import bpy, re from mathutils import Vector from ...utils import org, strip_org, make_mechanism_name, make_deformer_name from ...utils import MetarigError bilateral_suffixes = ['.L','.R'] def orient_bone( cls, eb, axis, scale = 1.0, reverse = False ): v = Vector((0,0,0)) setattr(v,axis,scale) if reverse: tail_vec = v * cls.obj.matrix_world eb.head[:] = eb.tail eb.tail[:] = eb.head + tail_vec else: tail_vec = v * cls.obj.matrix_world eb.tail[:] = eb.head + tail_vec eb.roll = 0.0 def make_constraint( cls, bone, constraint ): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') pb = cls.obj.pose.bones owner_pb = pb[bone] const = constraint['constraint'] ) constraint['target'] = cls.obj # filter constraint props to those that actually exist in the current # type of constraint, then assign values to each for p in [ k for k in constraint.keys() if k in dir(const) ]: if p in dir( const ): setattr( const, p, constraint[p] ) else: raise MetarigError( "RIGIFY ERROR: property %s does not exist in %s constraint" % ( p, constraint['constraint'] )) def get_bone_name( name, btype, suffix = '' ): # RE pattern match right or left parts # match the letter "L" (or "R"), followed by an optional dot (".") # and 0 or more digits at the end of the the string pattern = r'^(\S+)(\.\S+)$' name = strip_org( name ) types = { 'mch' : make_mechanism_name( name ), 'org' : org( name ), 'def' : make_deformer_name( name ), 'ctrl' : name } name = types[btype] if suffix: results = re.match( pattern, name ) bname, addition = ('','') if results: bname, addition = results.groups() name = bname + "_" + suffix + addition else: name = name + "_" + suffix return name