#====================== BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ====================== # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # #======================= END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ======================== # import bpy import json from itertools import count from ...utils.bones import put_bone, flip_bone, align_chain_x_axis, set_bone_widget_transform from ...utils.naming import make_derived_name from ...utils.widgets import create_widget from ...utils.widgets_basic import create_circle_widget, create_sphere_widget from ...utils.misc import map_list from ...utils.layers import ControlLayersOption from ...utils.switch_parent import SwitchParentBuilder from ...utils.animation import add_generic_snap, add_fk_ik_snap_buttons from ...base_rig import stage from ..chain_rigs import SimpleChainRig class Rig(SimpleChainRig): """A finger rig with master control.""" def initialize(self): super().initialize() self.bbone_segments = self.params.bbones self.make_ik = self.params.make_extra_ik_control def prepare_bones(self): if self.params.primary_rotation_axis == 'automatic': align_chain_x_axis(self.obj, self.bones.org) def parent_bones(self): self.rig_parent_bone = self.get_bone_parent(self.bones.org[0]) ############################## # Master Control @stage.generate_bones def make_master_control(self): orgs = self.bones.org name = self.copy_bone(orgs[0], make_derived_name(orgs[0], 'ctrl', '_master'), parent=True) self.bones.ctrl.master = name first_bone = self.get_bone(orgs[0]) last_bone = self.get_bone(orgs[-1]) self.get_bone(name).length += (last_bone.tail - first_bone.head).length * 1.25 @stage.configure_bones def configure_master_control(self): master = self.bones.ctrl.master self.copy_bone_properties(self.bones.org[0], master, props=False, widget=False) bone = self.get_bone(master) bone.lock_scale = True, False, True @stage.generate_widgets def make_master_control_widget(self): master_name = self.bones.ctrl.master w = create_widget(self.obj, master_name) if w is not None: mesh = w.data verts = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0.05, 1, 0), (0.05, 1.1, 0), (-0.05, 1.1, 0), (-0.05, 1, 0)] if 'Z' in self.params.primary_rotation_axis: # Flip x/z coordinates temp = [] for v in verts: temp += [(v[2], v[1], v[0])] verts = temp edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 1)] mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, []) mesh.update() ############################## # Control chain @stage.generate_bones def make_control_chain(self): orgs = self.bones.org self.bones.ctrl.fk = map_list(self.make_control_bone, count(0), orgs) self.bones.ctrl.fk += [self.make_tip_control_bone(orgs[-1], orgs[0])] def make_control_bone(self, i, org): return self.copy_bone(org, make_derived_name(org, 'ctrl'), inherit_scale=True) def make_tip_control_bone(self, org, name_org): name = self.copy_bone(org, make_derived_name(name_org, 'ctrl'), parent=False) flip_bone(self.obj, name) self.get_bone(name).length /= 2 return name @stage.parent_bones def parent_control_chain(self): ctrls = self.bones.ctrl.fk for args in zip(ctrls, self.bones.mch.bend + ctrls[-2:]): self.set_bone_parent(*args) @stage.configure_bones def configure_control_chain(self): for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.ctrl.fk, self.bones.org + [None]): self.configure_control_bone(*args) ControlLayersOption.TWEAK.assign(self.params, self.obj, self.bones.ctrl.fk) def configure_control_bone(self, i, ctrl, org): if org: self.copy_bone_properties(org, ctrl) else: bone = self.get_bone(ctrl) bone.lock_rotation_w = True bone.lock_rotation = (True, True, True) bone.lock_scale = (True, True, True) def make_control_widget(self, i, ctrl): if ctrl == self.bones.ctrl.fk[-1]: # Tip control create_circle_widget(self.obj, ctrl, radius=0.3, head_tail=0.0) else: set_bone_widget_transform(self.obj, ctrl, self.bones.org[i]) create_circle_widget(self.obj, ctrl, radius=0.3, head_tail=0.5) ############################## # IK Control @stage.generate_bones def make_ik_control(self): if self.make_ik: self.bones.ctrl.ik = self.make_ik_control_bone(self.bones.org) self.build_ik_parent_switch(SwitchParentBuilder(self.generator)) def make_ik_control_bone(self, orgs): name = self.copy_bone(orgs[-1], make_derived_name(orgs[0], 'ctrl', '_ik'), scale=0.7) put_bone(self.obj, name, self.get_bone(orgs[-1]).tail) return name def build_ik_parent_switch(self, pbuilder): ctrl = self.bones.ctrl pbuilder.build_child( self, ctrl.ik, prop_bone=ctrl.ik, select_tags=['held_object', 'limb_ik', {'child', 'limb_end'}], only_selected=True, prop_id='IK_parent', prop_name='IK Parent', controls=[ ctrl.ik ], no_fix_rotation=True, no_fix_scale=True, ) @stage.configure_bones def configure_ik_control(self): if self.make_ik: bone = self.get_bone(self.bones.ctrl.ik) bone.lock_rotation = True, True, True bone.lock_rotation_w = True bone.lock_scale = True, True, True ControlLayersOption.EXTRA_IK.assign_rig(self, [self.bones.ctrl.ik]) @stage.configure_bones def configure_ik_control_properties(self): if self.make_ik: ctrl = self.bones.ctrl rig_name = ctrl.fk[0] panel = self.script.panel_with_selected_check(self, self.bones.ctrl.flatten()) self.make_property( ctrl.ik, 'FK_IK', 0.0, description="Enable simple IK correction on top of FK posing" ) panel.custom_prop(ctrl.ik, 'FK_IK', text="Finger IK ({})".format(rig_name), slider=True) axis = self.params.primary_rotation_axis add_finger_snap_fk_to_ik( panel, master=ctrl.master, fk_bones=ctrl.fk, ik_bones=self.bones.org, ik_control=ctrl.ik, ik_constraint_bone=self.bones.org[-1], axis=self.axis_options[axis]['id'], rig_name=rig_name, compact=True, ) add_generic_snap( panel, output_bones=[ctrl.ik], input_bones=ctrl.fk[-1:], input_ctrl_bones=[ctrl.master, *ctrl.fk], label='IK->FK', rig_name=rig_name, tooltip='IK to FK', compact=True, locks=(False,True,True), ) @stage.generate_widgets def make_ik_control_widget(self): if self.make_ik: create_sphere_widget(self.obj, self.bones.ctrl.ik) ############################## # MCH bend chain @stage.generate_bones def make_mch_bend_chain(self): self.bones.mch.bend = map_list(self.make_mch_bend_bone, self.bones.org) def make_mch_bend_bone(self, org): return self.copy_bone(org, make_derived_name(org, 'mch', '_drv'), inherit_scale=True, scale=0.3) @stage.parent_bones def parent_mch_bend_chain(self): ctrls = self.bones.ctrl.fk for args in zip(self.bones.mch.bend, [self.rig_parent_bone] + ctrls): self.set_bone_parent(*args) # Match axis to expression axis_options = { "automatic": {"axis": 0, "id": '+X', "expr": '(1-sy)*pi'}, "X": {"axis": 0, "id": '+X', "expr": '(1-sy)*pi'}, "-X": {"axis": 0, "id": '-X', "expr": '-((1-sy)*pi)'}, "Y": {"axis": 1, "id": '+Y', "expr": '(1-sy)*pi'}, "-Y": {"axis": 1, "id": '-Y', "expr": '-((1-sy)*pi)'}, "Z": {"axis": 2, "id": '+Z', "expr": '(1-sy)*pi'}, "-Z": {"axis": 2, "id": '-Z', "expr": '-((1-sy)*pi)'} } @stage.rig_bones def rig_mch_bend_chain(self): for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.mch.bend): self.rig_mch_bend_bone(*args) def rig_mch_bend_bone(self, i, mch): master = self.bones.ctrl.master if i == 0: self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_LOCATION', master) self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_ROTATION', master, space='LOCAL') else: axis = self.params.primary_rotation_axis options = self.axis_options[axis] bone = self.get_bone(mch) bone.rotation_mode = 'YZX' self.make_driver( bone, 'rotation_euler', index=options['axis'], expression=options['expr'], variables={'sy': (master, '.scale.y')} ) ############################## # MCH stretch chain @stage.generate_bones def make_mch_stretch_chain(self): self.bones.mch.stretch = map_list(self.make_mch_stretch_bone, self.bones.org) def make_mch_stretch_bone(self, org): return self.copy_bone(org, make_derived_name(org, 'mch'), parent=False) @stage.parent_bones def parent_mch_stretch_chain(self): ctrls = self.bones.ctrl.fk for args in zip(self.bones.mch.stretch, [self.rig_parent_bone] + ctrls[1:]): self.set_bone_parent(*args) @stage.rig_bones def rig_mch_stretch_chain(self): ctrls = self.bones.ctrl.fk for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.mch.stretch, ctrls, ctrls[1:]): self.rig_mch_stretch_bone(*args) def rig_mch_stretch_bone(self, i, mch, ctrl, ctrl_next): if i == 0: self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_LOCATION', ctrl) self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_SCALE', ctrl) self.make_constraint(mch, 'STRETCH_TO', ctrl_next, volume='NO_VOLUME', keep_axis='SWING_Y') ############################## # ORG chain @stage.rig_bones def rig_org_chain(self): for args in zip(count(0), self.bones.org, self.bones.mch.stretch): self.rig_org_bone(*args) if self.make_ik: self.rig_org_ik(self.bones.org, self.bones.ctrl.ik) def rig_org_ik(self, orgs, ik_ctrl): axis = self.params.primary_rotation_axis options = self.axis_options[axis] # Lock IK axis on child bones, using stiffness to preserve # original rotation rather than zeroing it out. stiffness = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] stiffness[options['axis']] = 0.0 for org in orgs[1:]: bone = self.get_bone(org) bone.ik_stiffness_x, bone.ik_stiffness_y, bone.ik_stiffness_z = stiffness # Add the constraint con = self.make_constraint( orgs[-1], 'IK', ik_ctrl, name='FingerIK', chain_count=len(orgs), use_stretch=False, ) self.make_driver(con, "influence", variables=[(ik_ctrl, 'FK_IK')]) ############################## # Deform chain @stage.configure_bones def configure_master_properties(self): master = self.bones.ctrl.master if self.bbone_segments > 1: self.make_property(master, 'finger_curve', 0.0, description="Rubber hose finger cartoon effect") # Create UI panel = self.script.panel_with_selected_check(self, self.bones.ctrl.flatten()) panel.custom_prop(master, 'finger_curve', text="Curvature", slider=True) def rig_deform_bone(self, i, deform, org): master = self.bones.ctrl.master bone = self.get_bone(deform) self.make_constraint(deform, 'COPY_TRANSFORMS', org) if self.bbone_segments > 1: self.make_driver(bone.bone, 'bbone_easein', variables=[(master, 'finger_curve')]) self.make_driver(bone.bone, 'bbone_easeout', variables=[(master, 'finger_curve')]) ############### # OPTIONS @classmethod def add_parameters(self, params): """ Add the parameters of this rig type to the RigifyParameters PropertyGroup """ items = [('automatic', 'Automatic', ''), ('X', 'X manual', ''), ('Y', 'Y manual', ''), ('Z', 'Z manual', ''), ('-X', '-X manual', ''), ('-Y', '-Y manual', ''), ('-Z', '-Z manual', '')] params.primary_rotation_axis = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=items, name="Primary Rotation Axis", default='automatic') params.bbones = bpy.props.IntProperty( name = 'B-Bone Segments', default = 10, min = 1, description = 'Number of B-Bone segments' ) params.make_extra_ik_control = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Extra IK Control", default = False, description = "Create an optional IK control" ) ControlLayersOption.TWEAK.add_parameters(params) ControlLayersOption.EXTRA_IK.add_parameters(params) @classmethod def parameters_ui(self, layout, params): """ Create the ui for the rig parameters. """ r = layout.row() r.label(text="Bend rotation axis:") r.prop(params, "primary_rotation_axis", text="") layout.prop(params, 'bbones') layout.prop(params, 'make_extra_ik_control', text='IK Control') ControlLayersOption.TWEAK.parameters_ui(layout, params) if params.make_extra_ik_control: ControlLayersOption.EXTRA_IK.parameters_ui(layout, params) ############################# # Finger FK to IK operator ## ############################# SCRIPT_REGISTER_OP_SNAP_FK_IK = ['POSE_OT_rigify_finger_fk2ik', 'POSE_OT_rigify_finger_fk2ik_bake'] SCRIPT_UTILITIES_OP_SNAP_FK_IK = [''' ######################## ## Limb Snap IK to FK ## ######################## class RigifyFingerFk2IkBase: ik_control: StringProperty(name="IK Control") ik_chain: StringProperty(name="IK output chain") constraint_bone: StringProperty(name="Bone With the IK Constraint") fk_master: StringProperty(name="FK Master Control") fk_chain: StringProperty(name="FK Bone Chain") axis: StringProperty(name="Main Rotation Axis", default="+X") def init_execute(self, context): self.ik_chain_list = json.loads(self.ik_chain) self.fk_chain_list = json.loads(self.fk_chain) # Extracting the IK state - requires forcing IK on temporarily def find_constraint_drivers(self, obj): self.driver_fcurves = {} self.ik_constraint = None if self.constraint_bone: bone = obj.pose.bones[self.constraint_bone] self.ik_constraint = con = bone.constraints['FingerIK'] self.driver_fcurves = DriverCurveTable(obj).get_prop_curves(con, 'influence') def before_save_state(self, context, obj): self.find_constraint_drivers(obj) if self.ik_constraint: for fcu in self.driver_fcurves.values(): fcu.mute = True self.ik_constraint.influence = 1 context.view_layer.update() def get_fk_axis_angles(self, obj): options = self.axis_options[self.axis] angles = [] for bone in self.fk_chain_list[1:-1]: matrix = obj.pose.bones[bone].matrix_basis eulers = matrix.to_euler(options['order']) angles.append(eulers[options['axis']]) return angles def get_ik_original_matrix(self, obj): bone = obj.pose.bones[self.ik_chain_list[0]] if len(bone.constraints) == 1 and bone.constraints[0].type == 'COPY_TRANSFORMS': target = bone.constraints[0].subtarget return obj.pose.bones[target].matrix def save_frame_state(self, context, obj): matrices = get_chain_transform_matrices(obj, self.ik_chain_list) fk_matrices = get_chain_transform_matrices(obj, self.fk_chain_list) angles = self.get_fk_axis_angles(obj) ik_original = self.get_ik_original_matrix(obj) return (matrices, fk_matrices, angles, ik_original) def after_save_state(self, context, obj): if self.ik_constraint: for fcu in self.driver_fcurves.values(): fcu.mute = False context.view_layer.update() # Applying the state axis_options = { "+X": {"axis": 0, "sign": 1, "order": 'ZYX'}, "-X": {"axis": 0, "sign": -1, "order": 'ZYX'}, "+Y": {"axis": 1, "sign": 1, "order": 'ZXY'}, "-Y": {"axis": 1, "sign": -1, "order": 'ZXY'}, "+Z": {"axis": 2, "sign": 1, "order": 'XYZ'}, "-Z": {"axis": 2, "sign": -1, "order": 'XYZ'}, } def apply_frame_state(self, context, obj, state): matrices, fk_matrices, old_angles, ik_original = state fk_master = obj.pose.bones[self.fk_master] fk_chain = [ obj.pose.bones[k] for k in self.fk_chain_list ] # Set the master control position and rotation. master_mat = matrices[0] if ik_original: master_mat = master_mat @ ik_original.inverted() @ fk_matrices[0] master_mat = obj.convert_space( pose_bone=fk_chain[0].parent, matrix=master_mat, from_space='POSE', to_space='LOCAL' ) master_mat = obj.convert_space( pose_bone=fk_master, matrix=master_mat, from_space='LOCAL', to_space='POSE' ) master_mat.translation = matrices[0].translation set_transform_from_matrix(obj, self.fk_master, master_mat) fk_master.scale = (1, 1, 1) if self.keyflags is not None: keyframe_transform_properties(obj, self.fk_master, self.keyflags) context.view_layer.update() # Apply the detail controls set_chain_transforms_from_matrices( context, obj, self.fk_chain_list[:-1], matrices, keyflags=self.keyflags, ) set_transform_from_matrix( obj, self.fk_chain_list[-1], Matrix.Identity(4), space='LOCAL', keyflags=self.keyflags ) # Compute the master scale from average control angle, biased by original options = self.axis_options[self.axis] angles = self.get_fk_axis_angles(obj) avg_angle = sum(a - b for a, b in zip(angles, old_angles)) / len(angles) fk_master.scale[1] = 1 - avg_angle * options['sign'] / pi if self.keyflags is not None: keyframe_transform_properties(obj, self.fk_master, self.keyflags) context.view_layer.update() # Re-apply the rest of the detail controls set_chain_transforms_from_matrices( context, obj, self.fk_chain_list[1:-1], matrices[1:], keyflags=self.keyflags, ) class POSE_OT_rigify_finger_fk2ik(RigifyFingerFk2IkBase, RigifySingleUpdateMixin, bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "pose.rigify_finger_fk2ik_" + rig_id bl_label = "Snap FK->IK" bl_description = "Snap the FK chain to IK result" class POSE_OT_rigify_finger_fk2ik_bake(RigifyFingerFk2IkBase, RigifyBakeKeyframesMixin, bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "pose.rigify_finger_fk2ik_bake_" + rig_id bl_label = "Apply Snap FK->IK To Keyframes" bl_description = "Snap the FK chain keyframes to IK result" def execute_scan_curves(self, context, obj): fk_bones = [self.fk_master, *self.fk_chain_list] self.bake_add_bone_frames(fk_bones + [self.ik_control], TRANSFORM_PROPS_ALL) return self.bake_get_all_bone_curves(fk_bones, TRANSFORM_PROPS_ALL) '''] def add_finger_snap_fk_to_ik(panel, *, master=None, fk_bones=[], ik_bones=[], ik_control=None, ik_constraint_bone=None, axis='+X', rig_name='', compact=None): panel.use_bake_settings() panel.script.add_utilities(SCRIPT_UTILITIES_OP_SNAP_FK_IK) panel.script.register_classes(SCRIPT_REGISTER_OP_SNAP_FK_IK) op_props = { 'fk_master': master, 'fk_chain': json.dumps(fk_bones), 'ik_chain': json.dumps(ik_bones), 'ik_control': ik_control, 'constraint_bone': ik_constraint_bone, 'axis': axis, } add_fk_ik_snap_buttons( panel, 'pose.rigify_finger_fk2ik_{rig_id}', 'pose.rigify_finger_fk2ik_bake_{rig_id}', label='FK->IK', rig_name=rig_name, properties=op_props, clear_bones=[master, *fk_bones], compact=compact, ) def create_sample(obj): # generated by rigify.utils.write_metarig bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') arm = obj.data bones = {} bone = arm.edit_bones.new('palm.04.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0043, -0.0030, -0.0026 bone.tail[:] = 0.0642, 0.0037, -0.0469 bone.roll = -2.5155 bone.use_connect = False bones['palm.04.L'] = bone.name bone = arm.edit_bones.new('f_pinky.01.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0642, 0.0037, -0.0469 bone.tail[:] = 0.0703, 0.0039, -0.0741 bone.roll = -1.9749 bone.use_connect = False bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['palm.04.L']] bones['f_pinky.01.L'] = bone.name bone = arm.edit_bones.new('f_pinky.02.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0703, 0.0039, -0.0741 bone.tail[:] = 0.0732, 0.0044, -0.0965 bone.roll = -1.9059 bone.use_connect = True bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['f_pinky.01.L']] bones['f_pinky.02.L'] = bone.name bone = arm.edit_bones.new('f_pinky.03.L') bone.head[:] = 0.0732, 0.0044, -0.0965 bone.tail[:] = 0.0725, 0.0046, -0.1115 bone.roll = -1.7639 bone.use_connect = True bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones['f_pinky.02.L']] bones['f_pinky.03.L'] = bone.name bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['palm.04.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'YXZ' pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['f_pinky.01.L']] pbone.rigify_type = 'limbs.super_finger' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' try: pbone.rigify_parameters.extra_layers = [False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] except AttributeError: pass try: pbone.rigify_parameters.tweak_extra_layers = False except AttributeError: pass pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['f_pinky.02.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones['f_pinky.03.L']] pbone.rigify_type = '' pbone.lock_location = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation = (False, False, False) pbone.lock_rotation_w = False pbone.lock_scale = (False, False, False) pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') for bone in arm.edit_bones: bone.select = False bone.select_head = False bone.select_tail = False for b in bones: bone = arm.edit_bones[bones[b]] bone.select = True bone.select_head = True bone.select_tail = True arm.edit_bones.active = bone