import bpy from ...utils import copy_bone, flip_bone from ...utils import strip_org, make_deformer_name, connected_children_names, make_mechanism_name from ...utils import create_circle_widget, create_widget from ...utils import MetarigError, align_bone_x_axis from ...utils.mechanism import make_property script = """ controls = [%s] master_name = '%s' if is_selected(controls): layout.prop(pose_bones[master_name], '["%s"]', text="Curvature", slider=True) """ class Rig: def __init__(self, obj, bone_name, params): self.obj = obj self.org_bones = [bone_name] + connected_children_names(obj, bone_name) self.params = params if len(self.org_bones) <= 1: raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': listen bro, that finger rig jusaint put tugetha rite. A little hint, use more than one bone!!" % (strip_org(bone_name))) def orient_org_bones(self): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = if self.params.primary_rotation_axis == 'automatic': first_bone = eb[self.org_bones[0]] last_bone = eb[self.org_bones[-1]] # Orient uarm farm bones chain_y_axis = last_bone.tail - first_bone.head chain_rot_axis = first_bone.y_axis.cross(chain_y_axis) # ik-plane normal axis (rotation) if chain_rot_axis.length < first_bone.length/100: chain_rot_axis = first_bone.x_axis.normalized() else: chain_rot_axis = chain_rot_axis.normalized() for bone in self.org_bones: align_bone_x_axis(self.obj, bone, chain_rot_axis) def generate(self): org_bones = self.org_bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = self.orient_org_bones() # Bone name lists ctrl_chain = [] def_chain = [] mch_chain = [] mch_drv_chain = [] # Create ctrl master bone org_name = self.org_bones[0] temp_name = strip_org(self.org_bones[0]) if temp_name[-2:] == '.L' or temp_name[-2:] == '.R': suffix = temp_name[-2:] master_name = temp_name[:-2] + "_master" + suffix else: master_name = temp_name + "_master" master_name = copy_bone(self.obj, org_name, master_name) ctrl_bone_master = eb[master_name] # Parenting bug fix ?? ctrl_bone_master.use_connect = False ctrl_bone_master.parent = None ctrl_bone_master.tail += (eb[org_bones[-1]].tail - eb[org_name].head) * 1.25 for bone in org_bones: eb[bone].use_connect = False if org_bones.index(bone) != 0: eb[bone].parent = None # Creating the bone chains for i in range(len(self.org_bones)): name = self.org_bones[i] ctrl_name = strip_org(name) # Create control bones ctrl_bone = copy_bone(self.obj, name, ctrl_name) ctrl_bone_e = eb[ctrl_name] # Create deformation bones def_name = make_deformer_name(ctrl_name) def_bone = copy_bone(self.obj, name, def_name) # Create mechanism bones mch_name = make_mechanism_name(ctrl_name) mch_bone = copy_bone(self.obj, name, mch_name) # Create mechanism driver bones drv_name = make_mechanism_name(ctrl_name) + "_drv" mch_bone_drv = copy_bone(self.obj, name, drv_name) # Adding to lists ctrl_chain += [ctrl_bone] def_chain += [def_bone] mch_chain += [mch_bone] mch_drv_chain += [mch_bone_drv] # Restoring org chain parenting for bone in org_bones[1:]: eb[bone].parent = eb[org_bones[org_bones.index(bone) - 1]] # Parenting the master bone to the first org ctrl_bone_master = eb[master_name] ctrl_bone_master.parent = eb[org_bones[0]] # Parenting chain bones for i in range(len(self.org_bones)): # Edit bone references def_bone_e = eb[def_chain[i]] ctrl_bone_e = eb[ctrl_chain[i]] mch_bone_e = eb[mch_chain[i]] mch_bone_drv_e = eb[mch_drv_chain[i]] if i == 0: # First ctl bone ctrl_bone_e.parent = mch_bone_drv_e ctrl_bone_e.use_connect = False # First def bone def_bone_e.parent = eb[self.org_bones[i]].parent def_bone_e.use_connect = False # First mch bone mch_bone_e.parent = eb[self.org_bones[i]].parent mch_bone_e.use_connect = False # First mch driver bone mch_bone_drv_e.parent = eb[self.org_bones[i]].parent mch_bone_drv_e.use_connect = False else: # The rest ctrl_bone_e.parent = mch_bone_drv_e ctrl_bone_e.use_connect = False def_bone_e.parent = eb[def_chain[i-1]] def_bone_e.use_connect = True mch_bone_drv_e.parent = eb[ctrl_chain[i-1]] mch_bone_drv_e.use_connect = False # Parenting mch bone mch_bone_e.parent = ctrl_bone_e mch_bone_e.use_connect = False # Creating tip control bone tip_name = copy_bone(self.obj, org_bones[-1], temp_name) ctrl_bone_tip = eb[tip_name] flip_bone(self.obj, tip_name) ctrl_bone_tip.length /= 2 ctrl_bone_tip.parent = eb[ctrl_chain[-1]] bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pb = self.obj.pose.bones # Setting pose bones locks pb_master = pb[master_name] pb_master.lock_scale = True, False, True pb[tip_name].lock_scale = True, True, True pb[tip_name].lock_rotation = True, True, True pb[tip_name].lock_rotation_w = True make_property(pb_master, 'finger_curve', 0.0, description="Rubber hose finger cartoon effect") # Pose settings for org, ctrl, deform, mch, mch_drv in zip(self.org_bones, ctrl_chain, def_chain, mch_chain, mch_drv_chain): # Constraining the deform bones con = pb[deform]'COPY_TRANSFORMS') = self.obj con.subtarget = mch # Constraining the mch bones if mch_chain.index(mch) == 0: con = pb[mch]'COPY_LOCATION') = self.obj con.subtarget = ctrl con = pb[mch]'COPY_SCALE') = self.obj con.subtarget = ctrl con = pb[mch]'DAMPED_TRACK') = self.obj con.subtarget = ctrl_chain[ctrl_chain.index(ctrl)+1] con = pb[mch]'STRETCH_TO') = self.obj con.subtarget = ctrl_chain[ctrl_chain.index(ctrl)+1] con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' elif mch_chain.index(mch) == len(mch_chain) - 1: con = pb[mch]'DAMPED_TRACK') = self.obj con.subtarget = tip_name con = pb[mch]'STRETCH_TO') = self.obj con.subtarget = tip_name con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' else: con = pb[mch]'DAMPED_TRACK') = self.obj con.subtarget = ctrl_chain[ctrl_chain.index(ctrl)+1] con = pb[mch]'STRETCH_TO') = self.obj con.subtarget = ctrl_chain[ctrl_chain.index(ctrl)+1] con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' # Constraining and driving mch driver bones pb[mch_drv].rotation_mode = 'YZX' if mch_drv_chain.index(mch_drv) == 0: # Constraining to master bone con = pb[mch_drv]'COPY_LOCATION') = self.obj con.subtarget = master_name con = pb[mch_drv]'COPY_ROTATION') = self.obj con.subtarget = master_name con.target_space = 'LOCAL' con.owner_space = 'LOCAL' else: # Match axis to expression options = { "automatic": {"axis": 0, "expr": '(1-sy)*pi'}, "X": {"axis": 0, "expr": '(1-sy)*pi'}, "-X": {"axis": 0, "expr": '-((1-sy)*pi)'}, "Y": {"axis": 1, "expr": '(1-sy)*pi'}, "-Y": {"axis": 1, "expr": '-((1-sy)*pi)'}, "Z": {"axis": 2, "expr": '(1-sy)*pi'}, "-Z": {"axis": 2, "expr": '-((1-sy)*pi)'} } axis = self.params.primary_rotation_axis # Drivers drv = pb[mch_drv].driver_add("rotation_euler", options[axis]["axis"]).driver drv.type = 'SCRIPTED' drv.expression = options[axis]["expr"] drv_var = = 'sy' drv_var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" drv_var.targets[0].id = self.obj drv_var.targets[0].data_path = pb[master_name].path_from_id() + '.scale.y' # Setting bone curvature setting, custom property, and drivers def_bone =[deform] def_bone.bbone_segments = 8 drv = def_bone.driver_add("bbone_easein").driver # Ease in drv.type='SUM' drv_var = = "curvature" drv_var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" drv_var.targets[0].id = self.obj drv_var.targets[0].data_path = pb_master.path_from_id() + '["finger_curve"]' drv = def_bone.driver_add("bbone_easeout").driver # Ease out drv.type='SUM' drv_var = = "curvature" drv_var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" drv_var.targets[0].id = self.obj drv_var.targets[0].data_path = pb_master.path_from_id() + '["finger_curve"]' # Assigning shapes to control bones create_circle_widget(self.obj, ctrl, radius=0.3, head_tail=0.5) # Create ctrl master widget w = create_widget(self.obj, master_name) if w is not None: mesh = verts = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0.05, 1, 0), (0.05, 1.1, 0), (-0.05, 1.1, 0), (-0.05, 1, 0)] if 'Z' in self.params.primary_rotation_axis: # Flip x/z coordinates temp = [] for v in verts: temp += [(v[2], v[1], v[0])] verts = temp edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 1)] mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, []) mesh.update() # Create tip control widget create_circle_widget(self.obj, tip_name, radius=0.3, head_tail=0.0) # Create UI controls_string = ", ".join( ["'" + x + "'" for x in ctrl_chain] ) + ", " + "'" + master_name + "'" return [script % (controls_string, master_name, 'finger_curve')] def add_parameters(params): """ Add the parameters of this rig type to the RigifyParameters PropertyGroup """ items = [('automatic', 'Automatic', ''), ('X', 'X manual', ''), ('Y', 'Y manual', ''), ('Z', 'Z manual', ''), ('-X', '-X manual', ''), ('-Y', '-Y manual', ''), ('-Z', '-Z manual', '')] params.primary_rotation_axis = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=items, name="Primary Rotation Axis", default='automatic') def parameters_ui(layout, params): """ Create the ui for the rig parameters. """ r = layout.row() r.label(text="Bend rotation axis:") r.prop(params, "primary_rotation_axis", text="") def create_sample(obj): # generated by rigify.utils.write_metarig bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') arm = bones = {} bone ='palm.04.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0043, -0.0030, -0.0026 bone.tail[:] = 0.0642, 0.0037, -0.0469 bone.roll = -2.5155 bone.use_connect = False bones['palm.04.L'] = bone ='f_pinky.01.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0642, 0.0037, -0.0469 bone.tail[:] = 0.0703, 0.0039, -0.0741 bone.roll = -1.9749 bone.use_connect = False bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['palm.04.L']] bones['f_pinky.01.L'] = bone ='f_pinky.02.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0703, 0.0039, -0.0741 bone.tail[:] = 0.0732, 0.0044, -0.0965 bone.roll = -1.9059 bone.use_connect = True bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['f_pinky.01.L']] bones['f_pinky.02.L'] = bone ='f_pinky.03.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0732, 0.0044, -0.0965 bone.tail[:] = 0.0725, 0.0046, -0.1115 bone.roll = -1.7639 bone.use_connect = True bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['f_pinky.02.L']] bones['f_pinky.03.L'] = bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['palm.04.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'YXZ' pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['f_pinky.01.L']] pbone.rigify_type = 'limbs.super_finger' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' try: pbone.rigify_parameters.separate_extra_layers = True except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.extra_layers = [False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.tweak_extra_layers = False except AttributeError: pass pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['f_pinky.02.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['f_pinky.03.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') for bone in arm.edit_bones: = False bone.select_head = False bone.select_tail = False for b in bones: bone = arm.edit_bones[bones[b]] = True bone.select_head = True bone.select_tail = True = bone