# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2006, Blender Foundation # All rights reserved. # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** macro(list_insert_after list_id item_check item_add ) set(_index) list(FIND "${list_id}" "${item_check}" _index) if("${_index}" MATCHES "-1") message(FATAL_ERROR "'${list_id}' doesn't contain '${item_check}'") endif() math(EXPR _index "${_index} + 1") list(INSERT ${list_id} "${_index}" ${item_add}) unset(_index) endmacro() macro(list_insert_before list_id item_check item_add ) set(_index) list(FIND "${list_id}" "${item_check}" _index) if("${_index}" MATCHES "-1") message(FATAL_ERROR "'${list_id}' doesn't contain '${item_check}'") endif() list(INSERT ${list_id} "${_index}" ${item_add}) unset(_index) endmacro() function(list_assert_duplicates list_id ) # message(STATUS "list data: ${list_id}") list(LENGTH list_id _len_before) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES list_id) list(LENGTH list_id _len_after) # message(STATUS "list size ${_len_before} -> ${_len_after}") if(NOT _len_before EQUAL _len_after) message(FATAL_ERROR "duplicate found in list which should not contain duplicates: ${list_id}") endif() unset(_len_before) unset(_len_after) endfunction() # Adds a native path separator to the end of the path: # # - 'example' -> 'example/' # - '/example///' -> '/example/' # macro(path_ensure_trailing_slash path_new path_input ) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "/" _path_sep) string(REGEX REPLACE "[${_path_sep}]+$" "" ${path_new} ${path_input}) set(${path_new} "${${path_new}}${_path_sep}") unset(_path_sep) endmacro() # foo_bar.spam --> foo_barMySuffix.spam macro(file_suffix file_name_new file_name file_suffix ) get_filename_component(_file_name_PATH ${file_name} PATH) get_filename_component(_file_name_NAME_WE ${file_name} NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_file_name_EXT ${file_name} EXT) set(${file_name_new} "${_file_name_PATH}/${_file_name_NAME_WE}${file_suffix}${_file_name_EXT}") unset(_file_name_PATH) unset(_file_name_NAME_WE) unset(_file_name_EXT) endmacro() # useful for adding debug suffix to library lists: # /somepath/foo.lib --> /somepath/foo_d.lib macro(file_list_suffix fp_list_new fp_list fn_suffix ) # incase of empty list set(_fp) set(_fp_suffixed) set(fp_list_new) foreach(_fp ${fp_list}) file_suffix(_fp_suffixed "${_fp}" "${fn_suffix}") list(APPEND "${fp_list_new}" "${_fp_suffixed}") endforeach() unset(_fp) unset(_fp_suffixed) endmacro() if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) macro(find_package_static) set(_cmake_find_library_suffixes_back ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .a ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) find_package(${ARGV}) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ${_cmake_find_library_suffixes_back}) unset(_cmake_find_library_suffixes_back) endmacro() macro(find_library_static) set(_cmake_find_library_suffixes_back ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .a ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) find_library(${ARGV}) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ${_cmake_find_library_suffixes_back}) unset(_cmake_find_library_suffixes_back) endmacro() endif() function(target_link_libraries_optimized TARGET LIBS ) foreach(_LIB ${LIBS}) target_link_libraries(${TARGET} INTERFACE optimized "${_LIB}") endforeach() endfunction() function(target_link_libraries_debug TARGET LIBS ) foreach(_LIB ${LIBS}) target_link_libraries(${TARGET} INTERFACE debug "${_LIB}") endforeach() endfunction() # Nicer makefiles with -I/1/foo/ instead of -I/1/2/3/../../foo/ # use it instead of include_directories() function(blender_include_dirs includes ) set(_ALL_INCS "") foreach(_INC ${ARGV}) get_filename_component(_ABS_INC ${_INC} ABSOLUTE) list(APPEND _ALL_INCS ${_ABS_INC}) # for checking for invalid includes, disable for regular use # if(NOT EXISTS "${_ABS_INC}/") # message(FATAL_ERROR "Include not found: ${_ABS_INC}/") # endif() endforeach() include_directories(${_ALL_INCS}) endfunction() function(blender_include_dirs_sys includes ) set(_ALL_INCS "") foreach(_INC ${ARGV}) get_filename_component(_ABS_INC ${_INC} ABSOLUTE) list(APPEND _ALL_INCS ${_ABS_INC}) # if(NOT EXISTS "${_ABS_INC}/") # message(FATAL_ERROR "Include not found: ${_ABS_INC}/") # endif() endforeach() include_directories(SYSTEM ${_ALL_INCS}) endfunction() # Set include paths for header files included with "*.h" syntax. # This enables auto-complete suggestions for user header files on Xcode. # Build process is not affected since the include paths are the same # as in HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS. function(blender_user_header_search_paths name includes ) if(XCODE) set(_ALL_INCS "") foreach(_INC ${includes}) get_filename_component(_ABS_INC ${_INC} ABSOLUTE) # _ALL_INCS is a space-separated string of file paths in quotes. string(APPEND _ALL_INCS " \"${_ABS_INC}\"") endforeach() set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS "${_ALL_INCS}") endif() endfunction() function(blender_source_group name sources ) # if enabled, use the sources directories as filters. if(WINDOWS_USE_VISUAL_STUDIO_SOURCE_FOLDERS) foreach(_SRC ${sources}) # remove ../'s get_filename_component(_SRC_DIR ${_SRC} REALPATH) get_filename_component(_SRC_DIR ${_SRC_DIR} DIRECTORY) string(FIND ${_SRC_DIR} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" _pos) if(NOT _pos EQUAL -1) string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" GROUP_ID ${_SRC_DIR}) string(REPLACE "/" "\\" GROUP_ID ${GROUP_ID}) source_group("${GROUP_ID}" FILES ${_SRC}) endif() unset(_pos) endforeach() else() # Group by location on disk source_group("Source Files" FILES CMakeLists.txt) foreach(_SRC ${sources}) get_filename_component(_SRC_EXT ${_SRC} EXT) if((${_SRC_EXT} MATCHES ".h") OR (${_SRC_EXT} MATCHES ".hpp") OR (${_SRC_EXT} MATCHES ".hh")) set(GROUP_ID "Header Files") elseif(${_SRC_EXT} MATCHES ".glsl$") set(GROUP_ID "Shaders") else() set(GROUP_ID "Source Files") endif() source_group("${GROUP_ID}" FILES ${_SRC}) endforeach() endif() # if enabled, set the FOLDER property for visual studio projects if(WINDOWS_USE_VISUAL_STUDIO_PROJECT_FOLDERS) get_filename_component(FolderDir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} DIRECTORY) string(REPLACE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} "" FolderDir ${FolderDir}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER ${FolderDir}) endif() endfunction() # Support per-target CMake flags # Read from: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_**** (made upper case) when set. # # 'name' should always match the target name, # use this macro before add_library or add_executable. # # Optionally takes an arg passed to set(), eg PARENT_SCOPE. macro(add_cc_flags_custom_test name ) string(TOUPPER ${name} _name_upper) if(DEFINED CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${_name_upper}) message(STATUS "Using custom CFLAGS: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${_name_upper} in \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\"") string(APPEND CMAKE_C_FLAGS " ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${_name_upper}}" ${ARGV1}) endif() if(DEFINED CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${_name_upper}) message(STATUS "Using custom CXXFLAGS: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${_name_upper} in \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\"") string(APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${_name_upper}}" ${ARGV1}) endif() unset(_name_upper) endmacro() # only MSVC uses SOURCE_GROUP function(blender_add_lib__impl name sources includes includes_sys library_deps ) # message(STATUS "Configuring library ${name}") # include_directories(${includes}) # include_directories(SYSTEM ${includes_sys}) blender_include_dirs("${includes}") blender_include_dirs_sys("${includes_sys}") add_library(${name} ${sources}) # On Windows certain libraries have two sets of binaries: one for debug builds and one for # release builds. The root of this requirement goes into ABI, I believe, but that's outside # of a scope of this comment. # # CMake have a native way of dealing with this, which is specifying what build type the # libraries are provided for: # # target_link_libraries(tagret optimized|debug|general ) # # The build type is to be provided as a separate argument to the function. # # CMake's variables for libraries will contain build type in such cases. For example: # # set(FOO_LIBRARIES optimized libfoo.lib debug libfoo_d.lib) # # Complications starts with a single argument for library_deps: all the elements are being # put to a list: "${FOO_LIBRARIES}" will become "optimized;libfoo.lib;debug;libfoo_d.lib". # This makes it impossible to pass it as-is to target_link_libraries sine it will treat # this argument as a list of libraries to be linked against, causing missing libraries # for optimized.lib. # # What this code does it traverses library_deps and extracts information about whether # library is to provided as general, debug or optimized. This is a little state machine which # keeps track of which build type library is to provided for: # # - If "debug" or "optimized" word is found, the next element in the list is expected to be # a library which will be passed to target_link_libraries() under corresponding build type. # # - If there is no "debug" or "optimized" used library is specified for all build types. # # NOTE: If separated libraries for debug and release are needed every library is the list are # to be prefixed explicitly. # # Use: "optimized libfoo optimized libbar debug libfoo_d debug libbar_d" # NOT: "optimized libfoo libbar debug libfoo_d libbar_d" if(NOT "${library_deps}" STREQUAL "") set(next_library_mode "") foreach(library ${library_deps}) string(TOLOWER "${library}" library_lower) if(("${library_lower}" STREQUAL "optimized") OR ("${library_lower}" STREQUAL "debug")) set(next_library_mode "${library_lower}") else() if("${next_library_mode}" STREQUAL "optimized") target_link_libraries(${name} INTERFACE optimized ${library}) elseif("${next_library_mode}" STREQUAL "debug") target_link_libraries(${name} INTERFACE debug ${library}) else() target_link_libraries(${name} INTERFACE ${library}) endif() set(next_library_mode "") endif() endforeach() endif() # works fine without having the includes # listed is helpful for IDE's (QtCreator/MSVC) blender_source_group("${name}" "${sources}") blender_user_header_search_paths("${name}" "${includes}") list_assert_duplicates("${sources}") list_assert_duplicates("${includes}") # Not for system includes because they can resolve to the same path # list_assert_duplicates("${includes_sys}") endfunction() function(blender_add_lib_nolist name sources includes includes_sys library_deps ) add_cc_flags_custom_test(${name} PARENT_SCOPE) blender_add_lib__impl(${name} "${sources}" "${includes}" "${includes_sys}" "${library_deps}") endfunction() function(blender_add_lib name sources includes includes_sys library_deps ) add_cc_flags_custom_test(${name} PARENT_SCOPE) blender_add_lib__impl(${name} "${sources}" "${includes}" "${includes_sys}" "${library_deps}") set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY BLENDER_LINK_LIBS ${name}) endfunction() # Add tests for a Blender library, to be called in tandem with blender_add_lib(). # The tests will be part of the blender_test executable (see tests/gtests/runner). function(blender_add_test_lib name sources includes includes_sys library_deps ) add_cc_flags_custom_test(${name} PARENT_SCOPE) # Otherwise external projects will produce warnings that we cannot fix. remove_strict_flags() # This duplicates logic that's also in GTestTesting.cmake, macro BLENDER_SRC_GTEST_EX. # TODO(Sybren): deduplicate after the general approach in D7649 has been approved. LIST(APPEND includes ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/gtests ) LIST(APPEND includes_sys ${GLOG_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extern/gtest/include ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extern/gmock/include ) add_definitions(-DBLENDER_GFLAGS_NAMESPACE=${GFLAGS_NAMESPACE}) add_definitions(${GFLAGS_DEFINES}) add_definitions(${GLOG_DEFINES}) blender_add_lib__impl(${name} "${sources}" "${includes}" "${includes_sys}" "${library_deps}") set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY BLENDER_TEST_LIBS ${name}) endfunction() # Add tests for a Blender library, to be called in tandem with blender_add_lib(). # Test will be compiled into a ${name}_test executable. # # To be used for smaller isolated libraries, that do not have many dependencies. # For libraries that do drag in many other Blender libraries and would create a # very large executable, blender_add_test_lib() should be used instead. function(blender_add_test_executable name sources includes includes_sys library_deps ) add_cc_flags_custom_test(${name} PARENT_SCOPE) ## Otherwise external projects will produce warnings that we cannot fix. remove_strict_flags() include_directories(${includes}) include_directories(${includes_sys}) setup_libdirs() BLENDER_SRC_GTEST_EX( NAME ${name} SRC "${sources}" EXTRA_LIBS "${library_deps}" SKIP_ADD_TEST ) include(GTest) set(_GOOGLETEST_DISCOVER_TESTS_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/build_files/cmake/Modules/GTestAddTests.cmake ) gtest_discover_tests(${name}_test DISCOVERY_MODE PRE_TEST WORKING_DIRECTORY "${TEST_INSTALL_DIR}" ) endfunction() # Ninja only: assign 'heavy pool' to some targets that are especially RAM-consuming to build. function(setup_heavy_lib_pool) if(WITH_NINJA_POOL_JOBS AND NINJA_MAX_NUM_PARALLEL_COMPILE_HEAVY_JOBS) if(WITH_CYCLES) list(APPEND _HEAVY_LIBS "cycles_device" "cycles_kernel") endif() if(WITH_LIBMV) list(APPEND _HEAVY_LIBS "extern_ceres" "bf_intern_libmv") endif() if(WITH_OPENVDB) list(APPEND _HEAVY_LIBS "bf_intern_openvdb") endif() foreach(TARGET ${_HEAVY_LIBS}) if(TARGET ${TARGET}) set_property(TARGET ${TARGET} PROPERTY JOB_POOL_COMPILE compile_heavy_job_pool) endif() endforeach() endif() endfunction() function(SETUP_LIBDIRS) # NOTE: For all new libraries, use absolute library paths. # This should eventually be phased out. # APPLE plaform uses full paths for linking libraries, and avoids link_directories. if(NOT MSVC AND NOT APPLE) link_directories(${JPEG_LIBPATH} ${PNG_LIBPATH} ${ZLIB_LIBPATH} ${FREETYPE_LIBPATH}) if(WITH_PYTHON) # AND NOT WITH_PYTHON_MODULE # WIN32 needs link_directories(${PYTHON_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_SDL AND NOT WITH_SDL_DYNLOAD) link_directories(${SDL_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_CODEC_FFMPEG) link_directories(${FFMPEG_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_OPENEXR) link_directories(${OPENEXR_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_TIFF) link_directories(${TIFF_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_BOOST) link_directories(${BOOST_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_OPENIMAGEIO) link_directories(${OPENIMAGEIO_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_OPENIMAGEDENOISE) link_directories(${OPENIMAGEDENOISE_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_OPENCOLORIO) link_directories(${OPENCOLORIO_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_OPENVDB) link_directories(${OPENVDB_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_OPENAL) link_directories(${OPENAL_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_JACK AND NOT WITH_JACK_DYNLOAD) link_directories(${JACK_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_CODEC_SNDFILE) link_directories(${LIBSNDFILE_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_FFTW3) link_directories(${FFTW3_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_OPENCOLLADA) link_directories(${OPENCOLLADA_LIBPATH}) # # Never set # link_directories(${PCRE_LIBPATH}) # link_directories(${EXPAT_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_LLVM) link_directories(${LLVM_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_ALEMBIC) link_directories(${ALEMBIC_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_GMP) link_directories(${GMP_LIBPATH}) endif() if(WITH_GHOST_WAYLAND) link_directories( ${wayland-client_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${wayland-egl_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${xkbcommon_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${wayland-cursor_LIBRARY_DIRS}) endif() if(WIN32 AND NOT UNIX) link_directories(${PTHREADS_LIBPATH}) endif() endif() endfunction() # Platform specific linker flags for targets. function(setup_platform_linker_flags target) set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " ${PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS}") set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE " ${PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS_RELEASE}") set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG " ${PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS_DEBUG}") endfunction() # Platform specific libraries for targets. function(setup_platform_linker_libs target ) # jemalloc must be early in the list, to be before pthread (see T57998) if(WITH_MEM_JEMALLOC) target_link_libraries(${target} ${JEMALLOC_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(WIN32 AND NOT UNIX) target_link_libraries(${target} ${PTHREADS_LIBRARIES}) endif() # target_link_libraries(${target} ${PLATFORM_LINKLIBS} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) target_link_libraries(${target} ${PLATFORM_LINKLIBS}) endfunction() macro(TEST_SSE_SUPPORT _sse_flags _sse2_flags) include(CheckCSourceRuns) # message(STATUS "Detecting SSE support") if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang")) set(${_sse_flags} "-msse") set(${_sse2_flags} "-msse2") elseif(MSVC) # x86_64 has this auto enabled if("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" EQUAL "8") set(${_sse_flags} "") set(${_sse2_flags} "") else() set(${_sse_flags} "/arch:SSE") set(${_sse2_flags} "/arch:SSE2") endif() elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") set(${_sse_flags} "") # icc defaults to -msse set(${_sse2_flags} "") # icc defaults to -msse2 else() message(WARNING "SSE flags for this compiler: '${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}' not known") set(${_sse_flags}) set(${_sse2_flags}) endif() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${${_sse_flags}} ${${_sse2_flags}}") if(NOT DEFINED SUPPORT_SSE_BUILD) # result cached check_c_source_runs(" #include int main(void) { __m128 v = _mm_setzero_ps(); return 0; }" SUPPORT_SSE_BUILD) if(SUPPORT_SSE_BUILD) message(STATUS "SSE Support: detected.") else() message(STATUS "SSE Support: missing.") endif() endif() if(NOT DEFINED SUPPORT_SSE2_BUILD) # result cached check_c_source_runs(" #include int main(void) { __m128d v = _mm_setzero_pd(); return 0; }" SUPPORT_SSE2_BUILD) if(SUPPORT_SSE2_BUILD) message(STATUS "SSE2 Support: detected.") else() message(STATUS "SSE2 Support: missing.") endif() endif() unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS) endmacro() # Only print message if running CMake first time macro(message_first_run) if(FIRST_RUN) message(${ARGV}) endif() endmacro() # when we have warnings as errors applied globally this # needs to be removed for some external libs which we dont maintain. # utility macro macro(remove_cc_flag _flag) foreach(flag ${ARGV}) string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}") string(REGEX REPLACE ${flag} "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}") endforeach() unset(flag) endmacro() macro(add_c_flag flag) string(APPEND CMAKE_C_FLAGS " ${flag}") string(APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " ${flag}") endmacro() macro(add_cxx_flag flag) string(APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " ${flag}") endmacro() macro(remove_strict_flags) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) remove_cc_flag( "-Wstrict-prototypes" "-Wmissing-prototypes" "-Wmissing-declarations" "-Wmissing-format-attribute" "-Wunused-local-typedefs" "-Wunused-macros" "-Wunused-parameter" "-Wwrite-strings" "-Wredundant-decls" "-Wundef" "-Wshadow" "-Wdouble-promotion" "-Wold-style-definition" "-Werror=[^ ]+" "-Werror" ) # negate flags implied by '-Wall' add_c_flag("${C_REMOVE_STRICT_FLAGS}") add_cxx_flag("${CXX_REMOVE_STRICT_FLAGS}") endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") remove_cc_flag( "-Wunused-parameter" "-Wunused-variable" "-Werror=[^ ]+" "-Werror" ) # negate flags implied by '-Wall' add_c_flag("${C_REMOVE_STRICT_FLAGS}") add_cxx_flag("${CXX_REMOVE_STRICT_FLAGS}") endif() if(MSVC) remove_cc_flag(/w34189) # Restore warn C4189 (unused variable) back to w4 endif() endmacro() macro(remove_extra_strict_flags) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) remove_cc_flag( "-Wunused-parameter" ) endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") remove_cc_flag( "-Wunused-parameter" ) endif() if(MSVC) # TODO endif() endmacro() # note, we can only append flags on a single file so we need to negate the options. # at the moment we cant shut up ffmpeg deprecations, so use this, but will # probably add more removals here. macro(remove_strict_c_flags_file filenames) foreach(_SOURCE ${ARGV}) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang")) set_source_files_properties(${_SOURCE} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${C_REMOVE_STRICT_FLAGS}" ) endif() if(MSVC) # TODO endif() endforeach() unset(_SOURCE) endmacro() macro(remove_strict_cxx_flags_file filenames) remove_strict_c_flags_file(${filenames} ${ARHV}) foreach(_SOURCE ${ARGV}) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang")) set_source_files_properties(${_SOURCE} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${CXX_REMOVE_STRICT_FLAGS}" ) endif() if(MSVC) # TODO endif() endforeach() unset(_SOURCE) endmacro() # External libs may need 'signed char' to be default. macro(remove_cc_flag_unsigned_char) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") OR (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel")) remove_cc_flag("-funsigned-char") elseif(MSVC) remove_cc_flag("/J") else() message(WARNING "Compiler '${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}' failed to disable 'unsigned char' flag." "Build files need updating." ) endif() endmacro() function(ADD_CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG _CFLAGS _CACHE_VAR _FLAG ) include(CheckCCompilerFlag) CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG("${_FLAG}" "${_CACHE_VAR}") if(${_CACHE_VAR}) # message(STATUS "Using CFLAG: ${_FLAG}") set(${_CFLAGS} "${${_CFLAGS}} ${_FLAG}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(STATUS "Unsupported CFLAG: ${_FLAG}") endif() endfunction() function(ADD_CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG _CXXFLAGS _CACHE_VAR _FLAG ) include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("${_FLAG}" "${_CACHE_VAR}") if(${_CACHE_VAR}) # message(STATUS "Using CXXFLAG: ${_FLAG}") set(${_CXXFLAGS} "${${_CXXFLAGS}} ${_FLAG}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(STATUS "Unsupported CXXFLAG: ${_FLAG}") endif() endfunction() function(get_blender_version) # extracts header vars and defines them in the parent scope: # # - BLENDER_VERSION (major.minor) # - BLENDER_VERSION_MAJOR # - BLENDER_VERSION_MINOR # - BLENDER_VERSION_PATCH # - BLENDER_VERSION_CYCLE (alpha, beta, rc, release) # So cmake depends on BKE_blender.h, beware of inf-loops! CONFIGURE_FILE(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_blender_version.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_blender_version.h.done) file(STRINGS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_blender_version.h _contents REGEX "^#define[ \t]+BLENDER_.*$") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define[ \t]+BLENDER_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" _out_version "${_contents}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define[ \t]+BLENDER_VERSION_PATCH[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" _out_version_patch "${_contents}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define[ \t]+BLENDER_VERSION_CYCLE[ \t]+([a-z]+).*" "\\1" _out_version_cycle "${_contents}") if(NOT ${_out_version} MATCHES "[0-9]+") message(FATAL_ERROR "Version parsing failed for BLENDER_VERSION") endif() if(NOT ${_out_version_patch} MATCHES "[0-9]+") message(FATAL_ERROR "Version parsing failed for BLENDER_VERSION_PATCH") endif() if(NOT ${_out_version_cycle} MATCHES "[a-z]+") message(FATAL_ERROR "Version parsing failed for BLENDER_VERSION_CYCLE") endif() math(EXPR _out_version_major "${_out_version} / 100") math(EXPR _out_version_minor "${_out_version} % 100") # output vars set(BLENDER_VERSION "${_out_version_major}.${_out_version_minor}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(BLENDER_VERSION_MAJOR "${_out_version_major}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(BLENDER_VERSION_MINOR "${_out_version_minor}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(BLENDER_VERSION_PATCH "${_out_version_patch}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(BLENDER_VERSION_CYCLE "${_out_version_cycle}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # hacks to override initial project settings # these macros must be called directly before/after project(Blender) macro(blender_project_hack_pre) # ------------------ # GCC -O3 HACK START # needed because O3 can cause problems but # allow the builder to set O3 manually after. if(DEFINED CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE) set(_reset_standard_cflags_rel OFF) else() set(_reset_standard_cflags_rel ON) endif() if(DEFINED CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE) set(_reset_standard_cxxflags_rel OFF) else() set(_reset_standard_cxxflags_rel ON) endif() endmacro() macro(blender_project_hack_post) # ---------------- # GCC -O3 HACK END if(_reset_standard_cflags_rel) string(REGEX REPLACE "-O3" "-O2" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE) endif() if(_reset_standard_cxxflags_rel) string(REGEX REPLACE "-O3" "-O2" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE) endif() unset(_reset_standard_cflags_rel) unset(_reset_standard_cxxflags_rel) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # workaround for omission in cmake 2.8.4's GNU.cmake, fixed in 2.8.5 if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) if(NOT DARWIN) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_SYSTEM_FLAG_C "-isystem ") endif() endif() endmacro() # pair of macros to allow libraries to be specify files to install, but to # only install them at the end so the directories don't get cleared with # the files in them. used by cycles to install addon. function(delayed_install base files destination) foreach(f ${files}) if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${f}) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY DELAYED_INSTALL_FILES ${f}) else() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY DELAYED_INSTALL_FILES ${base}/${f}) endif() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY DELAYED_INSTALL_DESTINATIONS ${destination}) endforeach() unset(f) endfunction() # note this is a function instead of a macro so that ${BUILD_TYPE} in targetdir # does not get expanded in calling but is preserved function(delayed_do_install targetdir) get_property(files GLOBAL PROPERTY DELAYED_INSTALL_FILES) get_property(destinations GLOBAL PROPERTY DELAYED_INSTALL_DESTINATIONS) if(files) list(LENGTH files n) math(EXPR n "${n}-1") foreach(i RANGE ${n}) list(GET files ${i} f) list(GET destinations ${i} d) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${d}) install(FILES ${f} DESTINATION ${targetdir}/${d}) else() install(FILES ${f} DESTINATION ${d}) endif() endforeach() endif() endfunction() function(data_to_c file_from file_to list_to_add ) list(APPEND ${list_to_add} ${file_to}) set(${list_to_add} ${${list_to_add}} PARENT_SCOPE) get_filename_component(_file_to_path ${file_to} PATH) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${file_to} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_file_to_path} COMMAND "$" ${file_from} ${file_to} DEPENDS ${file_from} datatoc) set_source_files_properties(${file_to} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) endfunction() # same as above but generates the var name and output automatic. function(data_to_c_simple file_from list_to_add ) # remove ../'s get_filename_component(_file_from ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file_from} REALPATH) get_filename_component(_file_to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file_from}.c REALPATH) list(APPEND ${list_to_add} ${_file_to}) source_group(Generated FILES ${_file_to}) list(APPEND ${list_to_add} ${file_from}) set(${list_to_add} ${${list_to_add}} PARENT_SCOPE) get_filename_component(_file_to_path ${_file_to} PATH) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_file_to} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_file_to_path} COMMAND "$" ${_file_from} ${_file_to} DEPENDS ${_file_from} datatoc) set_source_files_properties(${_file_to} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) endfunction() # Function for converting pixmap directory to a '.png' and then a '.c' file. function(data_to_c_simple_icons path_from icon_prefix icon_names list_to_add ) # Conversion steps # path_from -> _file_from -> _file_to # foo/*.dat -> foo.png -> foo.png.c get_filename_component(_path_from_abs ${path_from} ABSOLUTE) # remove ../'s get_filename_component(_file_from ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${path_from}.png REALPATH) get_filename_component(_file_to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${path_from}.png.c REALPATH) list(APPEND ${list_to_add} ${_file_to}) set(${list_to_add} ${${list_to_add}} PARENT_SCOPE) get_filename_component(_file_to_path ${_file_to} PATH) # Construct a list of absolute paths from input set(_icon_files) foreach(_var ${icon_names}) list(APPEND _icon_files "${_path_from_abs}/${icon_prefix}${_var}.dat") endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_file_from} ${_file_to} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_file_to_path} # COMMAND python3 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/blender/datatoc/datatoc_icon.py ${_path_from_abs} ${_file_from} COMMAND "$" ${_path_from_abs} ${_file_from} COMMAND "$" ${_file_from} ${_file_to} DEPENDS ${_icon_files} datatoc_icon datatoc # could be an arg but for now we only create icons depending on UI_icons.h ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/blender/editors/include/UI_icons.h ) set_source_files_properties(${_file_from} ${_file_to} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) endfunction() # XXX Not used for now... function(svg_to_png file_from file_to dpi list_to_add ) # remove ../'s get_filename_component(_file_from ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file_from} REALPATH) get_filename_component(_file_to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file_to} REALPATH) list(APPEND ${list_to_add} ${_file_to}) set(${list_to_add} ${${list_to_add}} PARENT_SCOPE) find_program(INKSCAPE_EXE inkscape) mark_as_advanced(INKSCAPE_EXE) if(INKSCAPE_EXE) if(APPLE) # in OS X app bundle, the binary is a shim that doesn't take any # command line arguments, replace it with the actual binary string(REPLACE "MacOS/Inkscape" "Resources/bin/inkscape" INKSCAPE_REAL_EXE ${INKSCAPE_EXE}) if(EXISTS "${INKSCAPE_REAL_EXE}") set(INKSCAPE_EXE ${INKSCAPE_REAL_EXE}) endif() endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_file_to} COMMAND ${INKSCAPE_EXE} ${_file_from} --export-dpi=${dpi} --without-gui --export-png=${_file_to} DEPENDS ${_file_from} ${INKSCAPE_EXE} ) else() message(WARNING "Inkscape not found, could not re-generate ${_file_to} from ${_file_from}!") endif() endfunction() function(msgfmt_simple file_from list_to_add ) # remove ../'s get_filename_component(_file_from_we ${file_from} NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_file_from ${file_from} REALPATH) get_filename_component(_file_to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_file_from_we}.mo REALPATH) list(APPEND ${list_to_add} ${_file_to}) set(${list_to_add} ${${list_to_add}} PARENT_SCOPE) get_filename_component(_file_to_path ${_file_to} PATH) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_file_to} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_file_to_path} COMMAND "$" ${_file_from} ${_file_to} DEPENDS msgfmt ${_file_from}) set_source_files_properties(${_file_to} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) endfunction() function(find_python_package package ) string(TOUPPER ${package} _upper_package) # set but invalid if((NOT ${PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH} STREQUAL "") AND (NOT ${PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH} MATCHES NOTFOUND)) # if(NOT EXISTS "${PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH}/${package}") # message(WARNING "PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH is invalid, ${package} not found in '${PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH}' " # "WITH_PYTHON_INSTALL_${_upper_package} option will be ignored when installing python") # set(WITH_PYTHON_INSTALL${_upper_package} OFF) # endif() # not set, so initialize else() string(REPLACE "." ";" _PY_VER_SPLIT "${PYTHON_VERSION}") list(GET _PY_VER_SPLIT 0 _PY_VER_MAJOR) # re-cache unset(PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH CACHE) find_path(PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH NAMES ${package} HINTS "${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/" "${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/" "${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/python${_PY_VER_MAJOR}/" PATH_SUFFIXES site-packages dist-packages vendor-packages NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) if(NOT EXISTS "${PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH}") message(WARNING "Python package '${package}' path could not be found in:\n" "'${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/${package}', " "'${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/python${_PY_VER_MAJOR}/site-packages/${package}', " "'${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/dist-packages/${package}', " "'${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/python${_PY_VER_MAJOR}/dist-packages/${package}', " "'${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/vendor-packages/${package}', " "'${PYTHON_LIBPATH}/python${_PY_VER_MAJOR}/vendor-packages/${package}', " "\n" "The 'WITH_PYTHON_INSTALL_${_upper_package}' option will be ignored when installing Python.\n" "The build will be usable, only add-ons that depend on this package won't be functional." ) set(WITH_PYTHON_INSTALL_${_upper_package} OFF PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(STATUS "${package} found at '${PYTHON_${_upper_package}_PATH}'") endif() endif() endfunction() # like Python's 'print(dir())' function(print_all_vars) get_cmake_property(_vars VARIABLES) foreach(_var ${_vars}) message("${_var}=${${_var}}") endforeach() endfunction() macro(openmp_delayload projectname ) if(MSVC) if(WITH_OPENMP) if(MSVC_CLANG) set(OPENMP_DLL_NAME "libomp") elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1800) set(OPENMP_DLL_NAME "vcomp120") else() set(OPENMP_DLL_NAME "vcomp140") endif() set_property(TARGET ${projectname} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE " /DELAYLOAD:${OPENMP_DLL_NAME}.dll delayimp.lib") set_property(TARGET ${projectname} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG " /DELAYLOAD:${OPENMP_DLL_NAME}d.dll delayimp.lib") set_property(TARGET ${projectname} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO " /DELAYLOAD:${OPENMP_DLL_NAME}.dll delayimp.lib") set_property(TARGET ${projectname} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL " /DELAYLOAD:${OPENMP_DLL_NAME}.dll delayimp.lib") endif() endif() endmacro() macro(blender_precompile_headers target cpp header) if(MSVC) # get the name for the pch output file get_filename_component(pchbase ${cpp} NAME_WE) set(pchfinal "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${pchbase}.pch") # mark the cpp as the one outputting the pch set_property(SOURCE ${cpp} APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_OUTPUTS "${pchfinal}") # get all sources for the target get_target_property(sources ${target} SOURCES) # make all sources depend on the pch to enforce the build order foreach(src ${sources}) set_property(SOURCE ${src} APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS "${pchfinal}") endforeach() target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${cpp} ${header}) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/Yu${header} /Fp${pchfinal} /FI${header}") set_source_files_properties(${cpp} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/Yc${header} /Fp${pchfinal}") endif() endmacro() macro(set_and_warn_dependency _dependency _setting _val) # when $_dependency is disabled, forces $_setting = $_val if(NOT ${${_dependency}} AND ${${_setting}}) message(STATUS "'${_dependency}' is disabled: forcing 'set(${_setting} ${_val})'") set(${_setting} ${_val}) endif() endmacro() macro(without_system_libs_begin) set(CMAKE_IGNORE_PATH "${CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES};${CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH};${CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES};${CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}") if(APPLE) # Avoid searching for headers in frameworks (like Mono), and libraries in LIBDIR. set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK NEVER) endif() endmacro() macro(without_system_libs_end) unset(CMAKE_IGNORE_PATH) if(APPLE) # FIRST is the default. set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK FIRST) endif() endmacro()