from bpy.props import * from .Utils.core import * airbrush = 'AIRBRUSH' anchored = 'ANCHORED' space = 'SPACE' drag_dot = 'DRAG_DOT' dots = 'DOTS' line = 'LINE' curve = 'CURVE' class StrokeOptionsMenu(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Stroke Options" bl_idname = "VIEW3D_MT_sv3_stroke_options" @classmethod def poll(self, context): if get_mode() in [sculpt, vertex_paint, weight_paint, texture_paint, particle_edit]: return True else: return False def init(self): if get_mode() == sculpt: settings = bpy.context.tool_settings.sculpt brush = settings.brush if > (2, 71): stroke_method = brush.stroke_method else: stroke_method = brush.sculpt_stroke_method elif get_mode() == texture_paint: settings = bpy.context.tool_settings.image_paint brush = settings.brush stroke_method = brush.stroke_method else: settings = bpy.context.tool_settings.vertex_paint brush = settings.brush stroke_method = brush.stroke_method return settings, brush, stroke_method def draw(self, context): settings, brush, stroke_method = self.init() menu = Menu(self) menu.add_item().menu(StrokeMethodMenu.bl_idname) menu.add_item().separator() if stroke_method == space: menu.add_item().prop(brush, "spacing", text=PIW+"Spacing", slider=True) elif stroke_method == airbrush: menu.add_item().prop(brush, "rate", text=PIW+"Rate", slider=True) elif stroke_method == anchored: menu.add_item().prop(brush, "use_edge_to_edge") else: pass if get_mode() == sculpt and stroke_method in [drag_dot, anchored]: pass else: menu.add_item().prop(brush, "jitter", text=PIW+"Jitter", slider=True) menu.add_item().prop(settings, "input_samples", text=PIW+"Input Samples", slider=True) if stroke_method in [dots, space, airbrush]: menu.add_item().separator() menu.add_item().prop(brush, "use_smooth_stroke", toggle=True) if brush.use_smooth_stroke: menu.add_item().prop(brush, "smooth_stroke_radius", text=PIW+"Radius", slider=True) menu.add_item().prop(brush, "smooth_stroke_factor", text=PIW+"Factor", slider=True) class StrokeMethodMenu(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Stroke Method" bl_idname = "VIEW3D_MT_sv3_stroke_method" def init(self): if get_mode() == sculpt: brush = bpy.context.tool_settings.sculpt.brush path = "tool_settings.sculpt.brush.stroke_method" elif get_mode() == texture_paint: brush = bpy.context.tool_settings.image_paint.brush path = "tool_settings.image_paint.brush.stroke_method" else: brush = bpy.context.tool_settings.vertex_paint.brush path = "tool_settings.vertex_paint.brush.stroke_method" return brush, path def draw(self, context): brush, path = self.init() menu = Menu(self) menu.add_item().label(text="Stroke Method") menu.add_item().separator() # add the menu items dynamicaly based on values in enum property for tool in['stroke_method'].enum_items: if tool.identifier in [anchored, drag_dot] and get_mode() in [vertex_paint, weight_paint]: continue menuprop(menu.add_item(),, tool.identifier, path, icon='RADIOBUT_OFF', disable=True, disable_icon='RADIOBUT_ON')