// DO NOT EDIT ! // This file is generated using the MantaFlow preprocessor (prep generate). /****************************************************************************** * * MantaFlow fluid solver framework * Copyright 2011 Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the * Apache License, Version 2.0 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Wavelet noise field * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _NOISEFIELD_H_ #define _NOISEFIELD_H_ #include "vectorbase.h" #include "manta.h" #include "grid.h" #include namespace Manta { #define NOISE_TILE_SIZE 128 // wrapper for a parametrized field of wavelet noise class WaveletNoiseField : public PbClass { public: WaveletNoiseField(FluidSolver *parent, int fixedSeed = -1, int loadFromFile = false); static int _W_0(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds) { PbClass *obj = Pb::objFromPy(_self); if (obj) delete obj; try { PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds); bool noTiming = _args.getOpt("notiming", -1, 0); pbPreparePlugin(0, "WaveletNoiseField::WaveletNoiseField", !noTiming); { ArgLocker _lock; FluidSolver *parent = _args.getPtr("parent", 0, &_lock); int fixedSeed = _args.getOpt("fixedSeed", 1, -1, &_lock); int loadFromFile = _args.getOpt("loadFromFile", 2, false, &_lock); obj = new WaveletNoiseField(parent, fixedSeed, loadFromFile); obj->registerObject(_self, &_args); _args.check(); } pbFinalizePlugin(obj->getParent(), "WaveletNoiseField::WaveletNoiseField", !noTiming); return 0; } catch (std::exception &e) { pbSetError("WaveletNoiseField::WaveletNoiseField", e.what()); return -1; } } ~WaveletNoiseField() { if (mNoiseTile && !mNoiseReferenceCount) { delete mNoiseTile; mNoiseTile = NULL; } }; //! evaluate noise inline Real evaluate(Vec3 pos, int tile = 0) const; //! evaluate noise as a vector inline Vec3 evaluateVec(Vec3 pos, int tile = 0) const; //! evaluate curl noise inline Vec3 evaluateCurl(Vec3 pos) const; //! direct data access Real *data() { return mNoiseTile; } //! compute wavelet decomposition of an input grid (stores residual coefficients) static void computeCoefficients(Grid &input, Grid &tempIn1, Grid &tempIn2); // helper std::string toString(); // texcoord position and scale Vec3 mPosOffset; static PyObject *_GET_mPosOffset(PyObject *self, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); return toPy(pbo->mPosOffset); } static int _SET_mPosOffset(PyObject *self, PyObject *val, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); pbo->mPosOffset = fromPy(val); return 0; } Vec3 mPosScale; static PyObject *_GET_mPosScale(PyObject *self, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); return toPy(pbo->mPosScale); } static int _SET_mPosScale(PyObject *self, PyObject *val, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); pbo->mPosScale = fromPy(val); return 0; } // value offset & scale Real mValOffset; static PyObject *_GET_mValOffset(PyObject *self, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); return toPy(pbo->mValOffset); } static int _SET_mValOffset(PyObject *self, PyObject *val, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); pbo->mValOffset = fromPy(val); return 0; } Real mValScale; static PyObject *_GET_mValScale(PyObject *self, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); return toPy(pbo->mValScale); } static int _SET_mValScale(PyObject *self, PyObject *val, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); pbo->mValScale = fromPy(val); return 0; } // clamp? (default 0-1) bool mClamp; static PyObject *_GET_mClamp(PyObject *self, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); return toPy(pbo->mClamp); } static int _SET_mClamp(PyObject *self, PyObject *val, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); pbo->mClamp = fromPy(val); return 0; } Real mClampNeg; static PyObject *_GET_mClampNeg(PyObject *self, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); return toPy(pbo->mClampNeg); } static int _SET_mClampNeg(PyObject *self, PyObject *val, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); pbo->mClampNeg = fromPy(val); return 0; } Real mClampPos; static PyObject *_GET_mClampPos(PyObject *self, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); return toPy(pbo->mClampPos); } static int _SET_mClampPos(PyObject *self, PyObject *val, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); pbo->mClampPos = fromPy(val); return 0; } // animated over time Real mTimeAnim; static PyObject *_GET_mTimeAnim(PyObject *self, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); return toPy(pbo->mTimeAnim); } static int _SET_mTimeAnim(PyObject *self, PyObject *val, void *cl) { WaveletNoiseField *pbo = dynamic_cast(Pb::objFromPy(self)); pbo->mTimeAnim = fromPy(val); return 0; } protected: // noise evaluation functions static inline Real WNoiseDx(const Vec3 &p, Real *data); static inline Vec3 WNoiseVec(const Vec3 &p, Real *data); static inline Real WNoise(const Vec3 &p, Real *data); // helpers for tile generation , for periodic 128 grids only static void downsample(Real *from, Real *to, int n, int stride); static void upsample(Real *from, Real *to, int n, int stride); // for grids with arbitrary sizes, and neumann boundary conditions static void downsampleNeumann(const Real *from, Real *to, int n, int stride); static void upsampleNeumann(const Real *from, Real *to, int n, int stride); static inline int modSlow(int x, int n) { int m = x % n; return (m < 0) ? m + n : m; } // warning - noiseTileSize has to be 128^3! #define modFast128(x) ((x)&127) inline Real getTime() const { return mParent->getTime() * mParent->getDx() * mTimeAnim; } // pre-compute tile data for wavelet noise void generateTile(int loadFromFile); // animation over time // grid size normalization (inverse size) Real mGsInvX, mGsInvY, mGsInvZ; // random offset into tile to simulate different random seeds Vec3 mSeedOffset; static Real *mNoiseTile; // global random seed storage static int randomSeed; // global reference count for noise tile static std::atomic mNoiseReferenceCount; public: PbArgs _args; } #define _C_WaveletNoiseField ; // ************************************************************************** // Implementation #define ADD_WEIGHTED(x, y, z) \ weight = 1.0f; \ xC = modFast128(midX + (x)); \ weight *= w[0][(x) + 1]; \ yC = modFast128(midY + (y)); \ weight *= w[1][(y) + 1]; \ zC = modFast128(midZ + (z)); \ weight *= w[2][(z) + 1]; \ result += weight * data[(zC * NOISE_TILE_SIZE + yC) * NOISE_TILE_SIZE + xC]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // derivatives of 3D noise - unrolled for performance ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline Real WaveletNoiseField::WNoiseDx(const Vec3 &p, Real *data) { Real w[3][3], t, result = 0; // Evaluate quadratic B-spline basis functions int midX = (int)ceil(p[0] - 0.5f); t = midX - (p[0] - 0.5f); w[0][0] = -t; w[0][2] = (1.f - t); w[0][1] = 2.0f * t - 1.0f; int midY = (int)ceil(p[1] - 0.5f); t = midY - (p[1] - 0.5f); w[1][0] = t * t * 0.5f; w[1][2] = (1.f - t) * (1.f - t) * 0.5f; w[1][1] = 1.f - w[1][0] - w[1][2]; int midZ = (int)ceil(p[2] - 0.5f); t = midZ - (p[2] - 0.5f); w[2][0] = t * t * 0.5f; w[2][2] = (1.f - t) * (1.f - t) * 0.5f; w[2][1] = 1.f - w[2][0] - w[2][2]; // Evaluate noise by weighting noise coefficients by basis function values int xC, yC, zC; Real weight = 1; ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 1, 1); return result; } inline Real WaveletNoiseField::WNoise(const Vec3 &p, Real *data) { Real w[3][3], t, result = 0; // Evaluate quadratic B-spline basis functions int midX = (int)ceilf(p[0] - 0.5f); t = midX - (p[0] - 0.5f); w[0][0] = t * t * 0.5f; w[0][2] = (1.f - t) * (1.f - t) * 0.5f; w[0][1] = 1.f - w[0][0] - w[0][2]; int midY = (int)ceilf(p[1] - 0.5f); t = midY - (p[1] - 0.5f); w[1][0] = t * t * 0.5f; w[1][2] = (1.f - t) * (1.f - t) * 0.5f; w[1][1] = 1.f - w[1][0] - w[1][2]; int midZ = (int)ceilf(p[2] - 0.5f); t = midZ - (p[2] - 0.5f); w[2][0] = t * t * 0.5f; w[2][2] = (1.f - t) * (1.f - t) * 0.5f; w[2][1] = 1.f - w[2][0] - w[2][2]; // Evaluate noise by weighting noise coefficients by basis function values int xC, yC, zC; Real weight = 1; ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(-1, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(0, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTED(1, 1, 1); return result; } #define ADD_WEIGHTEDX(x, y, z) \ weight = dw[0][(x) + 1] * w[1][(y) + 1] * w[2][(z) + 1]; \ result += weight * neighbors[x + 1][y + 1][z + 1]; #define ADD_WEIGHTEDY(x, y, z) \ weight = w[0][(x) + 1] * dw[1][(y) + 1] * w[2][(z) + 1]; \ result += weight * neighbors[x + 1][y + 1][z + 1]; #define ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(x, y, z) \ weight = w[0][(x) + 1] * w[1][(y) + 1] * dw[2][(z) + 1]; \ result += weight * neighbors[x + 1][y + 1][z + 1]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compute all derivatives in at once ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline Vec3 WaveletNoiseField::WNoiseVec(const Vec3 &p, Real *data) { Vec3 final(0.); Real w[3][3]; Real dw[3][3]; Real result = 0; int xC, yC, zC; Real weight; int midX = (int)ceil(p[0] - 0.5f); int midY = (int)ceil(p[1] - 0.5f); int midZ = (int)ceil(p[2] - 0.5f); Real t0 = midX - (p[0] - 0.5f); Real t1 = midY - (p[1] - 0.5f); Real t2 = midZ - (p[2] - 0.5f); // precache all the neighbors for fast access Real neighbors[3][3][3]; for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { xC = modFast128(midX + (x)); yC = modFast128(midY + (y)); zC = modFast128(midZ + (z)); neighbors[x + 1][y + 1][z + 1] = data[zC * NOISE_TILE_SIZE * NOISE_TILE_SIZE + yC * NOISE_TILE_SIZE + xC]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // evaluate splines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// dw[0][0] = -t0; dw[0][2] = (1.f - t0); dw[0][1] = 2.0f * t0 - 1.0f; dw[1][0] = -t1; dw[1][2] = (1.0f - t1); dw[1][1] = 2.0f * t1 - 1.0f; dw[2][0] = -t2; dw[2][2] = (1.0f - t2); dw[2][1] = 2.0f * t2 - 1.0f; w[0][0] = t0 * t0 * 0.5f; w[0][2] = (1.f - t0) * (1.f - t0) * 0.5f; w[0][1] = 1.f - w[0][0] - w[0][2]; w[1][0] = t1 * t1 * 0.5f; w[1][2] = (1.f - t1) * (1.f - t1) * 0.5f; w[1][1] = 1.f - w[1][0] - w[1][2]; w[2][0] = t2 * t2 * 0.5f; w[2][2] = (1.f - t2) * (1.f - t2) * 0.5f; w[2][1] = 1.f - w[2][0] - w[2][2]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // x derivative /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// result = 0.0f; ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(-1, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(0, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDX(1, 1, 1); final[0] = result; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // y derivative /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// result = 0.0f; ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(-1, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(0, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDY(1, 1, 1); final[1] = result; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // z derivative /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// result = 0.0f; ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, -1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, 0, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, 1, -1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, -1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, 0, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, 1, 0); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, -1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, 0, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(-1, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(0, 1, 1); ADD_WEIGHTEDZ(1, 1, 1); final[2] = result; // debMsg("FINAL","at "< mClampPos) v = mClampPos; } return v; } inline Vec3 WaveletNoiseField::evaluateVec(Vec3 pos, int tile) const { pos[0] *= mGsInvX; pos[1] *= mGsInvY; pos[2] *= mGsInvZ; pos += mSeedOffset; // time anim pos += Vec3(getTime()); pos[0] *= mPosScale[0]; pos[1] *= mPosScale[1]; pos[2] *= mPosScale[2]; pos += mPosOffset; const int n3 = square(NOISE_TILE_SIZE) * NOISE_TILE_SIZE; Vec3 v = WNoiseVec(pos, &mNoiseTile[tile * n3]); v += Vec3(mValOffset); v *= mValScale; if (mClamp) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (v[i] < mClampNeg) v[i] = mClampNeg; if (v[i] > mClampPos) v[i] = mClampPos; } } return v; } inline Vec3 WaveletNoiseField::evaluateCurl(Vec3 pos) const { // gradients of w0-w2 Vec3 d0 = evaluateVec(pos, 0), d1 = evaluateVec(pos, 1), d2 = evaluateVec(pos, 2); return Vec3(d0.y - d1.z, d2.z - d0.x, d1.x - d2.y); } } // namespace Manta #endif