// Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 libmv authors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef LIBMV_IMAGE_ARRAY_ND_H #define LIBMV_IMAGE_ARRAY_ND_H #include #include #include #include "libmv/image/tuple.h" namespace libmv { class BaseArray {}; /// A multidimensional array class. template class ArrayND : public BaseArray { public: typedef T Scalar; /// Type for the multidimensional indices. typedef Tuple Index; /// Create an empty array. ArrayND() : data_(NULL), own_data_(true) { Resize(Index(0)); } /// Create an array with the specified shape. ArrayND(const Index &shape) : data_(NULL), own_data_(true) { Resize(shape); } /// Create an array with the specified shape. ArrayND(int *shape) : data_(NULL), own_data_(true) { Resize(shape); } /// Copy constructor. ArrayND(const ArrayND &b) : data_(NULL), own_data_(true) { ResizeLike(b); std::memcpy(Data(), b.Data(), sizeof(T) * Size()); } ArrayND(int s0) : data_(NULL), own_data_(true) { Resize(s0); } ArrayND(int s0, int s1) : data_(NULL), own_data_(true) { Resize(s0, s1); } ArrayND(int s0, int s1, int s2) : data_(NULL), own_data_(true) { Resize(s0, s1, s2); } ArrayND(T* data, int s0, int s1, int s2) : data_(data), own_data_(false) { Resize(s0, s1, s2); } /// Destructor deletes pixel data. ~ArrayND() { if (own_data_) { delete [] data_; } } /// Assignation copies pixel data. ArrayND &operator=(const ArrayND &b) { assert(this != &b); ResizeLike(b); std::memcpy(Data(), b.Data(), sizeof(T) * Size()); return *this; } const Index &Shapes() const { return shape_; } const Index &Strides() const { return strides_; } /// Create an array of shape s. void Resize(const Index &new_shape) { if (data_ != NULL && shape_ == new_shape) { // Don't bother realloacting if the shapes match. return; } shape_.Reset(new_shape); strides_(N - 1) = 1; for (int i = N - 1; i > 0; --i) { strides_(i - 1) = strides_(i) * shape_(i); } if (own_data_) { delete [] data_; data_ = NULL; if (Size() > 0) { data_ = new T[Size()]; } } } template void ResizeLike(const ArrayND &other) { Resize(other.Shape()); } /// Resizes the array to shape s. All data is lost. void Resize(const int *new_shape_array) { Resize(Index(new_shape_array)); } /// Resize a 1D array to length s0. void Resize(int s0) { assert(N == 1); int shape[] = {s0}; Resize(shape); } /// Resize a 2D array to shape (s0,s1). void Resize(int s0, int s1) { int shape[N] = {s0, s1}; for (int i = 2; i < N; ++i) { shape[i] = 1; } Resize(shape); } // Match Eigen2's API. void resize(int rows, int cols) { Resize(rows, cols); } /// Resize a 3D array to shape (s0,s1,s2). void Resize(int s0, int s1, int s2) { assert(N == 3); int shape[] = {s0, s1, s2}; Resize(shape); } template void CopyFrom(const ArrayND &other) { ResizeLike(other); T *data = Data(); const D *other_data = other.Data(); for (int i = 0; i < Size(); ++i) { data[i] = T(other_data[i]); } } void Fill(T value) { for (int i = 0; i < Size(); ++i) { Data()[i] = value; } } // Match Eigen's API. void fill(T value) { for (int i = 0; i < Size(); ++i) { Data()[i] = value; } } /// Return a tuple containing the length of each axis. const Index &Shape() const { return shape_; } /// Return the length of an axis. int Shape(int axis) const { return shape_(axis); } /// Return the distance between neighboring elements along axis. int Stride(int axis) const { return strides_(axis); } /// Return the number of elements of the array. int Size() const { int size = 1; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) size *= Shape(i); return size; } /// Return the total amount of memory used by the array. int MemorySizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this) + Size() * sizeof(T); } /// Pointer to the first element of the array. T *Data() { return data_; } /// Constant pointer to the first element of the array. const T *Data() const { return data_; } /// Distance between the first element and the element at position index. int Offset(const Index &index) const { int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) offset += index(i) * Stride(i); return offset; } /// 1D specialization. int Offset(int i0) const { assert(N == 1); return i0 * Stride(0); } /// 2D specialization. int Offset(int i0, int i1) const { assert(N == 2); return i0 * Stride(0) + i1 * Stride(1); } /// 3D specialization. int Offset(int i0, int i1, int i2) const { assert(N == 3); return i0 * Stride(0) + i1 * Stride(1) + i2 * Stride(2); } /// Return a reference to the element at position index. T &operator()(const Index &index) { // TODO(pau) Boundary checking in debug mode. return *( Data() + Offset(index) ); } /// 1D specialization. T &operator()(int i0) { return *( Data() + Offset(i0) ); } /// 2D specialization. T &operator()(int i0, int i1) { assert(0 <= i0 && i0 < Shape(0)); assert(0 <= i1 && i1 < Shape(1)); return *(Data() + Offset(i0, i1)); } /// 3D specialization. T &operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) { assert(0 <= i0 && i0 < Shape(0)); assert(0 <= i1 && i1 < Shape(1)); assert(0 <= i2 && i2 < Shape(2)); return *(Data() + Offset(i0, i1, i2)); } /// Return a constant reference to the element at position index. const T &operator()(const Index &index) const { return *(Data() + Offset(index)); } /// 1D specialization. const T &operator()(int i0) const { return *(Data() + Offset(i0)); } /// 2D specialization. const T &operator()(int i0, int i1) const { assert(0 <= i0 && i0 < Shape(0)); assert(0 <= i1 && i1 < Shape(1)); return *(Data() + Offset(i0, i1)); } /// 3D specialization. const T &operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const { return *(Data() + Offset(i0, i1, i2)); } /// True if index is inside array. bool Contains(const Index &index) const { for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) if (index(i) < 0 || index(i) >= Shape(i)) return false; return true; } /// 1D specialization. bool Contains(int i0) const { return 0 <= i0 && i0 < Shape(0); } /// 2D specialization. bool Contains(int i0, int i1) const { return 0 <= i0 && i0 < Shape(0) && 0 <= i1 && i1 < Shape(1); } /// 3D specialization. bool Contains(int i0, int i1, int i2) const { return 0 <= i0 && i0 < Shape(0) && 0 <= i1 && i1 < Shape(1) && 0 <= i2 && i2 < Shape(2); } bool operator==(const ArrayND &other) const { if (shape_ != other.shape_) return false; if (strides_ != other.strides_) return false; for (int i = 0; i < Size(); ++i) { if (this->Data()[i] != other.Data()[i]) return false; } return true; } bool operator!=(const ArrayND &other) const { return !(*this == other); } ArrayND operator*(const ArrayND &other) const { assert(Shape() = other.Shape()); ArrayND res; res.ResizeLike(*this); for (int i = 0; i < res.Size(); ++i) { res.Data()[i] = Data()[i] * other.Data()[i]; } return res; } protected: /// The number of element in each dimension. Index shape_; /// How to jump to neighbors in each dimension. Index strides_; /// Pointer to the first element of the array. T *data_; /// Flag if this Array either own or reference the data bool own_data_; }; /// 3D array (row, column, channel). template class Array3D : public ArrayND { typedef ArrayND Base; public: Array3D() : Base() { } Array3D(int height, int width, int depth = 1) : Base(height, width, depth) { } Array3D(T* data, int height, int width, int depth = 1) : Base(data, height, width, depth) { } void Resize(int height, int width, int depth = 1) { Base::Resize(height, width, depth); } int Height() const { return Base::Shape(0); } int Width() const { return Base::Shape(1); } int Depth() const { return Base::Shape(2); } // Match Eigen2's API so that Array3D's and Mat*'s can work together via // template magic. int rows() const { return Height(); } int cols() const { return Width(); } int depth() const { return Depth(); } int Get_Step() const { return Width()*Depth(); } /// Enable accessing with 2 indices for grayscale images. T &operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2 = 0) { assert(0 <= i0 && i0 < Height()); assert(0 <= i1 && i1 < Width()); return Base::operator()(i0, i1, i2); } const T &operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2 = 0) const { assert(0 <= i0 && i0 < Height()); assert(0 <= i1 && i1 < Width()); return Base::operator()(i0, i1, i2); } }; typedef Array3D Array3Du; typedef Array3D Array3Dui; typedef Array3D Array3Di; typedef Array3D Array3Df; typedef Array3D Array3Ds; void SplitChannels(const Array3Df &input, Array3Df *channel0, Array3Df *channel1, Array3Df *channel2); void PrintArray(const Array3Df &array); /** Convert a float array into a byte array by scaling values by 255* (max-min). * where max and min are automatically detected * (if automatic_range_detection = true) * \note and TODO this automatic detection only works when the image contains * at least one pixel of both bounds. **/ void FloatArrayToScaledByteArray(const Array3Df &float_array, Array3Du *byte_array, bool automatic_range_detection = false); //! Convert a byte array into a float array by dividing values by 255. void ByteArrayToScaledFloatArray(const Array3Du &byte_array, Array3Df *float_array); template void MultiplyElements(const AArrayType &a, const BArrayType &b, CArrayType *c) { // This function does an element-wise multiply between // the two Arrays A and B, and stores the result in C. // A and B must have the same dimensions. assert(a.Shape() == b.Shape()); c->ResizeLike(a); // To perform the multiplcation, a "current" index into the N-dimensions of // the A and B matrix specifies which elements are being multiplied. typename CArrayType::Index index; // The index starts at the maximum value for each dimension const typename CArrayType::Index& cShape = c->Shape(); for ( int i = 0; i < CArrayType::Index::SIZE; ++i ) index(i) = cShape(i) - 1; // After each multiplication, the highest-dimensional index is reduced. // if this reduces it less than zero, it resets to its maximum value // and decrements the index of the next lower dimension. // This ripple-action continues until the entire new array has been // calculated, indicated by dimension zero having a negative index. while ( index(0) >= 0 ) { (*c)(index) = a(index) * b(index); int dimension = CArrayType::Index::SIZE - 1; index(dimension) = index(dimension) - 1; while ( dimension > 0 && index(dimension) < 0 ) { index(dimension) = cShape(dimension) - 1; index(dimension - 1) = index(dimension - 1) - 1; --dimension; } } } template void MultiplyElements(const ArrayND &a, const ArrayND &b, ArrayND *c) { // Specialization for N==3 c->ResizeLike(a); assert(a.Shape(0) == b.Shape(0)); assert(a.Shape(1) == b.Shape(1)); assert(a.Shape(2) == b.Shape(2)); for (int i = 0; i < a.Shape(0); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < a.Shape(1); ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < a.Shape(2); ++k) { (*c)(i, j, k) = TC(a(i, j, k) * b(i, j, k)); } } } } template void MultiplyElements(const Array3D &a, const Array3D &b, Array3D *c) { // Specialization for N==3 c->ResizeLike(a); assert(a.Shape(0) == b.Shape(0)); assert(a.Shape(1) == b.Shape(1)); assert(a.Shape(2) == b.Shape(2)); for (int i = 0; i < a.Shape(0); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < a.Shape(1); ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < a.Shape(2); ++k) { (*c)(i, j, k) = TC(a(i, j, k) * b(i, j, k)); } } } } } // namespace libmv #endif // LIBMV_IMAGE_ARRAY_ND_H