# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright 2016 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. # Libraries configuration for any *nix system including Linux and Unix (excluding APPLE). # Detect precompiled library directory if(NOT DEFINED LIBDIR) # Path to a locally compiled libraries. set(LIBDIR_NAME ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}_${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) string(TOLOWER ${LIBDIR_NAME} LIBDIR_NAME) set(LIBDIR_NATIVE_ABI ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../lib/${LIBDIR_NAME}) # Path to precompiled libraries with known CentOS 7 ABI. set(LIBDIR_CENTOS7_ABI ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../lib/linux_centos7_x86_64) # Choose the best suitable libraries. if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR_NATIVE_ABI}) set(LIBDIR ${LIBDIR_NATIVE_ABI}) elseif(EXISTS ${LIBDIR_CENTOS7_ABI}) set(LIBDIR ${LIBDIR_CENTOS7_ABI}) set(WITH_CXX11_ABI OFF) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC AND CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 9.3) message(FATAL_ERROR "GCC version must be at least 9.3 for precompiled libraries, found ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION}") endif() endif() # Avoid namespace pollustion. unset(LIBDIR_NATIVE_ABI) unset(LIBDIR_CENTOS7_ABI) endif() # Support restoring this value once pre-compiled libraries have been handled. set(WITH_STATIC_LIBS_INIT ${WITH_STATIC_LIBS}) if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR}) message(STATUS "Using pre-compiled LIBDIR: ${LIBDIR}") file(GLOB LIB_SUBDIRS ${LIBDIR}/*) # Ignore Mesa software OpenGL libraries, they are not intended to be # linked against but to optionally override at runtime. list(REMOVE_ITEM LIB_SUBDIRS ${LIBDIR}/mesa) # NOTE: Make sure "proper" compiled zlib comes first before the one # which is a part of OpenCollada. They have different ABI, and we # do need to use the official one. set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${LIBDIR}/zlib ${LIB_SUBDIRS}) set(WITH_STATIC_LIBS ON) # OpenMP usually can't be statically linked into shared libraries, # due to not being compiled with position independent code. if(NOT WITH_PYTHON_MODULE) set(WITH_OPENMP_STATIC ON) endif() set(Boost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE ON) set(BOOST_ROOT ${LIBDIR}/boost) set(BOOST_LIBRARYDIR ${LIBDIR}/boost/lib) set(Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS ON) set(OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR ${LIBDIR}/openexr) set(CLANG_ROOT_DIR ${LIBDIR}/llvm) include(platform_old_libs_update) endif() if(WITH_STATIC_LIBS) string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -static-libstdc++") endif() # Wrapper to prefer static libraries macro(find_package_wrapper) if(WITH_STATIC_LIBS) find_package_static(${ARGV}) else() find_package(${ARGV}) endif() endmacro() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Precompiled Libraries # # These are libraries that may be precompiled. For this we disable searching in # the system directories so that we don't accidentally use them instead. if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR}) without_system_libs_begin() endif() find_package_wrapper(JPEG REQUIRED) find_package_wrapper(PNG REQUIRED) find_package_wrapper(ZLIB REQUIRED) find_package_wrapper(Zstd REQUIRED) if(NOT WITH_SYSTEM_FREETYPE) # FreeType compiled with Brotli compression for woff2. find_package_wrapper(Freetype REQUIRED) if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR}) find_package_wrapper(Brotli REQUIRED) # NOTE: This is done on WIN32 & APPLE but fails on some Linux systems. # See: https://devtalk.blender.org/t/22536 # So `BROTLI_LIBRARIES` need to be added directly after `FREETYPE_LIBRARIES`. # # list(APPEND FREETYPE_LIBRARIES # ${BROTLI_LIBRARIES} # ) endif() endif() if(WITH_PYTHON) # No way to set py35, remove for now. # find_package(PythonLibs) # Use our own instead, since without py is such a rare case, # require this package # XXX Linking errors with debian static python :/ # find_package_wrapper(PythonLibsUnix REQUIRED) find_package(PythonLibsUnix REQUIRED) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_OPENEXR) find_package_wrapper(OpenEXR) # our own module if(NOT OPENEXR_FOUND) set(WITH_IMAGE_OPENEXR OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_OPENJPEG) find_package_wrapper(OpenJPEG) if(NOT OPENJPEG_FOUND) set(WITH_IMAGE_OPENJPEG OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_TIFF) # XXX Linking errors with debian static tiff :/ # find_package_wrapper(TIFF) find_package(TIFF) if(NOT TIFF_FOUND) set(WITH_IMAGE_TIFF OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_OPENAL) find_package_wrapper(OpenAL) if(NOT OPENAL_FOUND) set(WITH_OPENAL OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_SDL) if(WITH_SDL_DYNLOAD) set(SDL_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extern/sdlew/include/SDL2") set(SDL_LIBRARY) else() find_package_wrapper(SDL2) if(SDL2_FOUND) # Use same names for both versions of SDL until we move to 2.x. set(SDL_INCLUDE_DIR "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}") set(SDL_LIBRARY "${SDL2_LIBRARY}") set(SDL_FOUND "${SDL2_FOUND}") else() find_package_wrapper(SDL) endif() mark_as_advanced( SDL_INCLUDE_DIR SDL_LIBRARY ) # unset(SDLMAIN_LIBRARY CACHE) if(NOT SDL_FOUND) set(WITH_SDL OFF) endif() endif() endif() # Codecs if(WITH_CODEC_SNDFILE) find_package_wrapper(SndFile) if(NOT SNDFILE_FOUND) set(WITH_CODEC_SNDFILE OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_CODEC_FFMPEG) if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR}) set(FFMPEG_ROOT_DIR ${LIBDIR}/ffmpeg) # Override FFMPEG components to also include static library dependencies # included with precompiled libraries, and to ensure correct link order. set(FFMPEG_FIND_COMPONENTS avformat avcodec avdevice avutil swresample swscale sndfile FLAC mp3lame opus theora theoradec theoraenc vorbis vorbisenc vorbisfile ogg vpx x264 xvidcore) elseif(FFMPEG) # Old cache variable used for root dir, convert to new standard. set(FFMPEG_ROOT_DIR ${FFMPEG}) endif() find_package(FFmpeg) if(NOT FFMPEG_FOUND) set(WITH_CODEC_FFMPEG OFF) message(STATUS "FFmpeg not found, disabling it") endif() endif() if(WITH_FFTW3) find_package_wrapper(Fftw3) if(NOT FFTW3_FOUND) set(WITH_FFTW3 OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_OPENCOLLADA) find_package_wrapper(OpenCOLLADA) if(OPENCOLLADA_FOUND) if(WITH_STATIC_LIBS) # PCRE is bundled with OpenCollada without headers, so can't use # find_package reliably to detect it. set(PCRE_LIBRARIES ${LIBDIR}/opencollada/lib/libpcre.a) else() find_package_wrapper(PCRE) endif() find_package_wrapper(XML2) else() set(WITH_OPENCOLLADA OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_MEM_JEMALLOC) find_package_wrapper(JeMalloc) if(NOT JEMALLOC_FOUND) set(WITH_MEM_JEMALLOC OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_INPUT_NDOF) find_package_wrapper(Spacenav) if(SPACENAV_FOUND) # use generic names within blenders buildsystem. set(NDOF_INCLUDE_DIRS ${SPACENAV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(NDOF_LIBRARIES ${SPACENAV_LIBRARIES}) else() set(WITH_INPUT_NDOF OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_CYCLES AND WITH_CYCLES_OSL) set(CYCLES_OSL ${LIBDIR}/osl CACHE PATH "Path to OpenShadingLanguage installation") if(EXISTS ${CYCLES_OSL} AND NOT OSL_ROOT) set(OSL_ROOT ${CYCLES_OSL}) endif() find_package_wrapper(OSL) if(OSL_FOUND) if(${OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR} EQUAL "1" AND ${OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR} LESS "6") # Note: --whole-archive is needed to force loading of all symbols in liboslexec, # otherwise LLVM is missing the osl_allocate_closure_component function set(OSL_LIBRARIES ${OSL_OSLCOMP_LIBRARY} -Wl,--whole-archive ${OSL_OSLEXEC_LIBRARY} -Wl,--no-whole-archive ${OSL_OSLQUERY_LIBRARY} ) endif() else() message(STATUS "OSL not found, disabling it from Cycles") set(WITH_CYCLES_OSL OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_OPENVDB) find_package_wrapper(OpenVDB) find_package_wrapper(Blosc) if(NOT OPENVDB_FOUND) set(WITH_OPENVDB OFF) set(WITH_OPENVDB_BLOSC OFF) message(STATUS "OpenVDB not found, disabling it") elseif(NOT BLOSC_FOUND) set(WITH_OPENVDB_BLOSC OFF) message(STATUS "Blosc not found, disabling it for OpenVBD") endif() endif() if(WITH_NANOVDB) find_package_wrapper(NanoVDB) if(NOT NANOVDB_FOUND) set(WITH_NANOVDB OFF) message(STATUS "NanoVDB not found, disabling it") endif() endif() if(WITH_CPU_SIMD AND SUPPORT_NEON_BUILD) find_package_wrapper(sse2neon) endif() if(WITH_ALEMBIC) find_package_wrapper(Alembic) if(NOT ALEMBIC_FOUND) set(WITH_ALEMBIC OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_USD) find_package_wrapper(USD) if(NOT USD_FOUND) set(WITH_USD OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_BOOST) # uses in build instructions to override include and library variables if(NOT BOOST_CUSTOM) if(WITH_STATIC_LIBS) set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) endif() set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED ON) set(__boost_packages filesystem regex thread date_time) if(WITH_CYCLES AND WITH_CYCLES_OSL) if(NOT (${OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR} EQUAL "1" AND ${OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR} LESS "6")) list(APPEND __boost_packages wave) else() endif() endif() if(WITH_INTERNATIONAL) list(APPEND __boost_packages locale) endif() if(WITH_OPENVDB) list(APPEND __boost_packages iostreams) endif() list(APPEND __boost_packages system) find_package(Boost 1.48 COMPONENTS ${__boost_packages}) if(NOT Boost_FOUND) # try to find non-multithreaded if -mt not found, this flag # doesn't matter for us, it has nothing to do with thread # safety, but keep it to not disturb build setups set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED OFF) find_package(Boost 1.48 COMPONENTS ${__boost_packages}) endif() unset(__boost_packages) if(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS AND WITH_BOOST_ICU) find_package(IcuLinux) endif() mark_as_advanced(Boost_DIR) # why doesn't boost do this? mark_as_advanced(Boost_INCLUDE_DIR) # why doesn't boost do this? endif() set(BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(BOOST_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) set(BOOST_LIBPATH ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(BOOST_DEFINITIONS "-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB") if(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS AND WITH_BOOST_ICU) find_package(IcuLinux) list(APPEND BOOST_LIBRARIES ${ICU_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() if(WITH_PUGIXML) find_package_wrapper(PugiXML) if(NOT PUGIXML_FOUND) set(WITH_PUGIXML OFF) message(STATUS "PugiXML not found, disabling WITH_PUGIXML") endif() endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_WEBP) set(WEBP_ROOT_DIR ${LIBDIR}/webp) find_package_wrapper(WebP) if(NOT WEBP_FOUND) set(WITH_IMAGE_WEBP OFF) message(WARNING "WebP not found, disabling WITH_IMAGE_WEBP") endif() endif() if(WITH_OPENIMAGEIO) find_package_wrapper(OpenImageIO) set(OPENIMAGEIO_LIBRARIES ${OPENIMAGEIO_LIBRARIES} ${PNG_LIBRARIES} ${JPEG_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${BOOST_LIBRARIES} ) set(OPENIMAGEIO_LIBPATH) # TODO, remove and reference the absolute path everywhere set(OPENIMAGEIO_DEFINITIONS "") if(WITH_IMAGE_TIFF) list(APPEND OPENIMAGEIO_LIBRARIES "${TIFF_LIBRARY}") endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_OPENEXR) list(APPEND OPENIMAGEIO_LIBRARIES "${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES}") endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_WEBP) list(APPEND OPENIMAGEIO_LIBRARIES "${WEBP_LIBRARIES}") endif() if(NOT OPENIMAGEIO_FOUND) set(WITH_OPENIMAGEIO OFF) message(STATUS "OpenImageIO not found, disabling WITH_CYCLES") endif() endif() if(WITH_OPENCOLORIO) find_package_wrapper(OpenColorIO 2.0.0) set(OPENCOLORIO_LIBRARIES ${OPENCOLORIO_LIBRARIES}) set(OPENCOLORIO_LIBPATH) # TODO, remove and reference the absolute path everywhere set(OPENCOLORIO_DEFINITIONS) if(NOT OPENCOLORIO_FOUND) set(WITH_OPENCOLORIO OFF) message(STATUS "OpenColorIO not found") endif() endif() if(WITH_CYCLES AND WITH_CYCLES_EMBREE) find_package(Embree 3.8.0 REQUIRED) endif() if(WITH_OPENIMAGEDENOISE) find_package_wrapper(OpenImageDenoise) if(NOT OPENIMAGEDENOISE_FOUND) set(WITH_OPENIMAGEDENOISE OFF) message(STATUS "OpenImageDenoise not found") endif() endif() if(WITH_LLVM) if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR}) set(LLVM_STATIC ON) endif() find_package_wrapper(LLVM) if(WITH_CLANG) find_package_wrapper(Clang) endif() # Symbol conflicts with same UTF library used by OpenCollada if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR}) if(WITH_OPENCOLLADA AND (${LLVM_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "4.0.0")) list(REMOVE_ITEM OPENCOLLADA_LIBRARIES ${OPENCOLLADA_UTF_LIBRARY}) endif() endif() if(NOT LLVM_FOUND) set(WITH_LLVM OFF) set(WITH_CLANG OFF) message(STATUS "LLVM not found") else() if(NOT CLANG_FOUND) set(WITH_CLANG OFF) message(STATUS "Clang not found") endif() endif() endif() if(WITH_OPENSUBDIV) find_package_wrapper(OpenSubdiv) set(OPENSUBDIV_LIBRARIES ${OPENSUBDIV_LIBRARIES}) set(OPENSUBDIV_LIBPATH) # TODO, remove and reference the absolute path everywhere if(NOT OPENSUBDIV_FOUND) set(WITH_OPENSUBDIV OFF) message(STATUS "OpenSubdiv not found") endif() endif() if(WITH_TBB) find_package_wrapper(TBB) if(NOT TBB_FOUND) message(WARNING "TBB not found, disabling WITH_TBB") set(WITH_TBB OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_XR_OPENXR) find_package(XR_OpenXR_SDK) if(NOT XR_OPENXR_SDK_FOUND) message(WARNING "OpenXR-SDK not found, disabling WITH_XR_OPENXR") set(WITH_XR_OPENXR OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_GMP) find_package_wrapper(GMP) if(NOT GMP_FOUND) message(WARNING "GMP not found, disabling WITH_GMP") set(WITH_GMP OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_POTRACE) find_package_wrapper(Potrace) if(NOT POTRACE_FOUND) message(WARNING "potrace not found, disabling WITH_POTRACE") set(WITH_POTRACE OFF) endif() endif() if(WITH_HARU) find_package_wrapper(Haru) if(NOT HARU_FOUND) message(WARNING "Haru not found, disabling WITH_HARU") set(WITH_HARU OFF) endif() endif() if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR}) without_system_libs_end() endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build and Link Flags # OpenSuse needs lutil, ArchLinux not, for now keep, can avoid by using --as-needed if(HAIKU) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS -lnetwork) else() list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS -lutil -lc -lm) endif() find_package(Threads REQUIRED) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) # used by other platforms set(PTHREADS_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) if(CMAKE_DL_LIBS) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") if(NOT WITH_PYTHON_MODULE) # binreloc is linux only set(BINRELOC_INCLUDE_DIRS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extern/binreloc/include) set(WITH_BINRELOC ON) endif() endif() # lfs on glibc, all compilers should use add_definitions(-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # System Libraries # # Keep last, so indirectly linked libraries don't override our own pre-compiled libs. if(EXISTS ${LIBDIR}) # Clear the prefix path as it causes the `LIBDIR` to override system locations. unset(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) # Since the pre-compiled `LIBDIR` directories have been handled, don't prefer static libraries. set(WITH_STATIC_LIBS ${WITH_STATIC_LIBS_INIT}) endif() if(WITH_SYSTEM_FREETYPE) find_package_wrapper(Freetype) if(NOT FREETYPE_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed finding system FreeType version!") endif() endif() if(WITH_LZO AND WITH_SYSTEM_LZO) find_package_wrapper(LZO) if(NOT LZO_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed finding system LZO version!") endif() endif() if(WITH_SYSTEM_EIGEN3) find_package_wrapper(Eigen3) if(NOT EIGEN3_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed finding system Eigen3 version!") endif() endif() # Jack is intended to use the system library. if(WITH_JACK) find_package_wrapper(Jack) if(NOT JACK_FOUND) set(WITH_JACK OFF) endif() endif() # Pulse is intended to use the system library. if(WITH_PULSEAUDIO) find_package_wrapper(Pulse) if(NOT PULSE_FOUND) set(WITH_PULSEAUDIO OFF) endif() endif() # Audio IO if(WITH_SYSTEM_AUDASPACE) find_package_wrapper(Audaspace) if(NOT AUDASPACE_FOUND OR NOT AUDASPACE_C_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Audaspace external library not found!") endif() endif() if(WITH_GHOST_WAYLAND) find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(wayland-client REQUIRED wayland-client>=1.12) pkg_check_modules(wayland-egl REQUIRED wayland-egl) pkg_check_modules(wayland-scanner REQUIRED wayland-scanner) pkg_check_modules(xkbcommon REQUIRED xkbcommon) pkg_check_modules(wayland-cursor REQUIRED wayland-cursor) pkg_check_modules(dbus REQUIRED dbus-1) set(WITH_GL_EGL ON) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS ${wayland-client_LINK_LIBRARIES} ${wayland-egl_LINK_LIBRARIES} ${xkbcommon_LINK_LIBRARIES} ${wayland-cursor_LINK_LIBRARIES} ${dbus_LINK_LIBRARIES} ) endif() if(WITH_GHOST_X11) find_package(X11 REQUIRED) find_path(X11_XF86keysym_INCLUDE_PATH X11/XF86keysym.h ${X11_INC_SEARCH_PATH}) mark_as_advanced(X11_XF86keysym_INCLUDE_PATH) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS ${X11_X11_LIB}) if(WITH_X11_XINPUT) if(X11_Xinput_LIB) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS ${X11_Xinput_LIB}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "LibXi not found. Disable WITH_X11_XINPUT if you want to build without tablet support") endif() endif() if(WITH_X11_XF86VMODE) # XXX, why doesn't cmake make this available? find_library(X11_Xxf86vmode_LIB Xxf86vm ${X11_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) mark_as_advanced(X11_Xxf86vmode_LIB) if(X11_Xxf86vmode_LIB) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS ${X11_Xxf86vmode_LIB}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "libXxf86vm not found. Disable WITH_X11_XF86VMODE if you want to build without") endif() endif() if(WITH_X11_XFIXES) if(X11_Xfixes_LIB) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS ${X11_Xfixes_LIB}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "libXfixes not found. Disable WITH_X11_XFIXES if you want to build without") endif() endif() if(WITH_X11_ALPHA) find_library(X11_Xrender_LIB Xrender ${X11_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) mark_as_advanced(X11_Xrender_LIB) if(X11_Xrender_LIB) list(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKLIBS ${X11_Xrender_LIB}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "libXrender not found. Disable WITH_X11_ALPHA if you want to build without") endif() endif() endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilers # Only set the linker once. set(_IS_LINKER_DEFAULT ON) # GNU Compiler if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) # ffp-contract=off: # Automatically turned on when building with "-march=native". This is # explicitly turned off here as it will make floating point math give a bit # different results. This will lead to automated test failures. So disable # this until we support it. Seems to default to off in clang and the intel # compiler. set(PLATFORM_CFLAGS "-pipe -fPIC -funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -ffp-contract=off") # `maybe-uninitialized` is unreliable in release builds, but fine in debug builds. set(GCC_EXTRA_FLAGS_RELEASE "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${GCC_EXTRA_FLAGS_RELEASE} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${GCC_EXTRA_FLAGS_RELEASE} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${GCC_EXTRA_FLAGS_RELEASE} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") string(PREPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${GCC_EXTRA_FLAGS_RELEASE} ") unset(GCC_EXTRA_FLAGS_RELEASE) # NOTE(@campbellbarton): Eventually mold will be able to use `-fuse-ld=mold`, # however at the moment this only works for GCC 12.1+ (unreleased at time of writing). # So a workaround is used here "-B" which points to another path to find system commands # such as `ld`. if(WITH_LINKER_MOLD AND _IS_LINKER_DEFAULT) find_program(MOLD_BIN "mold") mark_as_advanced(MOLD_BIN) if(NOT MOLD_BIN) message(STATUS "The \"mold\" binary could not be found, using system linker.") set(WITH_LINKER_MOLD OFF) else() # By default mold installs the binary to: # - `{PREFIX}/bin/mold` as well as a symbolic-link in... # - `{PREFIX}/lib/mold/ld`. # (where `PREFIX` is typically `/usr/`). # # This block of code finds `{PREFIX}/lib/mold` from the `mold` binary. # Other methods of searching for the path could also be made to work, # we could even make our own directory and symbolic-link, however it's more # convenient to use the one provided by mold. # # Use the binary path to "mold", to find the common prefix which contains "lib/mold". # The parent directory: e.g. `/usr/bin/mold` -> `/usr/bin/`. get_filename_component(MOLD_PREFIX "${MOLD_BIN}" DIRECTORY) # The common prefix path: e.g. `/usr/bin/` -> `/usr/` to use as a hint. get_filename_component(MOLD_PREFIX "${MOLD_PREFIX}" DIRECTORY) # Find `{PREFIX}/lib/mold/ld`, store the directory component (without the `ld`). # Then pass `-B {PREFIX}/lib/mold` to GCC so the `ld` located there overrides the default. find_path( MOLD_BIN_DIR "ld" HINTS "${MOLD_PREFIX}" # The default path is `libexec`, Arch Linux for e.g. # replaces this with `lib` so check both. PATH_SUFFIXES "libexec/mold" "lib/mold" "lib64/mold" NO_DEFAULT_PATH NO_CACHE ) if(NOT MOLD_BIN_DIR) message(STATUS "The mold linker could not find the directory containing the linker command " "(typically " "\"${MOLD_PREFIX}/libexec/mold/ld\") or " "\"${MOLD_PREFIX}/lib/mold/ld\") using system linker.") set(WITH_LINKER_MOLD OFF) endif() unset(MOLD_PREFIX) endif() if(WITH_LINKER_MOLD) # GCC will search for `ld` in this directory first. string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -B \"${MOLD_BIN_DIR}\"") string(APPEND CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS " -B \"${MOLD_BIN_DIR}\"") string(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS " -B \"${MOLD_BIN_DIR}\"") set(_IS_LINKER_DEFAULT OFF) endif() unset(MOLD_BIN) unset(MOLD_BIN_DIR) endif() if(WITH_LINKER_GOLD AND _IS_LINKER_DEFAULT) execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--version ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_VARIABLE LD_VERSION) if("${LD_VERSION}" MATCHES "GNU gold") string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=gold") string(APPEND CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=gold") string(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=gold") set(_IS_LINKER_DEFAULT OFF) else() message(STATUS "GNU gold linker isn't available, using the default system linker.") endif() unset(LD_VERSION) endif() if(WITH_LINKER_LLD AND _IS_LINKER_DEFAULT) execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -fuse-ld=lld -Wl,--version ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_VARIABLE LD_VERSION) if("${LD_VERSION}" MATCHES "LLD") string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=lld") string(APPEND CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=lld") string(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=lld") set(_IS_LINKER_DEFAULT OFF) else() message(STATUS "LLD linker isn't available, using the default system linker.") endif() unset(LD_VERSION) endif() # CLang is the same as GCC for now. elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") set(PLATFORM_CFLAGS "-pipe -fPIC -funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing") if(WITH_LINKER_MOLD AND _IS_LINKER_DEFAULT) find_program(MOLD_BIN "mold") mark_as_advanced(MOLD_BIN) if(NOT MOLD_BIN) message(STATUS "The \"mold\" binary could not be found, using system linker.") set(WITH_LINKER_MOLD OFF) else() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 12.0) string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " --ld-path=\"${MOLD_BIN}\"") string(APPEND CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS " --ld-path=\"${MOLD_BIN}\"") string(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS " --ld-path=\"${MOLD_BIN}\"") else() string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=\"${MOLD_BIN}\"") string(APPEND CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=\"${MOLD_BIN}\"") string(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS " -fuse-ld=\"${MOLD_BIN}\"") endif() set(_IS_LINKER_DEFAULT OFF) endif() unset(MOLD_BIN) endif() # Intel C++ Compiler elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") # think these next two are broken find_program(XIAR xiar) if(XIAR) set(CMAKE_AR "${XIAR}") endif() mark_as_advanced(XIAR) find_program(XILD xild) if(XILD) set(CMAKE_LINKER "${XILD}") endif() mark_as_advanced(XILD) string(APPEND CMAKE_C_FLAGS " -fp-model precise -prec_div -parallel") string(APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " -fp-model precise -prec_div -parallel") # string(APPEND PLATFORM_CFLAGS " -diag-enable sc3") set(PLATFORM_CFLAGS "-pipe -fPIC -funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing") string(APPEND PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS " -static-intel") endif() unset(_IS_LINKER_DEFAULT) # Avoid conflicts with Mesa llvmpipe, Luxrender, and other plug-ins that may # use the same libraries as Blender with a different version or build options. set(PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS "${PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS} -Wl,--version-script='${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/creator/blender.map'" ) # Don't use position independent executable for portable install since file # browsers can't properly detect blender as an executable then. Still enabled # for non-portable installs as typically used by Linux distributions. if(WITH_INSTALL_PORTABLE) string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -no-pie") endif() if(WITH_COMPILER_CCACHE) find_program(CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache) if(CCACHE_PROGRAM) # Makefiles and ninja set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) else() message(WARNING "Ccache NOT found, disabling WITH_COMPILER_CCACHE") set(WITH_COMPILER_CCACHE OFF) endif() endif() # On some platforms certain atomic operations are not possible with assembly and/or intrinsics and # they are emulated in software with locks. For example, on armel there is no intrinsics to grant # 64 bit atomic operations and STL library uses libatomic to offload software emulation of atomics # to. # This function will check whether libatomic is required and if so will configure linker flags. # If atomic operations are possible without libatomic then linker flags are left as-is. function(CONFIGURE_ATOMIC_LIB_IF_NEEDED) # Source which is used to enforce situation when software emulation of atomics is required. # Assume that using 64bit integer gives a definitive answer (as in, if 64bit atomic operations # are possible using assembly/intrinsics 8, 16, and 32 bit operations will also be possible. set(_source "#include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::atomic uint64; uint64++; return 0; }") include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) check_cxx_source_compiles("${_source}" ATOMIC_OPS_WITHOUT_LIBATOMIC) if(NOT ATOMIC_OPS_WITHOUT_LIBATOMIC) # Compilation of the test program has failed. # Try it again with -latomic to see if this is what is needed, or whether something else is # going on. set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES atomic) check_cxx_source_compiles("${_source}" ATOMIC_OPS_WITH_LIBATOMIC) if(ATOMIC_OPS_WITH_LIBATOMIC) set(PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS "${PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS} -latomic" PARENT_SCOPE) else() # Atomic operations are required part of Blender and it is not possible to process forward. # We expect that either standard library or libatomic will make atomics to work. If both # cases has failed something fishy o na bigger scope is going on. message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to detect required configuration for atomic operations") endif() endif() endfunction() CONFIGURE_ATOMIC_LIB_IF_NEEDED()