""" This method enables conversions between Local and Pose space for bones in the middle of updating the armature without having to update dependencies after each change, by manually carrying updated matrices in a recursive walk. """ def set_pose_matrices(obj, matrix_map): "Assign pose space matrices of all bones at once, ignoring constraints." def rec(pbone, parent_matrix): matrix = matrix_map[pbone.name] ## Instead of: # pbone.matrix = matrix # bpy.context.view_layer.update() # Compute and assign local matrix, using the new parent matrix if pbone.parent: pbone.matrix_basis = pbone.bone.convert_local_to_pose( matrix, pbone.bone.matrix_local, parent_matrix=parent_matrix, parent_matrix_local=pbone.parent.bone.matrix_local, invert=True ) else: pbone.matrix_basis = pbone.bone.convert_local_to_pose( matrix, pbone.bone.matrix_local, invert=True ) # Recursively process children, passing the new matrix through for child in pbone.children: rec(child, matrix) # Scan all bone trees from their roots for pbone in obj.pose.bones: if not pbone.parent: rec(pbone, None)