""" Basic Physics Constraint ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Example of how to create a hinge Physics Constraint between two objects. """ from bge import logic from bge import constraints # get object list objects = logic.getCurrentScene().objects # get object named Object1 and Object 2 object_1 = objects["Object1"] object_2 = objects["Object2"] # want to use Edge constraint type constraint_type = 2 # get Object1 and Object2 physics IDs physics_id_1 = object_1.getPhysicsId() physics_id_2 = object_2.getPhysicsId() # Use bottom right edge of Object1 for hinge position edge_position_x = 1.0 edge_position_y = 0.0 edge_position_z = -1.0 # use Object1 y axis for angle to point hinge edge_angle_x = 0.0 edge_angle_y = 1.0 edge_angle_z = 0.0 # create an edge constraint constraints.createConstraint(physics_id_1, physics_id_2, constraint_type, edge_position_x, edge_position_y, edge_position_z, edge_angle_x, edge_angle_y, edge_angle_z)