KX_RadarSensor(KX_NearSensor) ============================= .. module:: bge.types base class --- :class:`KX_NearSensor` .. class:: KX_RadarSensor(KX_NearSensor) Radar sensor is a near sensor with a conical sensor object. .. attribute:: coneOrigin The origin of the cone with which to test. The origin is in the middle of the cone. (read-only). :type: list of floats [x, y, z] .. attribute:: coneTarget The center of the bottom face of the cone with which to test. (read-only). :type: list of floats [x, y, z] .. attribute:: distance The height of the cone with which to test. :type: float .. attribute:: angle The angle of the cone (in degrees) with which to test. :type: float .. attribute:: axis The axis on which the radar cone is cast. :type: integer from 0 to 5 KX_RADAR_AXIS_POS_X, KX_RADAR_AXIS_POS_Y, KX_RADAR_AXIS_POS_Z, KX_RADAR_AXIS_NEG_X, KX_RADAR_AXIS_NEG_Y, KX_RADAR_AXIS_NEG_Z