KX_SteeringActuator(SCA_IActuator) ================================== .. module:: bge.types base class --- :class:`SCA_IActuator` .. class:: KX_SteeringActuator(SCA_IActuator) Steering Actuator for navigation. .. attribute:: behavior The steering behavior to use. :type: one of :ref:`these constants ` .. attribute:: velocity Velocity magnitude :type: float .. attribute:: acceleration Max acceleration :type: float .. attribute:: turnspeed Max turn speed :type: float .. attribute:: distance Relax distance :type: float .. attribute:: target Target object :type: :class:`KX_GameObject` .. attribute:: navmesh Navigation mesh :type: :class:`KX_GameObject` .. attribute:: selfterminated Terminate when target is reached :type: boolean .. attribute:: enableVisualization Enable debug visualization :type: boolean .. attribute:: pathUpdatePeriod Path update period :type: int