#!/usr/bin/python # NOTE: This file is automatically generated by bundle.sh script # If you're doing changes in this file, please update template # in that script too import sys import os Import('env') src = [] defs = [] src += env.Glob('internal/ceres/*.cc') src += env.Glob('internal/ceres/generated/schur_eliminator_d_d_d.cc') src += env.Glob('internal/ceres/generated/partitioned_matrix_view_d_d_d.cc') #src += env.Glob('internal/ceres/generated/*.cc') defs.append('CERES_HAVE_PTHREAD') defs.append('CERES_NO_SUITESPARSE') defs.append('CERES_NO_CXSPARSE') defs.append('CERES_NO_LAPACK') defs.append('CERES_RESTRICT_SCHUR_SPECIALIZATION') defs.append('CERES_HAVE_RWLOCK') if env['WITH_BF_OPENMP']: defs.append('CERES_USE_OPENMP') conf = Configure(env) if conf.CheckCXXHeader("unordered_map"): # Even so we've found unordered_map header file it doesn't # mean unordered_map and unordered_set will be declared in # std namespace. # # Namely, MSVC 2008 have unordered_map header which declares # unordered_map class in std::tr1 namespace. In order to support # this, we do extra check to see which exactly namespace is # to be used. if conf.CheckType('std::unordered_map', language = 'CXX', includes="#include "): defs.append('CERES_STD_UNORDERED_MAP') print("-- Found unordered_map/set in std namespace.") elif conf.CheckType('std::tr1::unordered_map', language = 'CXX', includes="#include "): defs.append('CERES_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_IN_TR1_NAMESPACE') print("-- Found unordered_map/set in std::tr1 namespace.") else: print("-- Found but can not find neither std::unordered_map nor std::tr1::unordered_map.") print("-- Replacing unordered_map/set with map/set (warning: slower!)") defs.append('CERES_NO_UNORDERED_MAP') elif conf.CheckCXXHeader("tr1/unordered_map"): defs.append('CERES_TR1_UNORDERED_MAP') print("-- Found unordered_map/set in std::tr1 namespace.") else: print("-- Unable to find or . ") print("-- Replacing unordered_map/set with map/set (warning: slower!)") defs.append('CERES_NO_UNORDERED_MAP') env = conf.Finish() incs = '. ../../ ../../../Eigen3 ./include ./internal ../gflags' # work around broken hashtable in 10.5 SDK if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'darwin' and env['WITH_BF_BOOST']: incs += ' ' + env['BF_BOOST_INC'] defs.append('CERES_HASH_BOOST') if env['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win32-mingw', 'linuxcross', 'win64-vc', 'win64-mingw'): if env['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc'): incs += ' ../msinttypes' incs += ' ../glog/src/windows' else: incs += ' ../glog/src' env.BlenderLib ( libname = 'extern_ceres', sources=src, includes=Split(incs), defines=defs, libtype=['extern', 'player'], priority=[20,137])