#include "registry.h" static const Pb::Register _reg( "python/defines.py", "################################################################################\n#\n# " "MantaFlow fluid solver framework\n# Copyright 2011 Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey \n#\n# This " "program is free software, distributed under the terms of the\n# Apache License, Version 2.0 " "\n# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n#\n# Defines some constants for use in " "python " "subprograms\n#\n#############################################################################" "####\n\n# mantaflow conventions\nReal = float\n\n# some defines to make C code and scripts " "more alike...\nfalse = False\ntrue = True\nVec3 = vec3\nVec4 = vec4\nVec3Grid = " "VecGrid\n\n# grid flags\nFlagFluid = 1\nFlagObstacle = 2\nFlagEmpty = 4\nFlagInflow " "= 8\nFlagOutflow = 16\nFlagStick = 64\nFlagReserved = 256\n# and same for " "FlagGrid::CellType enum names:\nTypeFluid = 1\nTypeObstacle = 2\nTypeEmpty = " "4\nTypeInflow = 8\nTypeOutflow = 16\nTypeStick = 64\nTypeReserved = 256\n\n# " "integration mode\nIntEuler = 0\nIntRK2 = 1\nIntRK4 = 2\n\n# CG preconditioner\nPcNone " " = 0\nPcMIC = 1\nPcMGDynamic = 2\nPcMGStatic = 3\n\n# particles\nPtypeSpray = " "2\nPtypeBubble = 4\nPtypeFoam = 8\nPtypeTracer = 16\n\n\n\n\n"); extern "C" { void PbRegister_file_0() { KEEP_UNUSED(_reg); } }