KX_NavMeshObject(KX_GameObject) =============================== .. module:: bge.types base class --- :class:`KX_GameObject` .. class:: KX_NavMeshObject(KX_GameObject) Python interface for using and controlling navigation meshes. .. method:: findPath(start, goal) Finds the path from start to goal points. :arg start: the start point :arg start: 3D Vector :arg goal: the goal point :arg start: 3D Vector :return: a path as a list of points :rtype: list of points .. method:: raycast(start, goal) Raycast from start to goal points. :arg start: the start point :arg start: 3D Vector :arg goal: the goal point :arg start: 3D Vector :return: the hit factor :rtype: float .. method:: draw(mode) Draws a debug mesh for the navigation mesh. :arg mode: the drawing mode (one of :ref:`these constants `) :arg mode: integer :return: None .. method:: rebuild() Rebuild the navigation mesh. :return: None