######################################################################### # # # Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith. # # All rights reserved. Email: russ@q12.org Web: www.q12.org # # # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # # modify it under the terms of EITHER: # # (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at # # your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser # # General Public License is included with this library in the # # file LICENSE.TXT. # # (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in # # the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT. # # # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files # # LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. # # # ######################################################################### USER_SETTINGS=config/user-settings include $(USER_SETTINGS) PLATFORM_MAKEFILE=config/makefile.$(PLATFORM) include $(PLATFORM_MAKEFILE) ############################################################################## # check some variables that were supposed to be defined ifneq ($(BUILD),debug) ifneq ($(BUILD),release) $(error the BUILD variable is not set properly) endif endif ifneq ($(PRECISION),SINGLE) ifneq ($(PRECISION),DOUBLE) $(error the PRECISION variable is not set properly) endif endif ############################################################################## # package settings ODE_SRC = \ ode/src/array.cpp \ ode/src/error.cpp \ ode/src/memory.cpp \ ode/src/obstack.cpp \ ode/src/odemath.cpp \ ode/src/matrix.cpp \ ode/src/misc.cpp \ ode/src/rotation.cpp \ ode/src/mass.cpp \ ode/src/ode.cpp \ ode/src/step.cpp \ ode/src/lcp.cpp \ ode/src/joint.cpp \ ode/src/space.cpp \ ode/src/geom.cpp \ ode/src/timer.cpp \ ode/src/mat.cpp \ ode/src/testing.cpp ODE_PREGEN_SRC = \ ode/src/fastldlt.c \ ode/src/fastlsolve.c \ ode/src/fastltsolve.c \ ode/src/fastdot.c ifeq ($(WINDOWS),1) DRAWSTUFF_SRC = drawstuff/src/drawstuff.cpp drawstuff/src/windows.cpp RESOURCE_FILE=lib/resources.RES else DRAWSTUFF_SRC = drawstuff/src/drawstuff.cpp drawstuff/src/x11.cpp endif ODE_LIB_NAME=ode DRAWSTUFF_LIB_NAME=drawstuff INCPATH=include LIBPATH=lib ODE_TEST_SRC_CPP = \ ode/test/test_ode.cpp \ ode/test/test_chain2.cpp \ ode/test/test_hinge.cpp \ ode/test/test_slider.cpp \ ode/test/test_collision.cpp \ ode/test/test_boxstack.cpp \ ode/test/test_buggy.cpp \ ode/test/test_joints.cpp \ ode/test/test_space.cpp \ ode/test/test_I.cpp \ ode/test/test_step.cpp \ ode/test/test_friction.cpp ODE_TEST_SRC_C = \ ode/test/test_chain1.c DRAWSTUFF_TEST_SRC_CPP = \ drawstuff/dstest/dstest.cpp CONFIGURATOR_SRC=configurator.c CONFIG_H=include/ode/config.h ############################################################################## # derived things DEFINES= # add some defines depending on the build mode ifeq ($(BUILD),release) DEFINES+=$(C_DEF)dNODEBUG endif ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) DEFINES+=$(C_DEF)dDEBUG_ALLOC endif # object file names ODE_PREGEN_OBJECTS=$(ODE_PREGEN_SRC:%.c=%$(OBJ)) ODE_OBJECTS=$(ODE_SRC:%.cpp=%$(OBJ)) $(ODE_PREGEN_OBJECTS) DRAWSTUFF_OBJECTS=$(DRAWSTUFF_SRC:%.cpp=%$(OBJ)) $(RESOURCE_FILE) # side-effect variables causing creation of files containing lists of # filenames to be linked, to work around command-line-length limitations # on outdated 16-bit operating systems. because of command-line length # limitations we cannot issue a link command with all object filenames # specified (because this command is too long and overflows the command # buffer), but instead must create a file containing all object filenames # to be linked, and specify this list-file with @listfile on the command-line. # # the difficult part is doing this in a flexible way; we don't want to # hard-code the to-be-linked object filenames in a file, but instead # want to dynamically create a file containing a list of all object filenames # within the $XXX_OBJECTS makefile variables. to do this, we use side-effect # variables. # # idea: when these variables are EVALUATED (i.e. later during rule execution, # not now during variable definition), they cause a SIDE EFFECT which creates # a file with the list of all ODE object files. why the chicanery??? because # if we have a command-line length limitation, no SINGLE command we issue will # be able to create a file containing all object files to be linked # (because that command itself would need to include all filenames, making # it too long to be executed). instead, we must use the gnu-make "foreach" # function, combined - probably in an unintended way - with the "shell" # function. this is probably unintended because we are not using the "shell" # function to return a string value for variable evaluation, but are instead # using the "shell" function to cause a side effect (appending of each filename # to the filename-list-file). # # one possible snag is that, forbidding use of any external EXE utilities and # relying only on the facilities provided by the outdated 16-bit operating # system, there is no way to issue a SERIES of commands which append text to # the end of a file WITHOUT adding newlines. therefore, the list of to-be- # linked object files is separated by newlines in the list file. fortunately, # the linker utility for this outdated 16-bit operating system accepts # filenames on separate lines in the list file. # remember: when we evaluate these variables later, this causes the creation # of the appropriate list file. ifeq ($(WINDOWS16),1) SIDE_EFFECT_ODE_OBJLIST = $(foreach o,$(ODE_OBJECTS),$(shell echo $(o) >> odeobj.txt )) SIDE_EFFECT_DRAWSTUFF_OBJLIST = $(foreach o,$(DRAWSTUFF_OBJECTS),$(shell echo $(o) >> dsobj.txt )) endif # library file names ODE_LIB=$(LIBPATH)/$(LIB_PREFIX)$(ODE_LIB_NAME)$(LIB_SUFFIX) DRAWSTUFF_LIB=$(LIBPATH)/$(LIB_PREFIX)$(DRAWSTUFF_LIB_NAME)$(LIB_SUFFIX) # executable file names ODE_TEST_EXE=$(ODE_TEST_SRC_CPP:%.cpp=%.exe) $(ODE_TEST_SRC_C:%.c=%.exe) DRAWSTUFF_TEST_EXE=$(DRAWSTUFF_TEST_SRC_CPP:%.cpp=%.exe) CONFIGURATOR_EXE=$(CONFIGURATOR_SRC:%.c=%.exe) ############################################################################## # rules # # NOTE: the '.c' files are pregenerated sources, and must be compiled with # -O1 optimization. that is why the rule for .c files is a bit different. # why should it be compiled with O1? it is numerical code that is generated # by fbuild. O1 optimization is used to preserve the operation orders that # were discovered by fbuild to be the fastest on that platform. believe it or # not, O2 makes this code run much slower for most compilers. debug: all all: ode-lib drawstuff-lib ode-test drawstuff-test @echo SUCCESS ode-lib: configure $(ODE_LIB) drawstuff-lib: configure $(DRAWSTUFF_LIB) ode-test: ode-lib drawstuff-lib $(ODE_TEST_EXE) drawstuff-test: drawstuff-lib $(DRAWSTUFF_TEST_EXE) ifndef ODE_LIB_AR_RULE ODE_LIB_AR_RULE=$(AR)$@ endif $(ODE_LIB): pre_ode_lib $(ODE_OBJECTS) ifeq ($(WINDOWS16),1) # if we have a command-line-length limitation, then dynamically create # a file containing all object filenames, and pass this file to the linker # instead of directly specifying the object filenames on the command line. # the very evaluation of the following variable causes creation of file # odeobj.txt $(SIDE_EFFECT_ODE_OBJLIST) $(ODE_LIB_AR_RULE) @odeobj.txt else # if we have no command-line-length limitation, directly specify all # object files to be linked. $(ODE_LIB_AR_RULE) $(ODE_OBJECTS) endif ifdef RANLIB $(RANLIB) $@ endif $(DRAWSTUFF_LIB): pre_drawstuff_lib $(DRAWSTUFF_OBJECTS) ifeq ($WINDOWS16),1) # if we have a command-line-length limitation, then do the same as above. $(SIDE_EFFECT_DRAWSTUFF_OBJLIST) $(AR)$@ @dsobj.txt else # if we have no command-line-length limitation, directly specify all object # files to be linked. $(AR)$@ $(DRAWSTUFF_OBJECTS) endif ifdef RANLIB $(RANLIB) $@ endif # rules to be executed before library linking starts: delete list file (if one is used) pre_ode_lib: ifeq ($WINDOWS16),1) $(DEL_CMD) odeobj.txt endif pre_drawstuff_lib: ifeq ($WINDOWS16),1) $(DEL_CMD) dsobj.txt endif clean: -$(DEL_CMD) $(ODE_OBJECTS) $(ODE_TEST_EXE) $(ODE_LIB) $(DRAWSTUFF_OBJECTS) $(DRAWSTUFF_TEST_EXE) $(DRAWSTUFF_LIB) ode/test/*$(OBJ) drawstuff/dstest/*$(OBJ) $(CONFIGURATOR_EXE) $(CONFIG_H) %$(OBJ): %.c $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) $(C_INC)$(INCPATH) $(DEFINES) $(C_OPT)1 $(C_OUT)$@ $< %$(OBJ): %.cpp $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) $(C_INC)$(INCPATH) $(DEFINES) $(C_OPT)$(OPT) $(C_OUT)$@ $< %.exe: %$(OBJ) $(CC) $(C_EXEOUT)$@ $< $(ODE_LIB) $(DRAWSTUFF_LIB) $(RESOURCE_FILE) $(LINK_OPENGL) $(LINK_MATH) # windows specific rules lib/resources.RES: drawstuff/src/resources.rc $(RC_RULE) # configurator rules configure: $(CONFIG_H) $(CONFIG_H): $(CONFIGURATOR_EXE) $(USER_SETTINGS) $(PLATFORM_MAKEFILE) $(THIS_DIR)$(CONFIGURATOR_EXE) $(CONFIG_H) "$(CC) $(DEFINES) $(C_EXEOUT)" "$(DEL_CMD)" $(THIS_DIR) $(CONFIGURATOR_EXE): $(CONFIGURATOR_SRC) $(USER_SETTINGS) $(PLATFORM_MAKEFILE) $(CC) $(C_DEF)d$(PRECISION) $(DEFINES) $(C_EXEOUT)$@ $< # unix-gcc specific dependency making DEP_RULE=gcc -M $(C_INC)$(INCPATH) $(DEFINES) depend: $(ODE_SRC) $(ODE_PREGEN_SRC) $(DRAWSTUFF_SRC) $(ODE_TEST_SRC_CPP) $(ODE_TEST_SRC_C) $(DRAWSTUFF_TEST_SRC_CPP) $(DEP_RULE) $(ODE_SRC) $(ODE_PREGEN_SRC) | tools/process_deps ode/src/ > Makefile.deps $(DEP_RULE) $(DRAWSTUFF_SRC) | tools/process_deps drawstuff/src/ >> Makefile.deps $(DEP_RULE) $(ODE_TEST_SRC_CPP) | tools/process_deps ode/test/ >> Makefile.deps $(DEP_RULE) $(DRAWSTUFF_TEST_SRC_CPP) | tools/process_deps drawstuff/dstest/ >> Makefile.deps include Makefile.deps