if EXIST %BLENDER_DIR%\..\lib\win64_vc15\llvm\bin\clang-format.exe ( set CF_PATH=..\lib\win64_vc15\llvm\bin goto detect_done ) echo clang-format not found exit /b 1 :detect_done echo found clang-format in %CF_PATH% if NOT EXIST %PYTHON% ( echo python not found, required for this operation exit /b 1 ) set FORMAT_PATHS=%BLENDER_DIR%\source\tools\utils_maintenance\clang_format_paths.py REM The formatting script expects clang-format to be in the current PATH. set PATH=%CF_PATH%;%PATH% REM Use -B to avoid writing __pycache__ in lib directory and causing update conflicts. %PYTHON% -B %FORMAT_PATHS% %FORMAT_ARGS% :EOF