KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator(SCA_IActuator) ======================================= .. module:: bge.types base class --- :class:`SCA_IActuator` .. class:: KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator(SCA_IActuator) Edit Object Actuator (in Add Object Mode) .. warning:: An Add Object actuator will be ignored if at game start, the linked object doesn't exist (or is empty) or the linked object is in an active layer. .. code-block:: none Error: GameObject 'Name' has a AddObjectActuator 'ActuatorName' without object (in 'nonactive' layer) .. attribute:: object the object this actuator adds. :type: :class:`KX_GameObject` or None .. attribute:: objectLastCreated the last added object from this actuator (read-only). :type: :class:`KX_GameObject` or None .. attribute:: time the lifetime of added objects, in frames. Set to 0 to disable automatic deletion. :type: integer .. attribute:: linearVelocity the initial linear velocity of added objects. :type: list [vx, vy, vz] .. attribute:: angularVelocity the initial angular velocity of added objects. :type: list [vx, vy, vz] .. method:: instantAddObject() adds the object without needing to calling SCA_PythonController.activate() .. note:: Use objectLastCreated to get the newly created object.