/* Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Erwin Coumans http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ /* GJK-EPA collision solver by Nathanael Presson, 2008 */ #include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btConvexInternalShape.h" #include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btSphereShape.h" #include "btGjkEpa2.h" #if defined(DEBUG) || defined (_DEBUG) #include //for debug printf #ifdef __SPU__ #include #define printf spu_printf #endif //__SPU__ #endif namespace gjkepa2_impl { // Config /* GJK */ #define GJK_MAX_ITERATIONS 128 #define GJK_ACCURARY ((btScalar)0.0001) #define GJK_MIN_DISTANCE ((btScalar)0.0001) #define GJK_DUPLICATED_EPS ((btScalar)0.0001) #define GJK_SIMPLEX2_EPS ((btScalar)0.0) #define GJK_SIMPLEX3_EPS ((btScalar)0.0) #define GJK_SIMPLEX4_EPS ((btScalar)0.0) /* EPA */ #define EPA_MAX_VERTICES 64 #define EPA_MAX_FACES (EPA_MAX_VERTICES*2) #define EPA_MAX_ITERATIONS 255 #define EPA_ACCURACY ((btScalar)0.0001) #define EPA_FALLBACK (10*EPA_ACCURACY) #define EPA_PLANE_EPS ((btScalar)0.00001) #define EPA_INSIDE_EPS ((btScalar)0.01) // Shorthands typedef unsigned int U; typedef unsigned char U1; // MinkowskiDiff struct MinkowskiDiff { const btConvexShape* m_shapes[2]; btMatrix3x3 m_toshape1; btTransform m_toshape0; btVector3 (btConvexShape::*Ls)(const btVector3&) const; void EnableMargin(bool enable) { if(enable) Ls=&btConvexShape::localGetSupportingVertex; else Ls=&btConvexShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin; } inline btVector3 Support0(const btVector3& d) const { return(((m_shapes[0])->*(Ls))(d)); } inline btVector3 Support1(const btVector3& d) const { return(m_toshape0*((m_shapes[1])->*(Ls))(m_toshape1*d)); } inline btVector3 Support(const btVector3& d) const { return(Support0(d)-Support1(-d)); } btVector3 Support(const btVector3& d,U index) const { if(index) return(Support1(d)); else return(Support0(d)); } }; typedef MinkowskiDiff tShape; // GJK struct GJK { /* Types */ struct sSV { btVector3 d,w; }; struct sSimplex { sSV* c[4]; btScalar p[4]; U rank; }; struct eStatus { enum _ { Valid, Inside, Failed };}; /* Fields */ tShape m_shape; btVector3 m_ray; btScalar m_distance; sSimplex m_simplices[2]; sSV m_store[4]; sSV* m_free[4]; U m_nfree; U m_current; sSimplex* m_simplex; eStatus::_ m_status; /* Methods */ GJK() { Initialize(); } void Initialize() { m_ray = btVector3(0,0,0); m_nfree = 0; m_status = eStatus::Failed; m_current = 0; m_distance = 0; } eStatus::_ Evaluate(const tShape& shapearg,const btVector3& guess) { U iterations=0; btScalar sqdist=0; btScalar alpha=0; btVector3 lastw[4]; U clastw=0; /* Initialize solver */ m_free[0] = &m_store[0]; m_free[1] = &m_store[1]; m_free[2] = &m_store[2]; m_free[3] = &m_store[3]; m_nfree = 4; m_current = 0; m_status = eStatus::Valid; m_shape = shapearg; m_distance = 0; /* Initialize simplex */ m_simplices[0].rank = 0; m_ray = guess; const btScalar sqrl= m_ray.length2(); appendvertice(m_simplices[0],sqrl>0?-m_ray:btVector3(1,0,0)); m_simplices[0].p[0] = 1; m_ray = m_simplices[0].c[0]->w; sqdist = sqrl; lastw[0] = lastw[1] = lastw[2] = lastw[3] = m_ray; /* Loop */ do { const U next=1-m_current; sSimplex& cs=m_simplices[m_current]; sSimplex& ns=m_simplices[next]; /* Check zero */ const btScalar rl=m_ray.length(); if(rlw; bool found=false; for(U i=0;i<4;++i) { if((w-lastw[i]).length2()w, cs.c[1]->w, weights,mask);break; case 3: sqdist=projectorigin( cs.c[0]->w, cs.c[1]->w, cs.c[2]->w, weights,mask);break; case 4: sqdist=projectorigin( cs.c[0]->w, cs.c[1]->w, cs.c[2]->w, cs.c[3]->w, weights,mask);break; } if(sqdist>=0) {/* Valid */ ns.rank = 0; m_ray = btVector3(0,0,0); m_current = next; for(U i=0,ni=cs.rank;iw*weights[i]; } else { m_free[m_nfree++] = cs.c[i]; } } if(mask==15) m_status=eStatus::Inside; } else {/* Return old simplex */ removevertice(m_simplices[m_current]); break; } m_status=((++iterations)rank) { case 1: { for(U i=0;i<3;++i) { btVector3 axis=btVector3(0,0,0); axis[i]=1; appendvertice(*m_simplex, axis); if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true); removevertice(*m_simplex); appendvertice(*m_simplex,-axis); if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true); removevertice(*m_simplex); } } break; case 2: { const btVector3 d=m_simplex->c[1]->w-m_simplex->c[0]->w; for(U i=0;i<3;++i) { btVector3 axis=btVector3(0,0,0); axis[i]=1; const btVector3 p=cross(d,axis); if(p.length2()>0) { appendvertice(*m_simplex, p); if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true); removevertice(*m_simplex); appendvertice(*m_simplex,-p); if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true); removevertice(*m_simplex); } } } break; case 3: { const btVector3 n=cross(m_simplex->c[1]->w-m_simplex->c[0]->w, m_simplex->c[2]->w-m_simplex->c[0]->w); if(n.length2()>0) { appendvertice(*m_simplex,n); if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true); removevertice(*m_simplex); appendvertice(*m_simplex,-n); if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true); removevertice(*m_simplex); } } break; case 4: { if(btFabs(det( m_simplex->c[0]->w-m_simplex->c[3]->w, m_simplex->c[1]->w-m_simplex->c[3]->w, m_simplex->c[2]->w-m_simplex->c[3]->w))>0) return(true); } break; } return(false); } /* Internals */ void getsupport(const btVector3& d,sSV& sv) const { sv.d = d/d.length(); sv.w = m_shape.Support(sv.d); } void removevertice(sSimplex& simplex) { m_free[m_nfree++]=simplex.c[--simplex.rank]; } void appendvertice(sSimplex& simplex,const btVector3& v) { simplex.p[simplex.rank]=0; simplex.c[simplex.rank]=m_free[--m_nfree]; getsupport(v,*simplex.c[simplex.rank++]); } static btScalar det(const btVector3& a,const btVector3& b,const btVector3& c) { return( a.y()*b.z()*c.x()+a.z()*b.x()*c.y()- a.x()*b.z()*c.y()-a.y()*b.x()*c.z()+ a.x()*b.y()*c.z()-a.z()*b.y()*c.x()); } static btScalar projectorigin( const btVector3& a, const btVector3& b, btScalar* w,U& m) { const btVector3 d=b-a; const btScalar l=d.length2(); if(l>GJK_SIMPLEX2_EPS) { const btScalar t(l>0?-dot(a,d)/l:0); if(t>=1) { w[0]=0;w[1]=1;m=2;return(b.length2()); } else if(t<=0) { w[0]=1;w[1]=0;m=1;return(a.length2()); } else { w[0]=1-(w[1]=t);m=3;return((a+d*t).length2()); } } return(-1); } static btScalar projectorigin( const btVector3& a, const btVector3& b, const btVector3& c, btScalar* w,U& m) { static const U imd3[]={1,2,0}; const btVector3* vt[]={&a,&b,&c}; const btVector3 dl[]={a-b,b-c,c-a}; const btVector3 n=cross(dl[0],dl[1]); const btScalar l=n.length2(); if(l>GJK_SIMPLEX3_EPS) { btScalar mindist=-1; btScalar subw[2]; U subm; for(U i=0;i<3;++i) { if(dot(*vt[i],cross(dl[i],n))>0) { const U j=imd3[i]; const btScalar subd(projectorigin(*vt[i],*vt[j],subw,subm)); if((mindist<0)||(subd(((subm&1)?1<GJK_SIMPLEX4_EPS)) { btScalar mindist=-1; btScalar subw[3]; U subm; for(U i=0;i<3;++i) { const U j=imd3[i]; const btScalar s=vl*dot(d,cross(dl[i],dl[j])); if(s>0) { const btScalar subd=projectorigin(*vt[i],*vt[j],d,subw,subm); if((mindist<0)||(subd((subm&1?1<e[ea]=(U1)eb;fa->f[ea]=fb; fb->e[eb]=(U1)ea;fb->f[eb]=fa; } static inline void append(sList& list,sFace* face) { face->l[0] = 0; face->l[1] = list.root; if(list.root) list.root->l[0]=face; list.root = face; ++list.count; } static inline void remove(sList& list,sFace* face) { if(face->l[1]) face->l[1]->l[0]=face->l[0]; if(face->l[0]) face->l[0]->l[1]=face->l[1]; if(face==list.root) list.root=face->l[1]; --list.count; } void Initialize() { m_status = eStatus::Failed; m_normal = btVector3(0,0,0); m_depth = 0; m_nextsv = 0; for(U i=0;i1)&&gjk.EncloseOrigin()) { /* Clean up */ while(m_hull.root) { sFace* f = m_hull.root; remove(m_hull,f); append(m_stock,f); } m_status = eStatus::Valid; m_nextsv = 0; /* Orient simplex */ if(gjk.det( simplex.c[0]->w-simplex.c[3]->w, simplex.c[1]->w-simplex.c[3]->w, simplex.c[2]->w-simplex.c[3]->w)<0) { btSwap(simplex.c[0],simplex.c[1]); btSwap(simplex.p[0],simplex.p[1]); } /* Build initial hull */ sFace* tetra[]={newface(simplex.c[0],simplex.c[1],simplex.c[2],true), newface(simplex.c[1],simplex.c[0],simplex.c[3],true), newface(simplex.c[2],simplex.c[1],simplex.c[3],true), newface(simplex.c[0],simplex.c[2],simplex.c[3],true)}; if(m_hull.count==4) { sFace* best=findbest(); sFace outer=*best; U pass=0; U iterations=0; bind(tetra[0],0,tetra[1],0); bind(tetra[0],1,tetra[2],0); bind(tetra[0],2,tetra[3],0); bind(tetra[1],1,tetra[3],2); bind(tetra[1],2,tetra[2],1); bind(tetra[2],2,tetra[3],1); m_status=eStatus::Valid; for(;iterationspass = (U1)(++pass); gjk.getsupport(best->n,*w); const btScalar wdist=dot(best->n,w->w)-best->d; if(wdist>EPA_ACCURACY) { for(U j=0;(j<3)&&valid;++j) { valid&=expand( pass,w, best->f[j],best->e[j], horizon); } if(valid&&(horizon.nf>=3)) { bind(horizon.cf,1,horizon.ff,2); remove(m_hull,best); append(m_stock,best); best=findbest(); if(best->p>=outer.p) outer=*best; } else { m_status=eStatus::InvalidHull;break; } } else { m_status=eStatus::AccuraryReached;break; } } else { m_status=eStatus::OutOfVertices;break; } } const btVector3 projection=outer.n*outer.d; m_normal = outer.n; m_depth = outer.d; m_result.rank = 3; m_result.c[0] = outer.c[0]; m_result.c[1] = outer.c[1]; m_result.c[2] = outer.c[2]; m_result.p[0] = cross( outer.c[1]->w-projection, outer.c[2]->w-projection).length(); m_result.p[1] = cross( outer.c[2]->w-projection, outer.c[0]->w-projection).length(); m_result.p[2] = cross( outer.c[0]->w-projection, outer.c[1]->w-projection).length(); const btScalar sum=m_result.p[0]+m_result.p[1]+m_result.p[2]; m_result.p[0] /= sum; m_result.p[1] /= sum; m_result.p[2] /= sum; return(m_status); } } /* Fallback */ m_status = eStatus::FallBack; m_normal = -guess; const btScalar nl=m_normal.length(); if(nl>0) m_normal = m_normal/nl; else m_normal = btVector3(1,0,0); m_depth = 0; m_result.rank=1; m_result.c[0]=simplex.c[0]; m_result.p[0]=1; return(m_status); } sFace* newface(sSV* a,sSV* b,sSV* c,bool forced) { if(m_stock.root) { sFace* face=m_stock.root; remove(m_stock,face); append(m_hull,face); face->pass = 0; face->c[0] = a; face->c[1] = b; face->c[2] = c; face->n = cross(b->w-a->w,c->w-a->w); const btScalar l=face->n.length(); const bool v=l>EPA_ACCURACY; face->p = btMin(btMin( dot(a->w,cross(face->n,a->w-b->w)), dot(b->w,cross(face->n,b->w-c->w))), dot(c->w,cross(face->n,c->w-a->w))) / (v?l:1); face->p = face->p>=-EPA_INSIDE_EPS?0:face->p; if(v) { face->d = dot(a->w,face->n)/l; face->n /= l; if(forced||(face->d>=-EPA_PLANE_EPS)) { return(face); } else m_status=eStatus::NonConvex; } else m_status=eStatus::Degenerated; remove(m_hull,face); append(m_stock,face); return(0); } m_status=m_stock.root?eStatus::OutOfVertices:eStatus::OutOfFaces; return(0); } sFace* findbest() { sFace* minf=m_hull.root; btScalar mind=minf->d*minf->d; btScalar maxp=minf->p; for(sFace* f=minf->l[1];f;f=f->l[1]) { const btScalar sqd=f->d*f->d; if((f->p>=maxp)&&(sqdp; } } return(minf); } bool expand(U pass,sSV* w,sFace* f,U e,sHorizon& horizon) { static const U i1m3[]={1,2,0}; static const U i2m3[]={2,0,1}; if(f->pass!=pass) { const U e1=i1m3[e]; if((dot(f->n,w->w)-f->d)<-EPA_PLANE_EPS) { sFace* nf=newface(f->c[e1],f->c[e],w,false); if(nf) { bind(nf,0,f,e); if(horizon.cf) bind(horizon.cf,1,nf,2); else horizon.ff=nf; horizon.cf=nf; ++horizon.nf; return(true); } } else { const U e2=i2m3[e]; f->pass = (U1)pass; if( expand(pass,w,f->f[e1],f->e[e1],horizon)&& expand(pass,w,f->f[e2],f->e[e2],horizon)) { remove(m_hull,f); append(m_stock,f); return(true); } } } return(false); } }; // static void Initialize( const btConvexShape* shape0,const btTransform& wtrs0, const btConvexShape* shape1,const btTransform& wtrs1, btGjkEpaSolver2::sResults& results, tShape& shape, bool withmargins) { /* Results */ results.witnesses[0] = results.witnesses[1] = btVector3(0,0,0); results.status = btGjkEpaSolver2::sResults::Separated; /* Shape */ shape.m_shapes[0] = shape0; shape.m_shapes[1] = shape1; shape.m_toshape1 = wtrs1.getBasis().transposeTimes(wtrs0.getBasis()); shape.m_toshape0 = wtrs0.inverseTimes(wtrs1); shape.EnableMargin(withmargins); } } // // Api // using namespace gjkepa2_impl; // int btGjkEpaSolver2::StackSizeRequirement() { return(sizeof(GJK)+sizeof(EPA)); } // bool btGjkEpaSolver2::Distance( const btConvexShape* shape0, const btTransform& wtrs0, const btConvexShape* shape1, const btTransform& wtrs1, const btVector3& guess, sResults& results) { tShape shape; Initialize(shape0,wtrs0,shape1,wtrs1,results,shape,false); GJK gjk; GJK::eStatus::_ gjk_status=gjk.Evaluate(shape,guess); if(gjk_status==GJK::eStatus::Valid) { btVector3 w0=btVector3(0,0,0); btVector3 w1=btVector3(0,0,0); for(U i=0;irank;++i) { const btScalar p=gjk.m_simplex->p[i]; w0+=shape.Support( gjk.m_simplex->c[i]->d,0)*p; w1+=shape.Support(-gjk.m_simplex->c[i]->d,1)*p; } results.witnesses[0] = wtrs0*w0; results.witnesses[1] = wtrs0*w1; results.normal = w0-w1; results.distance = results.normal.length(); results.normal /= results.distance>GJK_MIN_DISTANCE?results.distance:1; return(true); } else { results.status = gjk_status==GJK::eStatus::Inside? sResults::Penetrating : sResults::GJK_Failed ; return(false); } } // bool btGjkEpaSolver2::Penetration( const btConvexShape* shape0, const btTransform& wtrs0, const btConvexShape* shape1, const btTransform& wtrs1, const btVector3& guess, sResults& results, bool usemargins) { tShape shape; Initialize(shape0,wtrs0,shape1,wtrs1,results,shape,usemargins); GJK gjk; GJK::eStatus::_ gjk_status=gjk.Evaluate(shape,-guess); switch(gjk_status) { case GJK::eStatus::Inside: { EPA epa; EPA::eStatus::_ epa_status=epa.Evaluate(gjk,-guess); if(epa_status!=EPA::eStatus::Failed) { btVector3 w0=btVector3(0,0,0); for(U i=0;id,0)*epa.m_result.p[i]; } results.status = sResults::Penetrating; results.witnesses[0] = wtrs0*w0; results.witnesses[1] = wtrs0*(w0-epa.m_normal*epa.m_depth); results.normal = -epa.m_normal; results.distance = -epa.m_depth; return(true); } else results.status=sResults::EPA_Failed; } break; case GJK::eStatus::Failed: results.status=sResults::GJK_Failed; break; } return(false); } // btScalar btGjkEpaSolver2::SignedDistance(const btVector3& position, btScalar margin, const btConvexShape* shape0, const btTransform& wtrs0, sResults& results) { tShape shape; btSphereShape shape1(margin); btTransform wtrs1(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1),position); Initialize(shape0,wtrs0,&shape1,wtrs1,results,shape,false); GJK gjk; GJK::eStatus::_ gjk_status=gjk.Evaluate(shape,btVector3(1,1,1)); if(gjk_status==GJK::eStatus::Valid) { btVector3 w0=btVector3(0,0,0); btVector3 w1=btVector3(0,0,0); for(U i=0;irank;++i) { const btScalar p=gjk.m_simplex->p[i]; w0+=shape.Support( gjk.m_simplex->c[i]->d,0)*p; w1+=shape.Support(-gjk.m_simplex->c[i]->d,1)*p; } results.witnesses[0] = wtrs0*w0; results.witnesses[1] = wtrs0*w1; const btVector3 delta= results.witnesses[1]- results.witnesses[0]; const btScalar margin= shape0->getMargin()+ shape1.getMargin(); const btScalar length= delta.length(); results.normal = delta/length; results.witnesses[0] += results.normal*margin; return(length-margin); } else { if(gjk_status==GJK::eStatus::Inside) { if(Penetration(shape0,wtrs0,&shape1,wtrs1,gjk.m_ray,results)) { const btVector3 delta= results.witnesses[0]- results.witnesses[1]; const btScalar length= delta.length(); if (length >= SIMD_EPSILON) results.normal = delta/length; return(-length); } } } return(SIMD_INFINITY); } // bool btGjkEpaSolver2::SignedDistance(const btConvexShape* shape0, const btTransform& wtrs0, const btConvexShape* shape1, const btTransform& wtrs1, const btVector3& guess, sResults& results) { if(!Distance(shape0,wtrs0,shape1,wtrs1,guess,results)) return(Penetration(shape0,wtrs0,shape1,wtrs1,guess,results,false)); else return(true); } /* Symbols cleanup */ #undef GJK_MAX_ITERATIONS #undef GJK_ACCURARY #undef GJK_MIN_DISTANCE #undef GJK_DUPLICATED_EPS #undef GJK_SIMPLEX2_EPS #undef GJK_SIMPLEX3_EPS #undef GJK_SIMPLEX4_EPS #undef EPA_MAX_VERTICES #undef EPA_MAX_FACES #undef EPA_MAX_ITERATIONS #undef EPA_ACCURACY #undef EPA_FALLBACK #undef EPA_PLANE_EPS #undef EPA_INSIDE_EPS