""" Built-in shaders ++++++++++++++++ All built-in shaders have the ``mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix`` uniform. The value of it can only be modified using the :class:`gpu.matrix` module. 2D_UNIFORM_COLOR: attributes: vec3 pos uniforms: vec4 color 2D_FLAT_COLOR: attributes: vec3 pos, vec4 color uniforms: - 2D_SMOOTH_COLOR: attributes: vec3 pos, vec4 color uniforms: - 2D_IMAGE: attributes: vec3 pos, vec2 texCoord uniforms: sampler2D image 3D_UNIFORM_COLOR: attributes: vec3 pos uniforms: vec4 color 3D_FLAT_COLOR: attributes: vec3 pos, vec4 color uniforms: - 3D_SMOOTH_COLOR: attributes: vec3 pos, vec4 color uniforms: - """