

  sample code for calling qhull() from an application.

  See user_eg.c for a simpler method using qh_new_qhull().
  The method used here and in unix.c gives you additional
  control over Qhull. 
  call with:

     user_eg2 "triangulated cube/diamond options" "delaunay options" "halfspace options"

  for example:

     user_eg2                             # return summaries

     user_eg2 "n" "o" "Fp"                # return normals, OFF, points

     user_eg2 "QR0 p" "QR0 v p" "QR0 Fp"  # rotate input and return points
                                         # 'v' returns Voronoi
					 # transform is rotated for halfspaces

   main() makes three runs of qhull.

     1) compute the convex hull of a cube, and incrementally add a diamond

     2a) compute the Delaunay triangulation of random points, and add points.

     2b) find the Delaunay triangle closest to a point.

     3) compute the halfspace intersection of a diamond, and add a cube

   summaries are sent to stderr if other output formats are used

   derived from unix.c and compiled by 'make user_eg2'

   see qhull.h for data structures, macros, and user-callable functions.
   If you want to control all output to stdio and input to stdin,
   set the #if below to "1" and delete all lines that contain "io.c".  
   This prevents the loading of io.o.  Qhull will
   still write to 'qh ferr' (stderr) for error reporting and tracing.

   Defining #if 1, also prevents user.o from being loaded.

#include "qhull_a.h"

-internal function prototypes
void print_summary (void);
void makecube (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim);
void adddiamond (coordT *points, int numpoints, int numnew, int dim);
void makeDelaunay (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim);
void addDelaunay (coordT *points, int numpoints, int numnew, int dim);
void findDelaunay (int dim);
void makehalf (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim);
void addhalf (coordT *points, int numpoints, int numnew, int dim, coordT *feasible);

void print_summary (void) {
  facetT *facet;
  int k;

  printf ("\n%d vertices and %d facets with normals:\n", 
                 qh num_vertices, qh num_facets);
  FORALLfacets {
    for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) 
      printf ("%6.2g ", facet->normal[k]);
    printf ("\n");

-makecube- set points to vertices of cube
  points is numpoints X dim
void makecube (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim) {
  int j,k;
  coordT *point;

  for (j=0; jvertices) {
    for (k=0; k < dim-1; k++)
      printf ("%5.2f ", vertex->point[k]);
    printf ("\n");
} /*.findDelaunay.*/

-makehalf- set points to halfspaces for a (dim)-d diamond
  points is numpoints X dim+1

  each halfspace consists of dim coefficients followed by an offset
void makehalf (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim) {
  int j,k;
  coordT *point;

  for (j=0; j= 2 ? argv[1] : "");
    qh_initflags (options);
    printf( "\ncompute triangulated convex hull of cube after rotating input\n");
    makecube (array[0], SIZEcube, DIM);
    qh_init_B (array[0], SIZEcube, DIM, ismalloc);
    qh_triangulate();  /* requires option 'Q11' if want to add points */ 
    print_summary ();
    if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone)
      qh_check_points ();
    printf( "\nadd points in a diamond\n");
    adddiamond (array[0], SIZEcube, SIZEdiamond, DIM);
    print_summary (); 
    qh_produce_output();  /* delete this line to help avoid io.c */
    if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone)
      qh_check_points ();
  qh NOerrexit= True;
  qh_freeqhull (!qh_ALL);
  qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong);
    Run 2: Delaunay triangulation
  qh_init_A (stdin, stdout, stderr, 0, NULL);
  exitcode= setjmp (qh errexit);
  if (!exitcode) {
    coordT array[TOTpoints][DIM];

    strcat (qh rbox_command, "user_eg Delaunay");
    sprintf (options, "qhull s d Tcv %s", argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "");
    qh_initflags (options);
    printf( "\ncompute 2-d Delaunay triangulation\n");
    makeDelaunay (array[0], SIZEcube, DIM);
    /* Instead of makeDelaunay with qh_setdelaunay, you may
       produce a 2-d array of points, set DIM to 2, and set 
       qh PROJECTdelaunay to True.  qh_init_B will call 
       qh_projectinput to project the points to the paraboloid
       and add a point "at-infinity".
    qh_init_B (array[0], SIZEcube, DIM, ismalloc);
    /* If you want Voronoi ('v') without qh_produce_output(), call
       qh_setvoronoi_all() after qh_qhull() */
    print_summary ();
    qh_produce_output();  /* delete this line to help avoid io.c */
    if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone)
      qh_check_points ();
    printf( "\nadd points to triangulation\n");
    addDelaunay (array[0], SIZEcube, SIZEdiamond, DIM); 
    qh_produce_output();  /* delete this line to help avoid io.c */
    if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone)
      qh_check_points ();
    printf( "\nfind Delaunay triangle closest to [0.5, 0.5, ...]\n");
    findDelaunay (DIM);
  qh NOerrexit= True;
  qh_freeqhull (!qh_ALL);
  qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong);
    Run 3: halfspace intersection
  qh_init_A (stdin, stdout, stderr, 0, NULL);
  exitcode= setjmp (qh errexit);
  if (!exitcode) {
    coordT array[TOTpoints][DIM+1];  /* +1 for halfspace offset */
    pointT *points;

    strcat (qh rbox_command, "user_eg halfspaces");
    sprintf (options, "qhull H0 s Tcv %s", argc >= 4 ? argv[3] : "");
    qh_initflags (options);
    printf( "\ncompute halfspace intersection about the origin for a diamond\n");
    makehalf (array[0], SIZEcube, DIM);
    qh_setfeasible (DIM); /* from io.c, sets qh feasible_point from 'Hn,n' */
    /* you may malloc and set qh feasible_point directly.  It is only used for
       option 'Fp' */
    points= qh_sethalfspace_all ( DIM+1, SIZEcube, array[0], qh feasible_point); 
    qh_init_B (points, SIZEcube, DIM, True); /* qh_freeqhull frees points */
    qh_produce_output();  /* delete this line to help avoid io.c */
    if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone)
      qh_check_points ();
    printf( "\nadd halfspaces for cube to intersection\n");
    addhalf (array[0], SIZEcube, SIZEdiamond, DIM, qh feasible_point); 
    qh_produce_output();  /* delete this line to help avoid io.c */
    if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone)
      qh_check_points ();
  qh NOerrexit= True;
  qh NOerrexit= True;
  qh_freeqhull (!qh_ALL);
  qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong);
  if (curlong || totlong)  /* could also check previous runs */
    fprintf (stderr, "qhull internal warning (main): did not free %d bytes of long memory (%d pieces)\n",
       totlong, curlong);
  return exitcode;
} /* main */

#if 1    /* use 1 to prevent loading of io.o and user.o */
-errexit- return exitcode to system after an error
  assumes exitcode non-zero
  prints useful information
  see qh_errexit2() in qhull.c for 2 facets
void qh_errexit(int exitcode, facetT *facet, ridgeT *ridge) {

  if (qh ERREXITcalled) {
    fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull error while processing previous error.  Exit program\n");
  qh ERREXITcalled= True;
  if (!qh QHULLfinished)
    qh hulltime= (unsigned)clock() - qh hulltime;
  fprintf (qh ferr, "\nWhile executing: %s | %s\n", qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
  fprintf(qh ferr, "Options selected:\n%s\n", qh qhull_options);
  if (qh furthest_id >= 0) {
    fprintf(qh ferr, "\nLast point added to hull was p%d", qh furthest_id);
    if (zzval_(Ztotmerge))
      fprintf(qh ferr, "  Last merge was #%d.", zzval_(Ztotmerge));
    if (qh QHULLfinished)
      fprintf(qh ferr, "\nQhull has finished constructing the hull.");
    else if (qh POSTmerging)
      fprintf(qh ferr, "\nQhull has started post-merging");
    fprintf(qh ferr, "\n\n");
  if (qh NOerrexit) {
    fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull error while ending program.  Exit program\n");
  if (!exitcode)
    exitcode= qh_ERRqhull;
  qh NOerrexit= True;
  longjmp(qh errexit, exitcode);
} /* errexit */

-errprint- prints out the information of the erroneous object
    any parameter may be NULL, also prints neighbors and geomview output
void qh_errprint(char *string, facetT *atfacet, facetT *otherfacet, ridgeT *atridge, vertexT *atvertex) {

  fprintf (qh ferr, "%s facets f%d f%d ridge r%d vertex v%d\n",
	   string, getid_(atfacet), getid_(otherfacet), getid_(atridge),
} /* errprint */

void qh_printfacetlist(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
  facetT *facet, **facetp;

  /* remove these calls to help avoid io.c */
  qh_printbegin (qh ferr, qh_PRINTfacets, facetlist, facets, printall);/*io.c*/
  FORALLfacet_(facetlist)                                              /*io.c*/
    qh_printafacet(qh ferr, qh_PRINTfacets, facet, printall);          /*io.c*/
  FOREACHfacet_(facets)                                                /*io.c*/
    qh_printafacet(qh ferr, qh_PRINTfacets, facet, printall);          /*io.c*/
  qh_printend (qh ferr, qh_PRINTfacets, facetlist, facets, printall);  /*io.c*/

    fprintf( qh ferr, "facet f%d\n", facet->id);
} /* printfacetlist */

-user_memsizes- allocate up to 10 additional, quick allocation sizes
void qh_user_memsizes (void) {

  /* qh_memsize (size); */
} /* user_memsizes */
