# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # bl_info = { "name": "Manage UI translations", "author": "Bastien Montagne", "version": (1, 3, 2), "blender": (2, 92, 0), "location": "Main \"File\" menu, text editor, any UI control", "description": "Allows managing UI translations directly from Blender " "(update main .po files, update scripts' translations, etc.)", "warning": "Still in development, not all features are fully implemented yet!", "doc_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Doc/How_to/Translate_Blender", "support": 'OFFICIAL', "category": "System", } if "bpy" in locals(): import importlib importlib.reload(settings) importlib.reload(edit_translation) importlib.reload(update_svn) importlib.reload(update_addon) importlib.reload(update_ui) else: import bpy from . import ( settings, edit_translation, update_svn, update_addon, update_ui, ) classes = settings.classes + edit_translation.classes + update_svn.classes + update_addon.classes + update_ui.classes def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) bpy.types.WindowManager.i18n_update_svn_settings = \ bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=update_ui.I18nUpdateTranslationSettings) # Init addon's preferences (unfortunately, as we are using an external storage for the properties, # the load/save user preferences process has no effect on them :( ). if __name__ in bpy.context.preferences.addons: pref = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences import os if os.path.isfile(pref.persistent_data_path): pref._settings.load(pref.persistent_data_path, reset=True) def unregister(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) del bpy.types.WindowManager.i18n_update_svn_settings