# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # import os if "bpy" in locals(): import importlib importlib.reload(settings_i18n) else: import bpy from bpy.types import ( Operator, AddonPreferences, ) from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, StringProperty, ) from bl_i18n_utils import settings as settings_i18n settings = settings_i18n.I18nSettings() # Operators ################################################################### class UI_OT_i18n_settings_load(Operator): """Load translations' settings from a persistent JSon file""" bl_idname = "ui.i18n_settings_load" bl_label = "I18n Load Settings" bl_option = {'REGISTER'} # Operator Arguments filepath: StringProperty( subtype='FILE_PATH', description="Path to the saved settings file", ) filter_glob: StringProperty( default="*.json", options={'HIDDEN'} ) # /End Operator Arguments def invoke(self, context, event): if not self.properties.is_property_set("filepath"): context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} else: return self.execute(context) def execute(self, context): if not (self.filepath and settings): return {'CANCELLED'} settings.load(self.filepath, reset=True) return {'FINISHED'} class UI_OT_i18n_settings_save(Operator): """Save translations' settings in a persistent JSon file""" bl_idname = "ui.i18n_settings_save" bl_label = "I18n Save Settings" bl_option = {'REGISTER'} # Operator Arguments filepath: StringProperty( description="Path to the saved settings file", subtype='FILE_PATH', ) filter_glob: StringProperty( default="*.json", options={'HIDDEN'}, ) # /End Operator Arguments def invoke(self, context, event): if not self.properties.is_property_set("filepath"): context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} else: return self.execute(context) def execute(self, context): if not (self.filepath and settings): return {'CANCELLED'} settings.save(self.filepath) return {'FINISHED'} # Addon Preferences ########################################################### def _setattr(self, name, val): print(self, name, val) setattr(self, name, val) class UI_AP_i18n_settings(AddonPreferences): bl_idname = __name__.split(".")[0] # We want "top" module name! bl_option = {'REGISTER'} _settings = settings WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED: BoolProperty( name="Warn Msgid Not Capitalized", description="Warn about messages not starting by a capitalized letter (with a few allowed exceptions!)", default=True, get=lambda self: self._settings.WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED, set=lambda self, val: _setattr(self._settings, "WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED", val), ) GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE: StringProperty( name="Gettext 'msgfmt' executable", description="The gettext msgfmt 'compiler'. You’ll likely have to edit it if you’re under Windows", subtype='FILE_PATH', default="msgfmt", get=lambda self: self._settings.GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE, set=lambda self, val: setattr(self._settings, "GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE", val), ) FRIBIDI_LIB: StringProperty( name="Fribidi Library", description="The FriBidi C compiled library (.so under Linux, .dll under windows...), you’ll likely have " "to edit it if you’re under Windows, e.g. using the one included in svn's libraries repository", subtype='FILE_PATH', default="libfribidi.so.0", get=lambda self: self._settings.FRIBIDI_LIB, set=lambda self, val: setattr(self._settings, "FRIBIDI_LIB", val), ) SOURCE_DIR: StringProperty( name="Source Root", description="The Blender source root path", subtype='FILE_PATH', default="blender", get=lambda self: self._settings.SOURCE_DIR, set=lambda self, val: setattr(self._settings, "SOURCE_DIR", val), ) I18N_DIR: StringProperty( name="Translation Root", description="The bf-translation repository", subtype='FILE_PATH', default="i18n", get=lambda self: self._settings.I18N_DIR, set=lambda self, val: setattr(self._settings, "I18N_DIR", val), ) SPELL_CACHE: StringProperty( name="Spell Cache", description="A cache storing validated msgids, to avoid re-spellchecking them", subtype='FILE_PATH', default=os.path.join("/tmp", ".spell_cache"), get=lambda self: self._settings.SPELL_CACHE, set=lambda self, val: setattr(self._settings, "SPELL_CACHE", val), ) PY_SYS_PATHS: StringProperty( name="Import Paths", description="Additional paths to add to sys.path (';' separated)", default="", get=lambda self: self._settings.PY_SYS_PATHS, set=lambda self, val: setattr(self._settings, "PY_SYS_PATHS", val), ) persistent_data_path: StringProperty( name="Persistent Data Path", description="The name of a json file storing those settings (unfortunately, Blender's system " "does not work here)", subtype='FILE_PATH', default=os.path.join("ui_translate_settings.json"), ) _is_init = False def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text="WARNING: preferences are lost when add-on is disabled, be sure to use \"Save Persistent\" " "if you want to keep your settings!") layout.prop(self, "WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED") layout.prop(self, "GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE") layout.prop(self, "FRIBIDI_LIB") layout.prop(self, "SOURCE_DIR") layout.prop(self, "I18N_DIR") layout.prop(self, "SPELL_CACHE") layout.prop(self, "PY_SYS_PATHS") layout.separator() split = layout.split(factor=0.75) col = split.column() col.prop(self, "persistent_data_path") row = col.row() row.operator("ui.i18n_settings_save", text="Save").filepath = self.persistent_data_path row.operator("ui.i18n_settings_load", text="Load").filepath = self.persistent_data_path col = split.column() col.operator("ui.i18n_settings_save", text="Save Persistent To...") col.operator("ui.i18n_settings_load", text="Load Persistent From...") classes = ( UI_OT_i18n_settings_load, UI_OT_i18n_settings_save, UI_AP_i18n_settings, )