/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2015-2016 Juan Francisco Crespo Galán * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ #include "fx/BinauralReader.h" #include "Exception.h" #include #include #include #define NUM_OUTCHANNELS 2 #define NUM_CONVOLVERS 4 #define CROSSFADE_SAMPLES 1024 AUD_NAMESPACE_BEGIN BinauralReader::BinauralReader(std::shared_ptr reader, std::shared_ptr hrtfs, std::shared_ptr source, std::shared_ptr threadPool, std::shared_ptr plan) : m_reader(reader), m_hrtfs(hrtfs), m_source(source), m_N(plan->getSize()), m_threadPool(threadPool), m_position(0), m_eosReader(false), m_eosTail(false), m_transition(false), m_transPos(CROSSFADE_SAMPLES*NUM_OUTCHANNELS) { if(m_hrtfs->isEmpty()) AUD_THROW(StateException, "The provided HRTF object is empty"); if(m_reader->getSpecs().channels != 1) AUD_THROW(StateException, "The sound must have only one channel"); if(m_reader->getSpecs().rate != m_hrtfs->getSpecs().rate) AUD_THROW(StateException, "The sound and the HRTFs must have the same rate"); m_M = m_L = m_N / 2; m_RealAzimuth = m_Azimuth = m_source->getAzimuth(); m_RealElevation = m_Elevation = m_source->getElevation(); auto irs = m_hrtfs->getImpulseResponse(m_RealAzimuth, m_RealElevation); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_CONVOLVERS; i++) if(i%NUM_OUTCHANNELS==0) m_convolvers.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new Convolver(irs.first->getChannel(0), irs.first->getLength(), m_threadPool, plan))); else m_convolvers.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new Convolver(irs.second->getChannel(0), irs.second->getLength(), m_threadPool, plan))); m_futures.resize(NUM_CONVOLVERS); m_outBuffer = (sample_t*)std::malloc(m_L*NUM_OUTCHANNELS*sizeof(sample_t)); m_eOutBufLen = m_outBufLen = m_outBufferPos = m_L * NUM_OUTCHANNELS; m_inBuffer = (sample_t*)std::malloc(m_L * sizeof(sample_t)); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_CONVOLVERS; i++) m_vecOut.push_back((sample_t*)std::calloc(m_L, sizeof(sample_t))); } BinauralReader::~BinauralReader() { std::free(m_outBuffer); std::free(m_inBuffer); for(int i = 0; i < m_vecOut.size(); i++) std::free(m_vecOut[i]); } bool BinauralReader::isSeekable() const { return m_reader->isSeekable(); } void BinauralReader::seek(int position) { m_position = position; m_reader->seek(position); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_CONVOLVERS; i++) m_convolvers[i]->reset(); m_eosTail = false; m_eosReader = false; m_outBufferPos = m_eOutBufLen = m_outBufLen; m_transition = false; m_transPos = CROSSFADE_SAMPLES*NUM_OUTCHANNELS; } int BinauralReader::getLength() const { return m_reader->getLength(); } int BinauralReader::getPosition() const { return m_position; } Specs BinauralReader::getSpecs() const { Specs specs = m_reader->getSpecs(); specs.channels = CHANNELS_STEREO; return specs; } void BinauralReader::read(int& length, bool& eos, sample_t* buffer) { int samples = 0; int iteration = 0; if(length <= 0) { length = 0; eos = (m_eosTail && m_outBufferPos >= m_eOutBufLen); return; } eos = false; int writePos = 0; do { int bufRest = m_eOutBufLen - m_outBufferPos; int writeLength = std::min((length*NUM_OUTCHANNELS) - writePos, m_eOutBufLen + bufRest); if(bufRest < writeLength || (m_eOutBufLen == 0 && m_eosTail)) { if(bufRest > 0) std::memcpy(buffer + writePos, m_outBuffer + m_outBufferPos, bufRest*sizeof(sample_t)); if(!m_eosTail) { int n = NUM_OUTCHANNELS; if(m_transition) n = NUM_CONVOLVERS; else if(checkSource()) n = NUM_CONVOLVERS; loadBuffer(n); int len = std::min(std::abs(writeLength - bufRest), m_eOutBufLen); std::memcpy(buffer + writePos + bufRest, m_outBuffer, len*sizeof(sample_t)); samples += len; m_outBufferPos = len; writeLength = std::min((length*NUM_OUTCHANNELS) - writePos, m_eOutBufLen + bufRest); } else { m_outBufferPos += bufRest; length = (writePos+bufRest) / NUM_OUTCHANNELS; eos = true; return; } } else { std::memcpy(buffer + writePos, m_outBuffer + m_outBufferPos, writeLength*sizeof(sample_t)); m_outBufferPos += writeLength; } writePos += writeLength; iteration++; } while(writePos < length*NUM_OUTCHANNELS); m_position += length; } bool BinauralReader::checkSource() { if((m_Azimuth != m_source->getAzimuth() || m_Elevation != m_source->getElevation()) && (!m_eosReader && !m_eosTail)) { float az = m_Azimuth = m_source->getAzimuth(); float el = m_Elevation = m_source->getElevation(); auto irs = m_hrtfs->getImpulseResponse(az, el); if(az != m_RealAzimuth || el != m_RealElevation) { m_RealAzimuth = az; m_RealElevation = el; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OUTCHANNELS; i++) { auto temp = std::move(m_convolvers[i]); m_convolvers[i] = std::move(m_convolvers[i + NUM_OUTCHANNELS]); m_convolvers[i + NUM_OUTCHANNELS] = std::move(temp); } for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OUTCHANNELS; i++) if(i%NUM_OUTCHANNELS == 0) m_convolvers[i]->setImpulseResponse(irs.first->getChannel(0)); else m_convolvers[i]->setImpulseResponse(irs.second->getChannel(0)); m_transPos = CROSSFADE_SAMPLES*NUM_OUTCHANNELS; m_transition = true; return true; } } return false; } void BinauralReader::loadBuffer(int nConvolvers) { m_lastLengthIn = m_L; m_reader->read(m_lastLengthIn, m_eosReader, m_inBuffer); if(!m_eosReader || m_lastLengthIn > 0) { int len = m_lastLengthIn; for(int i = 0; i < nConvolvers; i++) m_futures[i] = m_threadPool->enqueue(&BinauralReader::threadFunction, this, i, true); for(int i = 0; i < nConvolvers; i++) len = m_futures[i].get(); joinByChannel(0, len, nConvolvers); m_eOutBufLen = len*NUM_OUTCHANNELS; } else if(!m_eosTail) { int len = m_lastLengthIn = m_L; for(int i = 0; i < nConvolvers; i++) m_futures[i] = m_threadPool->enqueue(&BinauralReader::threadFunction, this, i, false); for(int i = 0; i < nConvolvers; i++) len = m_futures[i].get(); joinByChannel(0, len, nConvolvers); m_eOutBufLen = len*NUM_OUTCHANNELS; } } void BinauralReader::joinByChannel(int start, int len, int nConvolvers) { int k = 0; float vol = 0; const int l = CROSSFADE_SAMPLES*NUM_OUTCHANNELS; for(int i = 0; i < len*NUM_OUTCHANNELS; i += NUM_OUTCHANNELS) { if(m_transition) { vol = (m_transPos - i) / (float)l; if(vol > 1.0f) vol = 1.0f; else if(vol < 0.0f) vol = 0.0f; } for(int j = 0; j < NUM_OUTCHANNELS; j++) m_outBuffer[i + j + start] = ((m_vecOut[j][k] * (1.0f - vol)) + (m_vecOut[j + NUM_OUTCHANNELS][k] * vol))*m_source->getVolume(); k++; } if(m_transition) { m_transPos -= len*NUM_OUTCHANNELS; if(m_transPos <= 0) { m_transition = false; m_transPos = l; } } } int BinauralReader::threadFunction(int id, bool input) { int l = m_lastLengthIn; if(input) m_convolvers[id]->getNext(m_inBuffer, m_vecOut[id], l, m_eosTail); else m_convolvers[id]->getNext(nullptr, m_vecOut[id], l, m_eosTail); return l; } AUD_NAMESPACE_END