if "%BUILD_VS_YEAR%"=="2017" set BUILD_VS_LIBDIRPOST=vc15 if "%BUILD_VS_YEAR%"=="2019" set BUILD_VS_LIBDIRPOST=vc15 set BUILD_VS_SVNDIR=win64_%BUILD_VS_LIBDIRPOST% set BUILD_VS_LIBDIR="%BLENDER_DIR%..\lib\%BUILD_VS_SVNDIR%" if NOT "%verbose%" == "" ( echo Library Directory = "%BUILD_VS_LIBDIR%" ) if NOT EXIST %BUILD_VS_LIBDIR% ( rem libs not found, but svn is on the system if not "%SVN%"=="" ( echo. echo The required external libraries in %BUILD_VS_LIBDIR% are missing echo. set /p GetLibs= "Would you like to download them? (y/n)" if /I "!GetLibs!"=="Y" ( echo. echo Downloading %BUILD_VS_SVNDIR% libraries, please wait. echo. :RETRY "%SVN%" checkout https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/%BUILD_VS_SVNDIR% %BUILD_VS_LIBDIR% if errorlevel 1 ( set /p LibRetry= "Error during download, retry? y/n" if /I "!LibRetry!"=="Y" ( cd %BUILD_VS_LIBDIR% "%SVN%" cleanup cd %BLENDER_DIR% goto RETRY ) echo. echo Error: Download of external libraries failed. echo This is needed for building, please manually run 'svn cleanup' and 'svn update' in echo %BUILD_VS_LIBDIR% , until this is resolved you CANNOT make a successful blender build echo. exit /b 1 ) ) ) ) else ( if NOT EXIST %PYTHON% ( if not "%SVN%"=="" ( echo. echo Python not found in external libraries, updating to latest version echo. "%SVN%" update %BUILD_VS_LIBDIR% ) ) ) if NOT EXIST %BUILD_VS_LIBDIR% ( echo. echo Error: Required libraries not found at "%BUILD_VS_LIBDIR%" echo This is needed for building, aborting! echo. if "%SVN%"=="" ( echo This is most likely caused by svn.exe not being available. ) exit /b 1 )