import bpy import re import itertools import bisect import json from .errors import MetarigError from .naming import strip_prefix, make_derived_name from .mechanism import MechanismUtilityMixin from .misc import map_list, map_apply, force_lazy from ..base_rig import * from ..base_generate import GeneratorPlugin from collections import defaultdict from itertools import count, repeat, chain def _rig_is_child(rig, parent): if parent is None: return True while rig: if rig is parent: return True rig = rig.rigify_parent return False class SwitchParentBuilder(GeneratorPlugin, MechanismUtilityMixin): """ Implements centralized generation of switchable parent mechanisms. Allows all rigs to register their bones as possible parents for other rigs. """ def __init__(self, generator): super().__init__(generator) self.child_list = [] self.global_parents = [] self.local_parents = defaultdict(list) self.child_map = {} self.frozen = False self.register_parent(None, 'root', name='Root', is_global=True) ############################## # API def register_parent(self, rig, bone, *, name=None, is_global=False, exclude_self=False, inject_into=None, tags=None): """ Registers a bone of the specified rig as a possible parent. Parameters: rig Owner of the bone. bone Actual name of the parent bone. name Name of the parent for mouse-over hint. is_global The parent is accessible to all rigs, instead of just children of owner. exclude_self The parent is invisible to the owner rig itself. inject_into Make this parent available to children of the specified rig. tags Set of tags to use for default parent selection. Lazy creation: The bone parameter may be a function creating the bone on demand and returning its name. It is guaranteed to be called at most once. """ assert not self.frozen assert isinstance(bone, str) or callable(bone) assert callable(bone) or _rig_is_child(rig, self.generator.bone_owners[bone]) assert _rig_is_child(rig, inject_into) real_rig = rig if inject_into and inject_into is not rig: rig = inject_into tags = (tags or set()) | {'injected'} entry = { 'rig': rig, 'bone': bone, 'name': name, 'tags': tags, 'is_global': is_global, 'exclude_self': exclude_self, 'real_rig': real_rig, 'used': False, } if is_global: self.global_parents.append(entry) else: self.local_parents[id(rig)].append(entry) def build_child(self, rig, bone, *, use_parent_mch=True, **options): """ Build a switchable parent mechanism for the specified bone. Parameters: rig Owner of the child bone. bone Name of the child bone. extra_parents List of bone names or (name, user_name) pairs to use as additional parents. use_parent_mch Create an intermediate MCH bone for the constraints and parent the child to it. select_parent Select the specified bone instead of the last one. select_tags List of parent tags to try for default selection. ignore_global Ignore the is_global flag of potential parents. exclude_self Ignore parents registered by the rig itself. allow_self Ignore the 'exclude_self' setting of the parent. context_rig Rig to use for selecting parents; defaults to rig. no_implicit Only use parents listed as extra_parents. only_selected Like no_implicit, but allow the 'default' selected parent. prop_bone Name of the bone to add the property to. prop_id Actual name of the control property. prop_name Name of the property to use in the UI script. controls Collection of controls to bind property UI to. ctrl_bone User visible control bone that depends on this parent (for switch & keep transform) no_fix_* Disable "Switch and Keep Transform" correction for specific channels. copy_* Override the specified components by copying from another bone. inherit_scale Inherit scale mode for the child bone (default: AVERAGE). Lazy parameters: 'extra_parents', 'select_parent', 'prop_bone', 'controls', 'copy_*' may be a function returning the value. They are called in the configure_bones stage. """ assert self.generator.stage == 'generate_bones' and not self.frozen assert rig is not None assert isinstance(bone, str) assert bone not in self.child_map # Create MCH proxy if use_parent_mch: mch_bone = rig.copy_bone(bone, make_derived_name(bone, 'mch', '.parent'), scale=1/3) else: mch_bone = bone child = { **self.child_option_table, 'rig':rig, 'bone': bone, 'mch_bone': mch_bone, 'is_done': False, 'is_configured': False, } self.assign_child_options(child, options) self.child_list.append(child) self.child_map[bone] = child def amend_child(self, rig, bone, **options): """ Change parameters assigned in a previous build_child call. Provided to make it more convenient to change rig behavior by subclassing. """ assert self.generator.stage == 'generate_bones' and not self.frozen child = self.child_map[bone] assert child['rig'] == rig self.assign_child_options(child, options) def rig_child_now(self, bone): """Create the constraints immediately.""" assert self.generator.stage == 'rig_bones' child = self.child_map[bone] assert not child['is_done'] self.__rig_child(child) ############################## # Implementation child_option_table = { 'extra_parents': None, 'prop_bone': None, 'prop_id': None, 'prop_name': None, 'controls': None, 'select_parent': None, 'ignore_global': False, 'exclude_self': False, 'allow_self': False, 'context_rig': None, 'select_tags': None, 'no_implicit': False, 'only_selected': False, 'ctrl_bone': None, 'no_fix_location': False, 'no_fix_rotation': False, 'no_fix_scale': False, 'copy_location': None, 'copy_rotation': None, 'copy_scale': None, 'inherit_scale': 'AVERAGE', } def assign_child_options(self, child, options): if 'context_rig' in options: assert _rig_is_child(child['rig'], options['context_rig']) for name, value in options.items(): if name not in self.child_option_table: raise AttributeError('invalid child option: '+name) child[name] = value def get_rig_parent_candidates(self, rig): candidates = [] # Build a list in parent hierarchy order while rig: candidates.append(self.local_parents[id(rig)]) rig = rig.rigify_parent candidates.append(self.global_parents) return list(chain.from_iterable(reversed(candidates))) def generate_bones(self): self.frozen = True self.parent_list = self.global_parents + list(chain.from_iterable(self.local_parents.values())) # Link children to parents for child in self.child_list: child_rig = child['context_rig'] or child['rig'] parents = [] for parent in self.get_rig_parent_candidates(child_rig): parent_rig = parent['rig'] # Exclude injected parents if parent['real_rig'] is not parent_rig: if _rig_is_child(parent_rig, child_rig): continue if parent['rig'] is child_rig: if (parent['exclude_self'] and not child['allow_self']) or child['exclude_self']: continue elif parent['is_global'] and not child['ignore_global']: # Can't use parents from own children, even if global (cycle risk) if _rig_is_child(parent_rig, child_rig): continue else: # Required to be a child of the parent's rig if not _rig_is_child(child_rig, parent_rig): continue parent['used'] = True parents.append(parent) child['parents'] = parents # Call lazy creation for parents for parent in self.parent_list: if parent['used']: parent['bone'] = force_lazy(parent['bone']) def parent_bones(self): for child in self.child_list: rig = child['rig'] mch = child['mch_bone'] # Remove real parent from the child rig.set_bone_parent(mch, None) self.generator.disable_auto_parent(mch) # Parent child to the MCH proxy if mch != child['bone']: rig.set_bone_parent(child['bone'], mch, inherit_scale=child['inherit_scale']) def configure_bones(self): for child in self.child_list: self.__configure_child(child) def __configure_child(self, child): if child['is_configured']: return child['is_configured'] = True bone = child['bone'] # Build the final list of parent bone names parent_map = dict() parent_tags = defaultdict(set) for parent in child['parents']: if parent['bone'] not in parent_map: parent_map[parent['bone']] = parent['name'] if parent['tags']: parent_tags[parent['bone']] |= parent['tags'] last_main_parent_bone = child['parents'][-1]['bone'] extra_parents = set() for parent in force_lazy(child['extra_parents'] or []): if not isinstance(parent, tuple): parent = (parent, None) extra_parents.add(parent[0]) if parent[0] not in parent_map: parent_map[parent[0]] = parent[1] for parent in parent_map: if parent in self.child_map: parent_tags[parent] |= {'child'} parent_bones = list(parent_map.items()) # Find which bone to select select_bone = force_lazy(child['select_parent']) or last_main_parent_bone select_tags = force_lazy(child['select_tags']) or [] if child['no_implicit']: assert len(extra_parents) > 0 parent_bones = [ item for item in parent_bones if item[0] in extra_parents ] if last_main_parent_bone not in extra_parents: last_main_parent_bone = parent_bones[-1][0] for tag in select_tags: tag_set = tag if isinstance(tag, set) else {tag} matching = [ bone for (bone, _) in parent_bones if not tag_set.isdisjoint(parent_tags[bone]) ] if len(matching) > 0: select_bone = matching[-1] break if select_bone not in parent_map: print("RIGIFY ERROR: Can't find bone '%s' to select as default parent of '%s'\n" % (select_bone, bone)) select_bone = last_main_parent_bone if child['only_selected']: filter_set = { select_bone, *extra_parents } parent_bones = [ item for item in parent_bones if item[0] in filter_set ] try: select_index = 1 + next(i for i, (bone, _) in enumerate(parent_bones) if bone == select_bone) except StopIteration: select_index = len(parent_bones) print("RIGIFY ERROR: Invalid default parent '%s' of '%s'\n" % (select_bone, bone)) child['parent_bones'] = parent_bones # Create the controlling property prop_bone = child['prop_bone'] = force_lazy(child['prop_bone']) or bone prop_name = child['prop_name'] or child['prop_id'] or 'Parent Switch' prop_id = child['prop_id'] = child['prop_id'] or 'parent_switch' parent_names = [ parent[1] or strip_prefix(parent[0]) for parent in [(None, 'None'), *parent_bones] ] parent_str = ', '.join([ '%s (%d)' % (name, i) for i, name in enumerate(parent_names) ]) ctrl_bone = child['ctrl_bone'] or bone self.make_property( prop_bone, prop_id, select_index, min=0, max=len(parent_bones), description='Switch parent of %s: %s' % (ctrl_bone, parent_str) ) # Find which channels don't depend on the parent no_fix = [ child[n] for n in ['no_fix_location', 'no_fix_rotation', 'no_fix_scale'] ] child['copy'] = [ force_lazy(child[n]) for n in ['copy_location', 'copy_rotation', 'copy_scale'] ] locks = tuple(bool(nofix or copy) for nofix, copy in zip(no_fix, child['copy'])) # Create the script for the property controls = force_lazy(child['controls']) or set([prop_bone, bone]) script = self.generator.script panel = script.panel_with_selected_check(child['rig'], controls) panel.use_bake_settings() script.add_utilities(SCRIPT_UTILITIES_OP_SWITCH_PARENT) script.register_classes(SCRIPT_REGISTER_OP_SWITCH_PARENT) op_props = { 'bone': ctrl_bone, 'prop_bone': prop_bone, 'prop_id': prop_id, 'parent_names': json.dumps(parent_names), 'locks': locks, } row = panel.row(align=True) lsplit = row.split(factor=0.75, align=True) lsplit.operator('pose.rigify_switch_parent_{rig_id}', text=prop_name, icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', properties=op_props) lsplit.custom_prop(prop_bone, prop_id, text='') row.operator('pose.rigify_switch_parent_bake_{rig_id}', text='', icon='ACTION_TWEAK', properties=op_props) def rig_bones(self): for child in self.child_list: self.__rig_child(child) def __rig_child(self, child): if child['is_done']: return child['is_done'] = True # Implement via an Armature constraint mch = child['mch_bone'] con = self.make_constraint( mch, 'ARMATURE', name='SWITCH_PARENT', targets=[ (parent, 0.0) for parent, _ in child['parent_bones'] ] ) prop_var = [(child['prop_bone'], child['prop_id'])] for i, (parent, parent_name) in enumerate(child['parent_bones']): expr = 'var == %d' % (i+1) self.make_driver(con.targets[i], 'weight', expression=expr, variables=prop_var) # Add copy constraints copy = child['copy'] if copy[0]: self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_LOCATION', copy[0]) if copy[1]: self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_ROTATION', copy[1]) if copy[2]: self.make_constraint(mch, 'COPY_SCALE', copy[2]) SCRIPT_REGISTER_OP_SWITCH_PARENT = ['POSE_OT_rigify_switch_parent', 'POSE_OT_rigify_switch_parent_bake'] SCRIPT_UTILITIES_OP_SWITCH_PARENT = [''' ################################ ## Switchable Parent operator ## ################################ class RigifySwitchParentBase: bone: StringProperty(name="Control Bone") prop_bone: StringProperty(name="Property Bone") prop_id: StringProperty(name="Property") parent_names: StringProperty(name="Parent Names") locks: bpy.props.BoolVectorProperty(name="Locked", size=3, default=[False,False,False]) parent_items = [('0','None','None')] selected: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Selected Parent', items=lambda s,c: RigifySwitchParentBase.parent_items ) def save_frame_state(self, context, obj): return get_transform_matrix(obj, self.bone, with_constraints=False) def apply_frame_state(self, context, obj, old_matrix): # Change the parent set_custom_property_value( obj, self.prop_bone, self.prop_id, int(self.selected), keyflags=self.keyflags_switch ) context.view_layer.update() # Set the transforms to restore position set_transform_from_matrix( obj, self.bone, old_matrix, keyflags=self.keyflags, no_loc=self.locks[0], no_rot=self.locks[1], no_scale=self.locks[2] ) def init_invoke(self, context): pose = context.active_object.pose if (not pose or not self.parent_names or self.bone not in pose.bones or self.prop_bone not in pose.bones or self.prop_id not in pose.bones[self.prop_bone]):{'ERROR'}, "Invalid parameters") return {'CANCELLED'} parents = json.loads(self.parent_names) pitems = [(str(i), name, name) for i, name in enumerate(parents)] RigifySwitchParentBase.parent_items = pitems self.selected = str(pose.bones[self.prop_bone][self.prop_id]) class POSE_OT_rigify_switch_parent(RigifySwitchParentBase, RigifySingleUpdateMixin, bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "pose.rigify_switch_parent_" + rig_id bl_label = "Switch Parent (Keep Transform)" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} bl_description = "Switch parent, preserving the bone position and orientation" def draw(self, _context): col = self.layout.column() col.prop(self, 'selected', expand=True) class POSE_OT_rigify_switch_parent_bake(RigifySwitchParentBase, RigifyBakeKeyframesMixin, bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "pose.rigify_switch_parent_bake_" + rig_id bl_label = "Apply Switch Parent To Keyframes" bl_description = "Switch parent over a frame range, adjusting keys to preserve the bone position and orientation" def execute_scan_curves(self, context, obj): return self.bake_add_bone_frames(self.bone, transform_props_with_locks(*self.locks)) def execute_before_apply(self, context, obj, range, range_raw): self.bake_replace_custom_prop_keys_constant(self.prop_bone, self.prop_id, int(self.selected)) def draw(self, context): self.layout.prop(self, 'selected', text='') ''']