#ifndef __FTVectoriser__ #define __FTVectoriser__ #include "FTContour.h" #include "FTList.h" #include "FTPoint.h" #include "FTVector.h" #include "FTGL.h" #ifndef CALLBACK #define CALLBACK #endif /** * FTTesselation captures points that are output by OpenGL's gluTesselator. */ class FTGL_EXPORT FTTesselation { public: /** * Default constructor */ FTTesselation( GLenum m) : meshType(m) { pointList.reserve( 128); } /** * Destructor */ ~FTTesselation() { pointList.clear(); } /** * Add a point to the mesh. */ void AddPoint( const FTGL_DOUBLE x, const FTGL_DOUBLE y, const FTGL_DOUBLE z) { pointList.push_back( FTPoint( x, y, z)); } /** * The number of points in this mesh */ size_t PointCount() const { return pointList.size();} /** * */ const FTPoint& Point( unsigned int index) const { return pointList[index];} /** * Return the OpenGL polygon type. */ GLenum PolygonType() const { return meshType;} private: /** * Points generated by gluTesselator. */ typedef FTVector PointVector; PointVector pointList; /** * OpenGL primitive type from gluTesselator. */ GLenum meshType; }; /** * FTMesh is a container of FTTesselation's that make up a polygon glyph */ class FTGL_EXPORT FTMesh { typedef FTVector TesselationVector; typedef FTList PointList; public: /** * Default constructor */ FTMesh(); /** * Destructor */ ~FTMesh(); /** * */ void AddPoint( const FTGL_DOUBLE x, const FTGL_DOUBLE y, const FTGL_DOUBLE z); /** * */ FTGL_DOUBLE* Combine( const FTGL_DOUBLE x, const FTGL_DOUBLE y, const FTGL_DOUBLE z); /** * */ void Begin( GLenum meshType); /** * */ void End(); /** * */ void Error( GLenum e) { err = e;} /** * */ unsigned int TesselationCount() const { return tesselationList.size();} /** * */ const FTTesselation* const Tesselation( unsigned int index) const; /** * */ const PointList& TempPointList() const { return tempPointList;} /** * Get the GL ERROR returned by the glu tesselator */ GLenum Error() const { return err;} private: /** * The current sub mesh that we are constructing. */ FTTesselation* currentTesselation; /** * Holds each sub mesh that comprises this glyph. */ TesselationVector tesselationList; /** * Holds extra points created by gluTesselator. See ftglCombine. */ PointList tempPointList; /** * GL ERROR returned by the glu tesselator */ GLenum err; }; const FTGL_DOUBLE FTGL_FRONT_FACING = 1.0; const FTGL_DOUBLE FTGL_BACK_FACING = -1.0; /** * FTVectoriser class is a helper class that converts font outlines into * point data. * * @see FTExtrdGlyph * @see FTOutlineGlyph * @see FTPolyGlyph * @see FTContour * @see FTPoint * */ class FTGL_EXPORT FTVectoriser { public: /** * Constructor * * @param glyph The freetype glyph to be processed */ FTVectoriser( const FT_GlyphSlot glyph); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~FTVectoriser(); /** * Build an FTMesh from the vector outline data. * * @param zNormal The direction of the z axis of the normal * for this mesh */ void MakeMesh( FTGL_DOUBLE zNormal = FTGL_FRONT_FACING); /** * Get the current mesh. */ const FTMesh* const GetMesh() const { return mesh;} /** * Get the total count of points in this outline * * @return the number of points */ size_t PointCount(); /** * Get the count of contours in this outline * * @return the number of contours */ size_t ContourCount() const { return ftContourCount;} /** * Return a contour at index * * @return the number of contours */ const FTContour* const Contour( unsigned int index) const; /** * Get the number of points in a specific contour in this outline * * @param c The contour index * @return the number of points in contour[c] */ size_t ContourSize( int c) const { return contourList[c]->PointCount();} /** * Get the flag for the tesselation rule for this outline * * @return The contour flag */ int ContourFlag() const { return contourFlag;} private: /** * Process the freetype outline data into contours of points */ void ProcessContours(); /** * The list of contours in the glyph */ FTContour** contourList; /** * A Mesh for tesselations */ FTMesh* mesh; /** * The number of contours reported by Freetype */ short ftContourCount; /** * A flag indicating the tesselation rule for the glyph */ int contourFlag; /** * A Freetype outline */ FT_Outline outline; }; #endif // __FTVectoriser__