# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # import os import shutil if "bpy" in locals(): import importlib importlib.reload(settings) importlib.reload(utils_i18n) else: import bpy from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, EnumProperty, StringProperty, ) from . import settings from bl_i18n_utils import utils as utils_i18n # A global cache for I18nMessages objects, as parsing po files takes a few seconds. PO_CACHE = {} def _get_messages(lang, fname): if fname not in PO_CACHE: PO_CACHE[fname] = utils_i18n.I18nMessages(uid=lang, kind='PO', key=fname, src=fname, settings=settings.settings) return PO_CACHE[fname] class UI_OT_i18n_edittranslation_update_mo(Operator): """Try to "compile" given po file into relevant blender.mo file""" """(WARNING: it will replace the official mo file in your user dir!)""" bl_idname = "ui.i18n_edittranslation_update_mo" bl_label = "Edit Translation Update Mo" # Operator Arguments lang: StringProperty( description="Current (translated) language", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) po_file: StringProperty( description="Path to the matching po file", subtype='FILE_PATH', options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) clean_mo: BoolProperty( description="Remove all local translation files, to be able to use the system ones again", default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) # /End Operator Arguments def execute(self, context): if self.clean_mo: root = bpy.utils.user_resource('DATAFILES', path=settings.settings.MO_PATH_ROOT_RELATIVE) if root: shutil.rmtree(root) elif not (self.lang and self.po_file): return {'CANCELLED'} else: mo_dir = bpy.utils.user_resource( 'DATAFILES', path=settings.settings.MO_PATH_TEMPLATE_RELATIVE.format(self.lang), create=True, ) mo_file = os.path.join(mo_dir, settings.settings.MO_FILE_NAME) _get_messages(self.lang, self.po_file).write(kind='MO', dest=mo_file) bpy.ops.ui.reloadtranslation() return {'FINISHED'} class UI_OT_i18n_edittranslation(Operator): """Translate the label and tooltip of the given property""" bl_idname = "ui.edittranslation" bl_label = "Edit Translation" # Operator Arguments but_label: StringProperty( description="Label of the control", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) rna_label: StringProperty( description="RNA-defined label of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) enum_label: StringProperty( description="Label of the enum item of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) but_tip: StringProperty( description="Tip of the control", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) rna_tip: StringProperty( description="RNA-defined tip of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) enum_tip: StringProperty( description="Tip of the enum item of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) rna_struct: StringProperty( description="Identifier of the RNA struct, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) rna_prop: StringProperty( description="Identifier of the RNA property, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) rna_enum: StringProperty( description="Identifier of the RNA enum item, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) rna_ctxt: StringProperty( description="RNA context for label", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) lang: StringProperty( description="Current (translated) language", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) po_file: StringProperty( description="Path to the matching po file", subtype='FILE_PATH', options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) # Found in po file. org_but_label: StringProperty( description="Original label of the control", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) org_rna_label: StringProperty( description="Original RNA-defined label of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) org_enum_label: StringProperty( description="Original label of the enum item of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) org_but_tip: StringProperty( description="Original tip of the control", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) org_rna_tip: StringProperty( description="Original RNA-defined tip of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) org_enum_tip: StringProperty( description="Original tip of the enum item of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) flag_items = ( ('FUZZY', "Fuzzy", "Message is marked as fuzzy in po file"), ('ERROR', "Error", "Some error occurred with this message"), ) but_label_flags: EnumProperty( description="Flags about the label of the button", items=flag_items, options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'}, ) rna_label_flags: EnumProperty( description="Flags about the RNA-defined label of the button", items=flag_items, options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'}, ) enum_label_flags: EnumProperty( description="Flags about the RNA enum item label of the button", items=flag_items, options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'}, ) but_tip_flags: EnumProperty( description="Flags about the tip of the button", items=flag_items, options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'}, ) rna_tip_flags: EnumProperty( description="Flags about the RNA-defined tip of the button", items=flag_items, options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'}, ) enum_tip_flags: EnumProperty( description="Flags about the RNA enum item tip of the button", items=flag_items, options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'}, ) stats_str: StringProperty( description="Stats from opened po", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) update_po: BoolProperty( description="Update po file, try to rebuild mo file, and refresh Blender's UI", default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) update_mo: BoolProperty( description="Try to rebuild mo file, and refresh Blender's UI", default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) clean_mo: BoolProperty( description="Remove all local translation files, to be able to use the system ones again", default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) # /End Operator Arguments def execute(self, context): if not hasattr(self, "msgmap"): self.report('ERROR', "invoke() needs to be called before execute()") return {'CANCELLED'} msgs = _get_messages(self.lang, self.po_file) done_keys = set() for mmap in self.msgmap.values(): if 'ERROR' in getattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"]): continue k = mmap["key"] if k not in done_keys and len(k) == 1: k = tuple(k)[0] msgs.msgs[k].msgstr = getattr(self, mmap["msgstr"]) msgs.msgs[k].is_fuzzy = 'FUZZY' in getattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"]) done_keys.add(k) if self.update_po: # Try to overwrite .po file, may fail if there are no permissions. try: msgs.write(kind='PO', dest=self.po_file) except Exception as e: self.report('ERROR', "Could not write to po file ({})".format(str(e))) # Always invalidate reverse messages cache afterward! msgs.invalidate_reverse_cache() if self.update_mo: lang = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.po_file))[0] bpy.ops.ui.i18n_edittranslation_update_mo(po_file=self.po_file, lang=lang) elif self.clean_mo: bpy.ops.ui.i18n_edittranslation_update_mo(clean_mo=True) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): self.msgmap = { "but_label": { "msgstr": "but_label", "msgid": "org_but_label", "msg_flags": "but_label_flags", "key": set()}, "rna_label": { "msgstr": "rna_label", "msgid": "org_rna_label", "msg_flags": "rna_label_flags", "key": set()}, "enum_label": { "msgstr": "enum_label", "msgid": "org_enum_label", "msg_flags": "enum_label_flags", "key": set()}, "but_tip": { "msgstr": "but_tip", "msgid": "org_but_tip", "msg_flags": "but_tip_flags", "key": set()}, "rna_tip": { "msgstr": "rna_tip", "msgid": "org_rna_tip", "msg_flags": "rna_tip_flags", "key": set()}, "enum_tip": { "msgstr": "enum_tip", "msgid": "org_enum_tip", "msg_flags": "enum_tip_flags", "key": set()}, } msgs = _get_messages(self.lang, self.po_file) msgs.find_best_messages_matches(self, self.msgmap, self.rna_ctxt, self.rna_struct, self.rna_prop, self.rna_enum) msgs.update_info() self.stats_str = "{}: {} messages, {} translated.".format(os.path.basename(self.po_file), msgs.nbr_msgs, msgs.nbr_trans_msgs) for mmap in self.msgmap.values(): k = tuple(mmap["key"]) if k: if len(k) == 1: k = k[0] ctxt, msgid = k setattr(self, mmap["msgstr"], msgs.msgs[k].msgstr) setattr(self, mmap["msgid"], msgid) if msgs.msgs[k].is_fuzzy: setattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"], {'FUZZY'}) else: setattr(self, mmap["msgid"], "ERROR: Button label “{}” matches several messages in po file ({})!" "".format(self.but_label, k)) setattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"], {'ERROR'}) else: setattr(self, mmap["msgstr"], "") setattr(self, mmap["msgid"], "") wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=600) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text=self.stats_str) src, _a, _b = bpy.utils.make_rna_paths(self.rna_struct, self.rna_prop, self.rna_enum) if src: layout.label(text=" RNA Path: bpy.types." + src) if self.rna_ctxt: layout.label(text=" RNA Context: " + self.rna_ctxt) if self.org_but_label or self.org_rna_label or self.org_enum_label: # XXX Can't use box, labels are not enough readable in them :/ box = layout.box() box.label(text="Labels:") split = box.split(factor=0.15) col1 = split.column() col2 = split.column() if self.org_but_label: col1.label(text="Button Label:") row = col2.row() row.enabled = False if 'ERROR' in self.but_label_flags: row.alert = True else: col1.prop_enum(self, "but_label_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy") col2.prop(self, "but_label", text="") row.prop(self, "org_but_label", text="") if self.org_rna_label: col1.label(text="RNA Label:") row = col2.row() row.enabled = False if 'ERROR' in self.rna_label_flags: row.alert = True else: col1.prop_enum(self, "rna_label_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy") col2.prop(self, "rna_label", text="") row.prop(self, "org_rna_label", text="") if self.org_enum_label: col1.label(text="Enum Item Label:") row = col2.row() row.enabled = False if 'ERROR' in self.enum_label_flags: row.alert = True else: col1.prop_enum(self, "enum_label_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy") col2.prop(self, "enum_label", text="") row.prop(self, "org_enum_label", text="") if self.org_but_tip or self.org_rna_tip or self.org_enum_tip: # XXX Can't use box, labels are not enough readable in them :/ box = layout.box() box.label(text="Tool Tips:") split = box.split(factor=0.15) col1 = split.column() col2 = split.column() if self.org_but_tip: col1.label(text="Button Tip:") row = col2.row() row.enabled = False if 'ERROR' in self.but_tip_flags: row.alert = True else: col1.prop_enum(self, "but_tip_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy") col2.prop(self, "but_tip", text="") row.prop(self, "org_but_tip", text="") if self.org_rna_tip: col1.label(text="RNA Tip:") row = col2.row() row.enabled = False if 'ERROR' in self.rna_tip_flags: row.alert = True else: col1.prop_enum(self, "rna_tip_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy") col2.prop(self, "rna_tip", text="") row.prop(self, "org_rna_tip", text="") if self.org_enum_tip: col1.label(text="Enum Item Tip:") row = col2.row() row.enabled = False if 'ERROR' in self.enum_tip_flags: row.alert = True else: col1.prop_enum(self, "enum_tip_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy") col2.prop(self, "enum_tip", text="") row.prop(self, "org_enum_tip", text="") row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "update_po", text="Save to PO File", toggle=True) row.prop(self, "update_mo", text="Rebuild MO File", toggle=True) row.prop(self, "clean_mo", text="Erase Local MO files", toggle=True) classes = ( UI_OT_i18n_edittranslation_update_mo, UI_OT_i18n_edittranslation, )