KX_VehicleWrapper(PyObjectPlus) =============================== .. module:: bge.types base class --- :class:`PyObjectPlus` .. class:: KX_VehicleWrapper(PyObjectPlus) KX_VehicleWrapper TODO - description .. method:: addWheel(wheel, attachPos, downDir, axleDir, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, hasSteering) Add a wheel to the vehicle :arg wheel: The object to use as a wheel. :type wheel: :class:`KX_GameObject` or a :class:`KX_GameObject` name :arg attachPos: The position to attach the wheel, relative to the chassis object center. :type attachPos: vector of 3 floats :arg downDir: The direction vector pointing down to where the vehicle should collide with the floor. :type downDir: vector of 3 floats :arg axleDir: The axis the wheel rotates around, relative to the chassis. :type axleDir: vector of 3 floats :arg suspensionRestLength: The length of the suspension when no forces are being applied. :type suspensionRestLength: float :arg wheelRadius: The radius of the wheel (half the diameter). :type wheelRadius: float :arg hasSteering: True if the wheel should turn with steering, typically used in front wheels. :type hasSteering: boolean .. method:: applyBraking(force, wheelIndex) Apply a braking force to the specified wheel :arg force: the brake force :type force: float :arg wheelIndex: index of the wheel where the force needs to be applied :type wheelIndex: integer .. method:: applyEngineForce(force, wheelIndex) Apply an engine force to the specified wheel :arg force: the engine force :type force: float :arg wheelIndex: index of the wheel where the force needs to be applied :type wheelIndex: integer .. method:: getConstraintId() Get the constraint ID :return: the constraint id :rtype: integer .. method:: getConstraintType() Returns the constraint type. :return: constraint type :rtype: integer .. method:: getNumWheels() Returns the number of wheels. :return: the number of wheels for this vehicle :rtype: integer .. method:: getWheelOrientationQuaternion(wheelIndex) Returns the wheel orientation as a quaternion. :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer :return: TODO Description :rtype: TODO - type should be quat as per method name but from the code it looks like a matrix .. method:: getWheelPosition(wheelIndex) Returns the position of the specified wheel :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer :return: position vector :rtype: list[x, y, z] .. method:: getWheelRotation(wheelIndex) Returns the rotation of the specified wheel :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer :return: the wheel rotation :rtype: float .. method:: setRollInfluence(rollInfluece, wheelIndex) Set the specified wheel's roll influence. The higher the roll influence the more the vehicle will tend to roll over in corners. :arg rollInfluece: the wheel roll influence :type rollInfluece: float :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer .. method:: setSteeringValue(steering, wheelIndex) Set the specified wheel's steering :arg steering: the wheel steering :type steering: float :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer .. method:: setSuspensionCompression(compression, wheelIndex) Set the specified wheel's compression :arg compression: the wheel compression :type compression: float :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer .. method:: setSuspensionDamping(damping, wheelIndex) Set the specified wheel's damping :arg damping: the wheel damping :type damping: float :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer .. method:: setSuspensionStiffness(stiffness, wheelIndex) Set the specified wheel's stiffness :arg stiffness: the wheel stiffness :type stiffness: float :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer .. method:: setTyreFriction(friction, wheelIndex) Set the specified wheel's tyre friction :arg friction: the tyre friction :type friction: float :arg wheelIndex: the wheel index :type wheelIndex: integer