#ifndef GIM_HASH_TABLE_H_INCLUDED #define GIM_HASH_TABLE_H_INCLUDED /*! \file gim_trimesh_data.h \author Francisco León Nájera */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. For the latest info, see http://gimpact.sourceforge.net/ Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon Najera. C.C. 80087371. email: projectileman@yahoo.com This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of EITHER: (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser General Public License is included with this library in the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. (3) The zlib/libpng license that is included with this library in the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-ZLIB.TXT. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT, GIMPACT-LICENSE-ZLIB.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "gim_radixsort.h" /*! \addtogroup CONTAINERS \brief Abstract class for collision objects */ //! @{ #define GIM_INVALID_HASH 0xffffffff //!< A very very high value #define GIM_DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 380 #define GIM_DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_NODE_SIZE 4 #define GIM_HASH_TABLE_GROW_FACTOR 2 #define GIM_MIN_RADIX_SORT_SIZE 860 //!< calibrated on a PIII template struct GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE { GUINT m_key; T m_data; GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE() { } GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE(const GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE & value) { m_key = value.m_key; m_data = value.m_data; } GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE(GUINT key, const T & data) { m_key = key; m_data = data; } bool operator <(const GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE & other) const { ///inverse order, further objects are first if(m_key < other.m_key) return true; return false; } bool operator >(const GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE & other) const { ///inverse order, further objects are first if(m_key > other.m_key) return true; return false; } bool operator ==(const GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE & other) const { ///inverse order, further objects are first if(m_key == other.m_key) return true; return false; } }; ///Macro for getting the key class GIM_HASH_NODE_GET_KEY { public: template inline GUINT operator()( const T& a) { return a.m_key; } }; ///Macro for comparing the key and the element class GIM_HASH_NODE_CMP_KEY_MACRO { public: template inline int operator() ( const T& a, GUINT key) { return ((int)(a.m_key - key)); } }; ///Macro for comparing Hash nodes class GIM_HASH_NODE_CMP_MACRO { public: template inline int operator() ( const T& a, const T& b ) { return ((int)(a.m_key - b.m_key)); } }; //! Sorting for hash table /*! switch automatically between quicksort and radixsort */ template void gim_sort_hash_node_array(T * array, GUINT array_count) { if(array_count
  • if node_size = 0, then this container becomes a simple sorted array allocator. reserve_size is used for reserve memory in m_nodes. When the array size reaches the size equivalent to 'min_hash_table_size', then it becomes a hash table by calling check_for_switching_to_hashtable.
  • If node_size != 0, then this container becomes a hash table for ever
*/ template class gim_hash_table { protected: typedef GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE _node_type; //!The nodes //array< _node_type, SuperAllocator<_node_type> > m_nodes; gim_array< _node_type > m_nodes; //SuperBufferedArray< _node_type > m_nodes; bool m_sorted; /*! \defgroup HASH_TABLE_STRUCTURES \brief Hash table data management. The hash table has the indices to the corresponding m_nodes array */ //! @{ GUINT * m_hash_table;//!< GUINT m_table_size;//!< GUINT m_node_size;//!< GUINT m_min_hash_table_size; //! Returns the cell index inline GUINT _find_cell(GUINT hashkey) { _node_type * nodesptr = m_nodes.pointer(); GUINT start_index = (hashkey%m_table_size)*m_node_size; GUINT end_index = start_index + m_node_size; while(start_index= m_nodes.size()) return false; if(m_nodes[index].m_key != GIM_INVALID_HASH) { //Search for the avaliable cell in buffer GUINT cell_index = _find_cell(m_nodes[index].m_key); btAssert(cell_index!=GIM_INVALID_HASH); btAssert(m_hash_table[cell_index]==index); m_hash_table[cell_index] = GIM_INVALID_HASH; } return this->_erase_unsorted(index); } //! erase by key in hash table inline bool _erase_hash_table(GUINT hashkey) { if(hashkey == GIM_INVALID_HASH) return false; //Search for the avaliable cell in buffer GUINT cell_index = _find_cell(hashkey); if(cell_index ==GIM_INVALID_HASH) return false; GUINT index = m_hash_table[cell_index]; m_hash_table[cell_index] = GIM_INVALID_HASH; return this->_erase_unsorted(index); } //! insert an element in hash table /*! If the element exists, this won't insert the element \return the index in the array of the existing element,or GIM_INVALID_HASH if the element has been inserted If so, the element has been inserted at the last position of the array. */ inline GUINT _insert_hash_table(GUINT hashkey, const T & value) { if(hashkey==GIM_INVALID_HASH) { //Insert anyway _insert_unsorted(hashkey,value); return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } GUINT cell_index = _assign_hash_table_cell(hashkey); GUINT value_key = m_hash_table[cell_index]; if(value_key!= GIM_INVALID_HASH) return value_key;// Not overrited m_hash_table[cell_index] = m_nodes.size(); _insert_unsorted(hashkey,value); return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } //! insert an element in hash table. /*! If the element exists, this replaces the element. \return the index in the array of the existing element,or GIM_INVALID_HASH if the element has been inserted If so, the element has been inserted at the last position of the array. */ inline GUINT _insert_hash_table_replace(GUINT hashkey, const T & value) { if(hashkey==GIM_INVALID_HASH) { //Insert anyway _insert_unsorted(hashkey,value); return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } GUINT cell_index = _assign_hash_table_cell(hashkey); GUINT value_key = m_hash_table[cell_index]; if(value_key!= GIM_INVALID_HASH) {//replaces the existing m_nodes[value_key] = _node_type(hashkey,value); return value_key;// index of the replaced element } m_hash_table[cell_index] = m_nodes.size(); _insert_unsorted(hashkey,value); return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } //! @} /*! \defgroup SORTED_ARRAY_STRUCTURES \brief Sorted array data management. The hash table has the indices to the corresponding m_nodes array */ //! @{ inline bool _erase_sorted(GUINT index) { if(index>=(GUINT)m_nodes.size()) return false; m_nodes.erase_sorted(index); if(m_nodes.size()<2) m_sorted = false; return true; } //! faster, but unsorted inline bool _erase_unsorted(GUINT index) { if(index>=m_nodes.size()) return false; GUINT lastindex = m_nodes.size()-1; if(indexcheck_for_switching_to_hashtable(); } //! Insert an element in an ordered array inline GUINT _insert_sorted(GUINT hashkey, const T & value) { if(hashkey==GIM_INVALID_HASH || size()==0) { m_nodes.push_back(_node_type(hashkey,value)); return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } //Insert at last position //Sort element GUINT result_ind=0; GUINT last_index = m_nodes.size()-1; _node_type * ptr = m_nodes.pointer(); bool found = gim_binary_search_ex( ptr,0,last_index,result_ind,hashkey,GIM_HASH_NODE_CMP_KEY_MACRO()); //Insert before found index if(found) { return result_ind; } else { _insert_in_pos(hashkey, value, result_ind); } return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } inline GUINT _insert_sorted_replace(GUINT hashkey, const T & value) { if(hashkey==GIM_INVALID_HASH || size()==0) { m_nodes.push_back(_node_type(hashkey,value)); return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } //Insert at last position //Sort element GUINT result_ind; GUINT last_index = m_nodes.size()-1; _node_type * ptr = m_nodes.pointer(); bool found = gim_binary_search_ex( ptr,0,last_index,result_ind,hashkey,GIM_HASH_NODE_CMP_KEY_MACRO()); //Insert before found index if(found) { m_nodes[result_ind] = _node_type(hashkey,value); } else { _insert_in_pos(hashkey, value, result_ind); } return result_ind; } //! Fast insertion in m_nodes array inline GUINT _insert_unsorted(GUINT hashkey, const T & value) { m_nodes.push_back(_node_type(hashkey,value)); m_sorted = false; return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } //! @} public: /*!
  • if node_size = 0, then this container becomes a simple sorted array allocator. reserve_size is used for reserve memory in m_nodes. When the array size reaches the size equivalent to 'min_hash_table_size', then it becomes a hash table by calling check_for_switching_to_hashtable.
  • If node_size != 0, then this container becomes a hash table for ever */ gim_hash_table(GUINT reserve_size = GIM_DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE, GUINT node_size = GIM_DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_NODE_SIZE, GUINT min_hash_table_size = GIM_INVALID_HASH) { m_hash_table = NULL; m_table_size = 0; m_sorted = false; m_node_size = node_size; m_min_hash_table_size = min_hash_table_size; if(m_node_size!=0) { if(reserve_size!=0) { m_nodes.reserve(reserve_size); _reserve_table_memory(reserve_size); _invalidate_keys(); } else { m_nodes.reserve(GIM_DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE); _reserve_table_memory(GIM_DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE); _invalidate_keys(); } } else if(reserve_size!=0) { m_nodes.reserve(reserve_size); } } ~gim_hash_table() { _destroy(); } inline bool is_hash_table() { if(m_hash_table) return true; return false; } inline bool is_sorted() { if(size()<2) return true; return m_sorted; } bool sort() { if(is_sorted()) return true; if(m_nodes.size()<2) return false; _node_type * ptr = m_nodes.pointer(); GUINT siz = m_nodes.size(); gim_sort_hash_node_array(ptr,siz); m_sorted=true; if(m_hash_table) { _rehash(); } return true; } bool switch_to_hashtable() { if(m_hash_table) return false; if(m_node_size==0) m_node_size = GIM_DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_NODE_SIZE; if(m_nodes.size()m_hash_table) return true; if(!(m_nodes.size()< m_min_hash_table_size)) { if(m_node_size == 0) { m_node_size = GIM_DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_NODE_SIZE; } _resize_table(m_nodes.size()+1); return true; } return false; } inline void set_sorted(bool value) { m_sorted = value; } //! Retrieves the amount of keys. inline GUINT size() const { return m_nodes.size(); } //! Retrieves the hash key. inline GUINT get_key(GUINT index) const { return m_nodes[index].m_key; } //! Retrieves the value by index /*! */ inline T * get_value_by_index(GUINT index) { return &m_nodes[index].m_data; } inline const T& operator[](GUINT index) const { return m_nodes[index].m_data; } inline T& operator[](GUINT index) { return m_nodes[index].m_data; } //! Finds the index of the element with the key /*! \return the index in the array of the existing element,or GIM_INVALID_HASH if the element has been inserted If so, the element has been inserted at the last position of the array. */ inline GUINT find(GUINT hashkey) { if(m_hash_table) { GUINT cell_index = _find_cell(hashkey); if(cell_index==GIM_INVALID_HASH) return GIM_INVALID_HASH; return m_hash_table[cell_index]; } GUINT last_index = m_nodes.size(); if(last_index<2) { if(last_index==0) return GIM_INVALID_HASH; if(m_nodes[0].m_key == hashkey) return 0; return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } else if(m_sorted) { //Binary search GUINT result_ind = 0; last_index--; _node_type * ptr = m_nodes.pointer(); bool found = gim_binary_search_ex(ptr,0,last_index,result_ind,hashkey,GIM_HASH_NODE_CMP_KEY_MACRO()); if(found) return result_ind; } return GIM_INVALID_HASH; } //! Retrieves the value associated with the index /*! \return the found element, or null */ inline T * get_value(GUINT hashkey) { GUINT index = find(hashkey); if(index == GIM_INVALID_HASH) return NULL; return &m_nodes[index].m_data; } /*! */ inline bool erase_by_index(GUINT index) { if(index > m_nodes.size()) return false; if(m_hash_table == NULL) { if(is_sorted()) { return this->_erase_sorted(index); } else { return this->_erase_unsorted(index); } } else { return this->_erase_by_index_hash_table(index); } return false; } inline bool erase_by_index_unsorted(GUINT index) { if(index > m_nodes.size()) return false; if(m_hash_table == NULL) { return this->_erase_unsorted(index); } else { return this->_erase_by_index_hash_table(index); } return false; } /*! */ inline bool erase_by_key(GUINT hashkey) { if(size()==0) return false; if(m_hash_table) { return this->_erase_hash_table(hashkey); } //Binary search if(is_sorted()==false) return false; GUINT result_ind = find(hashkey); if(result_ind!= GIM_INVALID_HASH) { return this->_erase_sorted(result_ind); } return false; } void clear() { m_nodes.clear(); if(m_hash_table==NULL) return; GUINT datasize = m_table_size*m_node_size; //Initialize the hashkeys. GUINT i; for(i=0;i_insert_hash_table(hashkey,element); } if(this->is_sorted()) { return this->_insert_sorted(hashkey,element); } return this->_insert_unsorted(hashkey,element); } //! Insert an element into the hash, and could overrite an existing object with the same hash. /*! \return If GIM_INVALID_HASH, the object has been inserted succesfully. Else it returns the position of the replaced element. */ inline GUINT insert_override(GUINT hashkey, const T & element) { if(m_hash_table) { return this->_insert_hash_table_replace(hashkey,element); } if(this->is_sorted()) { return this->_insert_sorted_replace(hashkey,element); } this->_insert_unsorted(hashkey,element); return m_nodes.size(); } //! Insert an element into the hash,But if this container is a sorted array, this inserts it unsorted /*! */ inline GUINT insert_unsorted(GUINT hashkey,const T & element) { if(m_hash_table) { return this->_insert_hash_table(hashkey,element); } return this->_insert_unsorted(hashkey,element); } }; //! @} #endif // GIM_CONTAINERS_H_INCLUDED