# gpl author: Ryan Inch (Imaginer) import bpy get_addon_name = 'space_view3d_brush_menus' # Property Icon Width PIW = ' ' # check for (currently) brushes being linked def get_brush_link(context, types="brush"): tool_settings = context.tool_settings has_brush = None if get_mode() == 'SCULPT': datapath = tool_settings.sculpt elif get_mode() == 'VERTEX_PAINT': datapath = tool_settings.vertex_paint elif get_mode() == 'WEIGHT_PAINT': datapath = tool_settings.weight_paint elif get_mode() == 'TEXTURE_PAINT': datapath = tool_settings.image_paint else: datapath = None if types == "brush": has_brush = getattr(datapath, "brush", None) return has_brush # Addon settings def addon_settings(lists=True): # separate function just for more convenience addon = bpy.context.preferences.addons[get_addon_name] colum_n = addon.preferences.column_set if addon else 1 use_list = addon.preferences.use_brushes_menu_type return use_list if lists else colum_n def error_handlers(self, op_name, error, reports="ERROR", func=False): if self and reports: self.report({'WARNING'}, reports + " (See Console for more info)") is_func = "Function" if func else "Operator" print("\n[Sculpt/Paint Brush Menus]\n{}: {}\nError: {}\n".format(is_func, op_name, error)) # Object modes: # 'OBJECT' 'EDIT' 'SCULPT' # 'VERTEX_PAINT' 'WEIGHT_PAINT' 'TEXTURE_PAINT' # 'PARTICLE_EDIT' 'POSE' 'GPENCIL_EDIT' def get_mode(): try: if bpy.context.gpencil_data and \ bpy.context.object.mode == 'OBJECT' and \ bpy.context.scene.grease_pencil.use_stroke_edit_mode: return 'GPENCIL_EDIT' else: return bpy.context.object.mode except: return None def menuprop(item, name, value, data_path, icon='NONE', disable=False, disable_icon=None, custom_disable_exp=None, method=None, path=False): # disable the ui if disable: disabled = False # used if you need a custom expression to disable the ui if custom_disable_exp: if custom_disable_exp[0] == custom_disable_exp[1]: item.enabled = False disabled = True # check if the ui should be disabled for numbers elif isinstance(eval("bpy.context.{}".format(data_path)), float): if round(eval("bpy.context.{}".format(data_path)), 2) == value: item.enabled = False disabled = True # check if the ui should be disabled for anything else else: if eval("bpy.context.{}".format(data_path)) == value: item.enabled = False disabled = True # change the icon to the disable_icon if the ui has been disabled if disable_icon and disabled: icon = disable_icon # creates the menu item prop = item.operator("wm.context_set_value", text=name, icon=icon) # sets what the menu item changes if path: prop.value = value value = eval(value) elif type(value) == str: prop.value = "'{}'".format(value) else: prop.value = '{}'.format(value) # sets the path to what is changed prop.data_path = data_path