#!/bin/sh # # This script will prepare build environment with the same settings as release environment # # It will install two chroot environments: # - /home/buildbot_squeeze_i686 # - /home/buildbot_squeeze_x86_64 # which are used for 32bit and 64bit # # This sctipt will also create folder /home/sources where all dependent libraries sources are # downloading and compiling. # # Release builder scripts are stored in /home/sources/release-builder # See build_all.sh script for usage details # # This script was tested on debian squeeze and wheezy, should work on ubuntu as well # It wouldn't work on other distros # # TODO: # - It's still required manual copying of build configuration files to /home/sources/release-builder/config # - OSL is not set up yet # set -e NO_COLOR='\033[0m' EWHITE='\033[1;37m' ERED='\033[1;31m' CONFIRM="--i-really-do-know-what-im-doing" ERROR() { echo ${ERED}${@}${NO_COLOR} } INFO() { echo ${EWHITE}${@}${NO_COLOR} } if [ $# != 1 ]; then ERROR "Usage: $0 $CONFIRM" exit 1 fi if [ "$1" != "$CONFIRM" ]; then ERROR "Usage: $0 $CONFIRM" exit 1 fi DEBIAN_BRANCH="squeeze" DEBIAN_MIRROR="http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian" USER_ID=1000 # For now it's always /home, so we can setup schroot to map /sources to the same # path at both host and chroot systems (which is currently needed for release building script) ENV_PATH="/home" AMD64_PATH="$ENV_PATH/buildbot_${DEBIAN_BRANCH}_x86_64" I686_PATH="$ENV_PATH/buildbot_${DEBIAN_BRANCH}_i686" SOURCES_PATH="$ENV_PATH/sources" THREADS=$(nproc) # Force vpx be installed from the backports VPX_V="1.0.0-2~bpo60+1" BINUTILS_V="2.22" BINUTILS_FV="2.22-7.1" GCC_V="4.7_4.7.1" GCC_FV="4.7_4.7.1-7" OPENAL_V="1.14" DPKG_V="1.16.8" DEBHELPER_V="9" DEBHELPER_FV="9.20120909" JEMALLOC_V="3.1.0" SPNAV_V="0.2.2" FFMPEG_V="1.0" BOOST_V="1_51_0" PYTHON_V="3.3.0" PYTHIN_V_SHORT="3.3" OIIO_V="1.0.9" OCIO_V="1.0.7" MESA_V="8.0.5" OPENSSL_V="0.9.8o" OPENSSL_FV="0.9.8o-4squeeze13" CUDA_V="4.2.9" CUDA_DISTR="ubuntu10.04" CUDA_32="cudatoolkit_${CUDA_V}_linux_32_${CUDA_DISTR}.run" CUDA_64="cudatoolkit_${CUDA_V}_linux_64_${CUDA_DISTR}.run" INSTALL_RELEASE_BUILDER() { SOURCES_PATH=$1 RB=$SOURCES_PATH/release-builder if [ ! -d $RB ]; then INFO "Installing release building scripts" mkdir -p $RB cat << EOF > $RB/Readme.txt This directory contains scrips needed for automated release archive preparation config/: storage of scons configs for different platforms build_all.sh: script asks version to add to archive name and revision to compile, when script finished, there'll be 32 and 64 bit archives in current directory better to run this script from this directory do_build_all.sh: uses environment variables set by build_all.sh script (or other scripts) and launches compilation inside chroot environments chroot_compile.py: runs compilation process with giver parameters in chroots compile.py: script runs inside chroot environment and prepares archive blender-buildenv.tar.bz2: archive, received from Ken Hughes when i've been preparing new environment to make it as close to old one as it's possible Hope all this would help you. -Sergey- EOF cat << EOF > $RB/build_all.sh #!/bin/sh echo -n "version: " read version echo -n "svn revision (blank to latest, 0 to keep unchanged): " read revision export version export revision d=\`dirname \${0}\` \${d}/do_build_all.sh EOF chmod +x $RB/build_all.sh cat << EOF > $RB/build_all-test.sh #!/bin/sh d=\`dirname \${0}\` \${d}/do_build_all.sh EOF chmod +x $RB/build_all-test.sh cat << EOF > $RB/chroot-compile.py #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import platform from optparse import OptionParser # This could be passed through options, but does we actually need this? bl_source = '/home/sources/blender' build_dir = '/home/sources/blender-build/' install_dir = '/home/sources/blender-install/' with_player = True # Default config curr_arch = platform.architecture()[0] def_arch = 'x86_64' if curr_arch == '64bit' else 'i686' builder_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # XXX: bad thing! # builder_dir = builder_dir.replace("sources-new", "sources") def_cores = 1 if hasattr(os, 'sysconf'): if 'SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN' in os.sysconf_names: def_cores = os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN') # Per-architecture chroot name chroots = { 'i686': 'buildbot_squeeze_i686', 'x86_64': 'buildbot_squeeze_x86_64'} # Parse command line op = OptionParser() op.add_option('--tag', default = None) op.add_option('--branch', default = None) op.add_option('--arch', default = def_arch) op.add_option('--cores', default = def_cores) op.add_option('--bl-version', default = 'UNDEFINED') op.add_option('--no-clean', default = False) (opts, args) = op.parse_args() if opts.arch not in chroots: print('Error: No configured machine gound to build ' + '{0} version' . format(opts.arch)) sys.exit(1) chroot = chroots[opts.arch] if opts.tag: bl_source = '/home/sources/blender-tags/' + opts.tag elif opts.branch: bl_source = '/home/sources/blender-branches/' + opts.branch if not os.path.isdir(bl_source): print('Uname to find directory with sources: ' + bl_source) sys.exit(1) print('Building {0} version, machine is {1}' . format(opts.bl_version, opts.arch)) # Assume builder directory is binded to the same location in # chroot environments compiler = os.path.join(builder_dir, 'compile.py') cmd = 'schroot -c %s -d /home/sources/release-builder --' % (chroot) cmd += ' python %s' % (compiler) cmd += ' --bl-version=%s' % (opts.bl_version) cmd += ' --bl-source=%s' % (bl_source) cmd += ' --arch=%s' % (opts.arch) cmd += ' --build-dir=%s' % (build_dir) cmd += ' --install-dir=%s' % (install_dir) if opts.no_clean: cmd += ' --no-clean=1' if with_player: cmd += ' --with-player=1' #if opts.branch: # cmd += ' --use-new-ffmpeg=1' result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: print('compiler script exited with errcode: %s' % (result)) sys.exit(1) EOF chmod +x $RB/chroot-compile.py cat << EOF > $RB/compile.py #!/usr/bin/env python import platform import sys import os import shutil from optparse import OptionParser # Default config curr_arch = platform.architecture()[0] def_arch = 'x86_64' if curr_arch == '64bit' else 'i686' builder_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def_cores = 1 if hasattr(os, 'sysconf'): if 'SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN' in os.sysconf_names: def_cores = os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN') # Parse command line op = OptionParser() op.add_option('--arch', default = def_arch) op.add_option('--cores', default = def_cores) op.add_option('--no-clean', default = False) op.add_option('--bl-version', default = 'UNKNOWN') op.add_option('--bl-source', default = '') op.add_option('--config-dir', default = '') op.add_option('--build-dir', default = '') op.add_option('--install-dir', default = '') op.add_option('--with-player', default = False) #op.add_option('--use-new-ffmpeg', default = False) (opts, args) = op.parse_args() if opts.config_dir == '': opts.config_dir = os.path.join(builder_dir, 'config') # Initial directory checking (could be problems with permissions) if not os.path.isdir(opts.bl_source): print('Blender\'s source tree not found: %s' % (opts.bl_source)) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(opts.config_dir): print('Directory with configuration files not found: %s' % (opts.config_dir)) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(opts.build_dir)): print('Build directory can\'t be reached: %s' % (opts.build_dir)) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(opts.install_dir)): print('Install directory can\'t be reached: %s' % (opts.install_dir)) sys.exit(1) # Detect glibc version libc = [name for name in os.listdir('/lib') if 'libc.so.' in name] if len(libc) == 0: print('Could not find "/lib/libc.so.*": cannot determine glibc version') sys.exit(-1) if len(libc) > 1: print('warning: found more than one "/lib/libc.so.*": '+ 'using %s' % (libc[0])) glibc = 'glibc' + os.readlink('/lib/' + libc[0])[5:][:-3].replace('.', '') glibc = glibc[:8] # Full name for archive full_name = 'blender-%s-linux-%s-%s' % (opts.bl_version, glibc, opts.arch) build_dir = os.path.join(opts.build_dir, full_name) install_dir = os.path.join(opts.install_dir, full_name) scons = os.path.join(opts.bl_source, 'scons', 'scons.py') scons_cmd = 'python %s -C %s' % (scons, opts.bl_source) config = os.path.join(opts.config_dir, 'user-config-' + glibc + '-' + opts.arch + '.py') if not os.path.isfile(config): print('Configuration file not found: %s' % (config)) sys.exit(1) # Clean build directory if not opts.no_clean: print('Cleaning up build directory...') os.system('%s BF_BUILDDIR=%s clean ' % (scons_cmd, build_dir)) # Clean install directory if os.path.isdir(install_dir): shutil.rmtree(install_dir) flags = "" # Switch to newer libraries if needed #if opts.use_new_ffmpeg: # print("Using new ffmpeg-0.8.1") # flags += " BF_FFMPEG='/home/sources/staticlibs/ffmpeg-0.8'" # Build blenderplayer first # (to be sure all stuff needed for blender would copied automatically) if opts.with_player: player_config = os.path.join(opts.config_dir, 'user-config-player-' + glibc + '-' + opts.arch + '.py') if not os.path.isfile(player_config): print('Player configuration file not found: %s' % (player_config)) sys.exit(1) cmd = '%s -j %d blenderplayer ' % (scons_cmd, opts.cores + 1) cmd += ' BF_BUILDDIR=%s' % (build_dir + '-player') cmd += ' BF_INSTALLDIR=%s' % (install_dir) cmd += ' BF_CONFIG=%s' % (player_config) cmd += flags result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: print('Compilation failed, exit code is %d' % (result)) sys.exit(-1) # Build blender itself cmd = '%s -j %d blender ' % (scons_cmd, opts.cores + 1) cmd += ' BF_BUILDDIR=%s' % (build_dir) cmd += ' BF_INSTALLDIR=%s' % (install_dir) cmd += ' BF_CONFIG=%s' % (config) cmd += flags result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: print('Compilation failed, exit code is %d' % (result)) sys.exit(-1) blender = os.path.join(install_dir, 'blender') blenderplayer = blender + 'player' if not os.path.exists(blender): print('scons completed successfully but blender executable missing') sys.exit(1) if opts.with_player and not os.path.exists(blenderplayer): print('scons completed successfully but blenderplayer executable missing') sys.exit(1) # compile python modules #result = os.system('%s --background --python %s/source/tools/compile_scripts.py' % (blender, opts.bl_source)) #if result != 0: # print('Python modules compilation failed, exit code is %d' % (result)) # sys.exit(-1) print('build successful') os.system('strip -s %s %s' % (blender, blenderplayer)) # Copy all texts needed for release release_texts = os.path.join(opts.bl_source, 'release', 'text', '*') release_txt = os.path.join(install_dir, 'release_%s.txt' % (opts.bl_version)) os.system('cp -r %s %s' % (release_texts, install_dir)) if os.path.exists(release_txt): print 'RELEASE TEXT FOUND' else: print 'WARNING! RELEASE TEXT NOT FOUND!' # TODO: copy plugins data when ready # Add software gl libraries and scripts mesa_arch = None if opts.arch == 'x86_64': mesa_arch = 'mesalibs64.tar.bz2' elif opts.arch == 'i686': mesa_arch = 'mesalibs32.tar.bz2' if mesa_arch is not None: mesalibs = os.path.join(builder_dir, 'extra', mesa_arch) software_gl = os.path.join(builder_dir, 'extra', 'blender-softwaregl') os.system('tar -xpf %s -C %s' % (mesalibs, install_dir)) os.system('cp %s %s' % (software_gl, install_dir)) os.system('chmod 755 %s' % (os.path.join(install_dir, 'blender-softwaregl'))) # Pack release archive print("Building Dynamic Tarball") os.system('tar -C %s -cjf %s.tar.bz2 %s ' % (opts.install_dir, full_name, full_name)) print('Done.') EOF chmod +x $RB/compile.py cat << EOF > $RB/do_build_al.sh #!/bin/sh SOURCES="/home/sources" #opts="--cores=1 " opts="" if [ "x\${tag}" != "x" ]; then echo "Getting tagged source tree..." d="\${SOURCES}/blender-tags/\${tag}" opts="\${opts} --tag=\${tag}" if [ ! -d \${d} ]; then svn co https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/tags/\${tag}/blender/@\${revision} \${d} else svn up -r \${revision} \${d} fi elif [ "x\${branch}" != "x" ]; then echo "Getting branched source tree..." d="\${SOURCES}/blender-branches/\${branch}" opts="\${opts} --branch=\${branch}" if [ ! -d \${d} ]; then if [ "x\${revision}" != "x" ]; then svn co https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/branches/\${branch}/@\${revision} \${d} else svn co https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/branches/\${branch}/ \${d} fi else if [ "x\${revision}" != "x" ]; then svn up -r \${revision} \${d} else svn up \${d} fi fi else if [ "x\${revision}" != "x" ]; then if [ "x\${revision}" != "x0" ]; then svn up -r \${revision} \${SOURCES}/blender else svn up \${SOURCES}/blender fi fi fi if [ "x\${tag}" != "x" ]; then b="\${SOURCES}/blender-tags/\${tag}" elif [ "x\${branch}" != "x" ]; then b="\${SOURCES}/blender-branches/\${branch}" else b="\${SOURCES}/blender" fi if [ "x\${addons_revision}" != "x" ]; then d="\${b}/release/scripts/addons" if [ "x\${addons_revision}" != "x0" ]; then svn up -r \${addons_revision} \${d} else svn up \${d} fi fi if [ "x\${locale_revision}" != "x" ]; then d="\${b}/release/datafiles/locale" if [ "x\${locale_revision}" != "x0" ]; then svn up -r \${locale_revision} \${d} else svn up \${d} fi fi if [ -z "\$version" ]; then version=r\`/usr/bin/svnversion \$SOURCES/blender\` fi cd extra ./update-libs.sh cd .. python chroot-compile.py \${opts} --arch=x86_64 --bl-version \${version} # --no-clean=1 python chroot-compile.py \${opts} --arch=i686 --bl-version \${version} # --no-clean=1 EOF chmod +x $RB/do_build_al.sh mkdir -p $RB/extra cat << EOF > $RB/extra/blender-softwaregl #!/bin/sh BF_DIST_BIN=\`dirname "\$0"\` BF_PROGRAM="blender" # BF_PROGRAM=\`basename "\$0"\`-bin exitcode=0 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${BF_DIST_BIN}/lib:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} if [ -n "\$LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH" ]; then LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH=\${BF_DIST_BIN}/lib:\${LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH} fi if [ -n "\$LD_LIBRARYN64_PATH" ]; then LD_LIBRARYN64_PATH=\${BF_DIST_BIN}/lib:\${LD_LIBRARYN64_PATH} fi if [ -n "\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64=\${BF_DIST_BIN}/lib:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64} fi # Workaround for half-transparent windows when compiz is enabled XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH LD_LIBRARYN64_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 LD_PRELOAD XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS "\$BF_DIST_BIN/\$BF_PROGRAM" \${1+"\$@"} exitcode=\$? exit \$exitcode EOF chmod +x $RB/extra/blender-softwaregl cat << EOF > $RB/extra/do_update-libs.sh #!/bin/sh BITS=\$1 V="\`readlink /opt/lib/mesa | sed -r 's/mesa-//'\`" TMP=\`mktemp -d\` N="mesalibs\$1-\$V" if [ ! -f \$N.tar.bz2 ]; then mkdir -p \$TMP/lib cp -P /opt/lib/mesa/lib/libGL* \$TMP/lib strip -s \$TMP/lib/* tar -C \$TMP -cf \$N.tar lib bzip2 \$N.tar rm -f mesalibs\$BITS.tar,bz2 ln -s \$N.tar.bz2 mesalibs\$BITS.tar.bz2 fi rm -rf \$TMP EOF chmod +x $RB/extra/do_update-libs.sh cat << EOF > $RB/extra/update-libs.sh #!/bin/sh P="/home/sources/release-builder/extra" CHROOT_PREFIX="buildbot_squeeze_" CHROOT32="\${CHROOT_PREFIX}i686" CHROOT64="\${CHROOT_PREFIX}x86_64" RUN32="schroot -c \$CHROOT32 -d \$P" RUN64="schroot -c \$CHROOT64 -d \$P" \$RUN64 ./do_update-libs.sh 64 \$RUN32 ./do_update-libs.sh 32 EOF chmod +x $RB/extra/update-libs.sh mkdir -p $RB/config cp $SOURCES_PATH/blender/build_files/buildbot/config/* $RB/config fi } INSTALL_SOURCES() { SOURCES_PATH=$1 if [ ! -d "$SOURCES_PATH" ]; then INFO "Creating sources directory" mkdir -p "$SOURCES_PATH" fi if [ ! -d "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/binutils" ]; then INFO "Downloading binutils" mkdir -p "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/binutils" wget -c $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/b/binutils/binutils_$BINUTILS_FV.diff.gz \ $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/b/binutils/binutils_$BINUTILS_FV.dsc \ $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/b/binutils/binutils_$BINUTILS_V.orig.tar.gz \ -P "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/binutils" fi if [ ! -d "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/gcc-4.7" ]; then INFO "Downloading gcc-4.7" mkdir -p "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/gcc-4.7" wget -c $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/g/gcc-4.7/gcc-$GCC_FV.diff.gz \ $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/g/gcc-4.7/gcc-$GCC_FV.dsc \ $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/g/gcc-4.7/gcc-$GCC_V.orig.tar.gz \ -P "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/gcc-4.7" fi if [ ! -d "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/openssl" ]; then INFO "Downloading openssl" mkdir -p "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/openssl" wget -c $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/o/openssl/openssl_$OPENSSL_FV.debian.tar.gz \ $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/o/openssl/openssl_$OPENSSL_FV.dsc \ $DEBIAN_MIRROR/pool/main/o/openssl/openssl_$OPENSSL_V.orig.tar.gz \ -P "$SOURCES_PATH/backport/openssl" fi # JeMalloc J="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/jemalloc-$JEMALLOC_V" if [ ! -d "$J" ]; then INFO "Downloading jemalloc-$JEMALLOC_V" wget -c http://www.canonware.com/download/jemalloc/jemalloc-$JEMALLOC_V.tar.bz2 -P "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$J.tar.bz2" cat << EOF > "$J/0config.sh" #!/bin/sh ./configure CC="gcc-4.7 -Wl,--as-needed" CXX="g++-4.7 -Wl,--as-needed" LDFLAGS="-pthread -static-libgcc" --prefix=/opt/lib/jemalloc-$JEMALLOC_V EOF chmod +x "$J/0config.sh" fi # Spnav S="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/libspnav-$SPNAV_V" if [ ! -d "$S" ]; then wget -c http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/spacenav/spacenav%20library%20%28SDK%29/libspnav%200.2.2/libspnav-$SPNAV_V.tar.gz \ -P "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$S.tar.gz" cat << EOF > "$S/0config.sh" #!/bin/sh ./configure --prefix=/opt/lib/libspnav-$SPNAV_V EOF chmod +x "$S/0config.sh" fi # FFmpeg F="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_V" if [ ! -d "$F" ]; then INFO "Downloading FFmpeg-$FFMPEG_V" wget -c http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_V.tar.bz2 -P "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$F.tar.bz2" cat << EOF > "$F/0config.sh" #!/bin/sh ./configure \\ --cc="/usr/bin/gcc-4.7 -Wl,--as-needed" \\ --extra-ldflags="-pthread -static-libgcc" \\ --prefix=/opt/lib/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_V \\ --enable-static \\ --enable-avfilter \\ --disable-vdpau \\ --disable-bzlib \\ --disable-libgsm \\ --enable-libschroedinger \\ --disable-libspeex \\ --enable-libtheora \\ --enable-libvorbis \\ --enable-pthreads \\ --enable-zlib \\ --enable-libvpx \\ --enable-stripping \\ --enable-runtime-cpudetect \\ --disable-vaapi \\ --enable-libopenjpeg \\ --disable-libfaac \\ --disable-nonfree \\ --enable-gpl \\ --disable-postproc \\ --disable-x11grab \\ --enable-libmp3lame \\ --disable-librtmp \\ --enable-libx264 \\ --enable-libxvid \\ --disable-libopencore-amrnb \\ --disable-libopencore-amrwb \\ --disable-libdc1394 \\ --disable-version3 \\ --disable-outdev=sdl \\ --disable-outdev=alsa \\ --disable-indev=sdl \\ --disable-indev=alsa \\ --disable-indev=jack \\ --disable-indev=lavfi # --enable-debug # --disable-optimizations # --disable-ffplay EOF chmod +x "$F/0config.sh" fi # Boost B="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/boost_$BOOST_V" if [ ! -d "$B" ]; then INFO "Downloading Boost-$BOOST_V" b_d=`echo "$BOOST_V" | sed -r 's/_/./g'` wget -c http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/$b_d/boost_$BOOST_V.tar.bz2/download -O "$B.tar.bz2" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$B.tar.bz2" fi # Python P="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/Python-$PYTHON_V" if [ ! -d "$P" ]; then INFO "Downloading Python-$PYTHON_V" wget -c http://python.org/ftp/python/$PYTHON_V/Python-$PYTHON_V.tar.bz2 -P "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$P.tar.bz2" cat << EOF > "$P/0config.sh" #!/bin/sh # NOTE: this sounds strange, but make sure /dev/shm/ is writable by your user, # otherwise syncronization primitives wouldn't be included into python if [[ "\`stat -c '%a' /dev/shm/\`" != "777" ]]; then echo "Error checking syncronization primitives" exit 1 fi ./configure --prefix=/opt/lib/python-$PYTHON_V \\ --enable-ipv6 \\ --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions \\ --with-dbmliborder=bdb \\ --with-wide-unicode \\ --with-computed-gotos \\ --with-pymalloc EOF chmod +x "$P/0config.sh" fi # OpenImageIO O="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/OpenImageIO-$OIIO_V" if [ ! -d "$O" ]; then INFO "Downloading OpenImageIO-$OIIO_V" wget -c https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio/tarball/Release-$OIIO_V -O "$O.tar.gz" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$O.tar.gz" mv $SOURCES_PATH/packages/OpenImageIO-oiio* $O mkdir $O/build cat << EOF > "$O/build/prepare.sh" #!/bin/sh if file /bin/cp | grep -q '32-bit'; then cflags="-fPIC -m32 -march=i686" else cflags="-fPIC" fi cmake \\ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \\ -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/lib/oiio-$OIIO_V \\ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/lib/oiio-$OIIO_V \\ -D BUILDSTATIC=ON \\ -D USE_JASPER=OFF \\ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING="\${cflags}" \\ -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="\${cflags}" \\ -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-lgcc_s -lgcc' \\ -D BOOST_ROOT=/opt/lib/boost \\ ../src EOF chmod +x "$O/build/prepare.sh" fi # OpenColorIO O="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/OpenColorIO-$OCIO_V" if [ ! -d "$O" ]; then INFO "Downloading OpenColorIO-$OCIO_V" wget -c http://github.com/imageworks/OpenColorIO/tarball/v$OCIO_V -O "$O.tar.gz" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$O.tar.gz" mv $SOURCES_PATH/packages/imageworks-OpenColorIO* $O mkdir $O/build cat << EOF > "$O/build/prepare.sh" #!/bin/sh if file /bin/cp | grep -q '32-bit'; then cflags="-fPIC -m32 -march=i686" else cflags="-fPIC" fi cmake \\ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \\ -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/lib/ocio-1.0.7 \\ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/lib/ocio-1.0.7 \\ -D BUILDSTATIC=ON \\ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING="\${cflags}" \\ -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="\${cflags}" \\ -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-lgcc_s -lgcc' \\ .. EOF chmod +x "$O/build/prepare.sh" fi # Mesa M="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/Mesa-$MESA_V" if [ ! -d "$M" ]; then INFO "Downloading Mesa-$MESA_V" wget -c ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/$MESA_V/MesaLib-$MESA_V.tar.bz2 -P "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$SOURCES_PATH/packages/MesaLib-$MESA_V.tar.bz2" cat << EOF > "$M/0config.sh" #!/bin/sh OPTS="--with-driver=xlib \\ --disable-driglx-direct \\ --disable-egl \\ --enable-gallium-gbm=no \\ --enable-gallium-egl=no \\ --enable-gallium-llvm=no \\ --with-gallium-drivers=swrast \\ --with-dri-drivers=swrast \\ --prefix=/opt/lib/mesa-$MESA_V" if file /bin/cp | grep -q '32-bit'; then ./configure CC="gcc-4.7 -Wl,--as-needed" CXX="g++-4.7 -Wl,--as-needed" LDFLAGS="-pthread -static-libgcc" \${OPTS} --enable-32-bit #--build=i486-linux-gnu else ./configure CC="gcc-4.7 -Wl,--as-needed" CXX="g++-4.7 -Wl,--as-needed" LDFLAGS="-pthread -static-libgcc" \${OPTS} fi EOF chmod +x "$M/0config.sh" fi # OpenAL O="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/openal-soft-$OPENAL_V" if [ ! -d "$O" ]; then INFO "Downloading OpenAL-$OPENAL_V" wget -c http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal-releases/openal-soft-$OPENAL_V.tar.bz2 -P "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" tar -C "$SOURCES_PATH/packages" -xf "$SOURCES_PATH/packages/openal-soft-$OPENAL_V.tar.bz2" cat << EOF > "$O/build-openal.sh" #!/bin/sh DEB_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON \\ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/lib/openal-$OPENAL_V \\ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Release \\ -DALSOFT_CONFIG=ON \\ -DLIBTYPE=STATIC .. " BUILD_TREE=./build-tree rm -rf "\${BUILD_TREE}" mkdir -p "\${BUILD_TREE}" cd "\${BUILD_TREE}" sh -c "cmake \`echo \$DEB_CMAKE_OPTIONS\`" make -j$THREADS make install EOF chmod +x "$O/build-openal.sh" fi # OpenCollada O="$SOURCES_PATH/packages/opencollada" if [ ! -d "$O" ]; then INFO "Checking out OpenCollada sources" svn co http://opencollada.googlecode.com/svn/trunk $O cat << EOF > "$O/build_all.sh" #!/bin/sh scons RELEASE=0 NOVALIDATION=1 XMLPARSER=libxmlnative PCRENATIVE=1 SHAREDLIB=0 -j ${THREADS} --clean scons RELEASE=1 NOVALIDATION=1 XMLPARSER=libxmlnative PCRENATIVE=1 SHAREDLIB=0 -j ${THREADS} --clean scons RELEASE=0 NOVALIDATION=1 XMLPARSER=libxmlnative PCRENATIVE=1 SHAREDLIB=0 -j ${THREADS} scons RELEASE=1 NOVALIDATION=1 XMLPARSER=libxmlnative PCRENATIVE=1 SHAREDLIB=0 -j ${THREADS} EOF cat << EOF > "$O/prepare_lib-libxml.sh" #!/bin/bash src="./COLLADAStreamWriter/include ./COLLADABaseUtils/include ./COLLADABaseUtils/include/Math ./COLLADAFramework/include ./GeneratedSaxParser/include ./COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/include ./COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/include/generated14 ./COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/include/generated15" if [ -z \$1 ]; then arch="x86_64" else arch=\$1 fi libs="./GeneratedSaxParser/lib/posix/\${arch}/releaselibxml/libGeneratedSaxParser.a ./Externals/MathMLSolver/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libMathMLSolver.a ./COLLADABaseUtils/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libOpenCOLLADABaseUtils.a ./COLLADAFramework/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libOpenCOLLADAFramework.a ./COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/lib/posix/\${arch}/releaselibxmlNovalidation/libOpenCOLLADASaxFrameworkLoader.a ./COLLADAStreamWriter/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter.a ./Externals/UTF/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libUTF.a ./common/libBuffer/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libbuffer.a ./common/libftoa/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libftoa.a" #./Externals/pcre/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libpcre.a #./Externals/LibXML/lib/posix/\${arch}/release/libxml.a debug_libs="./GeneratedSaxParser/lib/posix/\${arch}/debuglibxml/libGeneratedSaxParser.a ./Externals/MathMLSolver/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libMathMLSolver.a ./COLLADABaseUtils/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libOpenCOLLADABaseUtils.a ./COLLADAFramework/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libOpenCOLLADAFramework.a ./COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/lib/posix/\${arch}/debuglibxmlNovalidation/libOpenCOLLADASaxFrameworkLoader.a ./COLLADAStreamWriter/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter.a ./Externals/UTF/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libUTF.a ./common/libBuffer/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libbuffer.a ./common/libftoa/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libftoa.a" #./Externals/pcre/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libpcre.a #./Externals/LibXML/lib/posix/\${arch}/debug/libxml.a d="opencollada-libxml" rm -rf \${d} mkdir -p \${d}/include for i in \${src}; do mkdir -p \${d}/include/\${i} cp \${i}/*.h \${d}/include/\${i} done mkdir \${d}/lib for i in \${libs}; do echo "" > /dev/null cp \${i} \${d}/lib done for i in \${debug_libs}; do f=\`basename \${i}\` o=\${f/\\.a/_d.a} cp \${i} \${d}/lib/\${o} done rm -rf /opt/lib/opencollada mv \${d} /opt/lib/opencollada chown -R root:staff /opt/lib/opencollada EOF chmod +x "$O/build_all.sh" chmod +x "$O/prepare_lib-libxml.sh" fi # Blender B="$SOURCES_PATH/blender" if [ ! -d "$B" ]; then INFO "Checking out Blender sources" svn co https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender $B fi # CUDA Toolkit C=$SOURCES_PATH/cudatoolkit if [ ! -f "$C/$CUDA_32" ]; then INFO "Downloading CUDA 32bit toolkit" mkdir -p $C wget -c http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/4_2/rel/toolkit/$CUDA_32 -P $C fi if [ ! -f "$C/$CUDA_64" ]; then INFO "Downloading CUDA 64bit toolkit" mkdir -p $C wget -c http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/4_2/rel/toolkit/$CUDA_64 -P $C fi if [ ! -f $SOURCES_PATH/Readme.txt ]; then cat << EOF > $SOURCES_PATH/Readme.txt This directory contains different things needed for Blender builds blender/: directory with blender's svnsnapshot blender-build/, blender-install/: build and install directories for automated release creation buildbot-i686-slave/, buildbot-x86_64-slave/: buildbot slave environments for automated builds (maybe it'll be better to move them to /home?) staticlibs/: set of static libs. Mostly needed to make static linking prioretized under dynamic linking release-builder/: all stuff needed for release archives preparation Hope all this would help you. -Sergey- EOF fi INSTALL_RELEASE_BUILDER $SOURCES_PATH } DO_BACKPORT() { CHROOT_ARCH=$1 CHROOT_PATH=$2 RUN="chroot $CHROOT_PATH" P="/home/sources/backport" # Backport fresh binutils if [ `$RUN dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}\n' binutils | grep -c $BINUTILS_V` -eq "0" ]; then INFO "Backporting binutils" B="$P/binutils/binutils-$BINUTILS_V" pkg="$P/binutils/binutils_${BINUTILS_FV}_amd64.deb" if [ ! -d "$CHROOT_PATH/$B" ]; then INFO "Unpacking binutils" $RUN dpkg-source -x "$P/binutils/binutils_$BINUTILS_FV.dsc" "$B" fi if [ "$CHROOT_ARCH" = "i386" ]; then pkg=`echo "$pkg" | sed -r 's/amd64/i386/g'` fi if [ ! -f "$CHROOT_PATH/$pkg" ]; then INFO "Compiling binutils" sed -ie 's/with_check := yes/with_check := no/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$B/debian/rules" $RUN sh -c "cd '$B' && dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -j$THREADS" fi INFO "Installing binutils" $RUN dpkg -i "$pkg" INFO "Cleaning binutils" $RUN sh -c "cd '$B' && fakeroot debian/rules clean" fi # Install fresh gcc if [ `$RUN dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' gcc-4.7 2> /dev/null | grep -c installed` -eq "0" ]; then INFO "Backporting gcc-4.7" G="$P/gcc-4.7/gcc-$GCC_V" pkg="cpp-4.7_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb gcc-4.7-base_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb \ libstdc++6-4.7-dev_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb libstdc++6_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb libgcc1_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb \ libgomp1_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb libitm1_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb libquadmath0_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb \ gcc-4.7_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb g++-4.7_4.7.1-7_amd64.deb" if [ ! -d "$CHROOT_PATH/$G" ]; then INFO "Unpacking gcc-4.7" $RUN dpkg-source -x "$P/gcc-4.7/gcc-$GCC_FV.dsc" "$G" fi if [ "$CHROOT_ARCH" = "i386" ]; then pkg=`echo "$pkg" | sed -r 's/amd64/i386/g'` fi ok=true for x in `echo "$pkg"`; do if [ ! -f "$CHROOT_PATH/$P/gcc-4.7/$x" ]; then ok=false break; fi done if ! $ok; then INFO "Compiling gcc-4.7" sed -ie 's/#with_check := disabled by hand/with_check := disabled by hand/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$G/debian/rules.defs" sed -ie 's/dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.0~ubuntu4)/dpkg-dev (>= 1.15.8)/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$G/debian/control" sed -ie 's/doxygen (>= 1.7.2)/doxygen (>= 1.7.1)/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$G/debian/control" sed -ie 's/libmpfr-dev (>= 3.0.0-9~)/libmpfr-dev (>= 3.0.0)/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$G/debian/control" sed -ie 's/libc6-dev (>= 2.13-5)/libc6-dev (>= 2.11.3)/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$G/debian/control" sed -ie 's/libgmp-dev (>= 2:5.0.1~)/libgmp3-dev (>= 2:4.3.2)/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$G/debian/control" $RUN sh -c "cd '$G' && dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" fi inst="" for x in `echo "$pkg"`; do inst="$inst $P/gcc-4.7/$x" done INFO "Installing gcc-4.7" $RUN dpkg -i $inst INFO "Cleaning gcc-4.7" $RUN sh -c "cd '$G' && fakeroot debian/rules clean" fi # Backport OpenSSL if [ ! -f $CHROOT_PATH/usr/lib/libssl_pic.a ]; then INFO "Backporting OpenSSL" O="$P/openssl/openssl-$OPENSSL_V" pkg="libssl-dev_0.9.8o-4squeeze13_amd64.deb libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-4squeeze13_amd64.deb openssl_0.9.8o-4squeeze13_amd64.deb" if [ ! -d "$CHROOT_PATH/$O" ]; then INFO "Unpacking OpenSSL" $RUN dpkg-source -x "$P/openssl/openssl_$OPENSSL_FV.dsc" "$O" fi if [ "$CHROOT_ARCH" = "i386" ]; then pkg=`echo "$pkg" | sed -r 's/amd64/i386/g'` fi ok=true for x in `echo "$pkg"`; do if [ ! -f "$CHROOT_PATH/$P/openssl/$x" ]; then ok=false break; fi done if ! $ok; then INFO "Compiling OpenSSL" sed -ie 's/#\s*mv debian\/tmp\/usr\/lib\/libcrypto.a debian\/tmp\/usr\/lib\/libcrypto_pic.a/ mv debian\/tmp\/usr\/lib\/libcrypto.a debian\/tmp\/usr\/lib\/libcrypto_pic.a/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$O/debian/rules" sed -ie 's/#\s*mv debian\/tmp\/usr\/lib\/libssl.a debian\/tmp\/usr\/lib\/libssl_pic.a/ mv debian\/tmp\/usr\/lib\/libssl.a debian\/tmp\/usr\/lib\/libssl_pic.a/' "$CHROOT_PATH/$O/debian/rules" cat << EOF > $CHROOT_PATH/$O/debian/libssl-dev.files usr/lib/libssl.so usr/lib/libcrypto.so usr/lib/libssl.a usr/lib/libcrypto.a usr/lib/libssl_pic.a usr/lib/libcrypto_pic.a usr/lib/pkgconfig usr/include usr/share/man/man3 EOF $RUN sh -c "cd '$O' && dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -j$THREADS" fi inst="" for x in `echo "$pkg"`; do inst="$inst $P/openssl/$x" done INFO "Installing OpenSSL" $RUN dpkg -i $inst echo "openssl hold" | $RUN dpkg --set-selections echo "libssl-dev hold" | $RUN dpkg --set-selections echo "libssl0.9.8 hold" | $RUN dpkg --set-selections INFO "Cleaning OpenSSL" $RUN sh -c "cd '$O' && fakeroot debian/rules clean" fi } DO_COMPILE() { CHROOT_ARCH=$1 CHROOT_PATH=$2 RUN="chroot $CHROOT_PATH" P="/home/sources/packages" L="$CHROOT_PATH/opt/lib" # JeMalloc if [ ! -d "$L/jemalloc-$JEMALLOC_V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling jemalloc-$JEMALLOC_V" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/jemalloc-$JEMALLOC_V' && ./0config.sh && make clean && make -j$THREADS && make install && make clean" rm -f "$L/jemalloc" ln -s "jemalloc-$JEMALLOC_V" "$L/jemalloc" fi # libspnav if [ ! -d "$L/libspnav-$SPNAV_V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling libspnav-$SPNAV_V" mkdir -p "$L/libspnav-$SPNAV_V/lib" mkdir -p "$L/libspnav-$SPNAV_V/include" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/libspnav-$SPNAV_V' && ./0config.sh && make clean && make -j$THREADS && make install && make clean" rm -f "$L/libspnav" ln -s "libspnav-$SPNAV_V" "$L/libspnav" fi # FFmpeg if [ ! -d "$L/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_V" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_V' && ./0config.sh && make clean && make -j$THREADS && make install && make clean" rm -f "$L/ffmpeg" ln -s "ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_V" "$L/ffmpeg" fi # Boost V=`echo $BOOST_V | sed -r 's/_/./g'` if [ ! -d "$L/boost-$V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling boost-$V" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/boost_$BOOST_V' && ./bootstrap.sh && ./b2 --clean && ./b2 install --prefix='/opt/lib/boost-$V' && ./b2 --clean" rm -f "$L/boost" ln -s "boost-$V" "$L/boost" fi # OCIO if [ ! -d "$L/ocio-$OCIO_V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling ocio-$OCIO_V" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/OpenColorIO-$OCIO_V/build' && ./prepare.sh && make clean && make -j$THREADS && make install && make clean" # Force linking against sttaic libs rm -f $L/ocio-$OCIO_V/lib/*.so* # Additional depencencies cp $CHROOT_PATH/$P/OpenColorIO-$OCIO_V/build/ext/dist/lib/libtinyxml.a $L/ocio-$OCIO_V/lib cp $CHROOT_PATH/$P/OpenColorIO-$OCIO_V/build/ext/dist/lib/libyaml-cpp.a $L/ocio-$OCIO_V/lib rm -f "$L/ocio" ln -s "ocio-$OCIO_V" "$L/ocio" fi # OIIO if [ ! -d "$L/oiio-$OIIO_V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling oiio-$OIIO_V" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/OpenImageIO-$OIIO_V/build' && ./prepare.sh && make clean && make -j$THREADS && make install && make clean" rm -f "$L/oiio" ln -s "oiio-$OIIO_V" "$L/oiio" fi # Python if [ ! -d "$L/python-$PYTHON_V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling Python-$PYTHON_V" cat << EOF > $CHROOT_PATH/$P/Python-$PYTHON_V/Modules/Setup.local _md5 md5module.c _sha1 sha1module.c _sha256 sha256module.c _sha512 sha512module.c EOF sed -ie "s/libraries = \['ssl', 'crypto'\]/libraries = ['ssl_pic', 'crypto_pic', 'z']/" "$P/Python-$PYTHON_V/setup.py" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/Python-$PYTHON_V' && ./0config.sh && make clean && make -j$THREADS && make install && make clean" rm -f "$L/python-$PYTHIN_V_SHORT" ln -s "python-$PYTHON_V" "$L/python-$PYTHIN_V_SHORT" fi # Mesa if [ ! -d "$L/mesa-$MESA_V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling Mesa-$MESA_V" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/Mesa-$MESA_V' && ./0config.sh && make clean && make -j$THREADS && make install && make clean" rm -f "$L/mesa" ln -s "mesa-$MESA_V" "$L/mesa" fi # OpenAL if [ ! -d "$L/openal-$OPENAL_V" ]; then INFO "Copmiling openal-$OPENAL_V" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/openal-soft-$OPENAL_V' && ./build-openal.sh" rm -f "$L/openal" ln -s "openal-$OPENAL_V" "$L/openal" fi # OpenCollada if [ ! -d "$L/opencollada" ]; then INFO "Copmiling opencollada" cat << EOF > "$CHROOT_PATH/$P/opencollada/collada.patch" Index: common/libBuffer/include/CommonBuffer.h =================================================================== --- common/libBuffer/include/CommonBuffer.h (revision 876) +++ common/libBuffer/include/CommonBuffer.h (working copy) @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ #define __COMMON_BUFFER_H__ #include "CommonIBufferFlusher.h" +#include "COLLADABUPlatform.h" namespace Common { Index: common/libBuffer/src/CommonLogFileBufferFlusher.cpp =================================================================== --- common/libBuffer/src/CommonLogFileBufferFlusher.cpp (revision 876) +++ common/libBuffer/src/CommonLogFileBufferFlusher.cpp (working copy) @@ -10,6 +10,34 @@ #include "CommonLogFileBufferFlusher.h" +#include +#include + +#ifndef _WIN32 +FILE *_wfopen(const wchar_t *path, const char *mode) +{ + const wchar_t *src = path; + char *path_mbs; + int n; + FILE *file; + + n = (int)wcsrtombs(NULL, &src, 0, NULL); + + if (n < 0) + return NULL; + + path_mbs = (char *)malloc(n + 1); + wcsrtombs(path_mbs, &path, n, NULL); + path_mbs[n] = 0; + + file = fopen(path_mbs, mode); + + free(path_mbs); + + return file; +} +#endif + namespace Common { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -35,7 +63,7 @@ #ifdef _WIN32 mError = (int)_wfopen_s( &stream, fileName, L"wb" ); #else - stream = _wfopen( fileName, L"wb" ); + stream = _wfopen( fileName, "wb" ); mError = stream ? 0 : errno; #endif if ( !mError ) @@ -65,7 +93,7 @@ #else if ( mUseWideFileName ) { - stream = _wfopen( mWideFileName.c_str(), L"a" ); + stream = _wfopen( mWideFileName.c_str(), "a" ); } else { Index: common/libBuffer/SConscript =================================================================== --- common/libBuffer/SConscript (revision 876) +++ common/libBuffer/SConscript (working copy) @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ targetPath = outputDir + libName -incDirs = ['include/', '../libftoa/include'] +incDirs = ['include/', '../libftoa/include', '../../COLLADABaseUtils/include/', '../../Externals/UTF/include'] src = [] EOF # We're building in a chroot, architecture of host system would be used by scons collada_arch="x86_64" $RUN sh -c "cd '$P/opencollada' && svn revert . -R && cat collada.patch | patch -p0 && ./build_all.sh && ./prepare_lib-libxml.sh $collada_arch" fi } ADD_REPO() { CHROOT_PATH=$1 DESC=$2 REPO=$3 C="$CHROOT_PATH/etc/apt/sources.list" RUN="chroot $CHROOT_PATH" if [ `cat "$C" | grep -c "$REPO"` -eq "0" ]; then INFO "Adding repo $DESC" echo "" >> $C echo "deb $REPO" >> $C echo "deb-src $REPO" >> $C INFO "Updating packages list" $RUN apt-get update fi } INSTALL_CHROOT() { CHROOT_ARCH=$1 CHROOT_PATH=$2 RUN="chroot $CHROOT_PATH" # Install fresh debian to a chroot if [ ! -d "$CHROOT_PATH" ]; then INFO "Installing Debian ${DEBIAN_BRANCH} to ${CHROOT_PATH}" debootstrap --arch "${CHROOT_ARCH}" "${DEBIAN_BRANCH}" "${CHROOT_PATH}" "${DEBIAN_MIRROR}" fi # Configure users and groups if [ `cat ${CHROOT_PATH}/etc/group | grep -c developers` -eq "0" ]; then INFO "Creating gorup 'developers'" $RUN groupadd -g 7001 developers fi if [ `mount | grep -c "$CHROOT_PATH/dev"` -eq "0" ]; then INFO "Mounting devices from host system to chroot" mount -t proc none $CHROOT_PATH/proc mount -t auto -o bind /dev $CHROOT_PATH/dev mount -t devpts -o mode=0620 none $CHROOT_PATH/dev/pts fi # Configure apt and install packages if [ ! -f ${CHROOT_PATH}/etc/apt/apt.conf ]; then INFO "Setting up apt to not use recommended packages (saves disk space)" cat << EOF > "${CHROOT_PATH}/etc/apt/apt.conf" APT { Default-Release "${DEBIAN_BRANCH}"; Install-Recommends "0"; }; EOF fi ADD_REPO $CHROOT_PATH "mirror.yandex.ru" "http://mirror.yandex.ru/debian-multimedia/ squeeze main non-free" ADD_REPO $CHROOT_PATH "backports.debian.org" "http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main non-free" $RUN apt-get upgrade $RUN apt-get install -y --force-yes deb-multimedia-keyring libx264-dev libxvidcore4-dev libmp3lame-dev if [ `$RUN dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' locales | grep -c not-installed` -eq "1" ]; then INFO "Configuring locales" $RUN apt-get install -y locales $RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 fi INFO "Installing packages from repository" $RUN apt-get install -y mc gcc g++ cmake python dpkg-dev build-essential autoconf bison \ flex gettext texinfo dejagnu quilt file lsb-release zlib1g-dev fakeroot debhelper \ g++-multilib libtool autoconf2.64 automake gawk lzma patchutils gperf sharutils \ libcloog-ppl-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp3-dev autogen realpath chrpath doxygen \ graphviz gsfonts-x11 texlive-latex-base libelfg0-dev libx11-dev yasm libopenjpeg-dev \ libschroedinger-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libvpx-dev=$VPX_V \ libopenexr-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev python-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev \ libsqlite3-dev liblzma-dev libncurses5-dev xutils-dev libxext-dev python-libxml2 \ libglu1-mesa-dev libfftw3-dev libfreetype6-dev libsdl1.2-dev libopenal-dev libjack-dev \ libxi-dev portaudio19-dev po4a subversion scons libpcre3-dev libexpat1-dev sudo \ expect bc if [ $CHROOT_ARCH = "amd64" ]; then $RUN apt-get install -y libc6-dev-i386 lib32gcc1 fi # Configure sources directory if [ ! -d "$CHROOT_PATH/home/sources" ]; then INFO "Creating sources directory" $RUN mkdir "/home/sources" $RUN chmod 775 /home/sources $RUN chown root:developers /home/sources fi # Bind directory from host system if [ ! -d "$CHROOT_PATH/home/sources/backport" ]; then INFO "Binding sources directory from host system to chroot" mount -o bind "$SOURCES_PATH" "$CHROOT_PATH/home/sources" fi if [ "`$RUN getent passwd $USER_ID`" = "" ]; then INFO "Adding default user to chroot" login=`getent passwd $USER_ID | cut -d : -f 1` $RUN useradd -d "/home/$login" -G developers,sudo -m -u $USER_ID "$login" fi # Backport packages DO_BACKPORT "$CHROOT_ARCH" "$CHROOT_PATH" # Set default compiler to gcc-4.7 if [ `readlink "$CHROOT_PATH/usr/bin/gcc"` != "gcc-4.7" ]; then INFO "Setting gcc-4.7 as default compiler" rm -f $CHROOT_PATH/usr/bin/gcc rm -f $CHROOT_PATH/usr/bin/g++ ln -s gcc-4.7 $CHROOT_PATH/usr/bin/gcc ln -s g++-4.7 $CHROOT_PATH/usr/bin/g++ fi # Compile packages DO_COMPILE "$CHROOT_ARCH" "$CHROOT_PATH" # Install CUDA toolkit if [ ! -d "$CHROOT_PATH/usr/local/cuda-$CUDA_V" ]; then INFO "Installing CUDA toolkit" if [ "$CHROOT_ARCH" = "amd64" ]; then C="cudatoolkit_${CUDA_V}_linux_64_${CUDA_DISTR}.run" else C="cudatoolkit_${CUDA_V}_linux_32_${CUDA_DISTR}.run" fi rm -f $CHROOT_PATH/usr/local/cuda chmod +x $CHROOT_PATH//home/sources/cudatoolkit/$C $RUN /usr/bin/expect < /dev/null 2>&1; then ERROR "debootstrap command not found, can not create chroot environment" ERROR "Use apt-get install debootstrap to install debootstrap" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$ENV_PATH" ]; then ERROR "Incorrect environment directory is set" exit 1 fi INSTALL_SOURCES "$SOURCES_PATH" INSTALL_CHROOT amd64 "$AMD64_PATH" INSTALL_CHROOT i386 "$I686_PATH" INFO "Configurtion of build environment is completed!" echo "Add this lines to your /etc/fstab:" echo for x in $I686_PATH $AMD64_PATH; do echo "none $x/proc proc auto 0 0" echo "/dev $x/dev auto bind,auto 0 0" echo "none $x/dev/pts devpts mode=0620,auto 0 0" echo "/home/sources $x/home/sources auto bind,auto 0 0" echo done echo "Add this lines to your /etc/schroot/schroot.conf:" echo login=`getent passwd $USER_ID | cut -d : -f 1` for x in $I686_PATH $AMD64_PATH; do echo [`basename $x`] echo "description=Linux buildbot environment" echo "directory=$x" echo "users=$login" echo "root-groups=root" echo done