#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # CHECKER_IGNORE_PREFIX = [ "extern", "intern/moto", ] CHECKER_BIN = "splint" CHECKER_ARGS = [ "-weak", "-posix-lib", "-linelen", "10000", "+ignorequals", "+relaxtypes", "-retvalother", "+matchanyintegral", "+longintegral", "+ignoresigns", "-nestcomment", "-predboolothers", "-ifempty", "-unrecogcomments", # we may want to remove these later "-type", "-fixedformalarray", "-fullinitblock", "-fcnuse", "-initallelements", "-castfcnptr", # -forcehints, "-bufferoverflowhigh", # warns a lot about sprintf() # re-definitions, rna causes most of these "-redef", "-syntax", # dummy, witjout this splint complains with: # /usr/include/bits/confname.h:31:27: *** Internal Bug at cscannerHelp.c:2428: Unexpanded macro not function or constant: int _PC_MAX_CANON "-D_PC_MAX_CANON=0", ] import project_source_info import subprocess import sys import os USE_QUIET = (os.environ.get("QUIET", None) is not None) def main(): source_info = project_source_info.build_info(use_cxx=False, ignore_prefix_list=CHECKER_IGNORE_PREFIX) check_commands = [] for c, inc_dirs, defs in source_info: cmd = ([CHECKER_BIN] + CHECKER_ARGS + [c] + [("-I%s" % i) for i in inc_dirs] + [("-D%s" % d) for d in defs] ) check_commands.append((c, cmd)) def my_process(i, c, cmd): if not USE_QUIET: percent = 100.0 * (i / len(check_commands)) percent_str = "[" + ("%.2f]" % percent).rjust(7) + " %:" sys.stdout.write("%s %s\n" % (percent_str, c)) sys.stdout.flush() return subprocess.Popen(cmd) process_functions = [] for i, (c, cmd) in enumerate(check_commands): process_functions.append((my_process, (i, c, cmd))) project_source_info.queue_processes(process_functions) if __name__ == "__main__": main()