#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Note: this code should be cleaned up / refactored. import sys if sys.version_info.major < 3: print("\nPython3.x needed, found %s.\nAborting!\n" % sys.version.partition(" ")[0]) sys.exit(1) import os from os.path import ( dirname, join, normpath, splitext, ) from cmake_consistency_check_config import ( IGNORE_SOURCE, IGNORE_SOURCE_MISSING, IGNORE_CMAKE, UTF8_CHECK, SOURCE_DIR, BUILD_DIR, ) from typing import ( Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, ) global_h = set() global_c = set() global_refs: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, int]]] = {} # Flatten `IGNORE_SOURCE_MISSING` to avoid nested looping. IGNORE_SOURCE_MISSING_FLAT = [ (k, ignore_path) for k, ig_list in IGNORE_SOURCE_MISSING for ignore_path in ig_list ] # Ignore cmake file, path pairs. global_ignore_source_missing: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} for k, v in IGNORE_SOURCE_MISSING_FLAT: global_ignore_source_missing.setdefault(k, []).append(v) del IGNORE_SOURCE_MISSING_FLAT def replace_line(f: str, i: int, text: str, keep_indent: bool = True) -> None: file_handle = open(f, 'r') data = file_handle.readlines() file_handle.close() l = data[i] ws = l[:len(l) - len(l.lstrip())] data[i] = "%s%s\n" % (ws, text) file_handle = open(f, 'w') file_handle.writelines(data) file_handle.close() def source_list( path: str, filename_check: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None, ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): # skip '.git' dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d.startswith(".")] for filename in filenames: if filename_check is None or filename_check(filename): yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename) # extension checking def is_cmake(filename: str) -> bool: ext = splitext(filename)[1] return (ext == ".cmake") or (filename == "CMakeLists.txt") def is_c_header(filename: str) -> bool: ext = splitext(filename)[1] return (ext in {".h", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".hh"}) def is_c(filename: str) -> bool: ext = splitext(filename)[1] return (ext in {".c", ".cpp", ".cxx", ".m", ".mm", ".rc", ".cc", ".inl", ".metal"}) def is_c_any(filename: str) -> bool: return is_c(filename) or is_c_header(filename) def cmake_get_src(f: str) -> None: sources_h = [] sources_c = [] filen = open(f, "r", encoding="utf8") it: Optional[Iterator[str]] = iter(filen) found = False i = 0 # print(f) def is_definition(l: str, f: str, i: int, name: str) -> bool: if l.startswith("unset("): return False if ('set(%s' % name) in l or ('set(' in l and l.endswith(name)): if len(l.split()) > 1: raise Exception("strict formatting not kept 'set(%s*' %s:%d" % (name, f, i)) return True if ("list(APPEND %s" % name) in l or ('list(APPEND ' in l and l.endswith(name)): if l.endswith(")"): raise Exception("strict formatting not kept 'list(APPEND %s...)' on 1 line %s:%d" % (name, f, i)) return True return False while it is not None: context_name = "" while it is not None: i += 1 try: l = next(it) except StopIteration: it = None break l = l.strip() if not l.startswith("#"): found = is_definition(l, f, i, "SRC") if found: context_name = "SRC" break found = is_definition(l, f, i, "INC") if found: context_name = "INC" break if found: cmake_base = dirname(f) cmake_base_bin = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, os.path.relpath(cmake_base, SOURCE_DIR)) # Find known missing sources list (if we have one). f_rel = os.path.relpath(f, SOURCE_DIR) f_rel_key = f_rel if os.sep != "/": f_rel_key = f_rel_key.replace(os.sep, "/") local_ignore_source_missing = global_ignore_source_missing.get(f_rel_key, []) while it is not None: i += 1 try: l = next(it) except StopIteration: it = None break l = l.strip() if not l.startswith("#"): # Remove in-line comments. l = l.split(" # ")[0].rstrip() if ")" in l: if l.strip() != ")": raise Exception("strict formatting not kept '*)' %s:%d" % (f, i)) break # replace dirs l = l.replace("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}", SOURCE_DIR) l = l.replace("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}", cmake_base) l = l.replace("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}", cmake_base_bin) l = l.strip('"') if not l: pass elif l in local_ignore_source_missing: local_ignore_source_missing.remove(l) elif l.startswith("$"): if context_name == "SRC": # assume if it ends with context_name we know about it if not l.split("}")[0].endswith(context_name): print("Can't use var '%s' %s:%d" % (l, f, i)) elif len(l.split()) > 1: raise Exception("Multi-line define '%s' %s:%d" % (l, f, i)) else: new_file = normpath(join(cmake_base, l)) if context_name == "SRC": if is_c_header(new_file): sources_h.append(new_file) global_refs.setdefault(new_file, []).append((f, i)) elif is_c(new_file): sources_c.append(new_file) global_refs.setdefault(new_file, []).append((f, i)) elif l in {"PARENT_SCOPE", }: # cmake var, ignore pass elif new_file.endswith(".list"): pass elif new_file.endswith(".def"): pass elif new_file.endswith(".cl"): # opencl pass elif new_file.endswith(".cu"): # cuda pass elif new_file.endswith(".osl"): # open shading language pass elif new_file.endswith(".glsl"): pass else: raise Exception("unknown file type - not c or h %s -> %s" % (f, new_file)) elif context_name == "INC": if new_file.startswith(BUILD_DIR): # assume generated path pass elif os.path.isdir(new_file): new_path_rel = os.path.relpath(new_file, cmake_base) if new_path_rel != l: print("overly relative path:\n %s:%d\n %s\n %s" % (f, i, l, new_path_rel)) # # Save time. just replace the line # replace_line(f, i - 1, new_path_rel) else: raise Exception("non existent include %s:%d -> %s" % (f, i, new_file)) # print(new_file) global_h.update(set(sources_h)) global_c.update(set(sources_c)) ''' if not sources_h and not sources_c: raise Exception("No sources %s" % f) sources_h_fs = list(source_list(cmake_base, is_c_header)) sources_c_fs = list(source_list(cmake_base, is_c)) ''' # find missing C files: ''' for ff in sources_c_fs: if ff not in sources_c: print(" missing: " + ff) ''' # reset del sources_h[:] del sources_c[:] filen.close() def is_ignore_source(f: str, ignore_used: List[bool]) -> bool: for index, ignore_path in enumerate(IGNORE_SOURCE): if ignore_path in f: ignore_used[index] = True return True return False def is_ignore_cmake(f: str, ignore_used: List[bool]) -> bool: for index, ignore_path in enumerate(IGNORE_CMAKE): if ignore_path in f: ignore_used[index] = True return True return False def main() -> None: print("Scanning:", SOURCE_DIR) ignore_used_source = [False] * len(IGNORE_SOURCE) ignore_used_cmake = [False] * len(IGNORE_CMAKE) for cmake in source_list(SOURCE_DIR, is_cmake): if not is_ignore_cmake(cmake, ignore_used_cmake): cmake_get_src(cmake) # First do stupid check, do these files exist? print("\nChecking for missing references:") is_err = False errs = [] for f in (global_h | global_c): if f.startswith(BUILD_DIR): continue if not os.path.exists(f): refs = global_refs[f] if refs: for cf, i in refs: errs.append((cf, i)) else: raise Exception("CMake references missing, internal error, aborting!") is_err = True errs.sort() errs.reverse() for cf, i in errs: print("%s:%d" % (cf, i)) # Write a 'sed' script, useful if we get a lot of these # print("sed '%dd' '%s' > '%s.tmp' ; mv '%s.tmp' '%s'" % (i, cf, cf, cf, cf)) if is_err: raise Exception("CMake references missing files, aborting!") del is_err del errs # now check on files not accounted for. print("\nC/C++ Files CMake does not know about...") for cf in sorted(source_list(SOURCE_DIR, is_c)): if not is_ignore_source(cf, ignore_used_source): if cf not in global_c: print("missing_c: ", cf) # Check if automake builds a corresponding .o file. ''' if cf in global_c: out1 = os.path.splitext(cf)[0] + ".o" out2 = os.path.splitext(cf)[0] + ".Po" out2_dir, out2_file = out2 = os.path.split(out2) out2 = os.path.join(out2_dir, ".deps", out2_file) if not os.path.exists(out1) and not os.path.exists(out2): print("bad_c: ", cf) ''' print("\nC/C++ Headers CMake does not know about...") for hf in sorted(source_list(SOURCE_DIR, is_c_header)): if not is_ignore_source(hf, ignore_used_source): if hf not in global_h: print("missing_h: ", hf) if UTF8_CHECK: # test encoding import traceback for files in (global_c, global_h): for f in sorted(files): if os.path.exists(f): # ignore outside of our source tree if "extern" not in f: i = 1 try: for _ in open(f, "r", encoding="utf8"): i += 1 except UnicodeDecodeError: print("Non utf8: %s:%d" % (f, i)) if i > 1: traceback.print_exc() # Check ignores aren't stale print("\nCheck for unused 'IGNORE_SOURCE' paths...") for index, ignore_path in enumerate(IGNORE_SOURCE): if not ignore_used_source[index]: print("unused ignore: %r" % ignore_path) # Check ignores aren't stale print("\nCheck for unused 'IGNORE_SOURCE_MISSING' paths...") for k, v in sorted(global_ignore_source_missing.items()): for ignore_path in v: print("unused ignore: %r -> %r" % (ignore_path, k)) # Check ignores aren't stale print("\nCheck for unused 'IGNORE_CMAKE' paths...") for index, ignore_path in enumerate(IGNORE_CMAKE): if not ignore_used_cmake[index]: print("unused ignore: %r" % ignore_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()