# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2016, Blender Foundation # All rights reserved. # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Xcode and system configuration for Apple. if(NOT CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES) set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES x86_64 CACHE STRING "Choose the architecture you want to build Blender for: i386, x86_64 or ppc" FORCE) endif() if(NOT DEFINED OSX_SYSTEM) execute_process( COMMAND xcodebuild -version -sdk macosx SDKVersion OUTPUT_VARIABLE OSX_SYSTEM OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) endif() # workaround for incorrect cmake xcode lookup for developer previews - XCODE_VERSION does not # take xcode-select path into account but would always look into /Applications/Xcode.app # while dev versions are named Xcode-DP execute_process( COMMAND xcode-select --print-path OUTPUT_VARIABLE XCODE_CHECK OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) string(REPLACE "/Contents/Developer" "" XCODE_BUNDLE ${XCODE_CHECK}) # truncate to bundlepath in any case if(NOT ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Xcode") # Unix makefile generator does not fill XCODE_VERSION var, so we get it with a command. # Note that `xcodebuild -version` gives output in two lines: first line will include # Xcode version, second one will include build number. We are only interested in the # former one. Here is an example of the output: # Xcode 11.4 # Build version 11E146 # The expected XCODE_VERSION in this case is 11.4. execute_process(COMMAND xcodebuild -version OUTPUT_VARIABLE XCODE_VERS_BUILD_NR) # Convert output to a single line by replacling newlines with spaces. # This is needed because regex replace can not operate through the newline character # and applies substitutions for each individual lines. string(REPLACE "\n" " " XCODE_VERS_BUILD_NR_SINGLE_LINE "${XCODE_VERS_BUILD_NR}") string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)Xcode ([0-9\\.]+).*" "\\2" XCODE_VERSION "${XCODE_VERS_BUILD_NR_SINGLE_LINE}") unset(XCODE_VERS_BUILD_NR) unset(XCODE_VERS_BUILD_NR_SINGLE_LINE) endif() message(STATUS "Detected OS X ${OSX_SYSTEM} and Xcode ${XCODE_VERSION} at ${XCODE_BUNDLE}") # Older Xcode versions had different approach to the directory hiearchy. # Require newer Xcode which is also have better chances of being able to compile with the # required deployment target. # # NOTE: Xcode version 8.2 is the latest one which runs on macOS 10.11. if(${XCODE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 8.2) message(FATAL_ERROR "Only Xcode version 8.2 and newer is supported") endif() # note: xcode-select path could be ambiguous, # cause /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer or /Applications/Xcode.app would be allowed # so i use a selfcomposed bundlepath here set(OSX_SYSROOT_PREFIX ${XCODE_BUNDLE}/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform) message(STATUS "OSX_SYSROOT_PREFIX: " ${OSX_SYSROOT_PREFIX}) set(OSX_DEVELOPER_PREFIX /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX${OSX_SYSTEM}.sdk) # use guaranteed existing sdk set(CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT ${OSX_SYSROOT_PREFIX}/${OSX_DEVELOPER_PREFIX} CACHE PATH "" FORCE) if(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Xcode") # to silence sdk not found warning, just overrides CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT set(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_SDKROOT macosx${OSX_SYSTEM}) endif() # 10.11 is our min. target, if you use higher sdk, weak linking happens if(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) if(${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} VERSION_LESS 10.11) message(STATUS "Setting deployment target to 10.11, lower versions are not supported") set(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET "10.11" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() else() set(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET "10.11" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() if(NOT ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Xcode") # Force CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET for makefiles, will not work else (CMake bug?) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}") add_definitions("-DMACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}") endif()