# gpl author: Ryan Inch (Imaginer) from bpy.types import ( Operator, Menu, ) from . import utils_core class BrushCurveMenu(Menu): bl_label = "Curve" bl_idname = "VIEW3D_MT_sv3_brush_curve_menu" @classmethod def poll(self, context): return utils_core.get_mode() in ( 'SCULPT', 'VERTEX_PAINT', 'WEIGHT_PAINT', 'TEXTURE_PAINT', 'PARTICLE_EDIT' ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout curves = (("Smooth", "SMOOTH", "SMOOTHCURVE"), ("Sphere", "ROUND", "SPHERECURVE"), ("Root", "ROOT", "ROOTCURVE"), ("Sharp", "SHARP", "SHARPCURVE"), ("Linear", "LINE", "LINCURVE"), ("Constant", "MAX", "NOCURVE")) # add the top slider layout.row().operator(CurvePopup.bl_idname, icon="RNDCURVE") layout.row().separator() # add the rest of the menu items for curve in curves: item = layout.row().operator("brush.curve_preset", text=curve[0], icon=curve[2]) item.shape = curve[1] class CurvePopup(Operator): bl_label = "Adjust Curve" bl_idname = "view3d.sv3_curve_popup" bl_options = {'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(self, context): return utils_core.get_mode() in ( 'SCULPT', 'VERTEX_PAINT', 'WEIGHT_PAINT', 'TEXTURE_PAINT' ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout has_brush = utils_core.get_brush_link(context, types="brush") if utils_core.get_mode() == 'SCULPT' or \ utils_core.get_mode() == 'VERTEX_PAINT' or \ utils_core.get_mode() == 'WEIGHT_PAINT' or \ utils_core.get_mode() == 'TEXTURE_PAINT': if has_brush: layout.column().template_curve_mapping(has_brush, "curve", brush=True) else: layout.row().label("No brushes available", icon="INFO") else: layout.row().label("No brushes available", icon="INFO") def execute(self, context): return context.window_manager.invoke_popup(self, width=180)