// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Khronos Group Inc. // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Author: Mark Young // #ifdef XR_OS_WINDOWS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #include "manifest_file.hpp" #include "common_cmake_config.h" #include "filesystem_utils.hpp" #include "loader_platform.hpp" #include "platform_utils.hpp" #include "loader_logger.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // OpenXR paths and registry key locations #define OPENXR_RELATIVE_PATH "openxr/" #define OPENXR_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER_RELATIVE_PATH "/api_layers/implicit.d" #define OPENXR_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER_RELATIVE_PATH "/api_layers/explicit.d" #ifdef XR_OS_WINDOWS #define OPENXR_REGISTRY_LOCATION "SOFTWARE\\Khronos\\OpenXR\\" #define OPENXR_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER_REGISTRY_LOCATION "\\ApiLayers\\Implicit" #define OPENXR_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER_REGISTRY_LOCATION "\\ApiLayers\\Explicit" #endif // OpenXR Loader environment variables of interest #define OPENXR_RUNTIME_JSON_ENV_VAR "XR_RUNTIME_JSON" #define OPENXR_API_LAYER_PATH_ENV_VAR "XR_API_LAYER_PATH" #ifndef XRLOADER_ENABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLING #if JSON_USE_EXCEPTIONS #error \ "Loader is configured to not catch exceptions, but jsoncpp was built with exception-throwing enabled, which could violate the C ABI. One of those two things needs to change." #endif // JSON_USE_EXCEPTIONS #endif // !XRLOADER_ENABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLING // Utility functions for finding files in the appropriate paths static inline bool StringEndsWith(const std::string &value, const std::string &ending) { if (ending.size() > value.size()) { return false; } return std::equal(ending.rbegin(), ending.rend(), value.rbegin()); } // If the file found is a manifest file name, add it to the out_files manifest list. static void AddIfJson(const std::string &full_file, std::vector &manifest_files) { if (full_file.empty() || !StringEndsWith(full_file, ".json")) { return; } manifest_files.push_back(full_file); } // Check the current path for any manifest files. If the provided search_path is a directory, look for // all included JSON files in that directory. Otherwise, just check the provided search_path which should // be a single filename. static void CheckAllFilesInThePath(const std::string &search_path, bool is_directory_list, std::vector &manifest_files) { if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(search_path)) { std::string absolute_path; if (!is_directory_list) { // If the file exists, try to add it if (FileSysUtilsIsRegularFile(search_path)) { FileSysUtilsGetAbsolutePath(search_path, absolute_path); AddIfJson(absolute_path, manifest_files); } } else { std::vector files; if (FileSysUtilsFindFilesInPath(search_path, files)) { for (std::string &cur_file : files) { std::string relative_path; FileSysUtilsCombinePaths(search_path, cur_file, relative_path); if (!FileSysUtilsGetAbsolutePath(relative_path, absolute_path)) { continue; } AddIfJson(absolute_path, manifest_files); } } } } } // Add all manifest files in the provided paths to the manifest_files list. If search_path // is made up of directory listings (versus direct manifest file names) search each path for // any manifest files. static void AddFilesInPath(const std::string &search_path, bool is_directory_list, std::vector &manifest_files) { std::size_t last_found = 0; std::size_t found = search_path.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR); std::string cur_search; // Handle any path listings in the string (separated by the appropriate path separator) while (found != std::string::npos) { // substr takes a start index and length. std::size_t length = found - last_found; cur_search = search_path.substr(last_found, length); CheckAllFilesInThePath(cur_search, is_directory_list, manifest_files); // This works around issue if multiple path separator follow each other directly. last_found = found; while (found == last_found) { last_found = found + 1; found = search_path.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR, last_found); } } // If there's something remaining in the string, copy it over if (last_found < search_path.size()) { cur_search = search_path.substr(last_found); CheckAllFilesInThePath(cur_search, is_directory_list, manifest_files); } } // Copy all paths listed in the cur_path string into output_path and append the appropriate relative_path onto the end of each. static void CopyIncludedPaths(bool is_directory_list, const std::string &cur_path, const std::string &relative_path, std::string &output_path) { if (!cur_path.empty()) { std::size_t last_found = 0; std::size_t found = cur_path.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR); // Handle any path listings in the string (separated by the appropriate path separator) while (found != std::string::npos) { std::size_t length = found - last_found; output_path += cur_path.substr(last_found, length); if (is_directory_list && (cur_path[found - 1] != '\\' && cur_path[found - 1] != '/')) { output_path += DIRECTORY_SYMBOL; } output_path += relative_path; output_path += PATH_SEPARATOR; last_found = found; found = cur_path.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR, found + 1); } // If there's something remaining in the string, copy it over size_t last_char = cur_path.size() - 1; if (last_found != last_char) { output_path += cur_path.substr(last_found); if (is_directory_list && (cur_path[last_char] != '\\' && cur_path[last_char] != '/')) { output_path += DIRECTORY_SYMBOL; } output_path += relative_path; output_path += PATH_SEPARATOR; } } } // Look for data files in the provided paths, but first check the environment override to determine if we should use that instead. static void ReadDataFilesInSearchPaths(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &override_env_var, const std::string &relative_path, bool &override_active, std::vector &manifest_files) { bool is_directory_list = true; bool is_runtime = (type == MANIFEST_TYPE_RUNTIME); char *override_env = nullptr; std::string override_path; std::string search_path; if (!override_env_var.empty()) { #ifndef XR_OS_WINDOWS if (geteuid() != getuid() || getegid() != getgid()) { // Don't allow setuid apps to use the env var: override_env = nullptr; } else #endif { override_env = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv(override_env_var.c_str()); if (nullptr != override_env) { // The runtime override is actually a specific list of filenames, not directories if (is_runtime) { is_directory_list = false; } override_path = override_env; } } } if (nullptr != override_env && !override_path.empty()) { CopyIncludedPaths(is_directory_list, override_path, "", search_path); PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(override_env); override_active = true; } else { override_active = false; #ifndef XR_OS_WINDOWS bool xdg_conf_dirs_alloc = true; bool xdg_data_dirs_alloc = true; const char home_additional[] = ".local/share/"; // Determine how much space is needed to generate the full search path // for the current manifest files. char *xdg_conf_dirs = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS"); char *xdg_data_dirs = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); char *xdg_data_home = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); char *home = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("HOME"); if (nullptr == xdg_conf_dirs) { xdg_conf_dirs_alloc = false; } if (nullptr == xdg_data_dirs) { xdg_data_dirs_alloc = false; } if (nullptr == xdg_conf_dirs || xdg_conf_dirs[0] == '\0') { CopyIncludedPaths(true, FALLBACK_CONFIG_DIRS, relative_path, search_path); } else { CopyIncludedPaths(true, xdg_conf_dirs, relative_path, search_path); } CopyIncludedPaths(true, SYSCONFDIR, relative_path, search_path); #if defined(EXTRASYSCONFDIR) CopyIncludedPaths(true, EXTRASYSCONFDIR, relative_path, search_path); #endif if (xdg_data_dirs == nullptr || xdg_data_dirs[0] == '\0') { CopyIncludedPaths(true, FALLBACK_DATA_DIRS, relative_path, search_path); } else { CopyIncludedPaths(true, xdg_data_dirs, relative_path, search_path); } if (nullptr != xdg_data_home) { CopyIncludedPaths(true, xdg_data_home, relative_path, search_path); } else if (nullptr != home) { std::string relative_home_path = home_additional; relative_home_path += relative_path; CopyIncludedPaths(true, home, relative_home_path, search_path); } if (xdg_conf_dirs_alloc) { PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(xdg_conf_dirs); } if (xdg_data_dirs_alloc) { PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(xdg_data_dirs); } if (nullptr != xdg_data_home) { PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(xdg_data_home); } if (nullptr != home) { PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(home); } #endif } // Now, parse the paths and add any manifest files found in them. AddFilesInPath(search_path, is_directory_list, manifest_files); } #ifdef XR_OS_LINUX // If ${name} has a nonempty value, return it; if both other arguments are supplied return // ${fallback_env}/fallback_path; otherwise, return whichever of ${fallback_env} and fallback_path // is supplied. If ${fallback_env} or ${fallback_env}/... would be returned but that environment // variable is unset or empty, return the empty string. static std::string GetXDGEnv(const char *name, const char *fallback_env, const char *fallback_path) { char *path = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv(name); std::string result; if (path != nullptr) { result = path; PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(path); if (!result.empty()) { return result; } } if (fallback_env != nullptr) { char *path = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv(fallback_env); if (path != nullptr) { result = path; PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(path); } if (result.empty()) { return ""; } if (fallback_path != nullptr) { result += "/"; } } if (fallback_path != nullptr) { result += fallback_path; } return result; } // Return the first instance of relative_path occurring in an XDG config dir according to standard // precedence order. static bool FindXDGConfigFile(const std::string &relative_path, std::string &out) { out = GetXDGEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "HOME", ".config"); if (!out.empty()) { out += "/"; out += relative_path; if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(out)) { return true; } } std::istringstream iss(GetXDGEnv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS", nullptr, FALLBACK_CONFIG_DIRS)); std::string path; while (std::getline(iss, path, PATH_SEPARATOR)) { if (path.empty()) { continue; } out = path; out += "/"; out += relative_path; if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(out)) { return true; } } out = SYSCONFDIR; out += "/"; out += relative_path; if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(out)) { return true; } #if defined(EXTRASYSCONFDIR) out = EXTRASYSCONFDIR; out += "/"; out += relative_path; if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(out)) { return true; } #endif out.clear(); return false; } #endif #ifdef XR_OS_WINDOWS // Look for runtime data files in the provided paths, but first check the environment override to determine // if we should use that instead. static void ReadRuntimeDataFilesInRegistry(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &runtime_registry_location, const std::string &default_runtime_value_name, std::vector &manifest_files) { HKEY hkey; DWORD access_flags; wchar_t value_w[1024]; DWORD value_size_w = sizeof(value_w); // byte size of the buffer. // Generate the full registry location for the registry information std::string full_registry_location = OPENXR_REGISTRY_LOCATION; full_registry_location += std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION)); full_registry_location += runtime_registry_location; const std::wstring full_registry_location_w = utf8_to_wide(full_registry_location); const std::wstring default_runtime_value_name_w = utf8_to_wide(default_runtime_value_name); // Use 64 bit regkey for 64bit application, and use 32 bit regkey in WOW for 32bit application. access_flags = KEY_QUERY_VALUE; LONG open_value = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, full_registry_location_w.c_str(), 0, access_flags, &hkey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != open_value) { std::string warning_message = "ReadLayerDataFilesInRegistry - failed to open registry key "; warning_message += full_registry_location; LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("", warning_message); } else if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegGetValueW(hkey, nullptr, default_runtime_value_name_w.c_str(), RRF_RT_REG_SZ | REG_EXPAND_SZ | RRF_ZEROONFAILURE, NULL, reinterpret_cast(&value_w), &value_size_w)) { std::string warning_message = "ReadLayerDataFilesInRegistry - failed to read registry value "; warning_message += default_runtime_value_name; LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("", warning_message); } else { AddFilesInPath(wide_to_utf8(value_w), false, manifest_files); } } // Look for layer data files in the provided paths, but first check the environment override to determine // if we should use that instead. static void ReadLayerDataFilesInRegistry(ManifestFileType type, const std::string ®istry_location, std::vector &manifest_files) { HKEY hive[2] = {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER}; bool found[2] = {false, false}; HKEY hkey; DWORD access_flags; LONG rtn_value; wchar_t name_w[1024]{}; DWORD value; DWORD name_size = 1023; DWORD value_size = sizeof(value); for (uint8_t hive_index = 0; hive_index < 2; ++hive_index) { DWORD key_index = 0; std::string full_registry_location = OPENXR_REGISTRY_LOCATION; full_registry_location += std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION)); full_registry_location += registry_location; access_flags = KEY_QUERY_VALUE; std::wstring full_registry_location_w = utf8_to_wide(full_registry_location); LONG open_value = RegOpenKeyExW(hive[hive_index], full_registry_location_w.c_str(), 0, access_flags, &hkey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != open_value) { if (hive_index == 1 && !found[0]) { std::string warning_message = "ReadLayerDataFilesInRegistry - failed to read registry location "; warning_message += registry_location; warning_message += " in either HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or KHEY_CURRENT_USER"; LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("", warning_message); } continue; } found[hive_index] = true; while (ERROR_SUCCESS == (rtn_value = RegEnumValueW(hkey, key_index++, name_w, &name_size, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&value, &value_size))) { if (value_size == sizeof(value) && value == 0) { const std::string filename = wide_to_utf8(name_w); AddFilesInPath(filename, false, manifest_files); } // Reset some items for the next loop name_size = 1023; } } } #endif // XR_OS_WINDOWS ManifestFile::ManifestFile(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, const std::string &library_path) : _filename(filename), _type(type), _library_path(library_path) {} ManifestFile::~ManifestFile() = default; bool ManifestFile::IsValidJson(const Json::Value &root_node, JsonVersion &version) { if (root_node["file_format_version"].isNull() || !root_node["file_format_version"].isString()) { LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", "ManifestFile::IsValidJson - JSON file missing \"file_format_version\""); return false; } std::string file_format = root_node["file_format_version"].asString(); sscanf(file_format.c_str(), "%d.%d.%d", &version.major, &version.minor, &version.patch); // Only version 1.0.0 is defined currently. Eventually we may have more version, but // some of the versions may only be valid for layers or runtimes specifically. if (version.major != 1 || version.minor != 0 || version.patch != 0) { std::string error_message = "ManifestFile::IsValidJson - JSON \"file_format_version\" "; error_message += std::to_string(version.major); error_message += "."; error_message += std::to_string(version.minor); error_message += "."; error_message += std::to_string(version.patch); error_message += " is not supported"; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return false; } return true; } static void GetExtensionProperties(const std::vector &extensions, std::vector &props) { for (const auto &ext : extensions) { auto it = std::find_if(props.begin(), props.end(), [&](XrExtensionProperties &prop) { return prop.extensionName == ext.name; }); if (it != props.end()) { it->extensionVersion = std::max(it->extensionVersion, ext.extension_version); } else { XrExtensionProperties prop = {}; prop.type = XR_TYPE_EXTENSION_PROPERTIES; prop.next = nullptr; strncpy(prop.extensionName, ext.name.c_str(), XR_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE - 1); prop.extensionName[XR_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; prop.extensionVersion = ext.extension_version; props.push_back(prop); } } } // Return any instance extensions found in the manifest files in the proper form for // OpenXR (XrExtensionProperties). void ManifestFile::GetInstanceExtensionProperties(std::vector &props) { GetExtensionProperties(_instance_extensions, props); } // Return any device extensions found in the manifest files in the proper form for // OpenXR (XrExtensionProperties). void ManifestFile::GetDeviceExtensionProperties(std::vector &props) { GetExtensionProperties(_device_extensions, props); } const std::string &ManifestFile::GetFunctionName(const std::string &func_name) { if (!_functions_renamed.empty()) { auto found = _functions_renamed.find(func_name); if (found != _functions_renamed.end()) { return found->second; } } return func_name; } RuntimeManifestFile::RuntimeManifestFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &library_path) : ManifestFile(MANIFEST_TYPE_RUNTIME, filename, library_path) {} RuntimeManifestFile::~RuntimeManifestFile() = default; void RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid(const std::string &filename, std::vector> &manifest_files) { std::ifstream json_stream = std::ifstream(filename, std::ifstream::in); if (!json_stream.is_open()) { std::string error_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::createIfValid failed to open "; error_message += filename; error_message += ". Does it exist?"; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root_node = Json::nullValue; Json::Value runtime_root_node = Json::nullValue; JsonVersion file_version = {}; if (!reader.parse(json_stream, root_node, false) || root_node.isNull()) { std::string error_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid failed to parse "; error_message += filename; error_message += ". Is it a valid runtime manifest file? Error was:\n "; error_message += reader.getFormattedErrorMessages(); LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } if (!ManifestFile::IsValidJson(root_node, file_version)) { std::string error_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid isValidJson indicates "; error_message += filename; error_message += " is not a valid manifest file."; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } runtime_root_node = root_node["runtime"]; // The Runtime manifest file needs the "runtime" root as well as sub-nodes for "api_version" and // "library_path". If any of those aren't there, fail. if (runtime_root_node.isNull() || runtime_root_node["library_path"].isNull() || !runtime_root_node["library_path"].isString()) { std::string error_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid "; error_message += filename; error_message += " is missing required fields. Verify all proper fields exist."; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } std::string lib_path = runtime_root_node["library_path"].asString(); // If the library_path variable has no directory symbol, it's just a file name and should be accessible on the // global library path. if (lib_path.find('\\') != std::string::npos || lib_path.find('/') != std::string::npos) { // If the library_path is an absolute path, just use that if it exists if (FileSysUtilsIsAbsolutePath(lib_path)) { if (!FileSysUtilsPathExists(lib_path)) { std::string error_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid "; error_message += filename; error_message += " library "; error_message += lib_path; error_message += " does not appear to exist"; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } } else { // Otherwise, treat the library path as a relative path based on the JSON file. std::string combined_path; std::string file_parent; if (!FileSysUtilsGetParentPath(filename, file_parent) || !FileSysUtilsCombinePaths(file_parent, lib_path, combined_path) || !FileSysUtilsPathExists(combined_path)) { std::string error_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid "; error_message += filename; error_message += " library "; error_message += combined_path; error_message += " does not appear to exist"; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } lib_path = combined_path; } } // Add this runtime manifest file manifest_files.emplace_back(new RuntimeManifestFile(filename, lib_path)); // Add any extensions to it after the fact. Json::Value dev_exts = runtime_root_node["device_extensions"]; if (!dev_exts.isNull() && dev_exts.isArray()) { for (Json::ValueIterator dev_ext_it = dev_exts.begin(); dev_ext_it != dev_exts.end(); ++dev_ext_it) { Json::Value dev_ext = (*dev_ext_it); Json::Value dev_ext_name = dev_ext["name"]; Json::Value dev_ext_version = dev_ext["extension_version"]; Json::Value dev_ext_entries = dev_ext["entrypoints"]; if (!dev_ext_name.isNull() && dev_ext_name.isString() && !dev_ext_version.isNull() && dev_ext_version.isUInt() && !dev_ext_entries.isNull() && dev_ext_entries.isArray()) { ExtensionListing ext = {}; ext.name = dev_ext_name.asString(); ext.extension_version = dev_ext_version.asUInt(); for (Json::ValueIterator entry_it = dev_ext_entries.begin(); entry_it != dev_ext_entries.end(); ++entry_it) { Json::Value entry = (*entry_it); if (!entry.isNull() && entry.isString()) { ext.entrypoints.push_back(entry.asString()); } } manifest_files.back()->_device_extensions.push_back(ext); } } } Json::Value inst_exts = runtime_root_node["instance_extensions"]; if (!inst_exts.isNull() && inst_exts.isArray()) { for (Json::ValueIterator inst_ext_it = inst_exts.begin(); inst_ext_it != inst_exts.end(); ++inst_ext_it) { Json::Value inst_ext = (*inst_ext_it); Json::Value inst_ext_name = inst_ext["name"]; Json::Value inst_ext_version = inst_ext["extension_version"]; if (!inst_ext_name.isNull() && inst_ext_name.isString() && !inst_ext_version.isNull() && inst_ext_version.isUInt()) { ExtensionListing ext = {}; ext.name = inst_ext_name.asString(); ext.extension_version = inst_ext_version.asUInt(); manifest_files.back()->_instance_extensions.push_back(ext); } } } Json::Value funcs_renamed = runtime_root_node["functions"]; if (!funcs_renamed.isNull() && !funcs_renamed.empty()) { for (Json::ValueIterator func_it = funcs_renamed.begin(); func_it != funcs_renamed.end(); ++func_it) { if (!(*func_it).isString()) { std::string warning_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid "; warning_message += filename; warning_message += " \"functions\" section contains non-string values."; LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("", warning_message); continue; } std::string original_name = func_it.key().asString(); std::string new_name = (*func_it).asString(); manifest_files.back()->_functions_renamed.insert(std::make_pair(original_name, new_name)); } } } // Find all manifest files in the appropriate search paths/registries for the given type. XrResult RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(ManifestFileType type, std::vector> &manifest_files) { XrResult result = XR_SUCCESS; if (MANIFEST_TYPE_RUNTIME != type) { LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - unknown manifest file requested"); return XR_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR; } std::string filename; char *override_path = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv(OPENXR_RUNTIME_JSON_ENV_VAR); if (override_path != nullptr && *override_path != '\0') { filename = override_path; PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(override_path); std::string info_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - using environment variable override runtime file "; info_message += filename; LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", info_message); } else { PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(override_path); #ifdef XR_OS_WINDOWS std::vector filenames; ReadRuntimeDataFilesInRegistry(type, "", "ActiveRuntime", filenames); if (filenames.size() == 0) { LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage( "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - failed to find active runtime file in registry"); return XR_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR; } if (filenames.size() > 1) { LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage( "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - found too many default runtime files in registry"); } filename = filenames[0]; #elif defined(XR_OS_LINUX) const std::string relative_path = "openxr/" + std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION)) + "/active_runtime.json"; if (!FindXDGConfigFile(relative_path, filename)) { LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage( "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - failed to determine active runtime file path for this environment"); return XR_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR; } #else if (!PlatformGetGlobalRuntimeFileName(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION), filename)) { LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage( "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - failed to determine active runtime file path for this environment"); return XR_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR; } #endif std::string info_message = "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - using global runtime file "; info_message += filename; LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", info_message); } RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid(filename, manifest_files); return result; } ApiLayerManifestFile::ApiLayerManifestFile(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, const std::string &layer_name, const std::string &description, const JsonVersion &api_version, const uint32_t &implementation_version, const std::string &library_path) : ManifestFile(type, filename, library_path), _api_version(api_version), _layer_name(layer_name), _description(description), _implementation_version(implementation_version) {} ApiLayerManifestFile::~ApiLayerManifestFile() = default; void ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, std::vector> &manifest_files) { std::ifstream json_stream = std::ifstream(filename, std::ifstream::in); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root_node = Json::nullValue; if (!reader.parse(json_stream, root_node, false) || root_node.isNull()) { std::string error_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid failed to parse "; error_message += filename; error_message += ". Is it a valid layer manifest file? Error was:\n"; error_message += reader.getFormattedErrorMessages(); LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } JsonVersion file_version = {}; if (!ManifestFile::IsValidJson(root_node, file_version)) { std::string error_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid isValidJson indicates "; error_message += filename; error_message += " is not a valid manifest file."; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } Json::Value layer_root_node = root_node["api_layer"]; // The API Layer manifest file needs the "api_layer" root as well as other sub-nodes. // If any of those aren't there, fail. if (layer_root_node.isNull() || layer_root_node["name"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["name"].isString() || layer_root_node["api_version"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["api_version"].isString() || layer_root_node["library_path"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["library_path"].isString() || layer_root_node["implementation_version"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["implementation_version"].isString()) { std::string error_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid "; error_message += filename; error_message += " is missing required fields. Verify all proper fields exist."; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } if (MANIFEST_TYPE_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER == type) { bool enabled = true; // Implicit layers require the disable environment variable. if (layer_root_node["disable_environment"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["disable_environment"].isString()) { std::string error_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid Implicit layer "; error_message += filename; error_message += " is missing \"disable_environment\""; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } // Check if there's an enable environment variable provided if (!layer_root_node["enable_environment"].isNull() && layer_root_node["enable_environment"].isString()) { char *enable_val = PlatformUtilsGetEnv(layer_root_node["enable_environment"].asString().c_str()); // If it's not set in the environment, disable the layer if (nullptr == enable_val) { enabled = false; } PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(enable_val); } // Check for the disable environment variable, which must be provided in the JSON char *disable_val = PlatformUtilsGetEnv(layer_root_node["disable_environment"].asString().c_str()); // If the envar is set, disable the layer. Disable envar overrides enable above if (nullptr != disable_val) { enabled = false; } PlatformUtilsFreeEnv(disable_val); // Not enabled, so pretend like it isn't even there. if (!enabled) { std::string info_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid Implicit layer "; info_message += filename; info_message += " is disabled"; LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", info_message); return; } } std::string layer_name = layer_root_node["name"].asString(); std::string api_version_string = layer_root_node["api_version"].asString(); JsonVersion api_version = {}; sscanf(api_version_string.c_str(), "%d.%d", &api_version.major, &api_version.minor); api_version.patch = 0; if ((api_version.major == 0 && api_version.minor == 0) || api_version.major > XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION)) { std::string warning_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid layer "; warning_message += filename; warning_message += " has invalid API Version. Skipping layer."; LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("", warning_message); return; } uint32_t implementation_version = atoi(layer_root_node["implementation_version"].asString().c_str()); std::string library_path = layer_root_node["library_path"].asString(); // If the library_path variable has no directory symbol, it's just a file name and should be accessible on the // global library path. if (library_path.find('\\') != std::string::npos || library_path.find('/') != std::string::npos) { // If the library_path is an absolute path, just use that if it exists if (FileSysUtilsIsAbsolutePath(library_path)) { if (!FileSysUtilsPathExists(library_path)) { std::string error_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid "; error_message += filename; error_message += " library "; error_message += library_path; error_message += " does not appear to exist"; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } } else { // Otherwise, treat the library path as a relative path based on the JSON file. std::string combined_path; std::string file_parent; if (!FileSysUtilsGetParentPath(filename, file_parent) || !FileSysUtilsCombinePaths(file_parent, library_path, combined_path) || !FileSysUtilsPathExists(combined_path)) { std::string error_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid "; error_message += filename; error_message += " library "; error_message += combined_path; error_message += " does not appear to exist"; LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_message); return; } library_path = combined_path; } } std::string description; if (!layer_root_node["description"].isNull() && layer_root_node["description"].isString()) { description = layer_root_node["description"].asString(); } // Add this layer manifest file manifest_files.emplace_back( new ApiLayerManifestFile(type, filename, layer_name, description, api_version, implementation_version, library_path)); // Add any extensions to it after the fact. Json::Value dev_exts = layer_root_node["device_extensions"]; if (!dev_exts.isNull() && dev_exts.isArray()) { for (Json::ValueIterator dev_ext_it = dev_exts.begin(); dev_ext_it != dev_exts.end(); ++dev_ext_it) { Json::Value dev_ext = (*dev_ext_it); Json::Value dev_ext_name = dev_ext["name"]; Json::Value dev_ext_version = dev_ext["extension_version"]; Json::Value dev_ext_entries = dev_ext["entrypoints"]; if (!dev_ext_name.isNull() && dev_ext_name.isString() && !dev_ext_version.isNull() && dev_ext_version.isString() && !dev_ext_entries.isNull() && dev_ext_entries.isArray()) { ExtensionListing ext = {}; ext.name = dev_ext_name.asString(); ext.extension_version = atoi(dev_ext_version.asString().c_str()); for (Json::ValueIterator entry_it = dev_ext_entries.begin(); entry_it != dev_ext_entries.end(); ++entry_it) { Json::Value entry = (*entry_it); if (!entry.isNull() && entry.isString()) { ext.entrypoints.push_back(entry.asString()); } } manifest_files.back()->_device_extensions.push_back(ext); } } } Json::Value inst_exts = layer_root_node["instance_extensions"]; if (!inst_exts.isNull() && inst_exts.isArray()) { for (Json::ValueIterator inst_ext_it = inst_exts.begin(); inst_ext_it != inst_exts.end(); ++inst_ext_it) { Json::Value inst_ext = (*inst_ext_it); Json::Value inst_ext_name = inst_ext["name"]; Json::Value inst_ext_version = inst_ext["extension_version"]; if (!inst_ext_name.isNull() && inst_ext_name.isString() && !inst_ext_version.isNull() && inst_ext_version.isString()) { ExtensionListing ext = {}; ext.name = inst_ext_name.asString(); ext.extension_version = atoi(inst_ext_version.asString().c_str()); manifest_files.back()->_instance_extensions.push_back(ext); } } } Json::Value funcs_renamed = layer_root_node["functions"]; if (!funcs_renamed.isNull() && !funcs_renamed.empty()) { for (Json::ValueIterator func_it = funcs_renamed.begin(); func_it != funcs_renamed.end(); ++func_it) { if (!(*func_it).isString()) { std::string warning_message = "ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid "; warning_message += filename; warning_message += " \"functions\" section contains non-string values."; LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("", warning_message); continue; } std::string original_name = func_it.key().asString(); std::string new_name = (*func_it).asString(); manifest_files.back()->_functions_renamed.insert(std::make_pair(original_name, new_name)); } } } XrApiLayerProperties ApiLayerManifestFile::GetApiLayerProperties() { XrApiLayerProperties props = {}; props.type = XR_TYPE_API_LAYER_PROPERTIES; props.next = nullptr; props.layerVersion = _implementation_version; props.specVersion = XR_MAKE_VERSION(_api_version.major, _api_version.minor, _api_version.patch); strncpy(props.layerName, _layer_name.c_str(), XR_MAX_API_LAYER_NAME_SIZE - 1); if (_layer_name.size() >= XR_MAX_API_LAYER_NAME_SIZE - 1) { props.layerName[XR_MAX_API_LAYER_NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } strncpy(props.description, _description.c_str(), XR_MAX_API_LAYER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE - 1); if (_description.size() >= XR_MAX_API_LAYER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE - 1) { props.description[XR_MAX_API_LAYER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } return props; } // Find all layer manifest files in the appropriate search paths/registries for the given type. XrResult ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(ManifestFileType type, std::vector> &manifest_files) { std::string relative_path; std::string override_env_var; std::string registry_location; // Add the appropriate top-level folders for the relative path. These should be // the string "openxr/" followed by the API major version as a string. relative_path = OPENXR_RELATIVE_PATH; relative_path += std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION)); switch (type) { case MANIFEST_TYPE_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER: relative_path += OPENXR_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER_RELATIVE_PATH; override_env_var = ""; #ifdef XR_OS_WINDOWS registry_location = OPENXR_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER_REGISTRY_LOCATION; #endif break; case MANIFEST_TYPE_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER: relative_path += OPENXR_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER_RELATIVE_PATH; override_env_var = OPENXR_API_LAYER_PATH_ENV_VAR; #ifdef XR_OS_WINDOWS registry_location = OPENXR_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER_REGISTRY_LOCATION; #endif break; default: LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", "ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - unknown manifest file requested"); return XR_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR; } bool override_active = false; std::vector filenames; ReadDataFilesInSearchPaths(type, override_env_var, relative_path, override_active, filenames); #ifdef XR_OS_WINDOWS // Read the registry if the override wasn't active. if (!override_active) { ReadLayerDataFilesInRegistry(type, registry_location, filenames); } #endif switch (type) { case MANIFEST_TYPE_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER: case MANIFEST_TYPE_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER: for (std::string &cur_file : filenames) { ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid(type, cur_file, manifest_files); } break; default: break; } return XR_SUCCESS; }