BL_ArmatureChannel(PyObjectPlus) ================================ .. module:: bge.types base class --- :class:`PyObjectPlus` .. class:: BL_ArmatureChannel(PyObjectPlus) Proxy to armature pose channel. Allows to read and set armature pose. The attributes are identical to RNA attributes, but mostly in read-only mode. .. attribute:: name channel name (=bone name), read-only. :type: string .. attribute:: bone return the bone object corresponding to this pose channel, read-only. :type: :class:`BL_ArmatureBone` .. attribute:: parent return the parent channel object, None if root channel, read-only. :type: :class:`BL_ArmatureChannel` .. attribute:: has_ik true if the bone is part of an active IK chain, read-only. This flag is not set when an IK constraint is defined but not enabled (miss target information for example). :type: boolean .. attribute:: ik_dof_x true if the bone is free to rotation in the X axis, read-only. :type: boolean .. attribute:: ik_dof_y true if the bone is free to rotation in the Y axis, read-only. :type: boolean .. attribute:: ik_dof_z true if the bone is free to rotation in the Z axis, read-only. :type: boolean .. attribute:: ik_limit_x true if a limit is imposed on X rotation, read-only. :type: boolean .. attribute:: ik_limit_y true if a limit is imposed on Y rotation, read-only. :type: boolean .. attribute:: ik_limit_z true if a limit is imposed on Z rotation, read-only. :type: boolean .. attribute:: ik_rot_control true if channel rotation should applied as IK constraint, read-only. :type: boolean .. attribute:: ik_lin_control true if channel size should applied as IK constraint, read-only. :type: boolean .. attribute:: location displacement of the bone head in armature local space, read-write. :type: vector [X, Y, Z]. .. note:: You can only move a bone if it is unconnected to its parent. An action playing on the armature may change the value. An IK chain does not update this value, see joint_rotation. .. note:: Changing this field has no immediate effect, the pose is updated when the armature is updated during the graphic render (see :data:`BL_ArmatureObject.update`). .. attribute:: scale scale of the bone relative to its parent, read-write. :type: vector [sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ]. .. note:: An action playing on the armature may change the value. An IK chain does not update this value, see joint_rotation. .. note:: Changing this field has no immediate effect, the pose is updated when the armature is updated during the graphic render (see :data:`BL_ArmatureObject.update`) .. attribute:: rotation_quaternion rotation of the bone relative to its parent expressed as a quaternion, read-write. :type: vector [qr, qi, qj, qk]. .. note:: This field is only used if rotation_mode is 0. An action playing on the armature may change the value. An IK chain does not update this value, see joint_rotation. .. note:: Changing this field has no immediate effect, the pose is updated when the armature is updated during the graphic render (see :data:`BL_ArmatureObject.update`) .. attribute:: rotation_euler rotation of the bone relative to its parent expressed as a set of euler angles, read-write. :type: vector [X, Y, Z]. .. note:: This field is only used if rotation_mode is > 0. You must always pass the angles in [X, Y, Z] order; the order of applying the angles to the bone depends on rotation_mode. An action playing on the armature may change this field. An IK chain does not update this value, see joint_rotation. .. note:: Changing this field has no immediate effect, the pose is updated when the armature is updated during the graphic render (see :data:`BL_ArmatureObject.update`) .. attribute:: rotation_mode Method of updating the bone rotation, read-write. :type: integer (one of :ref:`these constants `) .. attribute:: channel_matrix pose matrix in bone space (deformation of the bone due to action, constraint, etc), Read-only. This field is updated after the graphic render, it represents the current pose. :type: matrix [4][4] .. attribute:: pose_matrix pose matrix in armature space, read-only, This field is updated after the graphic render, it represents the current pose. :type: matrix [4][4] .. attribute:: pose_head position of bone head in armature space, read-only. :type: vector [x, y, z] .. attribute:: pose_tail position of bone tail in armature space, read-only. :type: vector [x, y, z] .. attribute:: ik_min_x minimum value of X rotation in degree (<= 0) when X rotation is limited (see ik_limit_x), read-only. :type: float .. attribute:: ik_max_x maximum value of X rotation in degree (>= 0) when X rotation is limited (see ik_limit_x), read-only. :type: float .. attribute:: ik_min_y minimum value of Y rotation in degree (<= 0) when Y rotation is limited (see ik_limit_y), read-only. :type: float .. attribute:: ik_max_y maximum value of Y rotation in degree (>= 0) when Y rotation is limited (see ik_limit_y), read-only. :type: float .. attribute:: ik_min_z minimum value of Z rotation in degree (<= 0) when Z rotation is limited (see ik_limit_z), read-only. :type: float .. attribute:: ik_max_z maximum value of Z rotation in degree (>= 0) when Z rotation is limited (see ik_limit_z), read-only. :type: float .. attribute:: ik_stiffness_x bone rotation stiffness in X axis, read-only. :type: float between 0 and 1 .. attribute:: ik_stiffness_y bone rotation stiffness in Y axis, read-only. :type: float between 0 and 1 .. attribute:: ik_stiffness_z bone rotation stiffness in Z axis, read-only. :type: float between 0 and 1 .. attribute:: ik_stretch ratio of scale change that is allowed, 0=bone can't change size, read-only. :type: float .. attribute:: ik_rot_weight weight of rotation constraint when ik_rot_control is set, read-write. :type: float between 0 and 1 .. attribute:: ik_lin_weight weight of size constraint when ik_lin_control is set, read-write. :type: float between 0 and 1 .. attribute:: joint_rotation Control bone rotation in term of joint angle (for robotic applications), read-write. When writing to this attribute, you pass a [x, y, z] vector and an appropriate set of euler angles or quaternion is calculated according to the rotation_mode. When you read this attribute, the current pose matrix is converted into a [x, y, z] vector representing the joint angles. The value and the meaning of the x, y, z depends on the ik_dof_x/ik_dof_y/ik_dof_z attributes: * 1DoF joint X, Y or Z: the corresponding x, y, or z value is used an a joint angle in radiant * 2DoF joint X+Y or Z+Y: treated as 2 successive 1DoF joints: first X or Z, then Y. The x or z value is used as a joint angle in radiant along the X or Z axis, followed by a rotation along the new Y axis of y radiants. * 2DoF joint X+Z: treated as a 2DoF joint with rotation axis on the X/Z plane. The x and z values are used as the coordinates of the rotation vector in the X/Z plane. * 3DoF joint X+Y+Z: treated as a revolute joint. The [x, y, z] vector represents the equivalent rotation vector to bring the joint from the rest pose to the new pose. :type: vector [x, y, z] .. note:: The bone must be part of an IK chain if you want to set the ik_dof_x/ik_dof_y/ik_dof_z attributes via the UI, but this will interfere with this attribute since the IK solver will overwrite the pose. You can stay in control of the armature if you create an IK constraint but do not finalize it (e.g. don't set a target) the IK solver will not run but the IK panel will show up on the UI for each bone in the chain. .. note:: [0, 0, 0] always corresponds to the rest pose. .. note:: You must request the armature pose to update and wait for the next graphic frame to see the effect of setting this attribute (see :data:`BL_ArmatureObject.update`). .. note:: You can read the result of the calculation in rotation or euler_rotation attributes after setting this attribute.