// DO NOT EDIT ! // This file is generated using the MantaFlow preprocessor (prep generate). /****************************************************************************** * * MantaFlow fluid solver framework * Copyright 2011-2016 Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the * Apache License, Version 2.0 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Loading and writing grids and meshes to disk * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #if NO_ZLIB != 1 extern "C" { # include } #endif #include "mantaio.h" #include "grid.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "vortexsheet.h" #include using namespace std; namespace Manta { static const int STR_LEN_PDATA = 256; //! mdata uni header, v3 (similar to grid header and mdata header) typedef struct { int dim; // number of vertices int dimX, dimY, dimZ; // underlying solver resolution (all data in local coordinates!) int elementType, bytesPerElement; // type id and byte size char info[STR_LEN_PDATA]; // mantaflow build information unsigned long long timestamp; // creation time } UniMeshHeader; //***************************************************************************** // conversion functions for double precision // (note - uni files always store single prec. values) //***************************************************************************** #if NO_ZLIB != 1 template void mdataConvertWrite(gzFile &gzf, MeshDataImpl &mdata, void *ptr, UniMeshHeader &head) { errMsg("mdataConvertWrite: unknown type, not yet supported"); } template<> void mdataConvertWrite(gzFile &gzf, MeshDataImpl &mdata, void *ptr, UniMeshHeader &head) { gzwrite(gzf, &head, sizeof(UniMeshHeader)); gzwrite(gzf, &mdata[0], sizeof(int) * head.dim); } template<> void mdataConvertWrite(gzFile &gzf, MeshDataImpl &mdata, void *ptr, UniMeshHeader &head) { head.bytesPerElement = sizeof(float); gzwrite(gzf, &head, sizeof(UniMeshHeader)); float *ptrf = (float *)ptr; for (int i = 0; i < mdata.size(); ++i, ++ptrf) { *ptrf = (float)mdata[i]; } gzwrite(gzf, ptr, sizeof(float) * head.dim); } template<> void mdataConvertWrite(gzFile &gzf, MeshDataImpl &mdata, void *ptr, UniMeshHeader &head) { head.bytesPerElement = sizeof(Vector3D); gzwrite(gzf, &head, sizeof(UniMeshHeader)); float *ptrf = (float *)ptr; for (int i = 0; i < mdata.size(); ++i) { for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { *ptrf = (float)mdata[i][c]; ptrf++; } } gzwrite(gzf, ptr, sizeof(Vector3D) * head.dim); } template void mdataReadConvert(gzFile &gzf, MeshDataImpl &grid, void *ptr, int bytesPerElement) { errMsg("mdataReadConvert: unknown mdata type, not yet supported"); } template<> void mdataReadConvert(gzFile &gzf, MeshDataImpl &mdata, void *ptr, int bytesPerElement) { gzread(gzf, ptr, sizeof(int) * mdata.size()); assertMsg(bytesPerElement == sizeof(int), "mdata element size doesn't match " << bytesPerElement << " vs " << sizeof(int)); // int dont change in double precision mode - copy over memcpy(&(mdata[0]), ptr, sizeof(int) * mdata.size()); } template<> void mdataReadConvert(gzFile &gzf, MeshDataImpl &mdata, void *ptr, int bytesPerElement) { gzread(gzf, ptr, sizeof(float) * mdata.size()); assertMsg(bytesPerElement == sizeof(float), "mdata element size doesn't match " << bytesPerElement << " vs " << sizeof(float)); float *ptrf = (float *)ptr; for (int i = 0; i < mdata.size(); ++i, ++ptrf) { mdata[i] = double(*ptrf); } } template<> void mdataReadConvert(gzFile &gzf, MeshDataImpl &mdata, void *ptr, int bytesPerElement) { gzread(gzf, ptr, sizeof(Vector3D) * mdata.size()); assertMsg(bytesPerElement == sizeof(Vector3D), "mdata element size doesn't match " << bytesPerElement << " vs " << sizeof(Vector3D)); float *ptrf = (float *)ptr; for (int i = 0; i < mdata.size(); ++i) { Vec3 v; for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { v[c] = double(*ptrf); ptrf++; } mdata[i] = v; } } #endif // NO_ZLIB!=1 //***************************************************************************** // mesh data //***************************************************************************** int readBobjFile(const string &name, Mesh *mesh, bool append) { debMsg("reading mesh file " << name, 1); if (!append) mesh->clear(); else { errMsg("readBobj: append not yet implemented!"); return 0; } #if NO_ZLIB != 1 const Real dx = mesh->getParent()->getDx(); const Vec3 gs = toVec3(mesh->getParent()->getGridSize()); gzFile gzf = (gzFile)safeGzopen(name.c_str(), "rb1"); // do some compression if (!gzf) { errMsg("readBobj: unable to open file"); return 0; } // read vertices int num = 0; gzread(gzf, &num, sizeof(int)); mesh->resizeNodes(num); debMsg("read mesh , verts " << num, 1); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Vector3D pos; gzread(gzf, &pos.value[0], sizeof(float) * 3); mesh->nodes(i).pos = toVec3(pos); // convert to grid space mesh->nodes(i).pos /= dx; mesh->nodes(i).pos += gs * 0.5; } // normals num = 0; gzread(gzf, &num, sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Vector3D pos; gzread(gzf, &pos.value[0], sizeof(float) * 3); mesh->nodes(i).normal = toVec3(pos); } // read tris num = 0; gzread(gzf, &num, sizeof(int)); mesh->resizeTris(num); for (int t = 0; t < num; t++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int trip = 0; gzread(gzf, &trip, sizeof(int)); mesh->tris(t).c[j] = trip; } } // note - vortex sheet info ignored for now... (see writeBobj) debMsg("read mesh , triangles " << mesh->numTris() << ", vertices " << mesh->numNodes() << " ", 1); return (gzclose(gzf) == Z_OK); #else debMsg("file format not supported without zlib", 1); return 0; #endif } int writeBobjFile(const string &name, Mesh *mesh) { debMsg("writing mesh file " << name, 1); #if NO_ZLIB != 1 const Real dx = mesh->getParent()->getDx(); const Vec3i gs = mesh->getParent()->getGridSize(); gzFile gzf = (gzFile)safeGzopen(name.c_str(), "wb1"); // do some compression if (!gzf) { errMsg("writeBobj: unable to open file"); return 0; } // write vertices int numVerts = mesh->numNodes(); gzwrite(gzf, &numVerts, sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { Vector3D pos = toVec3f(mesh->nodes(i).pos); // normalize to unit cube around 0 pos -= toVec3f(gs) * 0.5; pos *= dx; gzwrite(gzf, &pos.value[0], sizeof(float) * 3); } // normals mesh->computeVertexNormals(); gzwrite(gzf, &numVerts, sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { Vector3D pos = toVec3f(mesh->nodes(i).normal); gzwrite(gzf, &pos.value[0], sizeof(float) * 3); } // write tris int numTris = mesh->numTris(); gzwrite(gzf, &numTris, sizeof(int)); for (int t = 0; t < numTris; t++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int trip = mesh->tris(t).c[j]; gzwrite(gzf, &trip, sizeof(int)); } } // per vertex smoke densities if (mesh->getType() == Mesh::TypeVortexSheet) { VortexSheetMesh *vmesh = (VortexSheetMesh *)mesh; int densId[4] = {0, 'v', 'd', 'e'}; gzwrite(gzf, &densId[0], sizeof(int) * 4); // compute densities vector triDensity(numTris); for (int tri = 0; tri < numTris; tri++) { Real area = vmesh->getFaceArea(tri); if (area > 0) triDensity[tri] = vmesh->sheet(tri).smokeAmount; } // project triangle data to vertex vector triPerVertex(numVerts); vector density(numVerts); for (int tri = 0; tri < numTris; tri++) { for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { int vertex = mesh->tris(tri).c[c]; density[vertex] += triDensity[tri]; triPerVertex[vertex]++; } } // averaged smoke densities for (int point = 0; point < numVerts; point++) { float dens = 0; if (triPerVertex[point] > 0) dens = density[point] / triPerVertex[point]; gzwrite(gzf, &dens, sizeof(float)); } } // vertex flags if (mesh->getType() == Mesh::TypeVortexSheet) { int Id[4] = {0, 'v', 'x', 'f'}; gzwrite(gzf, &Id[0], sizeof(int) * 4); // averaged smoke densities for (int point = 0; point < numVerts; point++) { float alpha = (mesh->nodes(point).flags & Mesh::NfMarked) ? 1 : 0; gzwrite(gzf, &alpha, sizeof(float)); } } return (gzclose(gzf) == Z_OK); #else debMsg("file format not supported without zlib", 1); return 0; #endif } int readObjFile(const std::string &name, Mesh *mesh, bool append) { ifstream ifs(name.c_str()); if (!ifs.good()) { errMsg("can't open file '" + name + "'"); return 0; } const Real dx = mesh->getParent()->getDx(); const Vec3 gs = toVec3(mesh->getParent()->getGridSize()); if (!append) mesh->clear(); int nodebase = mesh->numNodes(); int cntNodes = nodebase, cntNormals = nodebase; while (ifs.good() && !ifs.eof()) { string id; ifs >> id; if (id[0] == '#') { // comment getline(ifs, id); continue; } if (id == "vt") { // tex coord, ignore } else if (id == "vn") { // normals if (mesh->numNodes() != cntNodes) { errMsg("invalid amount of nodes"); return 0; } Node *n = &mesh->nodes(cntNormals); ifs >> n->normal.x >> n->normal.y >> n->normal.z; cntNormals++; } else if (id == "v") { // vertex Node n; ifs >> n.pos.x >> n.pos.y >> n.pos.z; // convert to grid space n.pos /= dx; n.pos += gs * 0.5; mesh->addNode(n); cntNodes++; } else if (id == "g") { // group string group; ifs >> group; } else if (id == "f") { // face string face; Triangle t; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ifs >> face; if (face.find('/') != string::npos) face = face.substr(0, face.find('/')); // ignore other indices int idx = atoi(face.c_str()) - 1; if (idx < 0) { errMsg("invalid face encountered"); return 0; } idx += nodebase; t.c[i] = idx; } mesh->addTri(t); } else { // whatever, ignore } // kill rest of line getline(ifs, id); } ifs.close(); return 1; } // write regular .obj file, in line with bobj.gz output (but only verts & tris for now) int writeObjFile(const string &name, Mesh *mesh) { const Real dx = mesh->getParent()->getDx(); const Vec3i gs = mesh->getParent()->getGridSize(); ofstream ofs(name.c_str()); if (!ofs.good()) { errMsg("writeObjFile: can't open file " << name); return 0; } ofs << "o MantaMesh\n"; // write vertices int numVerts = mesh->numNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { Vector3D pos = toVec3f(mesh->nodes(i).pos); // normalize to unit cube around 0 pos -= toVec3f(gs) * 0.5; pos *= dx; ofs << "v " << pos.value[0] << " " << pos.value[1] << " " << pos.value[2] << " " << "\n"; } // write normals for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { Vector3D n = toVec3f(mesh->nodes(i).normal); ofs << "vn " << n.value[0] << " " << n.value[1] << " " << n.value[2] << " " << "\n"; } // write tris int numTris = mesh->numTris(); for (int t = 0; t < numTris; t++) { ofs << "f " << (mesh->tris(t).c[0] + 1) << " " << (mesh->tris(t).c[1] + 1) << " " << (mesh->tris(t).c[2] + 1) << " " << "\n"; } ofs.close(); return 1; } template int readMdataUni(const std::string &name, MeshDataImpl *mdata) { debMsg("reading mesh data " << mdata->getName() << " from uni file " << name, 1); #if NO_ZLIB != 1 gzFile gzf = (gzFile)safeGzopen(name.c_str(), "rb"); if (!gzf) { errMsg("can't open file " << name); return 0; } char ID[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; gzread(gzf, ID, 4); if (!strcmp(ID, "MD01")) { UniMeshHeader head; assertMsg(gzread(gzf, &head, sizeof(UniMeshHeader)) == sizeof(UniMeshHeader), "can't read file, no header present"); mdata->resize(head.dim); assertMsg(head.dim == mdata->size(), "mdata size doesn't match"); # if FLOATINGPOINT_PRECISION != 1 MeshDataImpl temp(mdata->getParent()); temp.resize(mdata->size()); mdataReadConvert(gzf, *mdata, &(temp[0]), head.bytesPerElement); # else assertMsg(((head.bytesPerElement == sizeof(T)) && (head.elementType == 1)), "mdata type doesn't match"); IndexInt bytes = sizeof(T) * head.dim; IndexInt readBytes = gzread(gzf, &(mdata->get(0)), sizeof(T) * head.dim); assertMsg(bytes == readBytes, "can't read uni file, stream length does not match, " << bytes << " vs " << readBytes); # endif } return (gzclose(gzf) == Z_OK); #else debMsg("file format not supported without zlib", 1); return 0; #endif } template int writeMdataUni(const std::string &name, MeshDataImpl *mdata) { debMsg("writing mesh data " << mdata->getName() << " to uni file " << name, 1); #if NO_ZLIB != 1 char ID[5] = "MD01"; UniMeshHeader head; head.dim = mdata->size(); head.bytesPerElement = sizeof(T); head.elementType = 1; // 1 for mesh data, todo - add sub types? snprintf(head.info, STR_LEN_PDATA, "%s", buildInfoString().c_str()); MuTime stamp; head.timestamp = stamp.time; gzFile gzf = (gzFile)safeGzopen(name.c_str(), "wb1"); // do some compression if (!gzf) { errMsg("can't open file " << name); return 0; } gzwrite(gzf, ID, 4); # if FLOATINGPOINT_PRECISION != 1 // always write float values, even if compiled with double precision (as for grids) MeshDataImpl temp(mdata->getParent()); temp.resize(mdata->size()); mdataConvertWrite(gzf, *mdata, &(temp[0]), head); # else gzwrite(gzf, &head, sizeof(UniMeshHeader)); gzwrite(gzf, &(mdata->get(0)), sizeof(T) * head.dim); # endif return (gzclose(gzf) == Z_OK); #else debMsg("file format not supported without zlib", 1); return 0; #endif }; // explicit instantiation template int writeMdataUni(const std::string &name, MeshDataImpl *mdata); template int writeMdataUni(const std::string &name, MeshDataImpl *mdata); template int writeMdataUni(const std::string &name, MeshDataImpl *mdata); template int readMdataUni(const std::string &name, MeshDataImpl *mdata); template int readMdataUni(const std::string &name, MeshDataImpl *mdata); template int readMdataUni(const std::string &name, MeshDataImpl *mdata); } // namespace Manta