# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright 2011 Blender Foundation. # - Find OpenEXR library # Find the native OpenEXR includes and library # This module defines # OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIRS, where to find ImfXdr.h, etc. Set when # OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR is found. # OPENEXR_LIBRARIES, libraries to link against to use OpenEXR. # OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR, The base directory to search for OpenEXR. # This can also be an environment variable. # OPENEXR_FOUND, If false, do not try to use OpenEXR. # # For individual library access these advanced settings are available # OPENEXR_HALF_LIBRARY, Path to Half library # OPENEXR_IEX_LIBRARY, Path to Half library # OPENEXR_ILMIMF_LIBRARY, Path to Ilmimf library # OPENEXR_ILMTHREAD_LIBRARY, Path to IlmThread library # OPENEXR_IMATH_LIBRARY, Path to Imath library # # also defined, but not for general use are # OPENEXR_LIBRARY, where to find the OpenEXR library. # If OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR was defined in the environment, use it. IF(NOT OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR AND NOT $ENV{OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR} STREQUAL "") SET(OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR $ENV{OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR}) ENDIF() # Old versions (before 2.0?) do not have any version string, just assuming this should be fine though. SET(_openexr_libs_ver_init "2.0") SET(_openexr_SEARCH_DIRS ${OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR} /opt/lib/openexr ) FIND_PATH(OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES OpenEXR/ImfXdr.h HINTS ${_openexr_SEARCH_DIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES include ) # If the headers were found, get the version from config file, if not already set. IF(OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR) IF(NOT OPENEXR_VERSION) FIND_FILE(_openexr_CONFIG NAMES OpenEXRConfig.h PATHS "${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR}/OpenEXR" NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) IF(_openexr_CONFIG) FILE(STRINGS "${_openexr_CONFIG}" OPENEXR_BUILD_SPECIFICATION REGEX "^[ \t]*#define[ \t]+OPENEXR_VERSION_STRING[ \t]+\"[.0-9]+\".*$") ELSE() MESSAGE(WARNING "Could not find \"OpenEXRConfig.h\" in \"${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR}\"") ENDIF() IF(OPENEXR_BUILD_SPECIFICATION) MESSAGE(STATUS "${OPENEXR_BUILD_SPECIFICATION}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define[ \t]+OPENEXR_VERSION_STRING[ \t]+\"([.0-9]+)\".*" "\\1" _openexr_libs_ver_init ${OPENEXR_BUILD_SPECIFICATION}) ELSE() MESSAGE(WARNING "Could not determine ILMBase library version, assuming ${_openexr_libs_ver_init}.") ENDIF() UNSET(_openexr_CONFIG CACHE) ENDIF() ENDIF() SET("OPENEXR_VERSION" ${_openexr_libs_ver_init} CACHE STRING "Version of OpenEXR lib") UNSET(_openexr_libs_ver_init) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+).*" "\\1_\\2" _openexr_libs_ver ${OPENEXR_VERSION}) # Different library names in 3.0, and Imath and Half moved out. IF(OPENEXR_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.0.0") SET(_openexr_FIND_COMPONENTS Iex IlmThread OpenEXR OpenEXRCore ) ELSE() SET(_openexr_FIND_COMPONENTS Half Iex IlmImf IlmThread Imath ) ENDIF() SET(_openexr_LIBRARIES) FOREACH(COMPONENT ${_openexr_FIND_COMPONENTS}) STRING(TOUPPER ${COMPONENT} UPPERCOMPONENT) FIND_LIBRARY(OPENEXR_${UPPERCOMPONENT}_LIBRARY NAMES ${COMPONENT}-${_openexr_libs_ver} ${COMPONENT} NAMES_PER_DIR HINTS ${_openexr_SEARCH_DIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) LIST(APPEND _openexr_LIBRARIES "${OPENEXR_${UPPERCOMPONENT}_LIBRARY}") ENDFOREACH() UNSET(_openexr_libs_ver) IF(OPENEXR_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.0.0") # For OpenEXR 3.x, we also need to find the now separate Imath library. # For simplicity we add it to the OpenEXR includes and libraries, as we # have no direct dependency on Imath and it's simpler to support both # 2.x and 3.x this way. # Find include directory FIND_PATH(IMATH_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES Imath/ImathMath.h HINTS ${_openexr_SEARCH_DIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES include ) # Find version FIND_FILE(_imath_config NAMES ImathConfig.h PATHS ${IMATH_INCLUDE_DIR}/Imath NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) # Find line with version, extract string, and format for library suffix. FILE(STRINGS "${_imath_config}" _imath_build_specification REGEX "^[ \t]*#define[ \t]+IMATH_VERSION_STRING[ \t]+\"[.0-9]+\".*$") STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define[ \t]+IMATH_VERSION_STRING[ \t]+\"([.0-9]+)\".*" "\\1" _imath_libs_ver ${_imath_build_specification}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+).*" "\\1_\\2" _imath_libs_ver ${_imath_libs_ver}) # Find library, with or without version number. FIND_LIBRARY(IMATH_LIBRARY NAMES Imath-${_imath_libs_ver} Imath NAMES_PER_DIR HINTS ${_openexr_SEARCH_DIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) LIST(APPEND _openexr_LIBRARIES "${IMATH_LIBRARY}") # In cmake version 3.21 and up, we can instead use the NO_CACHE option for # FIND_FILE so we don't need to clear it from the cache here. UNSET(_imath_config CACHE) UNSET(_imath_libs_ver) UNSET(_imath_build_specification) ENDIF() # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set OPENEXR_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(OpenEXR DEFAULT_MSG _openexr_LIBRARIES OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR) IF(OPENEXR_FOUND) SET(OPENEXR_LIBRARIES ${_openexr_LIBRARIES}) # Both include paths are needed because of dummy OSL headers mixing # #include and #include , as well as Alembic # include directly. SET(OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIRS ${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR} ${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR}/OpenEXR) IF(OPENEXR_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.0.0") LIST(APPEND OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIRS ${IMATH_INCLUDE_DIR} ${IMATH_INCLUDE_DIR}/Imath) ENDIF() ENDIF() MARK_AS_ADVANCED( OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR OPENEXR_VERSION IMATH_INCLUDE_DIR IMATH_LIBRARY ) FOREACH(COMPONENT ${_openexr_FIND_COMPONENTS}) STRING(TOUPPER ${COMPONENT} UPPERCOMPONENT) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OPENEXR_${UPPERCOMPONENT}_LIBRARY) ENDFOREACH() UNSET(COMPONENT) UNSET(UPPERCOMPONENT) UNSET(_openexr_FIND_COMPONENTS) UNSET(_openexr_LIBRARIES) UNSET(_openexr_SEARCH_DIRS)