/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Implemententation for the Draco exporter from the C++ side. * * The python side uses the CTypes libary to open the DLL, load function * pointers add pass the data to the compressor as raw bytes. * * The compressor intercepts the regular GLTF exporter after data has been * gathered and right before the data is converted to a JSON representation, * which is going to be written out. * * The original uncompressed data is removed and replaces an extension, * pointing to the newly created buffer containing the compressed data. * * @author Jim Eckerlein * @date 2019-01-15 */ #include #include #include #include #include "draco/mesh/mesh.h" #include "draco/point_cloud/point_cloud.h" #include "draco/core/vector_d.h" #include "draco/io/mesh_io.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define DLL_EXPORT(retType) extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) retType __cdecl #else #define DLL_EXPORT(retType) extern "C" retType #endif const char *logTag = "DRACO-COMPRESSOR"; /** * This tuple is opaquely exposed to Python through a pointer. * It encapsulates the complete current compressor state. * * A single instance is only intended to compress a single primitive. */ struct DracoCompressor { /** * All positions, normals and texture coordinates are appended to this mesh. */ draco::Mesh mesh; /** * One data buffer per attribute. */ std::vector> buffers; /** * The buffer the mesh is compressed into. */ draco::EncoderBuffer encoderBuffer; /** * The id Draco assigns to the position attribute. * Required to be reported in the GLTF file. */ uint32_t positionAttributeId = (uint32_t) -1; /** * The id Draco assigns to the normal attribute. * Required to be reported in the GLTF file. */ uint32_t normalAttributeId = (uint32_t) -1; /** * The ids Draco assigns to the texture coordinate attributes. * Required to be reported in the GLTF file. */ std::vector texCoordAttributeIds; /** * Level of compression [0-10]. * Higher values mean slower encoding. */ uint32_t compressionLevel = 7; uint32_t quantizationBitsPosition = 14; uint32_t quantizationBitsNormal = 10; uint32_t quantizationBitsTexCoord = 12; }; draco::GeometryAttribute createAttribute( draco::GeometryAttribute::Type type, draco::DataBuffer &buffer, uint8_t components ) { draco::GeometryAttribute attribute; attribute.Init( type, &buffer, components, draco::DataType::DT_FLOAT32, false, sizeof(float) * components, 0 ); return attribute; } DLL_EXPORT(DracoCompressor *) createCompressor() { return new DracoCompressor; } DLL_EXPORT(void) setCompressionLevel( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t compressionLevel ) { compressor->compressionLevel = compressionLevel; } DLL_EXPORT(void) setPositionQuantizationBits( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t quantizationBitsPosition ) { compressor->quantizationBitsPosition = quantizationBitsPosition; } DLL_EXPORT(void) setNormalQuantizationBits( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t quantizationBitsNormal ) { compressor->quantizationBitsNormal = quantizationBitsNormal; } DLL_EXPORT(void) setTexCoordQuantizationBits( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t quantizationBitsTexCoord ) { compressor->quantizationBitsTexCoord = quantizationBitsTexCoord; } DLL_EXPORT(bool) compress( DracoCompressor *compressor ) { printf("%s: Compressing primitive:\n", logTag); printf("%s: Compression level [0-10]: %d\n", logTag, compressor->compressionLevel); printf("%s: Position quantization bits: %d\n", logTag, compressor->quantizationBitsPosition); printf("%s: Normal quantization bits: %d\n", logTag, compressor->quantizationBitsNormal); printf("%s: Position quantization bits: %d\n", logTag, compressor->quantizationBitsTexCoord); draco::ExpertEncoder encoder(compressor->mesh); encoder.SetSpeedOptions(10 - compressor->compressionLevel, 10 - compressor->compressionLevel); encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, compressor->quantizationBitsPosition); encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, compressor->quantizationBitsNormal); encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, compressor->quantizationBitsTexCoord); encoder.SetEncodingMethod(draco::MESH_EDGEBREAKER_ENCODING); draco::Status result = encoder.EncodeToBuffer(&compressor->encoderBuffer); if(!result.ok()) { printf("%s: Could not compress mesh: %s\n", logTag, result.error_msg()); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Returns the size of the compressed data in bytes. */ DLL_EXPORT(uint64_t) compressedSize( DracoCompressor *compressor ) { return compressor->encoderBuffer.size(); } /** * Copies the compressed mesh into the given byte buffer. * @param[o_data] A Python `bytes` object. * */ DLL_EXPORT(void) copyToBytes( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint8_t *o_data ) { memcpy(o_data, compressor->encoderBuffer.data(), compressedSize(compressor)); } DLL_EXPORT(uint32_t) getPositionAttributeId( DracoCompressor *compressor ) { return compressor->positionAttributeId; } DLL_EXPORT(uint32_t) getNormalAttributeId( DracoCompressor *compressor ) { return compressor->normalAttributeId; } DLL_EXPORT(uint32_t) getTexCoordAttributeIdCount( DracoCompressor *compressor ) { return (uint32_t) compressor->texCoordAttributeIds.size(); } DLL_EXPORT(uint32_t) getTexCoordAttributeId( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t index ) { return compressor->texCoordAttributeIds[index]; } /** * Releases all memory allocated by the compressor. */ DLL_EXPORT(void) disposeCompressor( DracoCompressor *compressor ) { delete compressor; } template void setFaces( draco::Mesh &mesh, int numIndices, T *indices ) { mesh.SetNumFaces((size_t) numIndices / 3); for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; i += 3) { const auto a = draco::PointIndex(indices[i]); const auto b = draco::PointIndex(indices[i + 1]); const auto c = draco::PointIndex(indices[i + 2]); mesh.SetFace(draco::FaceIndex((uint32_t) i), {a, b, c}); } } DLL_EXPORT(void) setFaces( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t numIndices, uint32_t bytesPerIndex, void *indices ) { switch (bytesPerIndex) { case 1: { setFaces(compressor->mesh, numIndices, (uint8_t *) indices); break; } case 2: { setFaces(compressor->mesh, numIndices, (uint16_t *) indices); break; } case 4: { setFaces(compressor->mesh, numIndices, (uint32_t *) indices); break; } default: { printf("%s: Unsupported index size %d\n", logTag, bytesPerIndex); break; } } } void addFloatAttribute( DracoCompressor *compressor, draco::GeometryAttribute::Type type, uint32_t count, uint8_t componentCount, float *source ) { auto buffer = std::make_unique(); const auto attribute = createAttribute(type, *buffer, componentCount); const auto id = (const uint32_t) compressor->mesh.AddAttribute(attribute, false, count); compressor->mesh.attribute(id)->SetIdentityMapping(); switch (type) { case draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION: compressor->positionAttributeId = id; break; case draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL: compressor->normalAttributeId = id; break; case draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD: compressor->texCoordAttributeIds.push_back(id); break; default: break; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { compressor->mesh.attribute(id)->SetAttributeValue( draco::AttributeValueIndex(i), source + i * componentCount ); } compressor->buffers.emplace_back(std::move(buffer)); } DLL_EXPORT(void) addPositionAttribute( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t count, float *source ) { addFloatAttribute(compressor, draco::GeometryAttribute::POSITION, count, 3, source); } DLL_EXPORT(void) addNormalAttribute( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t count, float *source ) { addFloatAttribute(compressor, draco::GeometryAttribute::NORMAL, count, 3, source); } DLL_EXPORT(void) addTexCoordAttribute( DracoCompressor *compressor, uint32_t count, float *source ) { addFloatAttribute(compressor, draco::GeometryAttribute::TEX_COORD, count, 2, source); }