None make_constraint(self, mch_ik, { 'constraint': 'IK', 'subtarget': mch_target, 'chain_count': 2, }) make_constraint(self, mch_ik, { # 2_nd IK for pole targeted chain 'constraint': 'IK', 'subtarget': mch_target, 'chain_count': 2, }) # VIS pole constraints make_constraint(self, vispole, { 'constraint': 'COPY_LOCATION', 'name': 'copy_loc', 'subtarget': org_bones[1], }) pb = self.obj.pose.bones make_constraint(self, vispole, { 'constraint': 'STRETCH_TO', 'name': 'stretch_to', 'subtarget': pole_target, 'volume': 'NO_VOLUME', 'rest_length': pb[vispole].length }) pb[mch_ik].constraints[-1].pole_target = self.obj pb[mch_ik].constraints[-1].pole_subtarget = pole_target pb[mch_ik].constraints[-1].pole_angle = pole_angle pb[ mch_ik ].ik_stretch = 0.1 pb[ ctrl ].ik_stretch = 0.1 # IK constraint Rotation locks if self.rot_axis == 'z': pb[mch_ik].lock_ik_x = True pb[mch_ik].lock_ik_y = True else: pb[mch_ik].lock_ik_y = True pb[mch_ik].lock_ik_z = True # Locks and Widget pb[ctrl].lock_rotation = True, False, True if self.rot_axis == 'x' or self.rot_axis == 'automatic': roll = 0 else: roll = pi/2 create_ikarrow_widget(self.obj, ctrl, bone_transform_name=None, roll=roll) create_sphere_widget(self.obj, pole_target, bone_transform_name=None) create_line_widget(self.obj, vispole) return {'ctrl': {'limb': ctrl, 'ik_target': pole_target}, 'mch_ik': mch_ik, 'mch_target': mch_target, 'mch_str': mch_str, 'visuals': {'vispole': vispole} } def create_fk(self, parent): org_bones = self.org_bones.copy() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = ctrls = [] for o in org_bones: bone = copy_bone(self.obj, o, get_bone_name( o, 'ctrl', 'fk')) ctrls.append(bone) # MCH mch = copy_bone( self.obj, org_bones[-1], get_bone_name(o, 'mch', 'fk') ) eb[mch].length /= 4 # Parenting eb[ctrls[0]].parent = eb[parent] eb[ctrls[1]].parent = eb[ctrls[0]] eb[ctrls[1]].use_connect = True eb[ctrls[2]].parent = eb[mch] eb[mch].parent = eb[ctrls[1]] eb[mch].use_connect = True # Constrain MCH's scale to root make_constraint(self, mch, { 'constraint': 'COPY_SCALE', 'subtarget': 'root' }) # Locks and widgets pb = self.obj.pose.bones pb[ctrls[2]].lock_location = True, True, True create_limb_widget(self.obj, ctrls[0]) create_limb_widget(self.obj, ctrls[1]) create_circle_widget(self.obj, ctrls[2], radius=0.4, head_tail=0.0) ControlLayersOption.FK.assign(self.params, pb, ctrls) return {'ctrl': ctrls, 'mch': mch} def org_parenting_and_switch(self, org_bones, ik, fk, parent): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = # re-parent ORGs in a connected chain for i, o in enumerate(org_bones): if i > 0: eb[o].parent = eb[org_bones[i-1]] if i <= len(org_bones)-1: eb[o].use_connect = True bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pb = self.obj.pose.bones pb_parent = pb[parent] # Create ik/fk switch property prop = make_property(pb_parent, 'IK_FK', 0.0, description='IK/FK Switch') # Constrain org to IK and FK bones iks = [ik['ctrl']['limb']] iks += [ik[k] for k in ['mch_ik', 'mch_target']] for o, i, f in zip(org_bones, iks, fk): make_constraint( self, o, { 'constraint': 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget': i }) make_constraint(self, o, { 'constraint': 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget': f }) # Add driver to relevant constraint drv = pb[o].constraints[-1].driver_add("influence").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ pb_parent.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + + '"' + ']' def create_leg(self, bones): org_bones = list( [self.org_bones[0]] + connected_children_names(self.obj, self.org_bones[0]) ) bones['ik']['ctrl']['terminal'] = [] bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = # Create toes def bone toes_def = get_bone_name(org_bones[-1], 'def') toes_def = copy_bone( self.obj, org_bones[-1], toes_def ) eb[ toes_def ].use_connect = False eb[ toes_def ].parent = eb[ bones['def'][-1] ] eb[ toes_def ].use_connect = True bones['def'] += [ toes_def ] pole_target = get_bone_name(org_bones[0], 'ctrl', 'ik_target') # Create IK leg control ctrl = get_bone_name(org_bones[2], 'ctrl', 'ik') ctrl = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[2], ctrl) # clear parent (so that rigify will parent to root) eb[ctrl].parent = None eb[ctrl].use_connect = False # MCH for ik control ctrl_socket = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[2], get_bone_name( org_bones[2], 'mch', 'ik_socket')) eb[ctrl_socket].tail = eb[ctrl_socket].head + 0.8*(eb[ctrl_socket].tail-eb[ctrl_socket].head) eb[ctrl_socket].parent = None eb[ctrl].parent = eb[ctrl_socket] # MCH for pole ik control ctrl_pole_socket = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[2], get_bone_name(org_bones[2], 'mch', 'pole_ik_socket')) eb[ctrl_pole_socket].tail = eb[ctrl_pole_socket].head + 0.8 * (eb[ctrl_pole_socket].tail - eb[ctrl_pole_socket].head) eb[ctrl_pole_socket].parent = None eb[pole_target].parent = eb[ctrl_pole_socket] ctrl_root = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[2], get_bone_name( org_bones[2], 'mch', 'ik_root')) eb[ctrl_root].tail = eb[ctrl_root].head + 0.7*(eb[ctrl_root].tail-eb[ctrl_root].head) eb[ctrl_root].use_connect = False eb[ctrl_root].parent = eb['root'] if eb[org_bones[0]].parent: leg_parent = eb[org_bones[0]].parent ctrl_parent = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[2], get_bone_name( org_bones[2], 'mch', 'ik_parent')) eb[ctrl_parent].tail = eb[ctrl_parent].head + 0.6*(eb[ctrl_parent].tail-eb[ctrl_parent].head) eb[ctrl_parent].use_connect = False if eb[org_bones[0]].parent_recursive: eb[ctrl_parent].parent = eb[org_bones[0]].parent_recursive[-1] else: eb[ctrl_parent].parent = eb[org_bones[0]].parent else: leg_parent = None mch_name = get_bone_name(strip_org(org_bones[0]), 'mch', 'parent_socket') mch_main_parent = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[0], mch_name) eb[mch_main_parent].length = eb[org_bones[0]].length / 12 eb[mch_main_parent].parent = eb[bones['parent']] eb[mch_main_parent].roll = 0.0 eb[bones['main_parent']].parent = eb[mch_main_parent] # Create heel ctrl bone heel = get_bone_name(org_bones[2], 'ctrl', 'heel_ik') heel = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[2], heel) ax = eb[org_bones[2]].head - eb[org_bones[2]].tail ax[2] = 0 align_bone_y_axis(self.obj, heel, ax) if self.rot_axis == 'x' or self.rot_axis == 'automatic': align_bone_x_axis(self.obj, heel, eb[org_bones[2]].x_axis) elif self.rot_axis == 'z': align_bone_z_axis(self.obj, heel, eb[org_bones[2]].z_axis) eb[heel].length = eb[org_bones[2]].length / 2 # Reset control position and orientation if self.rot_axis == 'automatic' or self.auto_align_extremity: l = eb[ctrl].length orient_bone(self, eb[ctrl], 'y', reverse=True) eb[ctrl].length = l else: flip_bone(self.obj, ctrl) eb[ctrl].tail[2] = eb[ctrl].head[2] eb[ctrl].roll = 0 # Parent eb[ heel ].use_connect = False eb[ heel ].parent = eb[ ctrl ] eb[ bones['ik']['mch_target'] ].parent = eb[ heel ] eb[ bones['ik']['mch_target'] ].use_connect = False # Create foot mch rock and roll bones # Get the tmp heel (floating unconnected without children) tmp_heel = "" for b in[org_bones[2]].children: if not b.use_connect and not b.children: tmp_heel = # roll1 MCH bone roll1_mch = get_bone_name(tmp_heel, 'mch', 'roll') roll1_mch = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[2], roll1_mch) # clear parent eb[roll1_mch].use_connect = False eb[roll1_mch].parent = None flip_bone(self.obj, roll1_mch) if self.rot_axis == 'x' or self.rot_axis == 'automatic': align_bone_x_axis(self.obj, roll1_mch, eb[org_bones[2]].x_axis) elif self.rot_axis == 'z': align_bone_z_axis(self.obj, roll1_mch, eb[org_bones[2]].z_axis) # Create 2nd roll mch, and two rock mch bones roll2_mch = get_bone_name(tmp_heel, 'mch', 'roll') roll2_mch = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[3], roll2_mch) eb[roll2_mch].use_connect = False eb[roll2_mch].parent = None put_bone( self.obj, roll2_mch, (eb[tmp_heel].head + eb[tmp_heel].tail) / 2 ) eb[ roll2_mch ].length /= 4 # Rock MCH bones rock1_mch = get_bone_name( tmp_heel, 'mch', 'rock' ) rock1_mch = copy_bone( self.obj, tmp_heel, rock1_mch ) eb[ rock1_mch ].use_connect = False eb[ rock1_mch ].parent = None orient_bone( self, eb[ rock1_mch ], 'y', 1.0, reverse = True ) align_bone_y_axis(self.obj, rock1_mch, ax) eb[ rock1_mch ].length = eb[ tmp_heel ].length / 2 rock2_mch = get_bone_name( tmp_heel, 'mch', 'rock' ) rock2_mch = copy_bone( self.obj, tmp_heel, rock2_mch ) eb[ rock2_mch ].use_connect = False eb[ rock2_mch ].parent = None #orient_bone( self, eb[ rock2_mch ], 'y', 1.0 ) align_bone_y_axis(self.obj, rock2_mch, ax) eb[ rock2_mch ].length = eb[ tmp_heel ].length / 2 # Parent rock and roll MCH bones eb[ roll1_mch ].parent = eb[ roll2_mch ] eb[ roll2_mch ].parent = eb[ rock1_mch ] eb[ rock1_mch ].parent = eb[ rock2_mch ] eb[ rock2_mch ].parent = eb[ ctrl ] # make mch toe bone toe = '' foot = eb[self.org_bones[-1]] for c in foot.children: if 'org' in and c.head == foot.tail: toe = if not toe: raise MetarigError.message("Wrong metarig: can't find ORG-") toe_mch = get_bone_name(toe, 'mch') toe_mch = copy_bone(self.obj, toe, toe_mch) eb[toe_mch].length /= 3 eb[toe_mch].parent = eb[self.org_bones[2]] eb[toe].use_connect = False eb[toe].parent = eb[toe_mch] # Constrain rock and roll MCH bones make_constraint( self, roll1_mch, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_ROTATION', 'subtarget' : heel, 'owner_space' : 'LOCAL', 'target_space' : 'LOCAL' }) if self.rot_axis == 'x'or self.rot_axis == 'automatic': make_constraint(self, roll1_mch, { 'constraint': 'LIMIT_ROTATION', 'use_limit_x': True, 'max_x': math.radians(360), 'owner_space': 'LOCAL' }) make_constraint(self, roll2_mch, { 'constraint': 'COPY_ROTATION', 'subtarget': heel, 'use_y': False, 'use_z': False, 'invert_x': True, 'owner_space': 'LOCAL', 'target_space': 'LOCAL' }) make_constraint(self, roll2_mch, { 'constraint': 'LIMIT_ROTATION', 'use_limit_x': True, 'max_x': math.radians(360), 'owner_space': 'LOCAL' }) elif self.rot_axis == 'z': make_constraint(self, roll1_mch, { 'constraint': 'LIMIT_ROTATION', 'use_limit_z': True, 'max_z': math.radians(360), 'owner_space': 'LOCAL' }) make_constraint(self, roll2_mch, { 'constraint': 'COPY_ROTATION', 'subtarget': heel, 'use_y': False, 'use_x': False, 'invert_z': True, 'owner_space': 'LOCAL', 'target_space': 'LOCAL' }) make_constraint(self, roll2_mch, { 'constraint': 'LIMIT_ROTATION', 'use_limit_z': True, 'max_z': math.radians(360), 'owner_space': 'LOCAL' }) pb = self.obj.pose.bones if self.rot_axis == 'x'or self.rot_axis == 'automatic': ik_rot_axis = pb[org_bones[0]].x_axis elif self.rot_axis == 'z': ik_rot_axis = pb[org_bones[0]].z_axis heel_x_orientation = pb[tmp_heel] for i, b in enumerate([rock1_mch, rock2_mch]): if heel_x_orientation > 0: if not i: min_y = 0 max_y = math.radians(360) else: min_y = math.radians(-360) max_y = 0 else: if not i: min_y = math.radians(-360) max_y = 0 else: min_y = 0 max_y = math.radians(360) make_constraint( self, b, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_ROTATION', 'subtarget' : heel, 'use_x' : False, 'use_z' : False, 'owner_space' : 'LOCAL', 'target_space' : 'LOCAL' }) make_constraint( self, b, { 'constraint' : 'LIMIT_ROTATION', 'use_limit_y' : True, 'min_y' : min_y, 'max_y' : max_y, 'owner_space' : 'LOCAL' }) # Cns toe_mch to MCH roll2 make_constraint( self, toe_mch, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget' : roll2_mch }) # Set up constraints # Constrain ik ctrl to root / parent make_constraint( self, ctrl_socket, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget' : ctrl_root, }) make_constraint(self, ctrl_pole_socket, { 'constraint': 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget': ctrl_root, }) if leg_parent: make_constraint( self, ctrl_socket, { 'constraint' : 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget' : ctrl_parent, 'influence' : 0.0, }) make_constraint(self, ctrl_pole_socket, { 'constraint': 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget': bones['ik']['mch_target'], }) # Constrain mch target bone to the ik control and mch stretch make_constraint( self, bones['ik']['mch_target'], { 'constraint' : 'COPY_LOCATION', 'subtarget' : bones['ik']['mch_str'], 'head_tail' : 1.0 }) # Constrain mch ik stretch bone to the ik control make_constraint( self, bones['ik']['mch_str'], { 'constraint' : 'DAMPED_TRACK', 'subtarget' : roll1_mch, 'head_tail' : 1.0 }) make_constraint( self, bones['ik']['mch_str'], { 'constraint' : 'STRETCH_TO', 'subtarget' : roll1_mch, 'head_tail' : 1.0 }) make_constraint( self, bones['ik']['mch_str'], { 'constraint' : 'LIMIT_SCALE', 'use_min_y' : True, 'use_max_y' : True, 'max_y' : 1.05, 'owner_space' : 'LOCAL' }) make_constraint(self, mch_main_parent, { 'constraint': 'COPY_ROTATION', 'subtarget': org_bones[0] }) # Create ik/fk switch property pb_parent = pb[bones['main_parent']] pb_parent.lock_location = True, True, True pb_parent.lock_rotation = True, True, True pb_parent.lock_scale = True, True, True prop = make_property(pb_parent, 'IK_Stretch', 1.0, description='IK Stretch') # Add driver to limit scale constraint influence b = bones['ik']['mch_str'] drv = pb[b].constraints[-1].driver_add("influence").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ pb_parent.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 # Create leg widget create_foot_widget(self.obj, ctrl, bone_transform_name=None) # Create heel ctrl locks pb[heel].lock_location = True, True, True if self.rot_axis == 'x'or self.rot_axis == 'automatic': pb[heel].lock_rotation = False, False, True elif self.rot_axis == 'z': pb[heel].lock_rotation = True, False, False pb[heel].lock_scale = True, True, True # Add ballsocket widget to heel create_ballsocket_widget(self.obj, heel, bone_transform_name=None) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = if len(org_bones) >= 4: # Create toes control bone toes = get_bone_name(org_bones[3], 'ctrl') toes = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[3], toes) eb[toes].use_connect = False eb[toes].parent = eb[toe_mch] # Constrain 4th ORG to toes make_constraint(self, org_bones[3], { 'constraint': 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', # 'subtarget' : roll2_mch 'subtarget': toes }) # Constrain toes def bones make_constraint(self, bones['def'][-2], { 'constraint': 'DAMPED_TRACK', 'subtarget': toes }) make_constraint(self, bones['def'][-2], { 'constraint': 'STRETCH_TO', 'subtarget': toes }) make_constraint(self, bones['def'][-1], { 'constraint': 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', 'subtarget': toes }) # Find IK/FK switch property pb = self.obj.pose.bones prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get( pb[bones['fk']['ctrl'][-1]], 'IK_FK' ) # Modify rotation mode for ik and tweak controls pb[bones['ik']['ctrl']['limb']].rotation_mode = 'ZXY' for b in bones['tweak']['ctrl']: pb[b].rotation_mode = 'ZXY' # Add driver to limit scale constraint influence b = toe_mch drv = pb[b].constraints[-1].driver_add("influence").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ pb_parent.path_from_id() + '['+ '"' + + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 # Create toe circle widget create_circle_widget(self.obj, toes, radius=0.4, head_tail=0.5) bones['ik']['ctrl']['terminal'] += [toes] bones['ik']['ctrl']['terminal'] += [ heel, ctrl ] if leg_parent: bones['ik']['mch_foot'] = [ctrl_socket, ctrl_pole_socket, ctrl_root, ctrl_parent] else: bones['ik']['mch_foot'] = [ctrl_socket, ctrl_pole_socket, ctrl_root] return bones def create_drivers(self, bones): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pb = self.obj.pose.bones ctrl = pb[bones['ik']['mch_foot'][0]] ctrl_pole = pb[bones['ik']['mch_foot'][1]] #owner = pb[bones['ik']['ctrl']['limb']] owner = pb[bones['main_parent']] props = ["IK_follow", "root/parent", "pole_vector", "pole_follow"] for prop in props: if prop == 'pole_vector': make_property(owner, prop, False) mch_ik = pb[bones['ik']['mch_ik']] # ik target hide driver pole_target = pb[bones['ik']['ctrl']['ik_target']] drv = pole_target.bone.driver_add("hide").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 # vis-pole hide driver vispole = pb[bones['ik']['visuals']['vispole']] drv = vispole.bone.driver_add("hide").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 # arrow hide driver # pole_target = pb[bones['ik']['ctrl']['limb']] # drv = pole_target.bone.driver_add("hide").driver # drv.type = 'AVERAGE' # # var = # = prop # var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" # var.targets[0].id = self.obj # var.targets[0].data_path = \ # owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' # # drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] # # drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' # drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 # drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 0.0 # drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = 1.0 for cns in mch_ik.constraints: if 'IK' in cns.type: drv = cns.driver_add("mute").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 if not cns.pole_subtarget: drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 0.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = 1 else: drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 elif prop == 'IK_follow': make_property(owner, prop, True) drv = ctrl.constraints[0].driver_add("mute").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 if len(ctrl.constraints) > 1: drv = ctrl.constraints[1].driver_add("mute").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 drv = ctrl_pole.constraints[0].driver_add("mute").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 if len(ctrl_pole.constraints) > 1: drv = ctrl_pole.constraints[1].driver_add("mute").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' drv_modifier = self.obj.animation_data.drivers[-1].modifiers[0] drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL' drv_modifier.poly_order = 1 drv_modifier.coefficients[0] = 1.0 drv_modifier.coefficients[1] = -1.0 elif prop == 'root/parent': if len(ctrl.constraints) > 1: make_property(owner, prop, 0.0) drv = ctrl.constraints[1].driver_add("influence").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' elif prop == 'pole_follow': if len(ctrl_pole.constraints) > 1: make_property(owner, prop, 0.0) drv = ctrl_pole.constraints[1].driver_add("influence").driver drv.type = 'AVERAGE' var = = prop var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = \ owner.path_from_id() + '[' + '"' + prop + '"' + ']' @staticmethod def get_future_names(bones): if len(bones) != 4: return names = dict() thigh = strip_mch(strip_org(bones[0].name)) shin = strip_mch(strip_org(bones[1].name)) foot = strip_mch(strip_org(bones[2].name)) toe = strip_mch(strip_org(bones[3].name)) suffix = '' if thigh[-2:] == '.L' or thigh[-2:] == '.R': suffix = thigh[-2:] thigh = thigh.rstrip(suffix) shin = shin.rstrip(suffix) foot = foot.rstrip(suffix) toe = toe.rstrip(suffix) # the following is declared in rig_ui # controls = ['thigh_ik.R', 'thigh_fk.R', 'shin_fk.R', 'foot_fk.R', 'toe.R', 'foot_heel_ik.R', 'foot_ik.R', # 'MCH-foot_fk.R', 'thigh_parent.R'] # tweaks = ['thigh_tweak.R.001', 'shin_tweak.R', 'shin_tweak.R.001'] # ik_ctrl = ['foot_ik.R', 'MCH-thigh_ik.R', 'MCH-thigh_ik_target.R'] # fk_ctrl = 'thigh_fk.R' # parent = 'thigh_parent.R' # foot_fk = 'foot_fk.R' # pole = 'thigh_ik_target.R' names['controls'] = [thigh + '_ik', thigh + '_fk', shin + '_fk', foot + '_fk', toe, foot + '_heel_ik', foot + '_ik', make_mechanism_name(foot + '_fk'), thigh + '_parent'] names['ik_ctrl'] = [foot + '_ik', make_mechanism_name(thigh) + '_ik', make_mechanism_name(thigh) + '_ik_target'] names['fk_ctrl'] = thigh + '_fk' + suffix names['parent'] = thigh + '_parent' + suffix names['foot_fk'] = foot + '_fk' + suffix names['pole'] = thigh + '_ik_target' + suffix names['limb_type'] = 'leg' if suffix: for i, name in enumerate(names['controls']): names['controls'][i] = name + suffix for i, name in enumerate(names['ik_ctrl']): names['ik_ctrl'][i] = name + suffix return names def generate(self): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = # Adjust org-bones rotation self.orient_org_bones() # Clear parents for org bones for bone in self.org_bones[1:]: eb[bone].use_connect = False eb[bone].parent = None bones = {} # Create mch limb parent mch_parent, main_parent = self.create_parent() bones['parent'] = mch_parent bones['main_parent'] = main_parent bones['tweak'] = self.create_tweak() bones['def'] = self.create_def(bones['tweak']['ctrl']) bones['ik'] = self.create_ik(bones['parent']) bones['fk'] = self.create_fk(bones['parent']) self.org_parenting_and_switch(self.org_bones, bones['ik'], bones['fk']['ctrl'], bones['main_parent']) bones = self.create_leg(bones) self.create_drivers(bones) controls = [bones['ik']['ctrl']['limb'], bones['ik']['ctrl']['terminal'][-1], bones['ik']['ctrl']['terminal'][-2] ] controls.append(bones['main_parent']) # Create UI controls_string = ", ".join(["'" + x + "'" for x in controls]) script = create_script(bones, 'leg') script += extra_script % (controls_string, bones['main_parent'], 'IK_follow', 'pole_follow', 'pole_follow', 'root/parent', 'root/parent') return { 'script': [script], 'utilities': UTILITIES_RIG_LEG, 'register': REGISTER_RIG_LEG, 'noparent_bones': [bones['ik']['mch_foot'][i] for i in [0,1]], } def add_parameters(params): """ Add the parameters of this rig type to the RigifyParameters PropertyGroup """ items = [ ('x', 'X manual', ''), ('z', 'Z manual', ''), ('automatic', 'Automatic', '') ] params.rotation_axis = bpy.props.EnumProperty( items = items, name = "Rotation Axis", default = 'automatic' ) params.auto_align_extremity = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='auto_align_extremity', default=False, description="Auto Align Extremity Bone" ) params.segments = bpy.props.IntProperty( name = 'limb segments', default = 2, min = 1, description = 'Number of segments' ) params.bbones = bpy.props.IntProperty( name = 'bbone segments', default = 10, min = 1, description = 'Number of segments' ) # Setting up extra layers for the FK and tweak ControlLayersOption.FK.add_parameters(params) ControlLayersOption.TWEAK.add_parameters(params) def parameters_ui(layout, params): """ Create the ui for the rig parameters.""" r = layout.row() r.prop(params, "rotation_axis") if 'auto' not in params.rotation_axis.lower(): r = layout.row() text = "Auto align Foot" r.prop(params, "auto_align_extremity", text=text) r = layout.row() r.prop(params, "segments") r = layout.row() r.prop(params, "bbones") ControlLayersOption.FK.parameters_ui(layout, params) ControlLayersOption.TWEAK.parameters_ui(layout, params) def create_sample(obj): # generated by rigify.utils.write_metarig bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') arm = bones = {} bone ='thigh.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0980, 0.0124, 1.0720 bone.tail[:] = 0.0980, -0.0286, 0.5372 bone.roll = 0.0000 bone.use_connect = False bones['thigh.L'] = bone ='shin.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0980, -0.0286, 0.5372 bone.tail[:] = 0.0980, 0.0162, 0.0852 bone.roll = 0.0000 bone.use_connect = True bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['thigh.L']] bones['shin.L'] = bone ='foot.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0980, 0.0162, 0.0852 bone.tail[:] = 0.0980, -0.0934, 0.0167 bone.roll = 0.0000 bone.use_connect = True bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['shin.L']] bones['foot.L'] = bone ='toe.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0980, -0.0934, 0.0167 bone.tail[:] = 0.0980, -0.1606, 0.0167 bone.roll = -0.0000 bone.use_connect = True bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['foot.L']] bones['toe.L'] = bone ='heel.02.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0600, 0.0459, 0.0000 bone.tail[:] = 0.1400, 0.0459, 0.0000 bone.roll = 0.0000 bone.use_connect = False bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['foot.L']] bones['heel.02.L'] = bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['thigh.L']] pbone.rigify_type = 'limbs.super_limb' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' try: pbone.rigify_parameters.separate_ik_layers = True except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.ik_layers = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.separate_hose_layers = True except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.hose_layers = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.limb_type = "leg" except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.fk_layers = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.tweak_layers = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] except AttributeError: pass pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['shin.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['foot.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['toe.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['heel.02.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') for bone in arm.edit_bones: = False bone.select_head = False bone.select_tail = False for b in bones: bone = arm.edit_bones[bones[b]] = True bone.select_head = True bone.select_tail = True = bone for eb in arm.edit_bones: eb.layers = (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) arm.layers = (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) if __name__ == "__main__": create_sample(bpy.context.active_object)