# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later """ --------------- Dump the python API into a JSON file, or generate changelogs from those JSON API dumps. Typically, changelog output from this tool should be added into "doc/python_api/rst/change_log.rst" API dump files are saved together with the generated API doc on the server, with a general index file. This way the changelog generation simply needs to re-download the previous version's dump for the diffing process. --------------- # Dump api blender_version.json in CWD: blender --background --factory-startup --python doc/python_api/sphinx_changelog_gen.py -- \ --indexpath="path/to/api/docs/api_dump_index.json" \ dump --filepath-out="path/to/api/docs//api_dump.json" # Create changelog: blender --background --factory-startup --python doc/python_api/sphinx_changelog_gen.py -- \ --indexpath="path/to/api/docs/api_dump_index.json" \ changelog --filepath-out doc/python_api/rst/change_log.rst # Api comparison can also run without blender, # will by default generate changeloig between the last two available versions listed in the index, # unless input files are provided explicitely: python doc/python_api/sphinx_changelog_gen.py -- \ --indexpath="path/to/api/docs/api_dump_index.json" \ changelog --filepath-in-from blender_api_2_63_0.json \ --filepath-in-to blender_api_2_64_0.json \ --filepath-out changes.rst -------------- API dump index format: {[version_main, version_sub]: "/api_dump.json", ... } API dump format: [ [version_main, vserion_sub, version_path], {"module.name": {"parent.class": {"basic_type", "member_name": ["Name", type, range, length, default, descr, f_args, f_arg_types, f_ret_types]}, ... }, ... } ] """ import json import os api_names = "basic_type" "name", "type", "range", "length", "default", "descr", "f_args", "f_arg_types", "f_ret_types" API_BASIC_TYPE = 0 API_F_ARGS = 7 def api_version(): try: import bpy except: return None, None version = tuple(bpy.app.version[:2]) version_key = "%d.%d" % (version[0], version[1]) return version, version_key def api_version_previous_in_index(index, version): print("Searching for previous version to %s in %r" % (version, index)) version_prev = (version[0], version[1]) while True: version_prev = (version_prev[0], version_prev[1] - 1) if version_prev[1] < 0: version_prev = (version_prev[0] - 1, 99) if version_prev[0] < 0: return None, None version_prev_key = "%d.%d" % (version_prev[0], version_prev[1]) print("Checking for previous version %s" % (version_prev,)) if version_prev_key in index: print("Found previous version %s: %r" % (version_prev, index[version_prev_key])) return version_prev, version_prev_key class JSONEncoderAPIDump(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): if o is ...: return "..." if isinstance(o, set): return tuple(o) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) def api_dump(args): import rna_info import inspect version, version_key = api_version() if version is None: raise(ValueError("API dumps can only be generated from within Blender.")) dump = {} dump_module = dump["bpy.types"] = {} struct = rna_info.BuildRNAInfo()[0] for struct_id, struct_info in sorted(struct.items()): struct_id_str = struct_info.identifier if rna_info.rna_id_ignore(struct_id_str): continue for base in struct_info.get_bases(): struct_id_str = base.identifier + "." + struct_id_str dump_class = dump_module[struct_id_str] = {} props = [(prop.identifier, prop) for prop in struct_info.properties] for prop_id, prop in sorted(props): # if prop.type == 'boolean': # continue prop_type = prop.type prop_length = prop.array_length prop_range = round(prop.min, 4), round(prop.max, 4) prop_default = prop.default if type(prop_default) is float: prop_default = round(prop_default, 4) if prop_range[0] == -1 and prop_range[1] == -1: prop_range = None dump_class[prop_id] = ( "prop_rna", # basic_type prop.name, # name prop_type, # type prop_range, # range prop_length, # length prop.default, # default prop.description, # descr Ellipsis, # f_args Ellipsis, # f_arg_types Ellipsis, # f_ret_types ) del props # python props, tricky since we don't know much about them. for prop_id, attr in struct_info.get_py_properties(): dump_class[prop_id] = ( "prop_py", # basic_type Ellipsis, # name Ellipsis, # type Ellipsis, # range Ellipsis, # length Ellipsis, # default attr.__doc__, # descr Ellipsis, # f_args Ellipsis, # f_arg_types Ellipsis, # f_ret_types ) # kludge func -> props funcs = [(func.identifier, func) for func in struct_info.functions] for func_id, func in funcs: func_ret_types = tuple([prop.type for prop in func.return_values]) func_args_ids = tuple([prop.identifier for prop in func.args]) func_args_type = tuple([prop.type for prop in func.args]) dump_class[func_id] = ( "func_rna", # basic_type Ellipsis, # name Ellipsis, # type Ellipsis, # range Ellipsis, # length Ellipsis, # default func.description, # descr func_args_ids, # f_args func_args_type, # f_arg_types func_ret_types, # f_ret_types ) del funcs # kludge func -> props funcs = struct_info.get_py_functions() for func_id, attr in funcs: # arg_str = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(py_func)) sig = inspect.signature(attr) func_args_ids = [k for k, v in sig.parameters.items()] dump_class[func_id] = ( "func_py", # basic_type Ellipsis, # name Ellipsis, # type Ellipsis, # range Ellipsis, # length Ellipsis, # default attr.__doc__, # descr func_args_ids, # f_args Ellipsis, # f_arg_types Ellipsis, # f_ret_types ) del funcs filepath_out = args.filepath_out with open(filepath_out, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle: json.dump((version, dump), file_handle, cls=JSONEncoderAPIDump) indexpath = args.indexpath if os.path.exists(indexpath): with open(indexpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle: index = json.load(file_handle) else: index = {} index[version_key] = filepath_out with open(indexpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle: json.dump(index, file_handle) print("API version %s dumped into %r, and index %r has been updated" % (version_key, filepath_out, indexpath)) def compare_props(a, b, fuzz=0.75): # must be same basic_type, function != property if a[0] != b[0]: return False tot = 0 totlen = 0 for i in range(1, len(a)): if not (Ellipsis is a[i] is b[i]): tot += (a[i] == b[i]) totlen += 1 return ((tot / totlen) >= fuzz) def api_changelog(args): indexpath = args.indexpath filepath_in_from = args.filepath_in_from filepath_in_to = args.filepath_in_to filepath_out = args.filepath_out rootpath = os.path.dirname(indexpath) version, version_key = api_version() if version is None and (filepath_in_from is None or filepath_in_to is None): raise(ValueError("API dumps files must be given when ran outside of Blender.")) with open(indexpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle: index = json.load(file_handle) if filepath_in_to == None: filepath_in_to = index.get(version_key, None) if filepath_in_to == None: raise(ValueError("Cannot find API dump file for Blender version " + str(version) + " in index file.")) print("Found to file: %r" % filepath_in_to) if filepath_in_from == None: version_from, version_from_key = api_version_previous_in_index(index, version) if version_from is None: raise(ValueError("No previous version of Blender could be found in the index.")) filepath_in_from = index.get(version_from_key, None) if filepath_in_from is None: raise(ValueError("Cannot find API dump file for previous Blender version " + str(version_from) + " in index file.")) print("Found from file: %r" % filepath_in_from) with open(os.path.join(rootpath, filepath_in_from), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle: _, dict_from = json.load(file_handle) with open(os.path.join(rootpath, filepath_in_to), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_handle: dump_version, dict_to = json.load(file_handle) assert(tuple(dump_version) == version) api_changes = [] # first work out what moved for mod_id, mod_data in dict_to.items(): mod_data_other = dict_from[mod_id] for class_id, class_data in mod_data.items(): class_data_other = mod_data_other.get(class_id) if class_data_other is None: # TODO, document new structs continue # find the props which are not in either set_props_new = set(class_data.keys()) set_props_other = set(class_data_other.keys()) set_props_shared = set_props_new & set_props_other props_moved = [] props_new = [] props_old = [] func_args = [] set_props_old = set_props_other - set_props_shared set_props_new = set_props_new - set_props_shared # first find settings which have been moved old -> new for prop_id_old in set_props_old.copy(): prop_data_other = class_data_other[prop_id_old] for prop_id_new in set_props_new.copy(): prop_data = class_data[prop_id_new] if compare_props(prop_data_other, prop_data): props_moved.append((prop_id_old, prop_id_new)) # remove if prop_id_old in set_props_old: set_props_old.remove(prop_id_old) set_props_new.remove(prop_id_new) # func args for prop_id in set_props_shared: prop_data = class_data[prop_id] prop_data_other = class_data_other[prop_id] if prop_data[API_BASIC_TYPE] == prop_data_other[API_BASIC_TYPE]: if prop_data[API_BASIC_TYPE].startswith("func"): args_new = prop_data[API_F_ARGS] args_old = prop_data_other[API_F_ARGS] if args_new != args_old: func_args.append((prop_id, args_old, args_new)) if props_moved or set_props_new or set_props_old or func_args: props_moved.sort() props_new[:] = sorted(set_props_new) props_old[:] = sorted(set_props_old) func_args.sort() api_changes.append((mod_id, class_id, props_moved, props_new, props_old, func_args)) # also document function argument changes with open(filepath_out, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout: fw = fout.write # print(api_changes) # :class:`bpy_struct.id_data` # Write header. fw("" ":tocdepth: 2\n" "\n" "Blender API Change Log\n" "**********************\n" "\n" ".. note, this document is auto generated by sphinx_changelog_gen.py\n" "\n" "\n" "%s to %s\n" "============\n" "\n" % (version_from_key, version_key)) def write_title(title, title_char): fw("%s\n%s\n\n" % (title, title_char * len(title))) for mod_id, class_id, props_moved, props_new, props_old, func_args in api_changes: class_name = class_id.split(".")[-1] title = mod_id + "." + class_name write_title(title, "-") if props_new: write_title("Added", "^") for prop_id in props_new: fw("* :class:`%s.%s.%s`\n" % (mod_id, class_name, prop_id)) fw("\n") if props_old: write_title("Removed", "^") for prop_id in props_old: fw("* **%s**\n" % prop_id) # can't link to removed docs fw("\n") if props_moved: write_title("Renamed", "^") for prop_id_old, prop_id in props_moved: fw("* **%s** -> :class:`%s.%s.%s`\n" % (prop_id_old, mod_id, class_name, prop_id)) fw("\n") if func_args: write_title("Function Arguments", "^") for func_id, args_old, args_new in func_args: args_new = ", ".join(args_new) args_old = ", ".join(args_old) fw("* :class:`%s.%s.%s` (%s), *was (%s)*\n" % (mod_id, class_name, func_id, args_new, args_old)) fw("\n") print("Written: %r" % filepath_out) def main(argv=None): import sys import argparse if argv is None: argv = sys.argv if "--" not in argv: argv = [] # as if no args are passed else: argv = argv[argv.index("--") + 1:] # get all args after "--" # When --help or no args are given, print this help usage_text = "Run blender in background mode with this script: " "blender --background --factory-startup --python %s -- [options]" % os.path.basename(__file__) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=usage_text, epilog=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( "--indexpath", dest="indexpath", metavar='FILE', required=True, help="Path of the JSON file containing the index of all available API dumps.") parser_commands = parser.add_subparsers(required=True) parser_dump = parser_commands.add_parser('dump', help="Dump the current Blender Python API into a JSON file.") parser_dump.add_argument( "--filepath-out", dest="filepath_out", metavar='FILE', required=True, help="Path of the JSON file containing the dump of the API.") parser_dump.set_defaults(func=api_dump) parser_changelog = parser_commands.add_parser('changelog', help="Generate the RST changelog page based on two Blender Python API JSON dumps.") parser_changelog.add_argument( "--filepath-in-from", dest="filepath_in_from", metavar='FILE', default=None, help="JSON dump file to compare from (typically, previous version). " "If not given, will be automatically determined from current Blender version and index file.") parser_changelog.add_argument( "--filepath-in-to", dest="filepath_in_to", metavar='FILE', default=None, help="JSON dump file to compare to (typically, current version). " "If not given, will be automatically determined from current Blender version and index file.") parser_changelog.add_argument( "--filepath-out", dest="filepath_out", metavar='FILE', required=True, help="Output sphinx changelog RST file.") parser_changelog.set_defaults(func=api_changelog) args = parser.parse_args(argv) args.func(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()