# Apache License, Version 2.0 """ Invocation: export CLANG_BIND_DIR="/dsk/src/llvm/tools/clang/bindings/python" export CLANG_LIB_DIR="/opt/llvm/lib" python clang_array_check.py somefile.c -DSOME_DEFINE -I/some/include ... defines and includes are optional """ # delay parsing functions until we need them USE_LAZY_INIT = True USE_EXACT_COMPARE = False # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # predefined function/arg sizes, handy sometimes, but not complete... defs_precalc = { "glColor3bv": {0: 3}, "glColor4bv": {0: 4}, "glColor3ubv": {0: 3}, "glColor4ubv": {0: 4}, "glColor3usv": {0: 3}, "glColor4usv": {0: 4}, "glColor3fv": {0: 3}, "glColor4fv": {0: 4}, "glColor3dv": {0: 3}, "glColor4dv": {0: 4}, "glVertex2fv": {0: 2}, "glVertex3fv": {0: 3}, "glVertex4fv": {0: 4}, "glEvalCoord1fv": {0: 1}, "glEvalCoord1dv": {0: 1}, "glEvalCoord2fv": {0: 2}, "glEvalCoord2dv": {0: 2}, "glRasterPos2dv": {0: 2}, "glRasterPos3dv": {0: 3}, "glRasterPos4dv": {0: 4}, "glRasterPos2fv": {0: 2}, "glRasterPos3fv": {0: 3}, "glRasterPos4fv": {0: 4}, "glRasterPos2sv": {0: 2}, "glRasterPos3sv": {0: 3}, "glRasterPos4sv": {0: 4}, "glTexCoord2fv": {0: 2}, "glTexCoord3fv": {0: 3}, "glTexCoord4fv": {0: 4}, "glTexCoord2dv": {0: 2}, "glTexCoord3dv": {0: 3}, "glTexCoord4dv": {0: 4}, "glNormal3fv": {0: 3}, "glNormal3dv": {0: 3}, "glNormal3bv": {0: 3}, "glNormal3iv": {0: 3}, "glNormal3sv": {0: 3}, # GPU immediate mode. "immVertex2iv": {1: 2}, "immVertex2fv": {1: 2}, "immVertex3fv": {1: 3}, "immAttr2fv": {1: 2}, "immAttr3fv": {1: 3}, "immAttr4fv": {1: 4}, "immAttr3ubv": {1: 3}, "immAttr4ubv": {1: 4}, "immUniform2fv": {1: 2}, "immUniform3fv": {1: 3}, "immUniform4fv": {1: 4}, "immUniformColor3fv": {0: 3}, "immUniformColor4fv": {0: 4}, "immUniformColor3ubv": {1: 3}, "immUniformColor4ubv": {1: 4}, "immUniformColor3fvAlpha": {0: 3}, "immUniformColor4fvAlpha": {0: 4}, } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys if 0: # Examples with LLVM as the root dir: '/dsk/src/llvm' # path containing 'clang/__init__.py' CLANG_BIND_DIR = "/dsk/src/llvm/tools/clang/bindings/python" # path containing libclang.so CLANG_LIB_DIR = "/opt/llvm/lib" else: import os CLANG_BIND_DIR = os.environ.get("CLANG_BIND_DIR") CLANG_LIB_DIR = os.environ.get("CLANG_LIB_DIR") if CLANG_BIND_DIR is None: print("$CLANG_BIND_DIR python binding dir not set") if CLANG_LIB_DIR is None: print("$CLANG_LIB_DIR clang lib dir not set") if CLANG_BIND_DIR: sys.path.append(CLANG_BIND_DIR) import clang import clang.cindex from clang.cindex import (CursorKind, TypeKind, TokenKind) if CLANG_LIB_DIR: clang.cindex.Config.set_library_path(CLANG_LIB_DIR) index = clang.cindex.Index.create() args = sys.argv[2:] # print(args) tu = index.parse(sys.argv[1], args) # print('Translation unit: %s' % tu.spelling) filepath = tu.spelling # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def function_parm_wash_tokens(parm): # print(parm.kind) assert parm.kind in (CursorKind.PARM_DECL, CursorKind.VAR_DECL, # XXX, double check this CursorKind.FIELD_DECL, ) """ Return tokens without trailing commands and 'const' """ tokens = [t for t in parm.get_tokens()] if not tokens: return tokens # if tokens[-1].kind == To # remove trailing char if tokens[-1].kind == TokenKind.PUNCTUATION: if tokens[-1].spelling in {",", ")", ";"}: tokens.pop() # else: # print(tokens[-1].spelling) t_new = [] for t in tokens: t_kind = t.kind t_spelling = t.spelling ok = True if t_kind == TokenKind.KEYWORD: if t_spelling in {"const", "restrict", "volatile"}: ok = False elif t_spelling.startswith("__"): ok = False # __restrict elif t_kind in (TokenKind.COMMENT, ): ok = False # Use these elif t_kind in (TokenKind.LITERAL, TokenKind.PUNCTUATION, TokenKind.IDENTIFIER): # use but ignore pass else: print("Unknown!", t_kind, t_spelling) # if its OK we will add if ok: t_new.append(t) return t_new def parm_size(node_child): tokens = function_parm_wash_tokens(node_child) # print(" ".join([t.spelling for t in tokens])) # NOT PERFECT CODE, EXTRACT SIZE FROM TOKENS if len(tokens) >= 3: # foo [ 1 ] if ((tokens[-3].kind == TokenKind.PUNCTUATION and tokens[-3].spelling == "[") and (tokens[-2].kind == TokenKind.LITERAL and tokens[-2].spelling.isdigit()) and (tokens[-1].kind == TokenKind.PUNCTUATION and tokens[-1].spelling == "]")): # --- return int(tokens[-2].spelling) return -1 def function_get_arg_sizes(node): # Return a dict if (index: size) items # {arg_indx: arg_array_size, ... ] arg_sizes = {} if 1: # node.spelling == "BM_vert_create", for debugging node_parms = [node_child for node_child in node.get_children() if node_child.kind == CursorKind.PARM_DECL] for i, node_child in enumerate(node_parms): # print(node_child.kind, node_child.spelling) # print(node_child.type.kind, node_child.spelling) if node_child.type.kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY: pointee = node_child.type.get_pointee() size = parm_size(node_child) if size != -1: arg_sizes[i] = size return arg_sizes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _defs = {} def lookup_function_size_def(func_id): if USE_LAZY_INIT: result = _defs.get(func_id, {}) if type(result) != dict: result = _defs[func_id] = function_get_arg_sizes(result) return result else: return _defs.get(func_id, {}) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def file_check_arg_sizes(tu): # main checking function def validate_arg_size(node): """ Loop over args and validate sizes for args we KNOW the size of. """ assert node.kind == CursorKind.CALL_EXPR if 0: print("---", " <~> ".join( [" ".join([t.spelling for t in C.get_tokens()]) for C in node.get_children()] )) # print(node.location) # first child is the function call, skip that. children = list(node.get_children()) if not children: return # XXX, look into this, happens on C++ func = children[0] # get the func declaration! # works but we can better scan for functions ahead of time. if 0: func_dec = func.get_definition() if func_dec: print("FD", " ".join([t.spelling for t in func_dec.get_tokens()])) else: # HRMP'f - why does this fail? print("AA", " ".join([t.spelling for t in node.get_tokens()])) else: args_size_definition = () # dummy # get the key tok = list(func.get_tokens()) if tok: func_id = tok[0].spelling args_size_definition = lookup_function_size_def(func_id) if not args_size_definition: return children = children[1:] for i, node_child in enumerate(children): children = list(node_child.get_children()) # skip if we don't have an index... size_def = args_size_definition.get(i, -1) if size_def == -1: continue # print([c.kind for c in children]) # print(" ".join([t.spelling for t in node_child.get_tokens()])) if len(children) == 1: arg = children[0] if arg.kind in (CursorKind.DECL_REF_EXPR, CursorKind.UNEXPOSED_EXPR): if arg.type.kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY: dec = arg.get_definition() if dec: size = parm_size(dec) # size == 0 is for 'float *a' if size != -1 and size != 0: # nice print! if 0: print("".join([t.spelling for t in func.get_tokens()]), i, " ".join([t.spelling for t in dec.get_tokens()])) # testing # size_def = 100 if size != 1: if USE_EXACT_COMPARE: # is_err = (size != size_def) and (size != 4 and size_def != 3) is_err = (size != size_def) else: is_err = (size < size_def) if is_err: location = node.location # if "math_color_inline.c" not in str(location.file): if 1: print("%s:%d:%d: argument %d is size %d, should be %d (from %s)" % (location.file, location.line, location.column, i + 1, size, size_def, filepath # always the same but useful when running threaded )) # we don't really care what we are looking at, just scan entire file for # function calls. def recursive_func_call_check(node): if node.kind == CursorKind.CALL_EXPR: validate_arg_size(node) for c in node.get_children(): recursive_func_call_check(c) recursive_func_call_check(tu.cursor) # -- first pass, cache function definitions sizes # PRINT FUNC DEFINES def recursive_arg_sizes(node, ): # print(node.kind, node.spelling) if node.kind == CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL: if USE_LAZY_INIT: args_sizes = node else: args_sizes = function_get_arg_sizes(node) # if args_sizes: # print(node.spelling, args_sizes) _defs[node.spelling] = args_sizes # print("adding", node.spelling) for c in node.get_children(): recursive_arg_sizes(c) # cache function sizes recursive_arg_sizes(tu.cursor) _defs.update(defs_precalc) # --- second pass, check against def's file_check_arg_sizes(tu)