# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # Signing process overview. # # From buildbot worker side: # - Files which needs to be signed are collected from either a directory to # sign all signable files in there, or by filename of a single file to sign. # - Those files gets packed into an archive and stored in a location location # which is watched by the signing server. # - A marker READY file is created which indicates the archive is ready for # access. # - Wait for the server to provide an archive with signed files. # This is done by watching for the READY file which corresponds to an archive # coming from the signing server. # - Unpack the signed signed files from the archives and replace original ones. # # From code sign server: # - Watch special location for a READY file which indicates the there is an # archive with files which are to be signed. # - Unpack the archive to a temporary location. # - Run codesign tool and make sure all the files are signed. # - Pack the signed files and store them in a location which is watched by # the buildbot worker. # - Create a READY file which indicates that the archive with signed files is # ready. import abc import logging import shutil import time import zipfile from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import Iterable, List from codesign.absolute_and_relative_filename import AbsoluteAndRelativeFileName from codesign.archive_with_indicator import ArchiveWithIndicator logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger_builder = logger.getChild('builder') logger_server = logger.getChild('server') def pack_files(files: Iterable[AbsoluteAndRelativeFileName], archive_filepath: Path) -> None: """ Create zip archive from given files for the signing pipeline. Is used by buildbot worker to create an archive of files which are to be signed, and by signing server to send signed files back to the worker. """ with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_filepath, 'w') as zip_file_handle: for file_info in files: zip_file_handle.write(file_info.absolute_filepath, arcname=file_info.relative_filepath) def extract_files(archive_filepath: Path, extraction_dir: Path) -> None: """ Extract all files form the given archive into the given direcotry. """ # TODO(sergey): Verify files in the archive have relative path. with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_filepath, mode='r') as zip_file_handle: zip_file_handle.extractall(path=extraction_dir) class BaseCodeSigner(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for a platform-specific signer of binaries. Contains all the logic shared across platform-specific implementations, such as synchronization and notification logic. Platform specific bits (such as actual command for signing the binary) are to be implemented as a subclass. Provides utilities code signing as a whole, including functionality needed by a signing server and a buildbot worker. The signer and builder may run on separate machines, the only requirement is that they have access to a directory which is shared between them. For the security concerns this is to be done as a separate machine (or as a Shared Folder configuration in VirtualBox configuration). This directory might be mounted under different base paths, but its underlying storage is to be the same. The code signer is short-lived on a buildbot worker side, and is living forever on a code signing server side. """ # TODO(sergey): Find a neat way to have config annotated. # config: Config # Storage directory where builder puts files which are requested to be # signed. # Consider this an input of the code signing server. unsigned_storage_dir: Path # Information about archive which contains files which are to be signed. # # This archive is created by the buildbot worked and acts as an input for # the code signing server. unsigned_archive_info: ArchiveWithIndicator # Storage where signed files are stored. # Consider this an output of the code signer server. signed_storage_dir: Path # Information about archive which contains signed files. # # This archive is created by the code signing server. signed_archive_info: ArchiveWithIndicator def __init__(self, config): self.config = config absolute_shared_storage_dir = config.SHARED_STORAGE_DIR.resolve() # Unsigned (signing server input) configuration. self.unsigned_storage_dir = absolute_shared_storage_dir / 'unsigned' self.unsigned_archive_info = ArchiveWithIndicator( self.unsigned_storage_dir, 'unsigned_files.zip', 'ready.stamp') # Signed (signing server output) configuration. self.signed_storage_dir = absolute_shared_storage_dir / 'signed' self.signed_archive_info = ArchiveWithIndicator( self.signed_storage_dir, 'signed_files.zip', 'ready.stamp') """ General note on cleanup environment functions. It is expected that there is only one instance of the code signer server running for a given input/output directory, and that it serves a single buildbot worker. By its nature, a buildbot worker only produces one build at a time and never performs concurrent builds. This leads to a conclusion that when starting in a clean environment there shouldn't be any archives remaining from a previous build. However, it is possible to have various failure scenarios which might leave the environment in a non-clean state: - Network hiccup which makes buildbot worker to stop current build and re-start it after connection to server is re-established. Note, this could also happen during buildbot server maintenance. - Signing server might get restarted due to updates or other reasons. Requiring manual interaction in such cases is not something good to require, so here we simply assume that the system is used the way it is intended to and restore environment to a prestine clean state. """ def cleanup_environment_for_builder(self) -> None: self.unsigned_archive_info.clean() self.signed_archive_info.clean() def cleanup_environment_for_signing_server(self) -> None: # Don't clear the requested to-be-signed archive since we might be # restarting signing machine while the buildbot is busy. self.signed_archive_info.clean() ############################################################################ # Buildbot worker side helpers. @abc.abstractmethod def check_file_is_to_be_signed( self, file: AbsoluteAndRelativeFileName) -> bool: """ Check whether file is to be signed. Is used by both single file signing pipeline and recursive directory signing pipeline. This is where code signer is to check whether file is to be signed or not. This check might be based on a simple extension test or on actual test whether file have a digital signature already or not. """ def collect_files_to_sign(self, path: Path) \ -> List[AbsoluteAndRelativeFileName]: """ Get all files which need to be signed from the given path. NOTE: The path might either be a file or directory. This function is run from the buildbot worker side. """ # If there is a single file provided trust the buildbot worker that it # is eligible for signing. if path.is_file(): file = AbsoluteAndRelativeFileName.from_path(path) if not self.check_file_is_to_be_signed(file): return [] return [file] all_files = AbsoluteAndRelativeFileName.recursively_from_directory( path) files_to_be_signed = [file for file in all_files if self.check_file_is_to_be_signed(file)] return files_to_be_signed def wait_for_signed_archive_or_die(self) -> None: """ Wait until archive with signed files is available. Will only wait for the configured time. If that time exceeds and there is still no responce from the signing server the application will exit with a non-zero exit code. """ timeout_in_seconds = self.config.TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS time_start = time.monotonic() while not self.signed_archive_info.is_ready(): time.sleep(1) time_slept_in_seconds = time.monotonic() - time_start if time_slept_in_seconds > timeout_in_seconds: self.unsigned_archive_info.clean() raise SystemExit("Signing server didn't finish signing in " f"{timeout_in_seconds} seconds, dying :(") def copy_signed_files_to_directory( self, signed_dir: Path, destination_dir: Path) -> None: """ Copy all files from signed_dir to destination_dir. This function will overwrite any existing file. Permissions are copied from the source files, but other metadata, such as timestamps, are not. """ for signed_filepath in signed_dir.glob('**/*'): if not signed_filepath.is_file(): continue relative_filepath = signed_filepath.relative_to(signed_dir) destination_filepath = destination_dir / relative_filepath destination_filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(signed_filepath, destination_filepath) def run_buildbot_path_sign_pipeline(self, path: Path) -> None: """ Run all steps needed to make given path signed. Path points to an unsigned file or a directory which contains unsigned files. If the path points to a single file then this file will be signed. This is used to sign a final bundle such as .msi on Windows or .dmg on macOS. NOTE: The code signed implementation might actually reject signing the file, in which case the file will be left unsigned. This isn't anything to be considered a failure situation, just might happen when buildbot worker can not detect whether signing is really required in a specific case or not. If the path points to a directory then code signer will sign all signable files from it (finding them recursively). """ self.cleanup_environment_for_builder() # Make sure storage directory exists. self.unsigned_storage_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Collect all files which needs to be signed and pack them into a single # archive which will be sent to the signing server. logger_builder.info('Collecting files which are to be signed...') files = self.collect_files_to_sign(path) if not files: logger_builder.info('No files to be signed, ignoring.') return logger_builder.info('Found %d files to sign.', len(files)) pack_files(files=files, archive_filepath=self.unsigned_archive_info.archive_filepath) self.unsigned_archive_info.tag_ready() # Wait for the signing server to finish signing. logger_builder.info('Waiting signing server to sign the files...') self.wait_for_signed_archive_or_die() # Extract signed files from archive and move files to final location. with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='blender-buildbot-') as temp_dir_str: unpacked_signed_files_dir = Path(temp_dir_str) logger_builder.info('Extracting signed files from archive...') extract_files( archive_filepath=self.signed_archive_info.archive_filepath, extraction_dir=unpacked_signed_files_dir) destination_dir = path if destination_dir.is_file(): destination_dir = destination_dir.parent self.copy_signed_files_to_directory( unpacked_signed_files_dir, destination_dir) ############################################################################ # Signing server side helpers. def wait_for_sign_request(self) -> None: """ Wait for the buildbot to request signing of an archive. """ # TOOD(sergey): Support graceful shutdown on Ctrl-C. while not self.unsigned_archive_info.is_ready(): time.sleep(1) @abc.abstractmethod def sign_all_files(self, files: List[AbsoluteAndRelativeFileName]) -> None: """ Sign all files in the given directory. NOTE: Signing should happen in-place. """ def run_signing_pipeline(self): """ Run the full signing pipeline starting from the point when buildbot worker have requested signing. """ # Make sure storage directory exists. self.signed_storage_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='blender-codesign-') as temp_dir_str: temp_dir = Path(temp_dir_str) logger_server.info('Extracting unsigned files from archive...') extract_files( archive_filepath=self.unsigned_archive_info.archive_filepath, extraction_dir=temp_dir) logger_server.info('Collecting all files which needs signing...') files = AbsoluteAndRelativeFileName.recursively_from_directory( temp_dir) logger_server.info('Signing all requested files...') self.sign_all_files(files) logger_server.info('Packing signed files...') pack_files(files=files, archive_filepath=self.signed_archive_info.archive_filepath) self.signed_archive_info.tag_ready() logger_server.info('Removing signing request...') self.unsigned_archive_info.clean() logger_server.info('Signing is complete.') def run_signing_server(self): logger_server.info('Starting new code signing server...') self.cleanup_environment_for_signing_server() logger_server.info('Code signing server is ready') while True: logger_server.info('Waiting for the signing request in %s...', self.unsigned_storage_dir) self.wait_for_sign_request() logger_server.info( 'Got signing request, beging signign procedure.') self.run_signing_pipeline()