# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # if "bpy" in locals(): import importlib importlib.reload(action_map) importlib.reload(defaults) importlib.reload(properties) else: from . import action_map, defaults, properties import bpy from bpy.types import ( Gizmo, GizmoGroup, Operator, ) from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper, ImportHelper import bgl import math from math import radians from mathutils import Euler, Matrix, Quaternion, Vector import os.path ### Landmarks. class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_add(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_landmark_add" bl_label = "Add VR Landmark" bl_description = "Add a new VR landmark to the list and select it" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks landmarks.add() # select newly created set scene.vr_landmarks_selected = len(landmarks) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_from_camera(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_landmark_from_camera" bl_label = "Add VR Landmark from Camera" bl_description = "Add a new VR landmark from the active camera object to the list and select it" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): cam_selected = False vl_objects = bpy.context.view_layer.objects if vl_objects.active and vl_objects.active.type == 'CAMERA': cam_selected = True return cam_selected def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks cam = context.view_layer.objects.active lm = landmarks.add() lm.type = 'OBJECT' lm.base_pose_object = cam lm.name = "LM_" + cam.name # select newly created set scene.vr_landmarks_selected = len(landmarks) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_from_session(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_landmark_from_session" bl_label = "Add VR Landmark from Session" bl_description = "Add VR landmark from the viewer pose of the running VR session to the list and select it" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context) def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks wm = context.window_manager lm = landmarks.add() lm.type = "CUSTOM" scene.vr_landmarks_selected = len(landmarks) - 1 loc = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_location rot = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_rotation.to_euler() lm.base_pose_location = loc lm.base_pose_angle = rot[2] return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_camera_landmark_from_session(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_camera_landmark_from_session" bl_label = "Add Camera and VR Landmark from Session" bl_description = "Create a new Camera and VR Landmark from the viewer pose of the running VR session and select it" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context) def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks wm = context.window_manager lm = landmarks.add() lm.type = 'OBJECT' scene.vr_landmarks_selected = len(landmarks) - 1 loc = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_location rot = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_rotation.to_euler() cam = bpy.data.cameras.new("Camera_" + lm.name) new_cam = bpy.data.objects.new("Camera_" + lm.name, cam) scene.collection.objects.link(new_cam) new_cam.location = loc new_cam.rotation_euler = rot lm.base_pose_object = new_cam return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_update_vr_landmark(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.update_vr_landmark" bl_label = "Update Custom VR Landmark" bl_description = "Update the selected landmark from the current viewer pose in the VR session" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): selected_landmark = properties.VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context) return bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context) and selected_landmark.type == 'CUSTOM' def execute(self, context): wm = context.window_manager lm = properties.VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context) loc = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_location rot = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_rotation.to_euler() lm.base_pose_location = loc lm.base_pose_angle = rot # Re-activate the landmark to trigger viewer reset and flush landmark settings to the session settings. properties.vr_landmark_active_update(None, context) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_remove(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_landmark_remove" bl_label = "Remove VR Landmark" bl_description = "Delete the selected VR landmark from the list" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks if len(landmarks) > 1: landmark_selected_idx = scene.vr_landmarks_selected landmarks.remove(landmark_selected_idx) scene.vr_landmarks_selected -= 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_cursor_to_vr_landmark(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.cursor_to_vr_landmark" bl_label = "Cursor to VR Landmark" bl_description = "Move the 3D Cursor to the selected VR Landmark" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): lm = properties.VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context) if lm.type == 'SCENE_CAMERA': return context.scene.camera is not None elif lm.type == 'OBJECT': return lm.base_pose_object is not None return True def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene lm = properties.VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context) if lm.type == 'SCENE_CAMERA': lm_pos = scene.camera.location elif lm.type == 'OBJECT': lm_pos = lm.base_pose_object.location else: lm_pos = lm.base_pose_location scene.cursor.location = lm_pos return{'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_add_camera_from_vr_landmark(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.add_camera_from_vr_landmark" bl_label = "New Camera from VR Landmark" bl_description = "Create a new Camera from the selected VR Landmark" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene lm = properties.VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context) cam = bpy.data.cameras.new("Camera_" + lm.name) new_cam = bpy.data.objects.new("Camera_" + lm.name, cam) scene.collection.objects.link(new_cam) angle = lm.base_pose_angle new_cam.location = lm.base_pose_location new_cam.rotation_euler = (math.pi / 2, 0, angle) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_camera_to_vr_landmark(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.camera_to_vr_landmark" bl_label = "Scene Camera to VR Landmark" bl_description = "Position the scene camera at the selected landmark" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene.camera is not None def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene lm = properties.VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context) cam = scene.camera angle = lm.base_pose_angle cam.location = lm.base_pose_location cam.rotation_euler = (math.pi / 2, 0, angle) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_activate(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_landmark_activate" bl_label = "Activate VR Landmark" bl_description = "Change to the selected VR landmark from the list" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} index: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Index", options={'HIDDEN'}, ) def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene if self.index >= len(scene.vr_landmarks): return {'CANCELLED'} scene.vr_landmarks_active = ( self.index if self.properties.is_property_set( "index") else scene.vr_landmarks_selected ) return {'FINISHED'} ### Actions. class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmap_add(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionmap_add" bl_label = "Add VR Action Map" bl_description = "Add a new VR action map to the scene" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = session_settings.actionmaps.new("actionmap", False) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} # Select newly created actionmap. session_settings.selected_actionmap = len(session_settings.actionmaps) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmap_remove(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionmap_remove" bl_label = "Remove VR Action Map" bl_description = "Delete the selected VR action map from the scene" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} session_settings.actionmaps.remove(am) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmap_activate(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionmap_activate" bl_label = "Activate VR Action Map" bl_description = "Set the current VR action map for the session" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} index: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Index", options={'HIDDEN'}, ) def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings if (self.index >= len(session_settings.actionmaps)): return {'CANCELLED'} session_settings.active_actionmap = ( self.index if self.properties.is_property_set( "index") else session_settings.selected_actionmap ) action_map.vr_actionset_active_update(context) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmaps_defaults_load(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionmaps_defaults_load" bl_label = "Load Default VR Action Maps" bl_description = "Load default VR action maps" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings filepath = defaults.vr_get_default_config_path() if not action_map.vr_load_actionmaps(session_settings, filepath): return {'CANCELLED'} return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmaps_import(Operator, ImportHelper): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionmaps_import" bl_label = "Import VR Action Maps" bl_description = "Import VR action maps from configuration file" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} filter_glob: bpy.props.StringProperty( default='*.py', options={'HIDDEN'}, ) def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings filename, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filepath) if (ext != ".py"): return {'CANCELLED'} if not action_map.vr_load_actionmaps(session_settings, self.filepath): return {'CANCELLED'} return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmaps_export(Operator, ExportHelper): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionmaps_export" bl_label = "Export VR Action Maps" bl_description = "Export VR action maps to configuration file" bl_options = {'REGISTER'} filter_glob: bpy.props.StringProperty( default='*.py', options={'HIDDEN'}, ) filename_ext: bpy.props.StringProperty( default='.py', options={'HIDDEN'}, ) def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings filename, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filepath) if (ext != ".py"): return {'CANCELLED'} if not action_map.vr_save_actionmaps(session_settings, self.filepath): return {'CANCELLED'} return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmap_copy(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionmap_copy" bl_label = "Copy VR Action Map" bl_description = "Copy selected VR action map" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} # Copy actionmap. am_new = session_settings.actionmaps.new_from_actionmap(am) if not am_new: return {'CANCELLED'} # Select newly created actionmap. session_settings.selected_actionmap = len(session_settings.actionmaps) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmaps_clear(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionmaps_clear" bl_label = "Clear VR Action Maps" bl_description = "Delete all VR action maps from the scene" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings while session_settings.actionmaps: session_settings.actionmaps.remove(session_settings.actionmaps[0]) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_add(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_action_add" bl_label = "Add VR Action" bl_description = "Add a new VR action to the action map" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = am.actionmap_items.new("action", False) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} # Select newly created item. am.selected_item = len(am.actionmap_items) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_remove(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_action_remove" bl_label = "Remove VR Action" bl_description = "Delete the selected VR action from the action map" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} am.actionmap_items.remove(ami) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_copy(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_action_copy" bl_label = "Copy VR Action" bl_description = "Copy selected VR action" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} # Copy item. ami_new = am.actionmap_items.new_from_item(ami) if not ami_new: return {'CANCELLED'} # Select newly created item. am.selected_item = len(am.actionmap_items) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actions_clear(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actions_clear" bl_label = "Clear VR Actions" bl_description = "Delete all VR actions from the action map" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} while am.actionmap_items: am.actionmap_items.remove(am.actionmap_items[0]) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_user_path_add(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_action_user_path_add" bl_label = "Add User Path" bl_description = "Add a new user path to the VR action" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} user_path = ami.user_paths.new("/") if not user_path: return {'CANCELLED'} # Select newly created user path. ami.selected_user_path = len(ami.user_paths) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_user_path_remove(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_action_user_path_remove" bl_label = "Remove User Path" bl_description = "Delete the selected user path from the VR action" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} user_path = action_map.vr_actionmap_user_path_selected_get(ami) if not user_path: return {'CANCELLED'} ami.user_paths.remove(user_path) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_user_paths_clear(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_action_user_paths_clear" bl_label = "Clear User Paths" bl_description = "Delete all user paths from the VR action" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} while ami.user_paths: ami.user_paths.remove(ami.user_paths[0]) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_add(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionbinding_add" bl_label = "Add VR Action Binding" bl_description = "Add a new VR action binding to the action" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} amb = ami.bindings.new("binding", False) if not amb: return {'CANCELLED'} # Select newly created binding. ami.selected_binding = len(ami.bindings) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_remove(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionbinding_remove" bl_label = "Remove VR Action Binding" bl_description = "Delete the selected VR action binding from the action" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} amb = action_map.vr_actionmap_binding_selected_get(ami) if not amb: return {'CANCELLED'} ami.bindings.remove(amb) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_copy(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionbinding_copy" bl_label = "Copy VR Action Binding" bl_description = "Copy selected VR action binding" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} amb = action_map.vr_actionmap_binding_selected_get(ami) if not amb: return {'CANCELLED'} # Copy binding. amb_new = ami.bindings.new_from_binding(amb) if not amb_new: return {'CANCELLED'} # Select newly created binding. ami.selected_binding = len(ami.bindings) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbindings_clear(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionbindings_clear" bl_label = "Clear VR Action Bindings" bl_description = "Delete all VR action bindings from the action" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} while ami.bindings: ami.bindings.remove(ami.bindings[0]) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_component_path_add(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionbinding_component_path_add" bl_label = "Add Component Path" bl_description = "Add a new component path to the VR action binding" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} amb = action_map.vr_actionmap_binding_selected_get(ami) if not amb: return {'CANCELLED'} component_path = amb.component_paths.new("/") if not component_path: return {'CANCELLED'} # Select newly created component path. amb.selected_component_path = len(amb.component_paths) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_component_path_remove(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionbinding_component_path_remove" bl_label = "Remove Component Path" bl_description = "Delete the selected component path from the VR action binding" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} amb = action_map.vr_actionmap_binding_selected_get(ami) if not amb: return {'CANCELLED'} component_path = action_map.vr_actionmap_component_path_selected_get(amb) if not component_path: return {'CANCELLED'} amb.component_paths.remove(component_path) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_component_paths_clear(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_actionbinding_component_paths_clear" bl_label = "Clear Component Paths" bl_description = "Delete all component paths from the VR action binding" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings am = action_map.vr_actionmap_selected_get(session_settings) if not am: return {'CANCELLED'} ami = action_map.vr_actionmap_item_selected_get(am) if not ami: return {'CANCELLED'} amb = action_map.vr_actionmap_binding_selected_get(ami) if not amb: return {'CANCELLED'} while amb.component_paths: amb.component_paths.remove(amb.component_paths[0]) return {'FINISHED'} ### Motion capture. class VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_object_add(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_mocap_object_add" bl_label = "Add VR Motion Capture Object" bl_description = "Add a new VR motion capture object" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings mocap_ob = session_settings.mocap_objects.new(None) if not mocap_ob: return {'CANCELLED'} # Enable object binding by default. mocap_ob.enable = True context.scene.vr_mocap_objects.add() # Select newly created object. session_settings.selected_mocap_object = len(session_settings.mocap_objects) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_object_remove(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_mocap_object_remove" bl_label = "Remove VR Motion Capture Object" bl_description = "Delete the selected VR motion capture object" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings mocap_ob = properties.vr_mocap_object_selected_get(session_settings) if not mocap_ob: return {'CANCELLED'} context.scene.vr_mocap_objects.remove(session_settings.selected_mocap_object) session_settings.mocap_objects.remove(mocap_ob) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_objects_enable(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_mocap_objects_enable" bl_label = "Enable VR Motion Capture Objects" bl_description = "Enable all VR motion capture objects" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings for mocap_ob in session_settings.mocap_objects: mocap_ob.enable = True return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_objects_disable(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_mocap_objects_disable" bl_label = "Disable VR Motion Capture Objects" bl_description = "Disable all VR motion capture objects" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings for mocap_ob in session_settings.mocap_objects: mocap_ob.enable = False return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_objects_clear(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_mocap_objects_clear" bl_label = "Clear VR Motion Capture Objects" bl_description = "Delete all VR motion capture objects from the scene" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): session_settings = context.window_manager.xr_session_settings context.scene.vr_mocap_objects.clear() while session_settings.mocap_objects: session_settings.mocap_objects.remove(session_settings.mocap_objects[0]) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_object_help(Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.vr_mocap_object_help" bl_label = "Help" bl_description = "Display information about VR motion capture objects" bl_options = {'REGISTER'} def execute(self, context): info_header = "Common User Paths:" info_headset = "Headset - /user/head" info_left_controller = "Left Controller* - /user/hand/left" info_right_controller = "Right Controller* - /user/hand/right" info_note = "*Requires VR actions for controller poses" def draw(self, context): self.layout.label(text=info_header) self.layout.label(text=info_headset) self.layout.label(text=info_left_controller) self.layout.label(text=info_right_controller) self.layout.label(text=info_note) context.window_manager.popup_menu(draw, title="Motion Capture Objects", icon='INFO') return {'FINISHED'} ### Gizmos. class VIEW3D_GT_vr_camera_cone(Gizmo): bl_idname = "VIEW_3D_GT_vr_camera_cone" aspect = 1.0, 1.0 def draw(self, context): if not hasattr(self, "frame_shape"): aspect = self.aspect frame_shape_verts = ( (-aspect[0], -aspect[1], -1.0), (aspect[0], -aspect[1], -1.0), (aspect[0], aspect[1], -1.0), (-aspect[0], aspect[1], -1.0), ) lines_shape_verts = ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), frame_shape_verts[0], (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), frame_shape_verts[1], (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), frame_shape_verts[2], (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), frame_shape_verts[3], ) self.frame_shape = self.new_custom_shape( 'LINE_LOOP', frame_shape_verts) self.lines_shape = self.new_custom_shape( 'LINES', lines_shape_verts) # Ensure correct GL state (otherwise other gizmos might mess that up) bgl.glLineWidth(1) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) self.draw_custom_shape(self.frame_shape) self.draw_custom_shape(self.lines_shape) class VIEW3D_GT_vr_controller_grip(Gizmo): bl_idname = "VIEW_3D_GT_vr_controller_grip" def draw(self, context): bgl.glLineWidth(1) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) self.color = 0.422, 0.438, 0.446 self.draw_preset_circle(self.matrix_basis, axis='POS_X') self.draw_preset_circle(self.matrix_basis, axis='POS_Y') self.draw_preset_circle(self.matrix_basis, axis='POS_Z') class VIEW3D_GT_vr_controller_aim(Gizmo): bl_idname = "VIEW_3D_GT_vr_controller_aim" def draw(self, context): bgl.glLineWidth(1) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) self.color = 1.0, 0.2, 0.322 self.draw_preset_arrow(self.matrix_basis, axis='POS_X') self.color = 0.545, 0.863, 0.0 self.draw_preset_arrow(self.matrix_basis, axis='POS_Y') self.color = 0.157, 0.565, 1.0 self.draw_preset_arrow(self.matrix_basis, axis='POS_Z') class VIEW3D_GGT_vr_viewer_pose(GizmoGroup): bl_idname = "VIEW3D_GGT_vr_viewer_pose" bl_label = "VR Viewer Pose Indicator" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_options = {'3D', 'PERSISTENT', 'SCALE', 'VR_REDRAWS'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): view3d = context.space_data return ( view3d.shading.vr_show_virtual_camera and bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context) and not view3d.mirror_xr_session ) @staticmethod def _get_viewer_pose_matrix(context): wm = context.window_manager loc = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_location rot = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_rotation rotmat = Matrix.Identity(3) rotmat.rotate(rot) rotmat.resize_4x4() transmat = Matrix.Translation(loc) return transmat @ rotmat def setup(self, context): gizmo = self.gizmos.new(VIEW3D_GT_vr_camera_cone.bl_idname) gizmo.aspect = 1 / 3, 1 / 4 gizmo.color = gizmo.color_highlight = 0.2, 0.6, 1.0 gizmo.alpha = 1.0 self.gizmo = gizmo def draw_prepare(self, context): self.gizmo.matrix_basis = self._get_viewer_pose_matrix(context) class VIEW3D_GGT_vr_controller_poses(GizmoGroup): bl_idname = "VIEW3D_GGT_vr_controller_poses" bl_label = "VR Controller Poses Indicator" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_options = {'3D', 'PERSISTENT', 'SCALE', 'VR_REDRAWS'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): view3d = context.space_data return ( view3d.shading.vr_show_controllers and bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context) and not view3d.mirror_xr_session ) @staticmethod def _get_controller_pose_matrix(context, idx, is_grip, scale): wm = context.window_manager loc = None rot = None if is_grip: loc = wm.xr_session_state.controller_grip_location_get(context, idx) rot = wm.xr_session_state.controller_grip_rotation_get(context, idx) else: loc = wm.xr_session_state.controller_aim_location_get(context, idx) rot = wm.xr_session_state.controller_aim_rotation_get(context, idx) rotmat = Matrix.Identity(3) rotmat.rotate(Quaternion(Vector(rot))) rotmat.resize_4x4() transmat = Matrix.Translation(loc) scalemat = Matrix.Scale(scale, 4) return transmat @ rotmat @ scalemat def setup(self, context): for idx in range(2): self.gizmos.new(VIEW3D_GT_vr_controller_grip.bl_idname) self.gizmos.new(VIEW3D_GT_vr_controller_aim.bl_idname) for gizmo in self.gizmos: gizmo.aspect = 1 / 3, 1 / 4 gizmo.color_highlight = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 gizmo.alpha = 1.0 def draw_prepare(self, context): grip_idx = 0 aim_idx = 0 idx = 0 scale = 1.0 for gizmo in self.gizmos: is_grip = (gizmo.bl_idname == VIEW3D_GT_vr_controller_grip.bl_idname) if (is_grip): idx = grip_idx grip_idx += 1 scale = 0.1 else: idx = aim_idx aim_idx += 1 scale = 0.5 gizmo.matrix_basis = self._get_controller_pose_matrix(context, idx, is_grip, scale) class VIEW3D_GGT_vr_landmarks(GizmoGroup): bl_idname = "VIEW3D_GGT_vr_landmarks" bl_label = "VR Landmark Indicators" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_options = {'3D', 'PERSISTENT', 'SCALE'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): view3d = context.space_data return ( view3d.shading.vr_show_landmarks ) def setup(self, context): pass def draw_prepare(self, context): # first delete the old gizmos for g in self.gizmos: self.gizmos.remove(g) scene = context.scene landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks for lm in landmarks: if ((lm.type == 'SCENE_CAMERA' and not scene.camera) or (lm.type == 'OBJECT' and not lm.base_pose_object)): continue gizmo = self.gizmos.new(VIEW3D_GT_vr_camera_cone.bl_idname) gizmo.aspect = 1 / 3, 1 / 4 gizmo.color = gizmo.color_highlight = 0.2, 1.0, 0.6 gizmo.alpha = 1.0 self.gizmo = gizmo if lm.type == 'SCENE_CAMERA': cam = scene.camera lm_mat = cam.matrix_world if cam else Matrix.Identity(4) elif lm.type == 'OBJECT': lm_mat = lm.base_pose_object.matrix_world else: angle = lm.base_pose_angle raw_rot = Euler((radians(90.0), 0, angle)) rotmat = Matrix.Identity(3) rotmat.rotate(raw_rot) rotmat.resize_4x4() transmat = Matrix.Translation(lm.base_pose_location) lm_mat = transmat @ rotmat self.gizmo.matrix_basis = lm_mat classes = ( VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_add, VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_remove, VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_activate, VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_from_session, VIEW3D_OT_vr_camera_landmark_from_session, VIEW3D_OT_add_camera_from_vr_landmark, VIEW3D_OT_camera_to_vr_landmark, VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_from_camera, VIEW3D_OT_cursor_to_vr_landmark, VIEW3D_OT_update_vr_landmark, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmap_add, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmap_remove, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmap_activate, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmaps_defaults_load, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmaps_import, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmaps_export, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmap_copy, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionmaps_clear, VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_add, VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_remove, VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_copy, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actions_clear, VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_user_path_add, VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_user_path_remove, VIEW3D_OT_vr_action_user_paths_clear, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_add, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_remove, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_copy, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbindings_clear, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_component_path_add, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_component_path_remove, VIEW3D_OT_vr_actionbinding_component_paths_clear, VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_object_add, VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_object_remove, VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_objects_enable, VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_objects_disable, VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_objects_clear, VIEW3D_OT_vr_mocap_object_help, VIEW3D_GT_vr_camera_cone, VIEW3D_GT_vr_controller_grip, VIEW3D_GT_vr_controller_aim, VIEW3D_GGT_vr_viewer_pose, VIEW3D_GGT_vr_controller_poses, VIEW3D_GGT_vr_landmarks, ) def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) def unregister(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)