### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import bpy from bpy.types import Operator, Menu from bl_operators.presets import AddPresetBase import os from .sun_calc import (format_lat_long, format_time, format_hms, sun) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Choice list of places, month and day at 12:00 noon # ------------------------------------------------------------------- class SUNPOS_MT_Presets(Menu): bl_label = "Sun Position Presets" preset_subdir = "operator/sun_position" preset_operator = "script.execute_preset" draw = Menu.draw_preset class SUNPOS_OT_AddPreset(AddPresetBase, Operator): '''Add Sun Position preset''' bl_idname = "world.sunpos_add_preset" bl_label = "Add Sun Position preset" preset_menu = "SUNPOS_MT_Presets" # variable used for all preset values preset_defines = [ "sun_props = bpy.context.scene.sun_pos_properties" ] # properties to store in the preset preset_values = [ "sun_props.day", "sun_props.month", "sun_props.time", "sun_props.year", "sun_props.UTC_zone", "sun_props.use_daylight_savings", "sun_props.latitude", "sun_props.longitude", ] # where to store the preset preset_subdir = "operator/sun_position" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Draw the Sun Panel, sliders, et. al. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- class SUNPOS_PT_Panel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES" bl_region_type = "WINDOW" bl_context = "world" bl_label = "Sun Position" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} def draw(self, context): sp = context.scene.sun_pos_properties p = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences layout = self.layout self.draw_panel(context, sp, p, layout) def draw_panel(self, context, sp, p, layout): col = self.layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Usage mode:") row = col.row() row.prop(sp, "usage_mode", expand=True) col.separator() if sp.usage_mode == "HDR": self.draw_environ_mode_panel(context, sp, p, layout) else: self.draw_normal_mode_panel(context, sp, p, layout) def draw_environ_mode_panel(self, context, sp, p, layout): flow = layout.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=0, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) col = flow.column(align=True) col.label(text="Environment texture:") if context.scene.world is not None: if context.scene.world.node_tree is not None: col.prop_search(sp, "hdr_texture", context.scene.world.node_tree, "nodes") col.prop_search(sp, "sky_texture", context.scene.world.node_tree, "nodes") else: col.label(text="Please activate Use Nodes in the World panel.", icon="ERROR") else: col.label(text="Please select World in the World panel.", icon="ERROR") col.separator() col = flow.column(align=True) col.label(text="Sun object:") col.prop_search(sp, "sun_object", context.view_layer, "objects", text="") col.separator() col = flow.column(align=True) col.prop(sp, "sun_distance") if not sp.bind_to_sun: col.prop(sp, "hdr_elevation") col.prop(sp, "hdr_azimuth") col.separator() col = flow.column(align=True) if sp.bind_to_sun: prop_text="Release binding" else: prop_text="Bind Texture to Sun " col.prop(sp, "bind_to_sun", toggle=True, icon="CONSTRAINT", text=prop_text) row = col.row(align=True) row.enabled = not sp.bind_to_sun row.operator("world.sunpos_show_hdr", icon='LIGHT_SUN') def draw_normal_mode_panel(self, context, sp, p, layout): if p.show_time_place: row = layout.row(align=True) row.menu(SUNPOS_MT_Presets.__name__, text=SUNPOS_MT_Presets.bl_label) row.operator(SUNPOS_OT_AddPreset.bl_idname, text="", icon='ADD') row.operator(SUNPOS_OT_AddPreset.bl_idname, text="", icon='REMOVE').remove_active = True col = layout.column(align=True) col.use_property_split = True col.use_property_decorate = False col.prop(sp, "sun_object") col.separator() col.prop(sp, "object_collection") if sp.object_collection: col.prop(sp, "object_collection_type") if sp.object_collection_type == 'DIURNAL': col.prop(sp, "time_spread") col.separator() if context.scene.world is not None: if context.scene.world.node_tree is not None: col.prop_search(sp, "sky_texture", context.scene.world.node_tree, "nodes") else: col.label(text="Please activate Use Nodes in the World panel.", icon="ERROR") else: col.label(text="Please select World in the World panel.", icon="ERROR") class SUNPOS_PT_Location(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES" bl_region_type = "WINDOW" bl_context = "world" bl_label = "Location" bl_parent_id = "SUNPOS_PT_Panel" @classmethod def poll(self, context): sp = context.scene.sun_pos_properties return sp.usage_mode != "HDR" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sp = context.scene.sun_pos_properties p = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Enter coordinates:") col.prop(sp, "co_parser", text='', icon='URL') layout.separator() flow = layout.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=0, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) col = flow.column(align=True) col.prop(sp, "latitude") if p.show_dms: row = col.row() row.alignment = 'RIGHT' row.label(text=format_lat_long(sp.latitude, True)) col = flow.column(align=True) col.prop(sp, "longitude") if p.show_dms: row = col.row() row.alignment = 'RIGHT' row.label(text=format_lat_long(sp.longitude, False)) col.separator() if p.show_north: col = flow.column(align=True) col.prop(sp, "show_north", toggle=True) col.prop(sp, "north_offset") col.separator() if p.show_az_el: col = flow.column(align=True) row = col.row() row.alignment = 'RIGHT' row.label(text="Azimuth: " + str(round(sun.azimuth, 3)) + "°") row = col.row() row.alignment = 'RIGHT' row.label(text="Elevation: " + str(round(sun.elevation, 3)) + "°") col.separator() if p.show_refraction: col = flow.column() col.prop(sp, "use_refraction") col.separator() col = flow.column() col.prop(sp, "sun_distance") class SUNPOS_PT_Time(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES" bl_region_type = "WINDOW" bl_context = "world" bl_label = "Time" bl_parent_id = "SUNPOS_PT_Panel" @classmethod def poll(self, context): sp = context.scene.sun_pos_properties return sp.usage_mode != "HDR" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sp = context.scene.sun_pos_properties p = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences flow = layout.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=0, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) col = flow.column(align=True) col.prop(sp, "use_day_of_year", icon='SORTTIME') if sp.use_day_of_year: col.prop(sp, "day_of_year") else: col.prop(sp, "day") col.prop(sp, "month") col.prop(sp, "year") col.separator() col = flow.column(align=True) col.prop(sp, "time") col.prop(sp, "UTC_zone") if p.show_daylight_savings: col.prop(sp, "use_daylight_savings") col.separator() col = flow.column(align=True) lt = format_time(sp.time, p.show_daylight_savings and sp.use_daylight_savings, sp.longitude) ut = format_time(sp.time, p.show_daylight_savings and sp.use_daylight_savings, sp.longitude, sp.UTC_zone) col.alignment = 'CENTER' col.label(text="Local: " + lt, icon='TIME') col.label(text=" UTC: " + ut, icon='PREVIEW_RANGE') col.separator() col = flow.column(align=True) col.alignment = 'CENTER' if p.show_rise_set: sr = format_hms(sun.sunrise.time) ss = format_hms(sun.sunset.time) tsr = "Sunrise: " + sr tss = " Sunset: " + ss col.label(text=tsr, icon='LIGHT_SUN') col.label(text=tss, icon='SOLO_ON')